2013-05-28 19:39:09 -07:00
# This file lists all individuals having contributed content to the repository.
# If you're submitting a patch, please add your name here in alphabetical order as part of the patch.
# For a list of active project maintainers, see the MAINTAINERS file.
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Aanand Prasad <aanand.prasad@gmail.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Aaron Feng <aaron.feng@gmail.com>
Abel Muiño <amuino@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Alexander Larsson <alexl@redhat.com>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
Alexey Shamrin <shamrin@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor@gmail.com>
Alexis THOMAS <fr.alexisthomas@gmail.com>
Al Tobey <al@ooyala.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Andrea Luzzardi <aluzzardi@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Andreas Savvides <andreas@editd.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Andreas Tiefenthaler <at@an-ti.eu>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Andrew Duckworth <grillopress@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Andrew Macgregor <andrew.macgregor@agworld.com.au>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Andrew Munsell <andrew@wizardapps.net>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Andrews Medina <andrewsmedina@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Andy Chambers <anchambers@paypal.com>
andy diller <dillera@gmail.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Andy Rothfusz <github@metaliveblog.com>
Andy Smith <github@anarkystic.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Anthony Bishopric <git@anthonybishopric.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Anton Nikitin <anton.k.nikitin@gmail.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Antony Messerli <amesserl@rackspace.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
apocas <petermdias@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Asbjørn Enge <asbjorn@hanafjedle.net>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
Barry Allard <barry.allard@gmail.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Bartłomiej Piotrowski <b@bpiotrowski.pl>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Benoit Chesneau <bchesneau@gmail.com>
Ben Sargent <ben@brokendigits.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Ben Toews <mastahyeti@gmail.com>
2013-12-24 16:37:00 -08:00
Ben Wiklund <ben@daisyowl.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Bhiraj Butala <abhiraj.butala@gmail.com>
Bouke Haarsma <bouke@webatoom.nl>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
Brandon Liu <bdon@bdon.org>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Brandon Philips <brandon@ifup.org>
Brian Dorsey <brian@dorseys.org>
Brian Goff <cpuguy83@gmail.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Brian McCallister <brianm@skife.org>
2013-09-10 16:55:27 +00:00
Brian Olsen <brian@maven-group.org>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Brian Shumate <brian@couchbase.com>
Briehan Lombaard <briehan.lombaard@gmail.com>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
Bruno Bigras <bigras.bruno@gmail.com>
2014-04-25 03:23:05 -06:00
Bryan Matsuo <bryan.matsuo@gmail.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Caleb Spare <cespare@gmail.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Calen Pennington <cale@edx.org>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Carl X. Su <bcbcarl@gmail.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Charles Hooper <charles.hooper@dotcloud.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Charles Lindsay <chaz@chazomatic.us>
Chia-liang Kao <clkao@clkao.org>
Chris St. Pierre <chris.a.st.pierre@gmail.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Christopher Currie <codemonkey+github@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Christopher Rigor <crigor@gmail.com>
Christophe Troestler <christophe.Troestler@umons.ac.be>
Clayton Coleman <ccoleman@redhat.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Colin Dunklau <colin.dunklau@gmail.com>
2013-08-03 18:15:24 -04:00
Colin Rice <colin@daedrum.net>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Cory Forsyth <cory.forsyth@gmail.com>
cressie176 <github@stephen-cresswell.net>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Dan Buch <d.buch@modcloth.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Dan Hirsch <thequux@upstandinghackers.com>
Daniel Exner <dex@dragonslave.de>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Daniel Garcia <daniel@danielgarcia.info>
2013-05-31 12:19:57 -07:00
Daniel Gasienica <daniel@gasienica.ch>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Daniel Mizyrycki <daniel.mizyrycki@dotcloud.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Daniel Norberg <dano@spotify.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Daniel Nordberg <dnordberg@gmail.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Daniel Robinson <gottagetmac@gmail.com>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
Daniel Von Fange <daniel@leancoder.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Daniel YC Lin <dlin.tw@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Danny Yates <danny@codeaholics.org>
2013-11-10 21:50:34 +00:00
Darren Coxall <darren@darrencoxall.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
David Anderson <dave@natulte.net>
2013-07-30 11:12:26 +00:00
David Calavera <david.calavera@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
David Mcanulty <github@hellspark.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
David Sissitka <me@dsissitka.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Deni Bertovic <deni@kset.org>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Dinesh Subhraveti <dineshs@altiscale.com>
dkumor <daniel@dkumor.com>
Dmitry Demeshchuk <demeshchuk@gmail.com>
2013-03-30 23:32:10 +01:00
Dominik Honnef <dominik@honnef.co>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Don Spaulding <donspauldingii@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Dražen Lučanin <kermit666@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Dr Nic Williams <drnicwilliams@gmail.com>
Dustin Sallings <dustin@spy.net>
Edmund Wagner <edmund-wagner@web.de>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Elias Probst <mail@eliasprobst.eu>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Emil Hernvall <emil@quench.at>
2013-08-28 22:28:31 -07:00
Emily Rose <emily@contactvibe.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Eric Hanchrow <ehanchrow@ine.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Eric Lee <thenorthsecedes@gmail.com>
2013-06-25 13:26:12 +00:00
Eric Myhre <hash@exultant.us>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Erno Hopearuoho <erno.hopearuoho@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
eugenkrizo <eugen.krizo@gmail.com>
Evan Krall <krall@yelp.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Evan Phoenix <evan@fallingsnow.net>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Evan Wies <evan@neomantra.net>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Eystein Måløy Stenberg <eystein.maloy.stenberg@cfengine.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
ezbercih <cem.ezberci@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Fabio Falci <fabiofalci@gmail.com>
Fabio Rehm <fgrehm@gmail.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Fabrizio Regini <freegenie@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Faiz Khan <faizkhan00@gmail.com>
2013-08-09 20:09:42 -04:00
Fareed Dudhia <fareeddudhia@googlemail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Fernando <fermayo@gmail.com>
2013-04-12 10:44:50 -04:00
Flavio Castelli <fcastelli@suse.com>
Francisco Souza <f@souza.cc>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Frank Macreery <frank@macreery.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Frederick F. Kautz IV <fkautz@alumni.cmu.edu>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Frederik Loeffert <frederik@zitrusmedia.de>
Freek Kalter <freek@kalteronline.org>
Gabe Rosenhouse <gabe@missionst.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Gabriel Monroy <gabriel@opdemand.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Galen Sampson <galen.sampson@gmail.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Gareth Rushgrove <gareth@morethanseven.net>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Gereon Frey <gereon.frey@dynport.de>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Gert van Valkenhoef <g.h.m.van.valkenhoef@rug.nl>
2013-12-12 05:33:15 +00:00
Graydon Hoare <graydon@pobox.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Greg Thornton <xdissent@me.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
grunny <mwgrunny@gmail.com>
Guillaume J. Charmes <guillaume.charmes@docker.com>
2013-11-01 12:31:50 -05:00
Gurjeet Singh <gurjeet@singh.im>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Guruprasad <lgp171188@gmail.com>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
Harley Laue <losinggeneration@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Hector Castro <hectcastro@gmail.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Hunter Blanks <hunter@twilio.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
inglesp <peter.inglesby@gmail.com>
Isaac Dupree <antispam@idupree.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Isao Jonas <isao.jonas@gmail.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Jake Moshenko <jake@devtable.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
James Allen <jamesallen0108@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
James Carr <james.r.carr@gmail.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
James Mills <prologic@shortcircuit.net.au>
2013-11-02 17:41:35 -07:00
James Turnbull <james@lovedthanlost.net>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
jaseg <jaseg@jaseg.net>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Jason McVetta <jason.mcvetta@gmail.com>
Jean-Baptiste Barth <jeanbaptiste.barth@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Dalido <jeanbaptiste@appgratis.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Jeff Lindsay <progrium@gmail.com>
Jeremy Grosser <jeremy@synack.me>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Jérôme Petazzoni <jerome.petazzoni@dotcloud.com>
Jesse Dubay <jesse@thefortytwo.net>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Jim Alateras <jima@comware.com.au>
Jimmy Cuadra <jimmy@jimmycuadra.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Joe Beda <joe.github@bedafamily.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Joe Van Dyk <joe@tanga.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Joffrey F <joffrey@dotcloud.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Johan Euphrosine <proppy@google.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Johannes 'fish' Ziemke <github@freigeist.org>
Johan Rydberg <johan.rydberg@gmail.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
John Costa <john.costa@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
John Feminella <jxf@jxf.me>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
John Gardiner Myers <jgmyers@proofpoint.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
John Warwick <jwarwick@gmail.com>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
Jonas Pfenniger <jonas@pfenniger.name>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Jonathan Mueller <j.mueller@apoveda.ch>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Jonathan Rudenberg <jonathan@titanous.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Jon Wedaman <jweede@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Joost Cassee <joost@cassee.net>
Jordan Arentsen <blissdev@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Jordan Sissel <jls@semicomplete.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten <joseph@josephholsten.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Joseph Hager <ajhager@gmail.com>
Josh Hawn <josh.hawn@docker.com>
2013-11-01 18:29:25 -05:00
Josh Poimboeuf <jpoimboe@redhat.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
JP <jpellerin@leapfrogonline.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Julien Barbier <write0@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Julien Dubois <julien.dubois@gmail.com>
Justin Force <justin.force@gmail.com>
Justin Plock <jplock@users.noreply.github.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Karan Lyons <karan@karanlyons.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Karl Grzeszczak <karlgrz@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Kawsar Saiyeed <kawsar.saiyeed@projiris.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Keli Hu <dev@keli.hu>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Ken Cochrane <kencochrane@gmail.com>
2013-08-09 14:39:03 -07:00
Kevin Clark <kevin.clark@gmail.com>
2013-04-03 22:21:57 -07:00
Kevin J. Lynagh <kevin@keminglabs.com>
2013-12-01 15:33:44 -08:00
Kevin Wallace <kevin@pentabarf.net>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Keyvan Fatehi <keyvanfatehi@gmail.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
kim0 <email.ahmedkamal@googlemail.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Kim BKC Carlbacker <kim.carlbacker@gmail.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Kimbro Staken <kstaken@kstaken.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Kiran Gangadharan <kiran.daredevil@gmail.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Konstantin Pelykh <kpelykh@zettaset.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Kyle Conroy <kyle.j.conroy@gmail.com>
Laurie Voss <github@seldo.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Liang-Chi Hsieh <viirya@gmail.com>
Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5@redhat.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Louis Opter <kalessin@kalessin.fr>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
lukaspustina <lukas.pustina@centerdevice.com>
Mahesh Tiyyagura <tmahesh@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Manuel Meurer <manuel@krautcomputing.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Manuel Woelker <github@manuel.woelker.org>
Marc Kuo <kuomarc2@gmail.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Marco Hennings <marco.hennings@freiheit.com>
2013-06-17 23:32:48 +00:00
Marcus Farkas <toothlessgear@finitebox.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Marcus Ramberg <marcus@nordaaker.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Marek Goldmann <marek.goldmann@gmail.com>
Mark Allen <mrallen1@yahoo.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Mark McGranaghan <mmcgrana@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Marko Mikulicic <mmikulicic@gmail.com>
Markus Fix <lispmeister@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Martin Redmond <martin@tinychat.com>
2013-10-25 18:41:03 +02:00
Mathieu Le Marec - Pasquet <kiorky@cryptelium.net>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Matt Apperson <me@mattapperson.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Matt Bachmann <bachmann.matt@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Matt Haggard <haggardii@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Matthew Mueller <mattmuelle@gmail.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
mattymo <raytrac3r@gmail.com>
Maxime Petazzoni <max@signalfuse.com>
2013-04-12 10:44:50 -04:00
Maxim Treskin <zerthurd@gmail.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
meejah <meejah@meejah.ca>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Michael Crosby <michael@crosbymichael.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Michael Gorsuch <gorsuch@github.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Michael Stapelberg <michael+gh@stapelberg.de>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Miguel Angel Fernández <elmendalerenda@gmail.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Mike Gaffney <mike@uberu.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Mike Naberezny <mike@naberezny.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Mikhail Sobolev <mss@mawhrin.net>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Mohit Soni <mosoni@ebay.com>
Morten Siebuhr <sbhr@sbhr.dk>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Nan Monnand Deng <monnand@gmail.com>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
Nate Jones <nate@endot.org>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Nathan Kleyn <nathan@nathankleyn.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Nelson Chen <crazysim@gmail.com>
Niall O'Higgins <niallo@unworkable.org>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Nick Payne <nick@kurai.co.uk>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Nick Stenning <nick.stenning@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk>
Nick Stinemates <nick@stinemates.org>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Nicolas Dudebout <nicolas.dudebout@gatech.edu>
Nicolas Kaiser <nikai@nikai.net>
2013-08-09 20:09:42 -04:00
Nolan Darilek <nolan@thewordnerd.info>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
odk- <github@odkurzacz.org>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Oguz Bilgic <fisyonet@gmail.com>
Ole Reifschneider <mail@ole-reifschneider.de>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
O.S.Tezer <ostezer@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
pandrew <letters@paulnotcom.se>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Pascal Borreli <pascal@borreli.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
pattichen <craftsbear@gmail.com>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
Paul Bowsher <pbowsher@globalpersonals.co.uk>
2013-04-12 10:44:50 -04:00
Paul Hammond <paul@paulhammond.org>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Paul Lietar <paul@lietar.net>
Paul Morie <pmorie@gmail.com>
2013-10-27 09:04:57 -04:00
Paul Nasrat <pnasrat@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Paul <paul9869@gmail.com>
Peter Braden <peterbraden@peterbraden.co.uk>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Peter Waller <peter@scraperwiki.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Phil Spitler <pspitler@gmail.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Piergiuliano Bossi <pgbossi@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Pierre-Alain RIVIERE <pariviere@ippon.fr>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Piotr Bogdan <ppbogdan@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
pysqz <randomq@126.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Quentin Brossard <qbrossard@gmail.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Rafal Jeczalik <rjeczalik@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Ramkumar Ramachandra <artagnon@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Ramon van Alteren <ramon@vanalteren.nl>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Renato Riccieri Santos Zannon <renato.riccieri@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
rgstephens <greg@udon.org>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Rhys Hiltner <rhys@twitch.tv>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Richo Healey <richo@psych0tik.net>
Rick Bradley <rick@users.noreply.github.com>
2013-04-12 10:44:50 -04:00
Robert Obryk <robryk@gmail.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Roberto G. Hashioka <roberto.hashioka@docker.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Roberto Hashioka <roberto_hashioka@hotmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Rodrigo Vaz <rodrigo.vaz@gmail.com>
Roel Van Nyen <roel.vannyen@gmail.com>
Roger Peppe <rogpeppe@gmail.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Ryan Fowler <rwfowler@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Ryan O'Donnell <odonnellryanc@gmail.com>
Ryan Seto <ryanseto@yak.net>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Sam Alba <sam.alba@gmail.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Sam J Sharpe <sam.sharpe@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Samuel Andaya <samuel@andaya.net>
2013-10-28 23:02:28 -07:00
Scott Bessler <scottbessler@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Sean Cronin <seancron@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Sean P. Kane <skane@newrelic.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Shawn Landden <shawn@churchofgit.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Shawn Siefkas <shawn.siefkas@meredith.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Shih-Yuan Lee <fourdollars@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
shin- <joffrey@docker.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Silas Sewell <silas@sewell.org>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Simon Taranto <simon.taranto@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Sjoerd Langkemper <sjoerd-github@linuxonly.nl>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Solomon Hykes <solomon@dotcloud.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Song Gao <song@gao.io>
Sridatta Thatipamala <sthatipamala@gmail.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Sridhar Ratnakumar <sridharr@activestate.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Steeve Morin <steeve.morin@gmail.com>
2013-07-23 19:55:38 +00:00
Stefan Praszalowicz <stefan@greplin.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
sudosurootdev <sudosurootdev@gmail.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
Sven Dowideit <svendowideit@home.org.au>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Sylvain Bellemare <sylvain.bellemare@ezeep.com>
tang0th <tang0th@gmx.com>
Tatsuki Sugiura <sugi@nemui.org>
Tehmasp Chaudhri <tehmasp@gmail.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Thatcher Peskens <thatcher@dotcloud.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Thermionix <bond711@gmail.com>
2013-09-03 16:35:22 +02:00
Thijs Terlouw <thijsterlouw@gmail.com>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
Thomas Bikeev <thomas.bikeev@mac.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Thomas Frössman <thomasf@jossystem.se>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Thomas Hansen <thomas.hansen@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Thomas LEVEIL <thomasleveil@gmail.com>
2013-05-15 15:56:53 -04:00
Tianon Gravi <admwiggin@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Tim Bosse <maztaim@users.noreply.github.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Tim Terhorst <mynamewastaken+git@gmail.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Tobias Bieniek <Tobias.Bieniek@gmx.de>
2013-08-09 20:09:42 -04:00
Tobias Schmidt <ts@soundcloud.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Tobias Schwab <tobias.schwab@dynport.de>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Todd Lunter <tlunter@gmail.com>
2013-07-26 15:44:06 -04:00
Tom Hulihan <hulihan.tom159@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Tommaso Visconti <tommaso.visconti@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Travis Cline <travis.cline@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Tyler Brock <tyler.brock@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Tzu-Jung Lee <roylee17@gmail.com>
Ulysse Carion <ulyssecarion@gmail.com>
2013-04-12 10:44:50 -04:00
unclejack <unclejacksons@gmail.com>
2014-02-04 13:18:12 -07:00
vgeta <gopikannan.venugopalsamy@gmail.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Victor Coisne <victor.coisne@dotcloud.com>
Victor Lyuboslavsky <victor@victoreda.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Victor Vieux <victor.vieux@docker.com>
Vincent Batts <vbatts@redhat.com>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Vincent Bernat <bernat@luffy.cx>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Vincent Woo <me@vincentwoo.com>
Vinod Kulkarni <vinod.kulkarni@gmail.com>
Vitor Monteiro <vmrmonteiro@gmail.com>
2013-03-28 20:52:49 -04:00
Vivek Agarwal <me@vivek.im>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Vladimir Kirillov <proger@wilab.org.ua>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Vladimir Rutsky <iamironbob@gmail.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Walter Stanish <walter@pratyeka.org>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
WarheadsSE <max@warheads.net>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Wes Morgan <cap10morgan@gmail.com>
2013-06-20 23:23:49 -04:00
Will Dietz <w@wdtz.org>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
William Delanoue <william.delanoue@gmail.com>
Will Rouesnel <w.rouesnel@gmail.com>
2014-03-01 20:43:22 -05:00
Will Weaver <monkey@buildingbananas.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Xiuming Chen <cc@cxm.cc>
2013-10-14 15:27:38 +08:00
Yang Bai <hamo.by@gmail.com>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Yurii Rashkovskii <yrashk@gmail.com>
Zain Memon <zain@inzain.net>
2013-10-08 15:55:18 -04:00
Zaiste! <oh@zaiste.net>
2014-01-16 20:13:51 -07:00
Zilin Du <zilin.du@gmail.com>
zimbatm <zimbatm@zimbatm.com>