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page_title: Labels - custom metadata in Docker
page_description: Learn how to work with custom metadata in Docker, using labels.
page_keywords: Usage, user guide, labels, metadata, docker, documentation, examples, annotating
## Labels - custom metadata in Docker
You can add metadata to your images, containers, and daemons via
labels. Metadata can serve a wide range of uses. Use them to add notes or
licensing information to an image or to identify a host.
A label is a `<key>` / `<value>` pair. Docker stores the values as *strings*.
You can specify multiple labels but each `<key>` / `<value>` must be unique. If
you specify the same `key` multiple times with different values, each subsequent
value overwrites the previous. Docker applies the last `key=value` you supply.
>**note:** Support for daemon-labels was added in Docker 1.4.1. Labels on
>containers and images are new in Docker 1.6.0
### Naming your labels - namespaces
Docker puts no hard restrictions on the label `key` you. However, labels can
conflict. For example, you can categorize your images by using a chip "architecture"
LABEL architecture="amd64"
LABEL architecture="ARMv7"
But a user can label images by building architectural style:
LABEL architecture="Art Nouveau"
To prevent such conflicts, Docker namespaces label keys using a reverse domain
notation. This notation has the following guidelines:
- All (third-party) tools should prefix their keys with the
reverse DNS notation of a domain controlled by the author. For
example, `com.example.some-label`.
- The `com.docker.*`, `io.docker.*` and `com.dockerproject.*` namespaces are
reserved for Docker's internal use.
- Keys should only consist of lower-cased alphanumeric characters,
dots and dashes (for example, `[a-z0-9-.]`)
- Keys should start *and* end with an alpha numeric character
- Keys may not contain consecutive dots or dashes.
- Keys *without* namespace (dots) are reserved for CLI use. This allows end-
users to add metadata to their containers and images, without having to type
cumbersome namespaces on the command-line.
These are guidelines and are not enforced. Docker does not *enforce* them.
Failing following these guidelines can result in conflicting labels. If you're
building a tool that uses labels, you *should* use namespaces for your label keys.
### Storing structured data in labels
Label values can contain any data type as long as the value can be stored as a
string. For example, consider this JSON:
"Description": "A containerized foobar",
"Usage": "docker run --rm example/foobar [args]",
"License": "GPL",
"Version": "0.0.1-beta",
"aBoolean": true,
"aNumber" : 0.01234,
"aNestedArray": ["a", "b", "c"]
You can store this struct in a label by serializing it to a string first:
LABEL com.example.image-specs="{\"Description\":\"A containerized foobar\",\"Usage\":\"docker run --rm example\\/foobar [args]\",\"License\":\"GPL\",\"Version\":\"0.0.1-beta\",\"aBoolean\":true,\"aNumber\":0.01234,\"aNestedArray\":[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]}"
While it is *possible* to store structured data in label values, Docker treats this
data as a 'regular' string. This means that Docker doesn't offer ways to query
(filter) based on nested properties.
If your tool needs to filter on nested properties, the tool itself should
implement this.
### Adding labels to images; the `LABEL` instruction
Adding labels to an image:
LABEL [<namespace>.]<key>[=<value>] ...
The `LABEL` instruction adds a label to your image, optionally setting its value.
Use surrounding quotes or backslashes for labels that contain
white space character:
LABEL vendor=ACME\ Incorporated
LABEL com.example.version="0.0.1-beta"
LABEL com.example.release-date="2015-02-12"
The `LABEL` instruction supports setting multiple labels in a single instruction
using this notation;
LABEL com.example.version="0.0.1-beta" com.example.release-date="2015-02-12"
Wrapping is allowed by using a backslash (`\`) as continuation marker:
LABEL vendor=ACME\ Incorporated \ \
com.example.version="0.0.1-beta" \
Docker recommends combining labels in a single `LABEL` instruction instead of
using a `LABEL` instruction for each label. Each instruction in a Dockerfile
produces a new layer that can result in an inefficient image if you use many
You can view the labels via the `docker inspect` command:
$ docker inspect 4fa6e0f0c678
"Labels": {
"vendor": "ACME Incorporated",
"": "",
"com.example.version": "0.0.1-beta",
"com.example.release-date": "2015-02-12"
$ docker inspect -f "{{json .Labels }}" 4fa6e0f0c678
{"Vendor":"ACME Incorporated","":"","com.example.version":"0.0.1-beta","com.example.release-date":"2015-02-12"}
### Querying labels
Besides storing metadata, you can filter images and labels by label. To list all
running containers that have a `` label:
# List all running containers that have a `` label
$ docker ps --filter ""
List all running containers with a `color` label of `blue`:
$ docker ps --filter "label=color=blue"
List all images with `vendor` `ACME`:
$ docker images --filter "label=vendor=ACME"
### Daemon labels
docker -d \
--dns \
--dns \
-H unix:///var/run/docker.sock \
--label com.example.environment="production" \
These labels appear as part of the `docker info` output for the daemon:
docker -D info
Containers: 12
Images: 672
Storage Driver: aufs
Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Dirs: 697
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Kernel Version: 3.13.0-32-generic
Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
CPUs: 1
Total Memory: 994.1 MiB
Debug mode (server): false
Debug mode (client): true
Fds: 11
Goroutines: 14
EventsListeners: 0
Init Path: /usr/bin/docker
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
WARNING: No swap limit support