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certificate-transparency: Auditing for TLS certificates
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/google/certificate-transparency.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/google/certificate-transparency)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Build Quick Start](#build-quick-start)
- [Code Layout](#code-layout)
- [Building the code](#building-the-code)
- [Build Dependencies](#build-dependencies)
- [Software Dependencies](#software-dependencies)
- [Build Troubleshooting](#build-troubleshooting)
- [Compiler Warnings/Errors](#compiler-warnings-errors)
- [Working on a Branch](#working-on-a-branch)
- [Using BoringSSL](#using-boringssl)
- [Testing the code](#testing-the-code)
- [Unit Tests](#unit-tests)
- [Testing and Logging Options](#testing-and-logging-options)
- [Deploying a Log](#deploying-a-log)
- [Operating a Log](#operating-a-log)
This repository holds open-source code for functionality related
to [certificate transparency](https://www.certificate-transparency.org/) (CT).
The main areas covered are:
- An open-source, distributed, implementation of a CT Log server, also including:
- An implementation of a read-only ["mirror" server](docs/MirrorLog.md)
that mimics a remote Log.
- Ancillary tools needed for managing and maintaining the Log.
- A collection of client tools and libraries for interacting with a CT Log, in
various programming languages.
- An **experimental** implementation of a [DNS server](docs/DnsServer.md) that
returns CT proofs in the form of DNS records.
- An **experimental** implementation of a [general Log](docs/XjsonServer.md)
that allows arbitrary data (not just TLS certificates) to be logged.
The supported platforms are:
- **Linux**: tested on Ubuntu 14.04; other variants (Fedora 22, CentOS 7) may
require tweaking of [compiler options](#build-troubleshooting).
- **OS X**: version 10.10
- **FreeBSD**: version 10.*
Build Quick Start
First, ensure that the build machine has all of the required [build dependencies](#build-dependencies).
Then use
[gclient](https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools#TOC-gclient) to
retrieve and build the [other software](#software-dependencies) needed by the Log,
and then use (GNU) `make` to build and test the CT code:
export CXX=clang++ CC=clang
mkdir ct # or whatever directory you prefer
cd ct
gclient config --name="certificate-transparency" https://github.com/google/certificate-transparency.git
gclient sync # retrieve and build dependencies
# substitute gmake or gnumake below if that's what your platform calls it:
make -C certificate-transparency check # build the CT software & self-test
Code Layout
The source code is generally arranged according to implementation language, in
the `cpp`, `go`, `java` and `python` subdirectories. The key subdirectories
- For the main distributed CT Log itself:
- `cpp/log`: Main distributed CT Log implementation.
- `cpp/merkletree`: Merkle tree implementation.
- `cpp/server`: Top-level code for server implementations.
- `cpp/monitoring`: Code to export operation statistics from CT Log.
- The [CT mirror Log](docs/MirrorLog.md) implementation also uses:
- `cpp/fetcher`: Code to fetch entries from another Log
- Client code for accessing a CT Log instance:
- `cpp/client`: CT Log client code in C++
- `go/client`: CT Log client code in Go
- `python/ct`: CT Log client code in Python
- `java/src/org/certificatetransparency/ctlog`: CT Log client code in Java
- Other tools:
- `go/fixchain`: Tool to fix up certificate chains
- `go/gossip`: Code to allow gossip-based synchronization of cert info
- `go/scanner`: CT Log scanner tool
- `go/merkletree`: Merkle tree implementation in Go.
Building the Code
The CT software in this repository relies on a number of other
[open-source projects](#software-dependencies), and we recommend that:
- The CT software should be built using local copies of these dependencies
rather than installed packages, to prevent version incompatibilities.
- The dependent libraries should be statically linked into the CT binaries,
rather than relying on dynamically linked libraries that may be different in
the deployed environment.
The supported build system uses the
tool from the Chromium project to handle these requirements and to ensure a
reliable, reproducible build. Older build instructions for using
[Ubuntu](docs/archive/BuildUbuntu.md) or
[Fedora](docs/archive/BuildFedora.md) packages and for
[manually building dependencies from source](docs/archive/BuildSrc.md) are no
longer supported.
Within a main top-level directory, gclient handles the process of:
- generating subdirectories for each dependency
- generating a subdirectory for for the CT Log code itself
- building all of the dependencies
- installing the built dependencies into an `install/` subdirectory
- configuring the CT build to reference the built dependencies.
Under the covers, this gclient build process is controlled by:
- The master [DEPS](DEPS) file, which configures the locations and versions
of the source code needed for the dependencies, and which hooks onto ...
- The makefiles in the [build/](build) subdirectory, which govern the build
process for each dependency, ensuring that:
- Static libraries are built.
- Built code is installed into the local `install/` directory, where it
is available for the build of the CT code itself.
### Build Dependencies
The following tools are needed to build the CT software and its dependencies.
- [depot_tools](https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/install-depot-tools)
- autoconf/automake etc.
- libtool
- shtool
- clang++ (>=3.4)
- cmake (>=v3.1.2)
- git
- GNU make
- Tcl
- pkg-config
- Python 2.7
The exact packages required to install these tools depends on the platform.
For a Debian-based system, the relevant packages are:
`autoconf automake libtool shtool cmake clang git make tcl pkg-config python2.7`
### Software Dependencies
The following collections of additional software are used by the main CT
Log codebase.
- Google utility libraries:
- [gflags](https://github.com/gflags/gflags): command-line flag handling
- [glog](https://github.com/google/glog): logging infrastructure, which
also requires libunwind.
- [Google Mock](https://github.com/google/googlemock.git): C++ test framework
- [Google Test](https://github.com/google/googletest.git): C++ mocking
- [Protocol Buffers](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/):
language-neutral data serialization library
- [tcmalloc](http://goog-perftools.sourceforge.net/doc/tcmalloc.html):
efficient `malloc` replacement optimized for multi-threaded use
- Other utility libraries:
- [libevent](http://libevent.org/): event-processing library
- [libevhtp](https://github.com/ellzey/libevhtp): HTTP server
plug-in/replacement for libevent
- [json-c](https://github.com/json-c/json-c): JSON processing library
- [libunwind](http://www.nongnu.org/libunwind/): library for generating
stack traces
- Cryptographic library: one of the following, selected via the `SSL` build
- [OpenSSL](https://github.com/google/googletest.git): default
cryptography library.
- [BoringSSL](https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl/): Google's
fork of OpenSSL
- Data storage functionality: one of the following, defaulting (and highly
recommended to stick with) LevelDB.
- [LevelDB](https://github.com/google/leveldb): fast key-value store,
which uses:
- [Snappy](http://google.github.io/snappy/): compression library
- [SQLite](https://www.sqlite.org/): file-based SQL library
The extra (experimental) CT projects in this repo involve additional
- The experimental CT [DNS server](docs/DnsServer.md) uses:
- [ldnbs](http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/projects/ldns/): DNS library, including
DNSSEC function (which relies on OpenSSL for crypto functionality)
- The experimental [general Log](docs/XjsonServer.md) uses:
- [objecthash](https://github.com/benlaurie/objecthash): tools for
hashing objects in a language/encoding-agnostic manner
- [ICU](http://site.icu-project.org/): Unicode libraries (needed to
normalize international text in objects)
Build Troubleshooting
### Compiler Warnings/Errors
The CT C++ codebase is built with the Clang `-Werror` flag so that the
codebase stays warning-free. However, this can cause build errors when
newer/different versions of the C++ compiler are used, as any newly created
warnings are treated as errors. To fix this, add the appropriate
`-Wno-error=<warning-name>` option to `CXXFLAGS`.
For example, on errors involving unused variables try using:
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -Wno-error=unused-variable" gclient sync
If an error about an unused typedef in a `glog` header file occurs, try this:
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=unused-local-typedefs" gclient sync
When changing `CXXFLAGS` it's safer to remove the existing build directories
in case not all dependencies are properly accounted for and rebuilt. If
problems persist, check that the Makefile in `certificate-transparency`
contains the options that were passed in `CXXFLAGS`.
### Working on a Branch
If you're trying to clone from a branch on the CT repository then you'll need
to substitute the following command for the `gclient config` command
[above](#build-quick-start), replacing `branch` as appropriate
gclient config --name="certificate-transparency" https://github.com/google/certificate-transparency.git@branch
### Using BoringSSL
The BoringSSL fork of OpenSSL can be used in place of OpenSSL (but note that
the experimental [CT DNS server](docs/DnsServer.md) does not support this
configuration). To enable this, after the first step (`gclient config ...`)
in the gclient [build process](#build-quick-start), modify the top-level
`.gclient` to add:
"custom_vars": { "ssl_impl": "boringssl" } },
Then continue the [build process](#build-quick-start) with the `gclient sync` step.
Testing the Code
### Unit Tests
The unit tests for the CT code can be run with the `make check` target of
## Testing and Logging Options ##
Note that several tests write files on disk. The default directory for
storing temporary testdata is `/tmp`. You can change this by setting
`TMPDIR=<tmpdir>` for make.
End-to-end tests also create temporary certificate and server files in
`test/tmp`. All these files are cleaned up after a successful test
For logging options, see the
[glog documentation](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/google/glog/blob/master/doc/glog.html).
By default, unit tests log to `stderr`, and log only messages with a FATAL
level (i.e., those that result in abnormal program termination). You can
override the defaults with command-line flags.
Deploying a Log
The build process described so far generates a set of executables; however,
other components and configuration is needed to set up a running CT Log.
In particular, as shown in the following diagram:
- A set of web servers that act as HTTPS terminators and load
balancers is needed in front of the CT Log instances.
- A cluster of [etcd](https://github.com/coreos/etcd) instances is needed to
provide replication and synchronization services for the CT Log instances.
<img src="docs/images/SystemDiagram.png" width="650">
Configuring and setting up a distributed production Log is covered in a
[separate document](docs/Deployment.md).
Operating a Log
Running a successful, trusted, certificate transparency Log involves more than
just deploying a set of binaries. Information and advice on operating a
running CT Log is covered in a [separate document](docs/Operation.md)