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page_title: docker.io OAuth API
page_description: API Documentation for docker.io's OAuth flow.
page_keywords: API, Docker, oauth, REST, documentation
# docker.io OAuth API
## 1. Brief introduction
Some docker.io API requests will require an access token to
authenticate. To get an access token for a user, that user must first
grant your application access to their docker.io account. In order for
them to grant your application access you must first register your
Before continuing, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with [The
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749).
*Also note that all OAuth interactions must take place over https
## 2. Register Your Application
You will need to register your application with docker.io before users
will be able to grant your application access to their account
information. We are currently only allowing applications selectively. To
request registration of your application send an email to
[support-accounts@docker.com](mailto:support-accounts%40docker.com) with
the following information:
- The name of your application
- A description of your application and the service it will provide to
docker.io users.
- A callback URI that we will use for redirecting authorization
requests to your application. These are used in the step of getting
an Authorization Code. The domain name of the callback URI will be
visible to the user when they are requested to authorize your
When your application is approved you will receive a response from the
docker.io team with your `client_id` and
`client_secret` which your application will use in
the steps of getting an Authorization Code and getting an Access Token.
# 3. Endpoints
## 3.1 Get an Authorization Code
Once You have registered you are ready to start integrating docker.io
accounts into your application! The process is usually started by a user
following a link in your application to an OAuth Authorization endpoint.
`GET /api/v1.1/o/authorize/`
Request that a docker.io user authorize your application. If the
user is not already logged in, they will be prompted to login. The
user is then presented with a form to authorize your application for
the requested access scope. On submission, the user will be
redirected to the specified `redirect_uri` with
an Authorization Code.
Query Parameters:
- **client_id** The `client_id` given to
your application at registration.
- **response_type** MUST be set to `code`.
This specifies that you would like an Authorization Code
- **redirect_uri** The URI to redirect back to after the user
has authorized your application. If omitted, the first of your
registered `response_uris` is used. If
included, it must be one of the URIs which were submitted when
registering your application.
- **scope** The extent of access permissions you are requesting.
Currently, the scope options are `profile_read`, `profile_write`,
`email_read`, and `email_write`. Scopes must be separated by a space. If omitted, the
default scopes `profile_read email_read` are
- **state** (Recommended) Used by your application to maintain
state between the authorization request and callback to protect
against CSRF attacks.
**Example Request**
Asking the user for authorization.
GET /api/v1.1/o/authorize/?client_id=TestClientID&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https%3A//my.app/auth_complete/&scope=profile_read%20email_read&state=abc123 HTTP/1.1
Host: www.docker.io
**Authorization Page**
When the user follows a link, making the above GET request, they
will be asked to login to their docker.io account if they are not
already and then be presented with the following authorization
prompt which asks the user to authorize your application with a
description of the requested scopes.
Once the user allows or denies your Authorization Request the user
will be redirected back to your application. Included in that
request will be the following query parameters:
: The Authorization code generated by the docker.io authorization
server. Present it again to request an Access Token. This code
expires in 60 seconds.
: If the `state` parameter was present in the
authorization request this will be the exact value received from
that request.
: An error message in the event of the user denying the
authorization or some other kind of error with the request.
## 3.2 Get an Access Token
Once the user has authorized your application, a request will be made to
your application'sspecified `redirect_uri` which
includes a `code` parameter that you must then use
to get an Access Token.
`POST /api/v1.1/o/token/`
Submit your newly granted Authorization Code and your application's
credentials to receive an Access Token and Refresh Token. The code
is valid for 60 seconds and cannot be used more than once.
Request Headers:
- **Authorization** HTTP basic authentication using your
application's `client_id` and
Form Parameters:
- **grant_type** MUST be set to `authorization_code`
- **code** The authorization code received from the user's
redirect request.
- **redirect_uri** The same `redirect_uri`
used in the authentication request.
**Example Request**
Using an authorization code to get an access token.
POST /api/v1.1/o/token/ HTTP/1.1
Host: www.docker.io
Authorization: Basic VGVzdENsaWVudElEOlRlc3RDbGllbnRTZWNyZXQ=
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
"grant_type": "code",
"code": "YXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbl9jb2Rl",
"redirect_uri": "https://my.app/auth_complete/"
**Example Response**
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"username": "janedoe",
"user_id": 42,
"access_token": "t6k2BqgRw59hphQBsbBoPPWLqu6FmS",
"expires_in": 15552000,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": "profile_read email_read",
"refresh_token": "hJDhLH3cfsUrQlT4MxA6s8xAFEqdgc"
In the case of an error, there will be a non-200 HTTP Status and and
data detailing the error.
## 3.3 Refresh a Token
Once the Access Token expires you can use your `refresh_token`
to have docker.io issue your application a new Access Token,
if the user has not revoked access from your application.
`POST /api/v1.1/o/token/`
Submit your `refresh_token` and application's
credentials to receive a new Access Token and Refresh Token. The
`refresh_token` can be used only once.
Request Headers:
- **Authorization** HTTP basic authentication using your
application's `client_id` and
Form Parameters:
- **grant_type** MUST be set to `refresh_token`
- **refresh_token** The `refresh_token`
which was issued to your application.
- **scope** (optional) The scope of the access token to be
returned. Must not include any scope not originally granted by
the user and if omitted is treated as equal to the scope
originally granted.
**Example Request**
Refreshing an access token.
POST /api/v1.1/o/token/ HTTP/1.1
Host: www.docker.io
Authorization: Basic VGVzdENsaWVudElEOlRlc3RDbGllbnRTZWNyZXQ=
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"refresh_token": "hJDhLH3cfsUrQlT4MxA6s8xAFEqdgc",
**Example Response**
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"username": "janedoe",
"user_id": 42,
"access_token": "t6k2BqgRw59hphQBsbBoPPWLqu6FmS",
"expires_in": 15552000,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": "profile_read email_read",
"refresh_token": "hJDhLH3cfsUrQlT4MxA6s8xAFEqdgc"
In the case of an error, there will be a non-200 HTTP Status and and
data detailing the error.
# 4. Use an Access Token with the API
Many of the docker.io API requests will require a Authorization request
header field. Simply ensure you add this header with "Bearer <`access_token`>":
GET /api/v1.1/resource HTTP/1.1
Host: docker.io
Authorization: Bearer 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA