Move https integration tests as unit tests under client

Addresses #12255
Signed-off-by: Srini Brahmaroutu <>
This commit is contained in:
Srini Brahmaroutu 2015-04-20 23:21:46 +00:00
parent ccbb93e1cd
commit 05013f1250
13 changed files with 76 additions and 142 deletions

View File

@ -910,3 +910,71 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonRestartKillWait(c *check.C) {
// TestHttpsInfo connects via two-way authenticated HTTPS to the info endpoint
func (s *DockerSuite) TestHttpsInfo(c *check.C) {
const (
testDaemonHttpsAddr = "localhost:4271"
d := NewDaemon(c)
if err := d.Start("--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/server-cert.pem",
"--tlskey", "fixtures/https/server-key.pem", "-H", testDaemonHttpsAddr); err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon with busybox: %v", err)
defer d.Stop()
//force tcp protocol
host := fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s", testDaemonHttpsAddr)
daemonArgs := []string{"--host", host, "--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/client-cert.pem", "--tlskey", "fixtures/https/client-key.pem"}
out, err := d.CmdWithArgs(daemonArgs, "info")
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Error Occurred: %s and output: %s", err, out)
// TestHttpsInfoRogueCert connects via two-way authenticated HTTPS to the info endpoint
// by using a rogue client certificate and checks that it fails with the expected error.
func (s *DockerSuite) TestHttpsInfoRogueCert(c *check.C) {
const (
errBadCertificate = "remote error: bad certificate"
testDaemonHttpsAddr = "localhost:4271"
d := NewDaemon(c)
if err := d.Start("--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/server-cert.pem",
"--tlskey", "fixtures/https/server-key.pem", "-H", testDaemonHttpsAddr); err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon with busybox: %v", err)
defer d.Stop()
//force tcp protocol
host := fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s", testDaemonHttpsAddr)
daemonArgs := []string{"--host", host, "--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/client-rogue-cert.pem", "--tlskey", "fixtures/https/client-rogue-key.pem"}
out, err := d.CmdWithArgs(daemonArgs, "info")
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(out, errBadCertificate) {
c.Fatalf("Expected err: %s, got instead: %s and output: %s", errBadCertificate, err, out)
// TestHttpsInfoRogueServerCert connects via two-way authenticated HTTPS to the info endpoint
// which provides a rogue server certificate and checks that it fails with the expected error
func (s *DockerSuite) TestHttpsInfoRogueServerCert(c *check.C) {
const (
errCaUnknown = "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"
testDaemonRogueHttpsAddr = "localhost:4272"
d := NewDaemon(c)
if err := d.Start("--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/server-rogue-cert.pem",
"--tlskey", "fixtures/https/server-rogue-key.pem", "-H", testDaemonRogueHttpsAddr); err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon with busybox: %v", err)
defer d.Stop()
//force tcp protocol
host := fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s", testDaemonRogueHttpsAddr)
daemonArgs := []string{"--host", host, "--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/client-rogue-cert.pem", "--tlskey", "fixtures/https/client-rogue-key.pem"}
out, err := d.CmdWithArgs(daemonArgs, "info")
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(out, errCaUnknown) {
c.Fatalf("Expected err: %s, got instead: %s and output: %s", errCaUnknown, err, out)

View File

@ -269,6 +269,14 @@ func (d *Daemon) Cmd(name string, arg ...string) (string, error) {
return string(b), err
func (d *Daemon) CmdWithArgs(daemonArgs []string, name string, arg ...string) (string, error) {
args := append(daemonArgs, name)
args = append(args, arg...)
c := exec.Command(dockerBinary, args...)
b, err := c.CombinedOutput()
return string(b), err
func (d *Daemon) LogfileName() string {
return d.logFile.Name()

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
package docker
import (
const (
errBadCertificate = "remote error: bad certificate"
errCaUnknown = "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"
func getTlsConfig(certFile, keyFile string, t *testing.T) *tls.Config {
certPool := x509.NewCertPool()
file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("fixtures/https/ca.pem")
if err != nil {
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("fixtures/https/"+certFile, "fixtures/https/"+keyFile)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't load X509 key pair: %s", err)
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
RootCAs: certPool,
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
return tlsConfig
// TestHttpsInfo connects via two-way authenticated HTTPS to the info endpoint
func TestHttpsInfo(t *testing.T) {
cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, ioutil.Discard, ioutil.Discard, "", testDaemonProto,
testDaemonHttpsAddr, getTlsConfig("client-cert.pem", "client-key.pem", t))
setTimeout(t, "Reading command output time out", 10*time.Second, func() {
if err := cli.CmdInfo(); err != nil {
// TestHttpsInfoRogueCert connects via two-way authenticated HTTPS to the info endpoint
// by using a rogue client certificate and checks that it fails with the expected error.
func TestHttpsInfoRogueCert(t *testing.T) {
cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, ioutil.Discard, ioutil.Discard, "", testDaemonProto,
testDaemonHttpsAddr, getTlsConfig("client-rogue-cert.pem", "client-rogue-key.pem", t))
setTimeout(t, "Reading command output time out", 10*time.Second, func() {
err := cli.CmdInfo()
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected error but got nil")
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), errBadCertificate) {
t.Fatalf("Expected error: %s, got instead: %s", errBadCertificate, err)
// TestHttpsInfoRogueServerCert connects via two-way authenticated HTTPS to the info endpoint
// which provides a rogue server certificate and checks that it fails with the expected error
func TestHttpsInfoRogueServerCert(t *testing.T) {
cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, ioutil.Discard, ioutil.Discard, "", testDaemonProto,
testDaemonRogueHttpsAddr, getTlsConfig("client-cert.pem", "client-key.pem", t))
setTimeout(t, "Reading command output time out", 10*time.Second, func() {
err := cli.CmdInfo()
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected error but got nil")
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), errCaUnknown) {
t.Fatalf("Expected error: %s, got instead: %s", errCaUnknown, err)

View File

@ -120,8 +120,6 @@ func init() {
// Create the "global daemon" with a long-running daemons for integration tests
startFds, startGoroutines = fileutils.GetTotalUsedFds(), runtime.NumGoroutine()
@ -175,62 +173,6 @@ func spawnGlobalDaemon() {
func spawnLegitHttpsDaemon() {
if globalHttpsEngine != nil {
globalHttpsEngine = spawnHttpsDaemon(testDaemonHttpsAddr, "fixtures/https/ca.pem",
"fixtures/https/server-cert.pem", "fixtures/https/server-key.pem")
func spawnRogueHttpsDaemon() {
if globalRogueHttpsEngine != nil {
globalRogueHttpsEngine = spawnHttpsDaemon(testDaemonRogueHttpsAddr, "fixtures/https/ca.pem",
"fixtures/https/server-rogue-cert.pem", "fixtures/https/server-rogue-key.pem")
func spawnHttpsDaemon(addr, cacert, cert, key string) *engine.Engine {
t := std_log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0)
root, err := newTestDirectory(unitTestStoreBase)
if err != nil {
// FIXME: here we don't use NewTestEngine because it configures the daemon with Autorestart=false,
// and we want to set it to true.
eng := newTestEngine(t, true, root)
serverConfig := &apiserver.ServerConfig{
Logging: true,
Tls: true,
TlsVerify: true,
TlsCa: cacert,
TlsCert: cert,
TlsKey: key,
api := apiserver.New(serverConfig, eng)
// Spawn a Daemon
go func() {
logrus.Debugf("Spawning https daemon for integration tests")
listenURL := &url.URL{
Scheme: testDaemonHttpsProto,
Host: addr,
if err := api.ServeApi([]string{listenURL.String()}); err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("Unable to spawn the test daemon: %s", err)
// Give some time to ListenAndServer to actually start
return eng
// FIXME: test that ImagePull(json=true) send correct json output
func GetTestImage(daemon *daemon.Daemon) *image.Image {