Add integration test for volume plugins on swarm

Signed-off-by: Aaron Lehmann <>
This commit is contained in:
Aaron Lehmann 2016-12-15 13:56:32 -08:00
parent 501083e82a
commit 05fba4af5f
2 changed files with 63 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -139,17 +139,23 @@ func (d *SwarmDaemon) getServiceTasks(c *check.C, service string) []swarm.Task {
return tasks
func (d *SwarmDaemon) checkServiceRunningTasks(service string) func(*check.C) (interface{}, check.CommentInterface) {
func (d *SwarmDaemon) checkServiceTasksInState(service string, state swarm.TaskState, message string) func(*check.C) (interface{}, check.CommentInterface) {
return func(c *check.C) (interface{}, check.CommentInterface) {
tasks := d.getServiceTasks(c, service)
var runningCount int
var count int
for _, task := range tasks {
if task.Status.State == swarm.TaskStateRunning {
if task.Status.State == state {
if message == "" || strings.Contains(task.Status.Message, message) {
return runningCount, nil
return count, nil
func (d *SwarmDaemon) checkServiceRunningTasks(service string) func(*check.C) (interface{}, check.CommentInterface) {
return d.checkServiceTasksInState(service, swarm.TaskStateRunning, "")
func (d *SwarmDaemon) checkServiceUpdateState(service string) func(*check.C) (interface{}, check.CommentInterface) {

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// +build !windows
package main
import (
func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestSwarmVolumePlugin(c *check.C) {
d := s.AddDaemon(c, true, true)
out, err := d.Cmd("service", "create", "--mount", "type=volume,source=my-volume,destination=/foo,volume-driver=customvolumedriver", "--name", "top", "busybox", "top")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf(out))
// Make sure task stays pending before plugin is available
waitAndAssert(c, defaultReconciliationTimeout, d.checkServiceTasksInState("top", swarm.TaskStatePending, "missing plugin on 1 node"), checker.Equals, 1)
plugin := newVolumePlugin(c, "customvolumedriver")
defer plugin.Close()
// create a dummy volume to trigger lazy loading of the plugin
out, err = d.Cmd("volume", "create", "-d", "customvolumedriver", "hello")
// TODO(aaronl): It will take about 15 seconds for swarm to realize the
// plugin was loaded. Switching the test over to plugin v2 would avoid
// this long delay.
// make sure task has been deployed.
waitAndAssert(c, defaultReconciliationTimeout, d.checkActiveContainerCount, checker.Equals, 1)
out, err = d.Cmd("ps", "-q")
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
containerID := strings.TrimSpace(out)
out, err = d.Cmd("inspect", "-f", "{{json .Mounts}}", containerID)
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
var mounts []struct {
Name string
Driver string
c.Assert(json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(out)).Decode(&mounts), checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(len(mounts), checker.Equals, 1, check.Commentf(out))
c.Assert(mounts[0].Name, checker.Equals, "my-volume")
c.Assert(mounts[0].Driver, checker.Equals, "customvolumedriver")