diff --git a/hack/make/generate-index-listing b/hack/make/generate-index-listing index 1167ed1205..ec44171f81 100755 --- a/hack/make/generate-index-listing +++ b/hack/make/generate-index-listing @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ create_index() { # change IFS locally within subshell so the for loop saves line correctly to L var IFS=$'\n'; - # pretty sweet, will mimick the normal apache output - for L in $(find -L . -mount -depth -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name 'index' -printf "%f|@_@%Td-%Tb-%TY %Tk:%TM @%f@\n"|sort|column -t -s '|' | sed 's,\([\ ]\+\)@_@,\1,g'); + # pretty sweet, will mimick the normal apache output. skipping "index" and hidden files + for L in $(find -L . -mount -depth -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name 'index' ! -name '.*' -prune -printf "%f|@_@%Td-%Tb-%TY %Tk:%TM @%f@\n"|sort|column -t -s '|' | sed 's,\([\ ]\+\)@_@,\1,g'); do # file F=$(sed -e 's,^.*@\([^@]\+\)@.*$,\1,g'<<<"$L");