integration-cli: Fix `SA1019: httputil.ClientConn is deprecated`

Rewrite sockRequestHijack to requestHijack which use writable
Transport's Response.Body to replace deprecated hijacked httputil.ClientConn.
// As of Go 1.12, the Body will also implement io.Writer
// on a successful "101 Switching Protocols" response,
// as used by WebSockets and HTTP/2's "h2c" mode.
Body io.ReadCloser

TestPostContainersAttach and TestExecResizeImmediatelyAfterExecStart
replace all sockRequestHijack to requestHijack.

Signed-off-by: HuanHuan Ye <>
This commit is contained in:
HuanHuan Ye 2019-10-11 17:54:35 +08:00
parent 248c136f98
commit 203ba72fc5
3 changed files with 84 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -86,10 +86,6 @@ issues:
- text: "SA1019: httputil.NewClientConn is deprecated"
- staticcheck
# FIXME temporarily suppress these. See #39927
- text: "SA1019: httputil.ClientConn is deprecated"
- staticcheck
# FIXME temporarily suppress these (related to the ones above)
- text: "SA1019: httputil.ErrPersistEOF is deprecated"

View File

@ -4,11 +4,9 @@ import (
@ -17,6 +15,7 @@ import (
@ -100,19 +99,18 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestGetContainersWsAttachContainerNotFound(c *testing.T) {
func (s *DockerSuite) TestPostContainersAttach(c *testing.T) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
expectSuccess := func(conn net.Conn, br *bufio.Reader, stream string, tty bool) {
defer conn.Close()
expectSuccess := func(wc io.WriteCloser, br *bufio.Reader, stream string, tty bool) {
defer wc.Close()
expected := []byte("success")
_, err := conn.Write(expected)
_, err := wc.Write(expected)
assert.NilError(c, err)
lenHeader := 0
if !tty {
lenHeader = 8
actual := make([]byte, len(expected)+lenHeader)
_, err = io.ReadFull(br, actual)
_, err = readTimeout(br, actual, time.Second)
assert.NilError(c, err)
if !tty {
fdMap := map[string]byte{
@ -125,57 +123,56 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestPostContainersAttach(c *testing.T) {
assert.Assert(c, is.DeepEqual(actual[lenHeader:], expected), "Attach didn't return the expected data from %s", stream)
expectTimeout := func(conn net.Conn, br *bufio.Reader, stream string) {
defer conn.Close()
_, err := conn.Write([]byte{'t'})
expectTimeout := func(wc io.WriteCloser, br *bufio.Reader, stream string) {
defer wc.Close()
_, err := wc.Write([]byte{'t'})
assert.NilError(c, err)
actual := make([]byte, 1)
_, err = io.ReadFull(br, actual)
opErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError)
assert.Assert(c, ok, "Error is expected to be *net.OpError, got %v", err)
assert.Assert(c, opErr.Timeout(), "Read from %s is expected to timeout", stream)
_, err = readTimeout(br, actual, time.Second)
assert.Assert(c, err.Error() == "Timeout", "Read from %s is expected to timeout", stream)
// Create a container that only emits stdout.
cid, _ := dockerCmd(c, "run", "-di", "busybox", "cat")
cid = strings.TrimSpace(cid)
// Attach to the container's stdout stream.
conn, br, err := sockRequestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
wc, br, err := requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
// Check if the data from stdout can be received.
expectSuccess(conn, br, "stdout", false)
expectSuccess(wc, br, "stdout", false)
// Attach to the container's stderr stream.
conn, br, err = sockRequestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stderr=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
wc, br, err = requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stderr=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
// Since the container only emits stdout, attaching to stderr should return nothing.
expectTimeout(conn, br, "stdout")
expectTimeout(wc, br, "stdout")
// Test the similar functions of the stderr stream.
cid, _ = dockerCmd(c, "run", "-di", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "cat >&2")
cid = strings.TrimSpace(cid)
conn, br, err = sockRequestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stderr=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
wc, br, err = requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stderr=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
expectSuccess(conn, br, "stderr", false)
conn, br, err = sockRequestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
expectSuccess(wc, br, "stderr", false)
wc, br, err = requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
expectTimeout(conn, br, "stderr")
expectTimeout(wc, br, "stderr")
// Test with tty.
cid, _ = dockerCmd(c, "run", "-dit", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "cat >&2")
cid = strings.TrimSpace(cid)
// Attach to stdout only.
conn, br, err = sockRequestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
wc, br, err = requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
expectSuccess(conn, br, "stdout", true)
expectSuccess(wc, br, "stdout", true)
// Attach without stdout stream.
conn, br, err = sockRequestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stderr=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
wc, br, err = requestHijack(http.MethodPost, "/containers/"+cid+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stderr=1", nil, "text/plain", request.DaemonHost())
assert.NilError(c, err)
// Nothing should be received because both the stdout and stderr of the container will be
// sent to the client as stdout when tty is enabled.
expectTimeout(conn, br, "stdout")
expectTimeout(wc, br, "stdout")
// Test the client API
client, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(client.FromEnv)
@ -220,35 +217,22 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestPostContainersAttach(c *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(c, outBuf.String(), "hello\nsuccess")
// SockRequestHijack creates a connection to specified host (with method, contenttype, …) and returns a hijacked connection
// and the output as a `bufio.Reader`
func sockRequestHijack(method, endpoint string, data io.Reader, ct string, daemon string, modifiers ...func(*http.Request)) (net.Conn, *bufio.Reader, error) {
req, client, err := newRequestClient(method, endpoint, data, ct, daemon, modifiers...)
// requestHijack create a http requst to specified host with `Upgrade` header (with method
// , contenttype, …), if receive a successful "101 Switching Protocols" response return
// a `io.WriteCloser` and `bufio.Reader`
func requestHijack(method, endpoint string, data io.Reader, ct, daemon string, modifiers ...func(*http.Request)) (io.WriteCloser, *bufio.Reader, error) {
hostURL, err := client.ParseHostURL(daemon)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "parse daemon host error")
conn, br := client.Hijack()
return conn, br, nil
// FIXME(vdemeester) httputil.ClientConn is deprecated, use http.Client instead (closer to actual client)
// Deprecated: Use New instead of NewRequestClient
// Deprecated: use request.Do (or Get, Delete, Post) instead
func newRequestClient(method, endpoint string, data io.Reader, ct, daemon string, modifiers ...func(*http.Request)) (*http.Request, *httputil.ClientConn, error) {
c, err := request.SockConn(10*time.Second, daemon)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not dial docker daemon: %v", err)
client := httputil.NewClientConn(c, nil)
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, endpoint, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create new request: %v", err)
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not create new request")
req.URL.Scheme = "http"
req.URL.Host = hostURL.Host
for _, opt := range modifiers {
@ -257,5 +241,52 @@ func newRequestClient(method, endpoint string, data io.Reader, ct, daemon string
if ct != "" {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", ct)
return req, client, nil
// must have Upgrade header
// server api return 101 Switching Protocols
req.Header.Set("Upgrade", "tcp")
// new client
// FIXME use testutil/request newHTTPClient
transport := &http.Transport{}
err = sockets.ConfigureTransport(transport, hostURL.Scheme, hostURL.Host)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "configure Transport error")
client := http.Client{
Transport: transport,
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "client.Do")
if !bodyIsWritable(resp) {
return nil, nil, errors.New("response.Body not writable")
return resp.Body.(io.WriteCloser), bufio.NewReader(resp.Body), nil
// bodyIsWritable check Response.Body is writable
func bodyIsWritable(r *http.Response) bool {
_, ok := r.Body.(io.Writer)
return ok
// readTimeout read from io.Reader with timeout
func readTimeout(r io.Reader, buf []byte, timeout time.Duration) (n int, err error) {
ch := make(chan bool)
go func() {
n, err = io.ReadFull(r, buf)
ch <- true
select {
case <-ch:
case <-time.After(timeout):
return 0, errors.New("Timeout")

View File

@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestExecResizeImmediatelyAfterExecStart(c *testing.T) {
payload := bytes.NewBufferString(`{"Tty":true}`)
conn, _, err := sockRequestHijack(http.MethodPost, fmt.Sprintf("/exec/%s/start", execID), payload, "application/json", request.DaemonHost())
wc, _, err := requestHijack(http.MethodPost, fmt.Sprintf("/exec/%s/start", execID), payload, "application/json", request.DaemonHost())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start the exec")
defer conn.Close()
defer wc.Close()
_, rc, err := request.Post(fmt.Sprintf("/exec/%s/resize?h=24&w=80", execID), request.ContentType("text/plain"))
if err != nil {