diff --git a/integration-cli/docker_cli_build_test.go b/integration-cli/docker_cli_build_test.go
index 4610853f0c..48e3f72705 100644
--- a/integration-cli/docker_cli_build_test.go
+++ b/integration-cli/docker_cli_build_test.go
@@ -824,13 +824,15 @@ RUN [ $(ls -l /exists/exists_file | awk '{print $3":"$4}') = 'dockerio:dockerio'
-func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildCopyToNewParentDirectory(c *check.C) {
+// This test is mainly for user namespaces to verify that new directories
+// are created as the remapped root uid/gid pair
+func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildAddToNewDestination(c *check.C) {
 	testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) // Linux specific test
-	name := "testcopytonewdir"
+	name := "testaddtonewdest"
 	ctx, err := fakeContext(`FROM busybox
-COPY test_dir /new_dir
-RUN [ $(ls -l / | grep new_dir | awk '{print $3":"$4}') = 'root:root' ]
-RUN ls -l /new_dir`,
+ADD . /new_dir
+RUN ls -l /
+RUN [ $(ls -l / | grep new_dir | awk '{print $3":"$4}') = 'root:root' ]`,
 			"test_dir/test_file": "test file",
@@ -844,6 +846,30 @@ RUN ls -l /new_dir`,
+// This test is mainly for user namespaces to verify that new directories
+// are created as the remapped root uid/gid pair
+func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildCopyToNewParentDirectory(c *check.C) {
+	testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) // Linux specific test
+	name := "testcopytonewdir"
+	ctx, err := fakeContext(`FROM busybox
+COPY test_dir /new_dir
+RUN ls -l /new_dir
+RUN [ $(ls -l / | grep new_dir | awk '{print $3":"$4}') = 'root:root' ]`,
+		map[string]string{
+			"test_dir/test_file": "test file",
+		})
+	if err != nil {
+		c.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	defer ctx.Close()
+	if _, err := buildImageFromContext(name, ctx, true); err != nil {
+		c.Fatal(err)
+	}
+// This test is mainly for user namespaces to verify that new directories
+// are created as the remapped root uid/gid pair
 func (s *DockerSuite) TestBuildWorkdirIsContainerRoot(c *check.C) {
 	testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) // Linux specific test
 	name := "testworkdirownership"
diff --git a/pkg/archive/archive.go b/pkg/archive/archive.go
index 358ab097b2..47c563896b 100644
--- a/pkg/archive/archive.go
+++ b/pkg/archive/archive.go
@@ -881,9 +881,17 @@ func (archiver *Archiver) CopyWithTar(src, dst string) error {
 	if !srcSt.IsDir() {
 		return archiver.CopyFileWithTar(src, dst)
+	// if this archiver is set up with ID mapping we need to create
+	// the new destination directory with the remapped root UID/GID pair
+	// as owner
+	rootUID, rootGID, err := idtools.GetRootUIDGID(archiver.UIDMaps, archiver.GIDMaps)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
 	// Create dst, copy src's content into it
 	logrus.Debugf("Creating dest directory: %s", dst)
-	if err := system.MkdirAll(dst, 0755); err != nil {
+	if err := idtools.MkdirAllNewAs(dst, 0755, rootUID, rootGID); err != nil {
 		return err
 	logrus.Debugf("Calling TarUntar(%s, %s)", src, dst)