mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00
Update aws-sdk-go and go-ini
This fix updates aws-sdk-go and go-ini to recent versions. The aws-sdk-go used to be `v1.4.22` which was more than a year old, and go-ini used to be pre-1.0 release. This fix updates aws-sdk-go to v1.12.66 and go-ini to v1.25.4: ``` github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.12.66 github.com/go-ini/ini v1.25.4 ``` Signed-off-by: Yong Tang <yong.tang.github@outlook.com>
This commit is contained in:
82 changed files with 14188 additions and 2893 deletions
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ github.com/tinylib/msgp 3b556c64540842d4f82967be066a7f7fffc3adad
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify 4da3e2cfbabc9f751898f250b49f2439785783a1
# awslogs deps
github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.4.22
github.com/go-ini/ini 060d7da055ba6ec5ea7a31f116332fe5efa04ce0
github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.12.66
github.com/go-ini/ini v1.25.4
github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath 0b12d6b521d83fc7f755e7cfc1b1fbdd35a01a74
# logentries
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
# AWS SDK for Go
[](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api) [](https://gitter.im/aws/aws-sdk-go?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [](https://travis-ci.org/aws/aws-sdk-go) [](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
<span style="display: inline-block;">
# AWS SDK for Go
aws-sdk-go is the official AWS SDK for the Go programming language.
Checkout our [release notes](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/releases) for information about the latest bug fixes, updates, and features added to the SDK.
We [announced](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/aws-sdk-for-go-2-0-developer-preview/) the Developer Preview for the [v2 AWS SDK for Go](). The v2 SDK is available at https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2, and `go get github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2` via `go get`. Check out the v2 SDK's [changes and updates](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md), and let us know what you think. We want your feedback.
## Installing
If you are using Go 1.5 with the `GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1` vendoring flag, or 1.6 and higher you can use the following command to retrieve the SDK. The SDK's non-testing dependencies will be included and are vendored in the `vendor` folder.
@ -30,7 +27,23 @@ These two processes will still include the `vendor` folder and it should be dele
rm -rf $GOPATH/src/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/vendor
## Getting Help
Please use these community resources for getting help. We use the GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests.
* Ask a question on [StackOverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/) and tag it with the [`aws-sdk-go`](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/aws-sdk-go) tag.
* Come join the AWS SDK for Go community chat on [gitter](https://gitter.im/aws/aws-sdk-go).
* Open a support ticket with [AWS Support](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awssupport/latest/user/getting-started.html).
* If you think you may have found a bug, please open an [issue](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/issues/new).
## Opening Issues
If you encounter a bug with the AWS SDK for Go we would like to hear about it. Search the [existing issues](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/issues) and see if others are also experiencing the issue before opening a new issue. Please include the version of AWS SDK for Go, Go language, and OS you’re using. Please also include repro case when appropriate.
The GitHub issues are intended for bug reports and feature requests. For help and questions with using AWS SDK for GO please make use of the resources listed in the [Getting Help](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go#getting-help) section. Keeping the list of open issues lean will help us respond in a timely manner.
## Reference Documentation
[`Getting Started Guide`](https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/) - This document is a general introduction how to configure and make requests with the SDK. If this is your first time using the SDK, this documentation and the API documentation will help you get started. This document focuses on the syntax and behavior of the SDK. The [Service Developer Guide](https://aws.amazon.com/documentation/) will help you get started using specific AWS services.
[`SDK API Reference Documentation`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/) - Use this document to look up all API operation input and output parameters for AWS services supported by the SDK. The API reference also includes documentation of the SDK, and examples how to using the SDK, service client API operations, and API operation require parameters.
@ -39,75 +52,397 @@ These two processes will still include the `vendor` folder and it should be dele
[`SDK Examples`](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/tree/master/example) - Included in the SDK's repo are a several hand crafted examples using the SDK features and AWS services.
## Configuring Credentials
## Overview of SDK's Packages
Before using the SDK, ensure that you've configured credentials. The best
way to configure credentials on a development machine is to use the
`~/.aws/credentials` file, which might look like:
The SDK is composed of two main components, SDK core, and service clients.
The SDK core packages are all available under the aws package at the root of
the SDK. Each client for a supported AWS service is available within its own
package under the service folder at the root of the SDK.
aws_access_key_id = AKID1234567890
aws_secret_access_key = MY-SECRET-KEY
* aws - SDK core, provides common shared types such as Config, Logger,
and utilities to make working with API parameters easier.
You can learn more about the credentials file from this
[blog post](http://blogs.aws.amazon.com/security/post/Tx3D6U6WSFGOK2H/A-New-and-Standardized-Way-to-Manage-Credentials-in-the-AWS-SDKs).
* awserr - Provides the error interface that the SDK will use for all
errors that occur in the SDK's processing. This includes service API
response errors as well. The Error type is made up of a code and message.
Cast the SDK's returned error type to awserr.Error and call the Code
method to compare returned error to specific error codes. See the package's
documentation for additional values that can be extracted such as RequestID.
Alternatively, you can set the following environment variables:
* credentials - Provides the types and built in credentials providers
the SDK will use to retrieve AWS credentials to make API requests with.
Nested under this folder are also additional credentials providers such as
stscreds for assuming IAM roles, and ec2rolecreds for EC2 Instance roles.
* endpoints - Provides the AWS Regions and Endpoints metadata for the SDK.
Use this to lookup AWS service endpoint information such as which services
are in a region, and what regions a service is in. Constants are also provided
for all region identifiers, e.g UsWest2RegionID for "us-west-2".
### AWS shared config file (`~/.aws/config`)
The AWS SDK for Go added support the shared config file in release [v1.3.0](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/releases/tag/v1.3.0). You can opt into enabling support for the shared config by setting the environment variable `AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG` to a truthy value. See the [Session](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/wiki/sessions) wiki for more information about this feature.
* session - Provides initial default configuration, and load
configuration from external sources such as environment and shared
credentials file.
## Using the Go SDK
* request - Provides the API request sending, and retry logic for the SDK.
This package also includes utilities for defining your own request
retryer, and configuring how the SDK processes the request.
To use a service in the SDK, create a service variable by calling the `New()`
function. Once you have a service client, you can call API operations which each
return response data and a possible error.
* service - Clients for AWS services. All services supported by the SDK are
available under this folder.
To list a set of instance IDs from EC2, you could run:
## How to Use the SDK's AWS Service Clients
The SDK includes the Go types and utilities you can use to make requests to
AWS service APIs. Within the service folder at the root of the SDK you'll find
a package for each AWS service the SDK supports. All service clients follows
a common pattern of creation and usage.
When creating a client for an AWS service you'll first need to have a Session
value constructed. The Session provides shared configuration that can be shared
between your service clients. When service clients are created you can pass
in additional configuration via the aws.Config type to override configuration
provided by in the Session to create service client instances with custom
Once the service's client is created you can use it to make API requests the
AWS service. These clients are safe to use concurrently.
## Configuring the SDK
In the AWS SDK for Go, you can configure settings for service clients, such
as the log level and maximum number of retries. Most settings are optional;
however, for each service client, you must specify a region and your credentials.
The SDK uses these values to send requests to the correct AWS region and sign
requests with the correct credentials. You can specify these values as part
of a session or as environment variables.
See the SDK's [configuration guide][config_guide] for more information.
See the [session][session_pkg] package documentation for more information on how to use Session
with the SDK.
See the [Config][config_typ] type in the [aws][aws_pkg] package for more information on configuration
[config_guide]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/v1/developer-guide/configuring-sdk.html
[session_pkg]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/session/
[config_typ]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/#Config
[aws_pkg]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/
### Configuring Credentials
When using the SDK you'll generally need your AWS credentials to authenticate
with AWS services. The SDK supports multiple methods of supporting these
credentials. By default the SDK will source credentials automatically from
its default credential chain. See the session package for more information
on this chain, and how to configure it. The common items in the credential
chain are the following:
* Environment Credentials - Set of environment variables that are useful
when sub processes are created for specific roles.
* Shared Credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) - This file stores your
credentials based on a profile name and is useful for local development.
* EC2 Instance Role Credentials - Use EC2 Instance Role to assign credentials
to application running on an EC2 instance. This removes the need to manage
credential files in production.
Credentials can be configured in code as well by setting the Config's Credentials
value to a custom provider or using one of the providers included with the
SDK to bypass the default credential chain and use a custom one. This is
helpful when you want to instruct the SDK to only use a specific set of
credentials or providers.
This example creates a credential provider for assuming an IAM role, "myRoleARN"
and configures the S3 service client to use that role for API requests.
package main
// Initial credentials loaded from SDK's default credential chain. Such as
// the environment, shared credentials (~/.aws/credentials), or EC2 Instance
// Role. These credentials will be used to to make the STS Assume Role API.
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
import (
// Create the credentials from AssumeRoleProvider to assume the role
// referenced by the "myRoleARN" ARN.
creds := stscreds.NewCredentials(sess, "myRoleArn")
func main() {
// Create an EC2 service object in the "us-west-2" region
// Note that you can also configure your region globally by
// exporting the AWS_REGION environment variable
svc := ec2.New(session.NewSession(), &aws.Config{Region: aws.String("us-west-2")})
// Call the DescribeInstances Operation
resp, err := svc.DescribeInstances(nil)
if err != nil {
// resp has all of the response data, pull out instance IDs:
fmt.Println("> Number of reservation sets: ", len(resp.Reservations))
for idx, res := range resp.Reservations {
fmt.Println(" > Number of instances: ", len(res.Instances))
for _, inst := range resp.Reservations[idx].Instances {
fmt.Println(" - Instance ID: ", *inst.InstanceId)
// Create service client value configured for credentials
// from assumed role.
svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{Credentials: creds})
You can find more information and operations in our
[API documentation](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/).
See the [credentials][credentials_pkg] package documentation for more information on credential
providers included with the SDK, and how to customize the SDK's usage of
The SDK has support for the shared configuration file (~/.aws/config). This
support can be enabled by setting the environment variable, "AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1",
or enabling the feature in code when creating a Session via the
Option's SharedConfigState parameter.
sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable,
[credentials_pkg]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/credentials
### Configuring AWS Region
In addition to the credentials you'll need to specify the region the SDK
will use to make AWS API requests to. In the SDK you can specify the region
either with an environment variable, or directly in code when a Session or
service client is created. The last value specified in code wins if the region
is specified multiple ways.
To set the region via the environment variable set the "AWS_REGION" to the
region you want to the SDK to use. Using this method to set the region will
allow you to run your application in multiple regions without needing additional
code in the application to select the region.
The endpoints package includes constants for all regions the SDK knows. The
values are all suffixed with RegionID. These values are helpful, because they
reduce the need to type the region string manually.
To set the region on a Session use the aws package's Config struct parameter
Region to the AWS region you want the service clients created from the session to
use. This is helpful when you want to create multiple service clients, and
all of the clients make API requests to the same region.
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
Region: aws.String(endpoints.UsWest2RegionID),
See the [endpoints][endpoints_pkg] package for the AWS Regions and Endpoints metadata.
In addition to setting the region when creating a Session you can also set
the region on a per service client bases. This overrides the region of a
Session. This is helpful when you want to create service clients in specific
regions different from the Session's region.
svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{
Region: aws.String(endpoints.UsWest2RegionID),
See the [Config][config_typ] type in the [aws][aws_pkg] package for more information and additional
options such as setting the Endpoint, and other service client configuration options.
[endpoints_pkg]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/endpoints/
## Making API Requests
Once the client is created you can make an API request to the service.
Each API method takes a input parameter, and returns the service response
and an error. The SDK provides methods for making the API call in multiple ways.
In this list we'll use the S3 ListObjects API as an example for the different
ways of making API requests.
* ListObjects - Base API operation that will make the API request to the service.
* ListObjectsRequest - API methods suffixed with Request will construct the
API request, but not send it. This is also helpful when you want to get a
presigned URL for a request, and share the presigned URL instead of your
application making the request directly.
* ListObjectsPages - Same as the base API operation, but uses a callback to
automatically handle pagination of the API's response.
* ListObjectsWithContext - Same as base API operation, but adds support for
the Context pattern. This is helpful for controlling the canceling of in
flight requests. See the Go standard library context package for more
information. This method also takes request package's Option functional
options as the variadic argument for modifying how the request will be
made, or extracting information from the raw HTTP response.
* ListObjectsPagesWithContext - same as ListObjectsPages, but adds support for
the Context pattern. Similar to ListObjectsWithContext this method also
takes the request package's Option function option types as the variadic
In addition to the API operations the SDK also includes several higher level
methods that abstract checking for and waiting for an AWS resource to be in
a desired state. In this list we'll use WaitUntilBucketExists to demonstrate
the different forms of waiters.
* WaitUntilBucketExists. - Method to make API request to query an AWS service for
a resource's state. Will return successfully when that state is accomplished.
* WaitUntilBucketExistsWithContext - Same as WaitUntilBucketExists, but adds
support for the Context pattern. In addition these methods take request
package's WaiterOptions to configure the waiter, and how underlying request
will be made by the SDK.
The API method will document which error codes the service might return for
the operation. These errors will also be available as const strings prefixed
with "ErrCode" in the service client's package. If there are no errors listed
in the API's SDK documentation you'll need to consult the AWS service's API
documentation for the errors that could be returned.
ctx := context.Background()
result, err := svc.GetObjectWithContext(ctx, &s3.GetObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String("my-bucket"),
Key: aws.String("my-key"),
if err != nil {
// Cast err to awserr.Error to handle specific error codes.
aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
if ok && aerr.Code() == s3.ErrCodeNoSuchKey {
// Specific error code handling
return err
// Make sure to close the body when done with it for S3 GetObject APIs or
// will leak connections.
defer result.Body.Close()
fmt.Println("Object Size:", aws.Int64Value(result.ContentLength))
### API Request Pagination and Resource Waiters
Pagination helper methods are suffixed with "Pages", and provide the
functionality needed to round trip API page requests. Pagination methods
take a callback function that will be called for each page of the API's response.
objects := []string{}
err := svc.ListObjectsPagesWithContext(ctx, &s3.ListObjectsInput{
Bucket: aws.String(myBucket),
}, func(p *s3.ListObjectsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
for _, o := range p.Contents {
objects = append(objects, aws.StringValue(o.Key))
return true // continue paging
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to list objects for bucket, %s, %v", myBucket, err))
fmt.Println("Objects in bucket:", objects)
Waiter helper methods provide the functionality to wait for an AWS resource
state. These methods abstract the logic needed to to check the state of an
AWS resource, and wait until that resource is in a desired state. The waiter
will block until the resource is in the state that is desired, an error occurs,
or the waiter times out. If a resource times out the error code returned will
be request.WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode.
err := svc.WaitUntilBucketExistsWithContext(ctx, &s3.HeadBucketInput{
Bucket: aws.String(myBucket),
if err != nil {
aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
if ok && aerr.Code() == request.WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "timed out while waiting for bucket to exist")
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to wait for bucket to exist, %v", err))
fmt.Println("Bucket", myBucket, "exists")
## Complete SDK Example
This example shows a complete working Go file which will upload a file to S3
and use the Context pattern to implement timeout logic that will cancel the
request if it takes too long. This example highlights how to use sessions,
create a service client, make a request, handle the error, and process the
package main
import (
// Uploads a file to S3 given a bucket and object key. Also takes a duration
// value to terminate the update if it doesn't complete within that time.
// The AWS Region needs to be provided in the AWS shared config or on the
// environment variable as `AWS_REGION`. Credentials also must be provided
// Will default to shared config file, but can load from environment if provided.
// Usage:
// # Upload myfile.txt to myBucket/myKey. Must complete within 10 minutes or will fail
// go run withContext.go -b mybucket -k myKey -d 10m < myfile.txt
func main() {
var bucket, key string
var timeout time.Duration
flag.StringVar(&bucket, "b", "", "Bucket name.")
flag.StringVar(&key, "k", "", "Object key name.")
flag.DurationVar(&timeout, "d", 0, "Upload timeout.")
// All clients require a Session. The Session provides the client with
// shared configuration such as region, endpoint, and credentials. A
// Session should be shared where possible to take advantage of
// configuration and credential caching. See the session package for
// more information.
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
// Create a new instance of the service's client with a Session.
// Optional aws.Config values can also be provided as variadic arguments
// to the New function. This option allows you to provide service
// specific configuration.
svc := s3.New(sess)
// Create a context with a timeout that will abort the upload if it takes
// more than the passed in timeout.
ctx := context.Background()
var cancelFn func()
if timeout > 0 {
ctx, cancelFn = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
// Ensure the context is canceled to prevent leaking.
// See context package for more information, https://golang.org/pkg/context/
defer cancelFn()
// Uploads the object to S3. The Context will interrupt the request if the
// timeout expires.
_, err := svc.PutObjectWithContext(ctx, &s3.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(bucket),
Key: aws.String(key),
Body: os.Stdin,
if err != nil {
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && aerr.Code() == request.CanceledErrorCode {
// If the SDK can determine the request or retry delay was canceled
// by a context the CanceledErrorCode error code will be returned.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "upload canceled due to timeout, %v\n", err)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to upload object, %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("successfully uploaded file to %s/%s\n", bucket, key)
## License
@ -61,6 +61,12 @@ func prettify(v reflect.Value, indent int, buf *bytes.Buffer) {
buf.WriteString("\n" + strings.Repeat(" ", indent) + "}")
case reflect.Slice:
strtype := v.Type().String()
if strtype == "[]uint8" {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "<binary> len %d", v.Len())
nl, id, id2 := "", "", ""
if v.Len() > 3 {
nl, id, id2 = "\n", strings.Repeat(" ", indent), strings.Repeat(" ", indent+2)
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package client
import (
@ -11,9 +10,11 @@ import (
// A Config provides configuration to a service client instance.
type Config struct {
Config *aws.Config
Handlers request.Handlers
Endpoint, SigningRegion string
Config *aws.Config
Handlers request.Handlers
Endpoint string
SigningRegion string
SigningName string
// ConfigProvider provides a generic way for a service client to receive
@ -22,6 +23,13 @@ type ConfigProvider interface {
ClientConfig(serviceName string, cfgs ...*aws.Config) Config
// ConfigNoResolveEndpointProvider same as ConfigProvider except it will not
// resolve the endpoint automatically. The service client's endpoint must be
// provided via the aws.Config.Endpoint field.
type ConfigNoResolveEndpointProvider interface {
ClientConfigNoResolveEndpoint(cfgs ...*aws.Config) Config
// A Client implements the base client request and response handling
// used by all service clients.
type Client struct {
@ -37,7 +45,7 @@ func New(cfg aws.Config, info metadata.ClientInfo, handlers request.Handlers, op
svc := &Client{
Config: cfg,
ClientInfo: info,
Handlers: handlers,
Handlers: handlers.Copy(),
switch retryer, ok := cfg.Retryer.(request.Retryer); {
@ -77,61 +85,6 @@ func (c *Client) AddDebugHandlers() {
const logReqMsg = `DEBUG: Request %s/%s Details:
---[ REQUEST POST-SIGN ]-----------------------------
const logReqErrMsg = `DEBUG ERROR: Request %s/%s:
---[ REQUEST DUMP ERROR ]-----------------------------
func logRequest(r *request.Request) {
logBody := r.Config.LogLevel.Matches(aws.LogDebugWithHTTPBody)
dumpedBody, err := httputil.DumpRequestOut(r.HTTPRequest, logBody)
if err != nil {
r.Config.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf(logReqErrMsg, r.ClientInfo.ServiceName, r.Operation.Name, err))
if logBody {
// Reset the request body because dumpRequest will re-wrap the r.HTTPRequest's
// Body as a NoOpCloser and will not be reset after read by the HTTP
// client reader.
r.Config.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf(logReqMsg, r.ClientInfo.ServiceName, r.Operation.Name, string(dumpedBody)))
const logRespMsg = `DEBUG: Response %s/%s Details:
---[ RESPONSE ]--------------------------------------
const logRespErrMsg = `DEBUG ERROR: Response %s/%s:
---[ RESPONSE DUMP ERROR ]-----------------------------
func logResponse(r *request.Request) {
var msg = "no response data"
if r.HTTPResponse != nil {
logBody := r.Config.LogLevel.Matches(aws.LogDebugWithHTTPBody)
dumpedBody, err := httputil.DumpResponse(r.HTTPResponse, logBody)
if err != nil {
r.Config.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf(logRespErrMsg, r.ClientInfo.ServiceName, r.Operation.Name, err))
msg = string(dumpedBody)
} else if r.Error != nil {
msg = r.Error.Error()
r.Config.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf(logRespMsg, r.ClientInfo.ServiceName, r.Operation.Name, msg))
c.Handlers.Send.PushFrontNamed(request.NamedHandler{Name: "awssdk.client.LogRequest", Fn: logRequest})
c.Handlers.Send.PushBackNamed(request.NamedHandler{Name: "awssdk.client.LogResponse", Fn: logResponse})
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package client
import (
@ -15,11 +16,11 @@ import (
// the MaxRetries method:
// type retryer struct {
// service.DefaultRetryer
// client.DefaultRetryer
// }
// // This implementation always has 100 max retries
// func (d retryer) MaxRetries() uint { return 100 }
// func (d retryer) MaxRetries() int { return 100 }
type DefaultRetryer struct {
NumMaxRetries int
@ -38,14 +39,18 @@ func (d DefaultRetryer) RetryRules(r *request.Request) time.Duration {
minTime := 30
throttle := d.shouldThrottle(r)
if throttle {
if delay, ok := getRetryDelay(r); ok {
return delay
minTime = 500
retryCount := r.RetryCount
if retryCount > 13 {
retryCount = 13
} else if throttle && retryCount > 8 {
if throttle && retryCount > 8 {
retryCount = 8
} else if retryCount > 13 {
retryCount = 13
delay := (1 << uint(retryCount)) * (seededRand.Intn(minTime) + minTime)
@ -54,6 +59,12 @@ func (d DefaultRetryer) RetryRules(r *request.Request) time.Duration {
// ShouldRetry returns true if the request should be retried.
func (d DefaultRetryer) ShouldRetry(r *request.Request) bool {
// If one of the other handlers already set the retry state
// we don't want to override it based on the service's state
if r.Retryable != nil {
return *r.Retryable
if r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode >= 500 {
return true
@ -62,12 +73,49 @@ func (d DefaultRetryer) ShouldRetry(r *request.Request) bool {
// ShouldThrottle returns true if the request should be throttled.
func (d DefaultRetryer) shouldThrottle(r *request.Request) bool {
if r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode == 502 ||
r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode == 503 ||
r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode == 504 {
return true
switch r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode {
case 429:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
return r.IsErrorThrottle()
return r.IsErrorThrottle()
return true
// This will look in the Retry-After header, RFC 7231, for how long
// it will wait before attempting another request
func getRetryDelay(r *request.Request) (time.Duration, bool) {
if !canUseRetryAfterHeader(r) {
return 0, false
delayStr := r.HTTPResponse.Header.Get("Retry-After")
if len(delayStr) == 0 {
return 0, false
delay, err := strconv.Atoi(delayStr)
if err != nil {
return 0, false
return time.Duration(delay) * time.Second, true
// Will look at the status code to see if the retry header pertains to
// the status code.
func canUseRetryAfterHeader(r *request.Request) bool {
switch r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode {
case 429:
case 503:
return false
return true
// lockedSource is a thread-safe implementation of rand.Source
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
package client
import (
const logReqMsg = `DEBUG: Request %s/%s Details:
---[ REQUEST POST-SIGN ]-----------------------------
const logReqErrMsg = `DEBUG ERROR: Request %s/%s:
---[ REQUEST DUMP ERROR ]-----------------------------
type logWriter struct {
// Logger is what we will use to log the payload of a response.
Logger aws.Logger
// buf stores the contents of what has been read
buf *bytes.Buffer
func (logger *logWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return logger.buf.Write(b)
type teeReaderCloser struct {
// io.Reader will be a tee reader that is used during logging.
// This structure will read from a body and write the contents to a logger.
// Source is used just to close when we are done reading.
Source io.ReadCloser
func (reader *teeReaderCloser) Close() error {
return reader.Source.Close()
func logRequest(r *request.Request) {
logBody := r.Config.LogLevel.Matches(aws.LogDebugWithHTTPBody)
dumpedBody, err := httputil.DumpRequestOut(r.HTTPRequest, logBody)
if err != nil {
r.Config.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf(logReqErrMsg, r.ClientInfo.ServiceName, r.Operation.Name, err))
if logBody {
// Reset the request body because dumpRequest will re-wrap the r.HTTPRequest's
// Body as a NoOpCloser and will not be reset after read by the HTTP
// client reader.
r.Config.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf(logReqMsg, r.ClientInfo.ServiceName, r.Operation.Name, string(dumpedBody)))
const logRespMsg = `DEBUG: Response %s/%s Details:
---[ RESPONSE ]--------------------------------------
const logRespErrMsg = `DEBUG ERROR: Response %s/%s:
---[ RESPONSE DUMP ERROR ]-----------------------------
func logResponse(r *request.Request) {
lw := &logWriter{r.Config.Logger, bytes.NewBuffer(nil)}
r.HTTPResponse.Body = &teeReaderCloser{
Reader: io.TeeReader(r.HTTPResponse.Body, lw),
Source: r.HTTPResponse.Body,
handlerFn := func(req *request.Request) {
body, err := httputil.DumpResponse(req.HTTPResponse, false)
if err != nil {
lw.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf(logRespErrMsg, req.ClientInfo.ServiceName, req.Operation.Name, err))
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(lw.buf)
if err != nil {
lw.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf(logRespErrMsg, req.ClientInfo.ServiceName, req.Operation.Name, err))
lw.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf(logRespMsg, req.ClientInfo.ServiceName, req.Operation.Name, string(body)))
if req.Config.LogLevel.Matches(aws.LogDebugWithHTTPBody) {
const handlerName = "awsdk.client.LogResponse.ResponseBody"
Name: handlerName, Fn: handlerFn,
Name: handlerName, Fn: handlerFn,
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
// UseServiceDefaultRetries instructs the config to use the service's own
@ -21,9 +22,9 @@ type RequestRetryer interface{}
// // Create Session with MaxRetry configuration to be shared by multiple
// // service clients.
// sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// MaxRetries: aws.Int(3),
// })
// }))
// // Create S3 service client with a specific Region.
// svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{
@ -48,6 +49,17 @@ type Config struct {
// endpoint for a client.
Endpoint *string
// The resolver to use for looking up endpoints for AWS service clients
// to use based on region.
EndpointResolver endpoints.Resolver
// EnforceShouldRetryCheck is used in the AfterRetryHandler to always call
// ShouldRetry regardless of whether or not if request.Retryable is set.
// This will utilize ShouldRetry method of custom retryers. If EnforceShouldRetryCheck
// is not set, then ShouldRetry will only be called if request.Retryable is nil.
// Proper handling of the request.Retryable field is important when setting this field.
EnforceShouldRetryCheck *bool
// The region to send requests to. This parameter is required and must
// be configured globally or on a per-client basis unless otherwise
// noted. A full list of regions is found in the "Regions and Endpoints"
@ -83,7 +95,7 @@ type Config struct {
// recoverable failures.
// When nil or the value does not implement the request.Retryer interface,
// the request.DefaultRetryer will be used.
// the client.DefaultRetryer will be used.
// When both Retryer and MaxRetries are non-nil, the former is used and
// the latter ignored.
@ -149,13 +161,14 @@ type Config struct {
// the EC2Metadata overriding the timeout for default credentials chain.
// Example:
// sess, err := session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig().WithEC2MetadataDiableTimeoutOverride(true))
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig()
// .WithEC2MetadataDiableTimeoutOverride(true)))
// svc := s3.New(sess)
EC2MetadataDisableTimeoutOverride *bool
// Instructs the endpiont to be generated for a service client to
// Instructs the endpoint to be generated for a service client to
// be the dual stack endpoint. The dual stack endpoint will support
// both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.
@ -169,7 +182,7 @@ type Config struct {
// Only supported with.
// sess, err := session.NewSession()
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
// svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{
// UseDualStack: aws.Bool(true),
@ -181,7 +194,26 @@ type Config struct {
// request delays. This value should only be used for testing. To adjust
// the delay of a request see the aws/client.DefaultRetryer and
// aws/request.Retryer.
// SleepDelay will prevent any Context from being used for canceling retry
// delay of an API operation. It is recommended to not use SleepDelay at all
// and specify a Retryer instead.
SleepDelay func(time.Duration)
// DisableRestProtocolURICleaning will not clean the URL path when making rest protocol requests.
// Will default to false. This would only be used for empty directory names in s3 requests.
// Example:
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// DisableRestProtocolURICleaning: aws.Bool(true),
// }))
// svc := s3.New(sess)
// out, err := svc.GetObject(&s3.GetObjectInput {
// Bucket: aws.String("bucketname"),
// Key: aws.String("//foo//bar//moo"),
// })
DisableRestProtocolURICleaning *bool
// NewConfig returns a new Config pointer that can be chained with builder
@ -189,9 +221,9 @@ type Config struct {
// // Create Session with MaxRetry configuration to be shared by multiple
// // service clients.
// sess, err := session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig().
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig().
// WithMaxRetries(3),
// )
// ))
// // Create S3 service client with a specific Region.
// svc := s3.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().
@ -222,6 +254,13 @@ func (c *Config) WithEndpoint(endpoint string) *Config {
return c
// WithEndpointResolver sets a config EndpointResolver value returning a
// Config pointer for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithEndpointResolver(resolver endpoints.Resolver) *Config {
c.EndpointResolver = resolver
return c
// WithRegion sets a config Region value returning a Config pointer for
// chaining.
func (c *Config) WithRegion(region string) *Config {
@ -344,6 +383,10 @@ func mergeInConfig(dst *Config, other *Config) {
dst.Endpoint = other.Endpoint
if other.EndpointResolver != nil {
dst.EndpointResolver = other.EndpointResolver
if other.Region != nil {
dst.Region = other.Region
@ -403,6 +446,14 @@ func mergeInConfig(dst *Config, other *Config) {
if other.SleepDelay != nil {
dst.SleepDelay = other.SleepDelay
if other.DisableRestProtocolURICleaning != nil {
dst.DisableRestProtocolURICleaning = other.DisableRestProtocolURICleaning
if other.EnforceShouldRetryCheck != nil {
dst.EnforceShouldRetryCheck = other.EnforceShouldRetryCheck
// Copy will return a shallow copy of the Config object. If any additional
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
package aws
import (
// Context is an copy of the Go v1.7 stdlib's context.Context interface.
// It is represented as a SDK interface to enable you to use the "WithContext"
// API methods with Go v1.6 and a Context type such as golang.org/x/net/context.
// See https://golang.org/pkg/context on how to use contexts.
type Context interface {
// Deadline returns the time when work done on behalf of this context
// should be canceled. Deadline returns ok==false when no deadline is
// set. Successive calls to Deadline return the same results.
Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool)
// Done returns a channel that's closed when work done on behalf of this
// context should be canceled. Done may return nil if this context can
// never be canceled. Successive calls to Done return the same value.
Done() <-chan struct{}
// Err returns a non-nil error value after Done is closed. Err returns
// Canceled if the context was canceled or DeadlineExceeded if the
// context's deadline passed. No other values for Err are defined.
// After Done is closed, successive calls to Err return the same value.
Err() error
// Value returns the value associated with this context for key, or nil
// if no value is associated with key. Successive calls to Value with
// the same key returns the same result.
// Use context values only for request-scoped data that transits
// processes and API boundaries, not for passing optional parameters to
// functions.
Value(key interface{}) interface{}
// BackgroundContext returns a context that will never be canceled, has no
// values, and no deadline. This context is used by the SDK to provide
// backwards compatibility with non-context API operations and functionality.
// Go 1.6 and before:
// This context function is equivalent to context.Background in the Go stdlib.
// Go 1.7 and later:
// The context returned will be the value returned by context.Background()
// See https://golang.org/pkg/context for more information on Contexts.
func BackgroundContext() Context {
return backgroundCtx
// SleepWithContext will wait for the timer duration to expire, or the context
// is canceled. Which ever happens first. If the context is canceled the Context's
// error will be returned.
// Expects Context to always return a non-nil error if the Done channel is closed.
func SleepWithContext(ctx Context, dur time.Duration) error {
t := time.NewTimer(dur)
defer t.Stop()
select {
case <-t.C:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// +build !go1.7
package aws
import "time"
// An emptyCtx is a copy of the Go 1.7 context.emptyCtx type. This is copied to
// provide a 1.6 and 1.5 safe version of context that is compatible with Go
// 1.7's Context.
// An emptyCtx is never canceled, has no values, and has no deadline. It is not
// struct{}, since vars of this type must have distinct addresses.
type emptyCtx int
func (*emptyCtx) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {
func (*emptyCtx) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return nil
func (*emptyCtx) Err() error {
return nil
func (*emptyCtx) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
return nil
func (e *emptyCtx) String() string {
switch e {
case backgroundCtx:
return "aws.BackgroundContext"
return "unknown empty Context"
var (
backgroundCtx = new(emptyCtx)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// +build go1.7
package aws
import "context"
var (
backgroundCtx = context.Background()
@ -311,6 +311,24 @@ func TimeValue(v *time.Time) time.Time {
return time.Time{}
// SecondsTimeValue converts an int64 pointer to a time.Time value
// representing seconds since Epoch or time.Time{} if the pointer is nil.
func SecondsTimeValue(v *int64) time.Time {
if v != nil {
return time.Unix((*v / 1000), 0)
return time.Time{}
// MillisecondsTimeValue converts an int64 pointer to a time.Time value
// representing milliseconds sinch Epoch or time.Time{} if the pointer is nil.
func MillisecondsTimeValue(v *int64) time.Time {
if v != nil {
return time.Unix(0, (*v * 1000000))
return time.Time{}
// TimeUnixMilli returns a Unix timestamp in milliseconds from "January 1, 1970 UTC".
// The result is undefined if the Unix time cannot be represented by an int64.
// Which includes calling TimeUnixMilli on a zero Time is undefined.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type lener interface {
// or will use the HTTPRequest.Header's "Content-Length" if defined. If unable
// to determine request body length and no "Content-Length" was specified it will panic.
// The Content-Length will only be aded to the request if the length of the body
// The Content-Length will only be added to the request if the length of the body
// is greater than 0. If the body is empty or the current `Content-Length`
// header is <= 0, the header will also be stripped.
var BuildContentLengthHandler = request.NamedHandler{Name: "core.BuildContentLengthHandler", Fn: func(r *request.Request) {
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ var reStatusCode = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d{3})`)
// ValidateReqSigHandler is a request handler to ensure that the request's
// signature doesn't expire before it is sent. This can happen when a request
// is built and signed signficantly before it is sent. Or signficant delays
// occur whne retrying requests that would cause the signature to expire.
// is built and signed significantly before it is sent. Or significant delays
// occur when retrying requests that would cause the signature to expire.
var ValidateReqSigHandler = request.NamedHandler{
Name: "core.ValidateReqSigHandler",
Fn: func(r *request.Request) {
@ -98,44 +98,95 @@ var ValidateReqSigHandler = request.NamedHandler{
// SendHandler is a request handler to send service request using HTTP client.
var SendHandler = request.NamedHandler{Name: "core.SendHandler", Fn: func(r *request.Request) {
var err error
r.HTTPResponse, err = r.Config.HTTPClient.Do(r.HTTPRequest)
if err != nil {
// Prevent leaking if an HTTPResponse was returned. Clean up
// the body.
if r.HTTPResponse != nil {
var SendHandler = request.NamedHandler{
Name: "core.SendHandler",
Fn: func(r *request.Request) {
sender := sendFollowRedirects
if r.DisableFollowRedirects {
sender = sendWithoutFollowRedirects
// Capture the case where url.Error is returned for error processing
// response. e.g. 301 without location header comes back as string
// error and r.HTTPResponse is nil. Other url redirect errors will
// comeback in a similar method.
if e, ok := err.(*url.Error); ok && e.Err != nil {
if s := reStatusCode.FindStringSubmatch(e.Err.Error()); s != nil {
code, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s[1], 10, 64)
r.HTTPResponse = &http.Response{
StatusCode: int(code),
Status: http.StatusText(int(code)),
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte{})),
if request.NoBody == r.HTTPRequest.Body {
// Strip off the request body if the NoBody reader was used as a
// place holder for a request body. This prevents the SDK from
// making requests with a request body when it would be invalid
// to do so.
// Use a shallow copy of the http.Request to ensure the race condition
// of transport on Body will not trigger
reqOrig, reqCopy := r.HTTPRequest, *r.HTTPRequest
reqCopy.Body = nil
r.HTTPRequest = &reqCopy
defer func() {
r.HTTPRequest = reqOrig
if r.HTTPResponse == nil {
// Add a dummy request response object to ensure the HTTPResponse
// value is consistent.
var err error
r.HTTPResponse, err = sender(r)
if err != nil {
handleSendError(r, err)
func sendFollowRedirects(r *request.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
return r.Config.HTTPClient.Do(r.HTTPRequest)
func sendWithoutFollowRedirects(r *request.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
transport := r.Config.HTTPClient.Transport
if transport == nil {
transport = http.DefaultTransport
return transport.RoundTrip(r.HTTPRequest)
func handleSendError(r *request.Request, err error) {
// Prevent leaking if an HTTPResponse was returned. Clean up
// the body.
if r.HTTPResponse != nil {
// Capture the case where url.Error is returned for error processing
// response. e.g. 301 without location header comes back as string
// error and r.HTTPResponse is nil. Other URL redirect errors will
// comeback in a similar method.
if e, ok := err.(*url.Error); ok && e.Err != nil {
if s := reStatusCode.FindStringSubmatch(e.Err.Error()); s != nil {
code, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s[1], 10, 64)
r.HTTPResponse = &http.Response{
StatusCode: int(0),
Status: http.StatusText(int(0)),
StatusCode: int(code),
Status: http.StatusText(int(code)),
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte{})),
// Catch all other request errors.
r.Error = awserr.New("RequestError", "send request failed", err)
r.Retryable = aws.Bool(true) // network errors are retryable
if r.HTTPResponse == nil {
// Add a dummy request response object to ensure the HTTPResponse
// value is consistent.
r.HTTPResponse = &http.Response{
StatusCode: int(0),
Status: http.StatusText(int(0)),
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte{})),
// Catch all other request errors.
r.Error = awserr.New("RequestError", "send request failed", err)
r.Retryable = aws.Bool(true) // network errors are retryable
// Override the error with a context canceled error, if that was canceled.
ctx := r.Context()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
r.Error = awserr.New(request.CanceledErrorCode,
"request context canceled", ctx.Err())
r.Retryable = aws.Bool(false)
// ValidateResponseHandler is a request handler to validate service response.
var ValidateResponseHandler = request.NamedHandler{Name: "core.ValidateResponseHandler", Fn: func(r *request.Request) {
@ -150,13 +201,22 @@ var ValidateResponseHandler = request.NamedHandler{Name: "core.ValidateResponseH
var AfterRetryHandler = request.NamedHandler{Name: "core.AfterRetryHandler", Fn: func(r *request.Request) {
// If one of the other handlers already set the retry state
// we don't want to override it based on the service's state
if r.Retryable == nil {
if r.Retryable == nil || aws.BoolValue(r.Config.EnforceShouldRetryCheck) {
r.Retryable = aws.Bool(r.ShouldRetry(r))
if r.WillRetry() {
r.RetryDelay = r.RetryRules(r)
if sleepFn := r.Config.SleepDelay; sleepFn != nil {
// Support SleepDelay for backwards compatibility and testing
} else if err := aws.SleepWithContext(r.Context(), r.RetryDelay); err != nil {
r.Error = awserr.New(request.CanceledErrorCode,
"request context canceled", err)
r.Retryable = aws.Bool(false)
// when the expired token exception occurs the credentials
// need to be expired locally so that the next request to
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ var (
// @readonly
ErrNoValidProvidersFoundInChain = awserr.New("NoCredentialProviders",
`no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
`no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors`,
@ -39,16 +39,18 @@ var (
// does not return any credentials ChainProvider will return the error
// ErrNoValidProvidersFoundInChain
// creds := NewChainCredentials(
// []Provider{
// &EnvProvider{},
// &EC2RoleProvider{
// creds := credentials.NewChainCredentials(
// []credentials.Provider{
// &credentials.EnvProvider{},
// &ec2rolecreds.EC2RoleProvider{
// Client: ec2metadata.New(sess),
// },
// })
// // Usage of ChainCredentials with aws.Config
// svc := ec2.New(&aws.Config{Credentials: creds})
// svc := ec2.New(session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// Credentials: creds,
// })))
type ChainProvider struct {
Providers []Provider
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
// Example of using the environment variable credentials.
// creds := NewEnvCredentials()
// creds := credentials.NewEnvCredentials()
// // Retrieve the credentials value
// credValue, err := creds.Get()
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
// This may be helpful to proactively expire credentials and refresh them sooner
// than they would naturally expire on their own.
// creds := NewCredentials(&EC2RoleProvider{})
// creds := credentials.NewCredentials(&ec2rolecreds.EC2RoleProvider{})
// creds.Expire()
// credsValue, err := creds.Get()
// // New credentials will be retrieved instead of from cache.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
// func (m *MyProvider) Retrieve() (Value, error) {...}
// func (m *MyProvider) IsExpired() bool {...}
// creds := NewCredentials(&MyProvider{})
// creds := credentials.NewCredentials(&MyProvider{})
// credValue, err := creds.Get()
package credentials
@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ import (
// when making service API calls. For example, when accessing public
// s3 buckets.
// svc := s3.New(&aws.Config{Credentials: AnonymousCredentials})
// svc := s3.New(session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// Credentials: credentials.AnonymousCredentials,
// })))
// // Access public S3 buckets.
// @readonly
@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ type Value struct {
// The Provider should not need to implement its own mutexes, because
// that will be managed by Credentials.
type Provider interface {
// Refresh returns nil if it successfully retrieved the value.
// Retrieve returns nil if it successfully retrieved the value.
// Error is returned if the value were not obtainable, or empty.
Retrieve() (Value, error)
@ -97,6 +99,27 @@ type Provider interface {
IsExpired() bool
// An ErrorProvider is a stub credentials provider that always returns an error
// this is used by the SDK when construction a known provider is not possible
// due to an error.
type ErrorProvider struct {
// The error to be returned from Retrieve
Err error
// The provider name to set on the Retrieved returned Value
ProviderName string
// Retrieve will always return the error that the ErrorProvider was created with.
func (p ErrorProvider) Retrieve() (Value, error) {
return Value{ProviderName: p.ProviderName}, p.Err
// IsExpired will always return not expired.
func (p ErrorProvider) IsExpired() bool {
return false
// A Expiry provides shared expiration logic to be used by credentials
// providers to implement expiry functionality.
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ func (m *EC2RoleProvider) Retrieve() (credentials.Value, error) {
}, nil
// A ec2RoleCredRespBody provides the shape for unmarshalling credential
// A ec2RoleCredRespBody provides the shape for unmarshaling credential
// request responses.
type ec2RoleCredRespBody struct {
// Success State
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ var (
// Environment variables used:
type EnvProvider struct {
retrieved bool
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ package credentials
import (
// SharedCredsProviderName provides a name of SharedCreds provider
@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ const SharedCredsProviderName = "SharedCredentialsProvider"
var (
// ErrSharedCredentialsHomeNotFound is emitted when the user directory cannot be found.
// @readonly
ErrSharedCredentialsHomeNotFound = awserr.New("UserHomeNotFound", "user home directory not found.", nil)
@ -117,22 +115,23 @@ func loadProfile(filename, profile string) (Value, error) {
// Will return an error if the user's home directory path cannot be found.
func (p *SharedCredentialsProvider) filename() (string, error) {
if p.Filename == "" {
if p.Filename = os.Getenv("AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE"); p.Filename != "" {
return p.Filename, nil
homeDir := os.Getenv("HOME") // *nix
if homeDir == "" { // Windows
homeDir = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
if homeDir == "" {
return "", ErrSharedCredentialsHomeNotFound
p.Filename = filepath.Join(homeDir, ".aws", "credentials")
if len(p.Filename) != 0 {
return p.Filename, nil
if p.Filename = os.Getenv("AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE"); len(p.Filename) != 0 {
return p.Filename, nil
if home := shareddefaults.UserHomeDir(); len(home) == 0 {
// Backwards compatibility of home directly not found error being returned.
// This error is too verbose, failure when opening the file would of been
// a better error to return.
return "", ErrSharedCredentialsHomeNotFound
p.Filename = shareddefaults.SharedCredentialsFilename()
return p.Filename, nil
@ -1,7 +1,81 @@
// Package stscreds are credential Providers to retrieve STS AWS credentials.
// STS provides multiple ways to retrieve credentials which can be used when making
// future AWS service API operation calls.
Package stscreds are credential Providers to retrieve STS AWS credentials.
STS provides multiple ways to retrieve credentials which can be used when making
future AWS service API operation calls.
The SDK will ensure that per instance of credentials.Credentials all requests
to refresh the credentials will be synchronized. But, the SDK is unable to
ensure synchronous usage of the AssumeRoleProvider if the value is shared
between multiple Credentials, Sessions or service clients.
Assume Role
To assume an IAM role using STS with the SDK you can create a new Credentials
with the SDKs's stscreds package.
// Initial credentials loaded from SDK's default credential chain. Such as
// the environment, shared credentials (~/.aws/credentials), or EC2 Instance
// Role. These credentials will be used to to make the STS Assume Role API.
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
// Create the credentials from AssumeRoleProvider to assume the role
// referenced by the "myRoleARN" ARN.
creds := stscreds.NewCredentials(sess, "myRoleArn")
// Create service client value configured for credentials
// from assumed role.
svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{Credentials: creds})
Assume Role with static MFA Token
To assume an IAM role with a MFA token you can either specify a MFA token code
directly or provide a function to prompt the user each time the credentials
need to refresh the role's credentials. Specifying the TokenCode should be used
for short lived operations that will not need to be refreshed, and when you do
not want to have direct control over the user provides their MFA token.
With TokenCode the AssumeRoleProvider will be not be able to refresh the role's
// Create the credentials from AssumeRoleProvider to assume the role
// referenced by the "myRoleARN" ARN using the MFA token code provided.
creds := stscreds.NewCredentials(sess, "myRoleArn", func(p *stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider) {
p.SerialNumber = aws.String("myTokenSerialNumber")
p.TokenCode = aws.String("00000000")
// Create service client value configured for credentials
// from assumed role.
svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{Credentials: creds})
Assume Role with MFA Token Provider
To assume an IAM role with MFA for longer running tasks where the credentials
may need to be refreshed setting the TokenProvider field of AssumeRoleProvider
will allow the credential provider to prompt for new MFA token code when the
role's credentials need to be refreshed.
The StdinTokenProvider function is available to prompt on stdin to retrieve
the MFA token code from the user. You can also implement custom prompts by
satisfing the TokenProvider function signature.
Using StdinTokenProvider with multiple AssumeRoleProviders, or Credentials will
have undesirable results as the StdinTokenProvider will not be synchronized. A
single Credentials with an AssumeRoleProvider can be shared safely.
// Create the credentials from AssumeRoleProvider to assume the role
// referenced by the "myRoleARN" ARN. Prompting for MFA token from stdin.
creds := stscreds.NewCredentials(sess, "myRoleArn", func(p *stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider) {
p.SerialNumber = aws.String("myTokenSerialNumber")
p.TokenProvider = stscreds.StdinTokenProvider
// Create service client value configured for credentials
// from assumed role.
svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{Credentials: creds})
package stscreds
import (
@ -9,11 +83,31 @@ import (
// StdinTokenProvider will prompt on stdout and read from stdin for a string value.
// An error is returned if reading from stdin fails.
// Use this function go read MFA tokens from stdin. The function makes no attempt
// to make atomic prompts from stdin across multiple gorouties.
// Using StdinTokenProvider with multiple AssumeRoleProviders, or Credentials will
// have undesirable results as the StdinTokenProvider will not be synchronized. A
// single Credentials with an AssumeRoleProvider can be shared safely
// Will wait forever until something is provided on the stdin.
func StdinTokenProvider() (string, error) {
var v string
fmt.Printf("Assume Role MFA token code: ")
_, err := fmt.Scanln(&v)
return v, err
// ProviderName provides a name of AssumeRole provider
const ProviderName = "AssumeRoleProvider"
@ -27,8 +121,15 @@ type AssumeRoler interface {
var DefaultDuration = time.Duration(15) * time.Minute
// AssumeRoleProvider retrieves temporary credentials from the STS service, and
// keeps track of their expiration time. This provider must be used explicitly,
// as it is not included in the credentials chain.
// keeps track of their expiration time.
// This credential provider will be used by the SDKs default credential change
// when shared configuration is enabled, and the shared config or shared credentials
// file configure assume role. See Session docs for how to do this.
// AssumeRoleProvider does not provide any synchronization and it is not safe
// to share this value across multiple Credentials, Sessions, or service clients
// without also sharing the same Credentials instance.
type AssumeRoleProvider struct {
@ -65,8 +166,23 @@ type AssumeRoleProvider struct {
// assumed requires MFA (that is, if the policy includes a condition that tests
// for MFA). If the role being assumed requires MFA and if the TokenCode value
// is missing or expired, the AssumeRole call returns an "access denied" error.
// If SerialNumber is set and neither TokenCode nor TokenProvider are also
// set an error will be returned.
TokenCode *string
// Async method of providing MFA token code for assuming an IAM role with MFA.
// The value returned by the function will be used as the TokenCode in the Retrieve
// call. See StdinTokenProvider for a provider that prompts and reads from stdin.
// This token provider will be called when ever the assumed role's
// credentials need to be refreshed when SerialNumber is also set and
// TokenCode is not set.
// If both TokenCode and TokenProvider is set, TokenProvider will be used and
// TokenCode is ignored.
TokenProvider func() (string, error)
// ExpiryWindow will allow the credentials to trigger refreshing prior to
// the credentials actually expiring. This is beneficial so race conditions
// with expiring credentials do not cause request to fail unexpectedly
@ -85,6 +201,10 @@ type AssumeRoleProvider struct {
// Takes a Config provider to create the STS client. The ConfigProvider is
// satisfied by the session.Session type.
// It is safe to share the returned Credentials with multiple Sessions and
// service clients. All access to the credentials and refreshing them
// will be synchronized.
func NewCredentials(c client.ConfigProvider, roleARN string, options ...func(*AssumeRoleProvider)) *credentials.Credentials {
p := &AssumeRoleProvider{
Client: sts.New(c),
@ -103,7 +223,11 @@ func NewCredentials(c client.ConfigProvider, roleARN string, options ...func(*As
// AssumeRoleProvider. The credentials will expire every 15 minutes and the
// role will be named after a nanosecond timestamp of this operation.
// Takes an AssumeRoler which can be satisfiede by the STS client.
// Takes an AssumeRoler which can be satisfied by the STS client.
// It is safe to share the returned Credentials with multiple Sessions and
// service clients. All access to the credentials and refreshing them
// will be synchronized.
func NewCredentialsWithClient(svc AssumeRoler, roleARN string, options ...func(*AssumeRoleProvider)) *credentials.Credentials {
p := &AssumeRoleProvider{
Client: svc,
@ -139,12 +263,25 @@ func (p *AssumeRoleProvider) Retrieve() (credentials.Value, error) {
if p.Policy != nil {
input.Policy = p.Policy
if p.SerialNumber != nil && p.TokenCode != nil {
input.SerialNumber = p.SerialNumber
input.TokenCode = p.TokenCode
if p.SerialNumber != nil {
if p.TokenCode != nil {
input.SerialNumber = p.SerialNumber
input.TokenCode = p.TokenCode
} else if p.TokenProvider != nil {
input.SerialNumber = p.SerialNumber
code, err := p.TokenProvider()
if err != nil {
return credentials.Value{ProviderName: ProviderName}, err
input.TokenCode = aws.String(code)
} else {
return credentials.Value{ProviderName: ProviderName},
"assume role with MFA enabled, but neither TokenCode nor TokenProvider are set", nil)
roleOutput, err := p.Client.AssumeRole(input)
roleOutput, err := p.Client.AssumeRole(input)
if err != nil {
return credentials.Value{ProviderName: ProviderName}, err
@ -9,18 +9,21 @@ package defaults
import (
// A Defaults provides a collection of default values for SDK clients.
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ func Config() *aws.Config {
// Handlers returns the default request handlers.
@ -96,23 +99,80 @@ func CredChain(cfg *aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers) *credentials.Credenti
// RemoteCredProvider returns a credenitials provider for the default remote
const (
// RemoteCredProvider returns a credentials provider for the default remote
// endpoints such as EC2 or ECS Roles.
func RemoteCredProvider(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers) credentials.Provider {
if u := os.Getenv(httpProviderEnvVar); len(u) > 0 {
return localHTTPCredProvider(cfg, handlers, u)
if len(ecsCredURI) > 0 {
return ecsCredProvider(cfg, handlers, ecsCredURI)
if uri := os.Getenv(ecsCredsProviderEnvVar); len(uri) > 0 {
u := fmt.Sprintf("", uri)
return httpCredProvider(cfg, handlers, u)
return ec2RoleProvider(cfg, handlers)
func ecsCredProvider(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, uri string) credentials.Provider {
const host = ``
var lookupHostFn = net.LookupHost
return endpointcreds.NewProviderClient(cfg, handlers,
fmt.Sprintf("http://%s%s", host, uri),
func isLoopbackHost(host string) (bool, error) {
ip := net.ParseIP(host)
if ip != nil {
return ip.IsLoopback(), nil
// Host is not an ip, perform lookup
addrs, err := lookupHostFn(host)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, addr := range addrs {
if !net.ParseIP(addr).IsLoopback() {
return false, nil
return true, nil
func localHTTPCredProvider(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, u string) credentials.Provider {
var errMsg string
parsed, err := url.Parse(u)
if err != nil {
errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("invalid URL, %v", err)
} else {
host := aws.URLHostname(parsed)
if len(host) == 0 {
errMsg = "unable to parse host from local HTTP cred provider URL"
} else if isLoopback, loopbackErr := isLoopbackHost(host); loopbackErr != nil {
errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("failed to resolve host %q, %v", host, loopbackErr)
} else if !isLoopback {
errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("invalid endpoint host, %q, only loopback hosts are allowed.", host)
if len(errMsg) > 0 {
if cfg.Logger != nil {
cfg.Logger.Log("Ignoring, HTTP credential provider", errMsg, err)
return credentials.ErrorProvider{
Err: awserr.New("CredentialsEndpointError", errMsg, err),
ProviderName: endpointcreds.ProviderName,
return httpCredProvider(cfg, handlers, u)
func httpCredProvider(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, u string) credentials.Provider {
return endpointcreds.NewProviderClient(cfg, handlers, u,
func(p *endpointcreds.Provider) {
p.ExpiryWindow = 5 * time.Minute
@ -120,11 +180,14 @@ func ecsCredProvider(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, uri string) cred
func ec2RoleProvider(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers) credentials.Provider {
endpoint, signingRegion := endpoints.EndpointForRegion(ec2metadata.ServiceName,
aws.StringValue(cfg.Region), true, false)
resolver := cfg.EndpointResolver
if resolver == nil {
resolver = endpoints.DefaultResolver()
e, _ := resolver.EndpointFor(endpoints.Ec2metadataServiceID, "")
return &ec2rolecreds.EC2RoleProvider{
Client: ec2metadata.NewClient(cfg, handlers, endpoint, signingRegion),
Client: ec2metadata.NewClient(cfg, handlers, e.URL, e.SigningRegion),
ExpiryWindow: 5 * time.Minute,
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package defaults
import (
// SharedCredentialsFilename returns the SDK's default file path
// for the shared credentials file.
// Builds the shared config file path based on the OS's platform.
// - Linux/Unix: $HOME/.aws/credentials
// - Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.aws\credentials
func SharedCredentialsFilename() string {
return shareddefaults.SharedCredentialsFilename()
// SharedConfigFilename returns the SDK's default file path for
// the shared config file.
// Builds the shared config file path based on the OS's platform.
// - Linux/Unix: $HOME/.aws/config
// - Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.aws\config
func SharedConfigFilename() string {
return shareddefaults.SharedConfigFilename()
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
// Package aws provides the core SDK's utilities and shared types. Use this package's
// utilities to simplify setting and reading API operations parameters.
// Value and Pointer Conversion Utilities
// This package includes a helper conversion utility for each scalar type the SDK's
// API use. These utilities make getting a pointer of the scalar, and dereferencing
// a pointer easier.
// Each conversion utility comes in two forms. Value to Pointer and Pointer to Value.
// The Pointer to value will safely dereference the pointer and return its value.
// If the pointer was nil, the scalar's zero value will be returned.
// The value to pointer functions will be named after the scalar type. So get a
// *string from a string value use the "String" function. This makes it easy to
// to get pointer of a literal string value, because getting the address of a
// literal requires assigning the value to a variable first.
// var strPtr *string
// // Without the SDK's conversion functions
// str := "my string"
// strPtr = &str
// // With the SDK's conversion functions
// strPtr = aws.String("my string")
// // Convert *string to string value
// str = aws.StringValue(strPtr)
// In addition to scalars the aws package also includes conversion utilities for
// map and slice for commonly types used in API parameters. The map and slice
// conversion functions use similar naming pattern as the scalar conversion
// functions.
// var strPtrs []*string
// var strs []string = []string{"Go", "Gophers", "Go"}
// // Convert []string to []*string
// strPtrs = aws.StringSlice(strs)
// // Convert []*string to []string
// strs = aws.StringValueSlice(strPtrs)
// SDK Default HTTP Client
// The SDK will use the http.DefaultClient if a HTTP client is not provided to
// the SDK's Session, or service client constructor. This means that if the
// http.DefaultClient is modified by other components of your application the
// modifications will be picked up by the SDK as well.
// In some cases this might be intended, but it is a better practice to create
// a custom HTTP Client to share explicitly through your application. You can
// configure the SDK to use the custom HTTP Client by setting the HTTPClient
// value of the SDK's Config type when creating a Session or service client.
package aws
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ func (c *EC2Metadata) Available() bool {
return true
// An EC2IAMInfo provides the shape for unmarshalling
// An EC2IAMInfo provides the shape for unmarshaling
// an IAM info from the metadata API
type EC2IAMInfo struct {
Code string
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ type EC2IAMInfo struct {
InstanceProfileID string
// An EC2InstanceIdentityDocument provides the shape for unmarshalling
// An EC2InstanceIdentityDocument provides the shape for unmarshaling
// an instance identity document
type EC2InstanceIdentityDocument struct {
DevpayProductCodes []string `json:"devpayProductCodes"`
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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package endpoints
import (
type modelDefinition map[string]json.RawMessage
// A DecodeModelOptions are the options for how the endpoints model definition
// are decoded.
type DecodeModelOptions struct {
SkipCustomizations bool
// Set combines all of the option functions together.
func (d *DecodeModelOptions) Set(optFns ...func(*DecodeModelOptions)) {
for _, fn := range optFns {
// DecodeModel unmarshals a Regions and Endpoint model definition file into
// a endpoint Resolver. If the file format is not supported, or an error occurs
// when unmarshaling the model an error will be returned.
// Casting the return value of this func to a EnumPartitions will
// allow you to get a list of the partitions in the order the endpoints
// will be resolved in.
// resolver, err := endpoints.DecodeModel(reader)
// partitions := resolver.(endpoints.EnumPartitions).Partitions()
// for _, p := range partitions {
// // ... inspect partitions
// }
func DecodeModel(r io.Reader, optFns ...func(*DecodeModelOptions)) (Resolver, error) {
var opts DecodeModelOptions
// Get the version of the partition file to determine what
// unmarshaling model to use.
modelDef := modelDefinition{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&modelDef); err != nil {
return nil, newDecodeModelError("failed to decode endpoints model", err)
var version string
if b, ok := modelDef["version"]; ok {
version = string(b)
} else {
return nil, newDecodeModelError("endpoints version not found in model", nil)
if version == "3" {
return decodeV3Endpoints(modelDef, opts)
return nil, newDecodeModelError(
fmt.Sprintf("endpoints version %s, not supported", version), nil)
func decodeV3Endpoints(modelDef modelDefinition, opts DecodeModelOptions) (Resolver, error) {
b, ok := modelDef["partitions"]
if !ok {
return nil, newDecodeModelError("endpoints model missing partitions", nil)
ps := partitions{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &ps); err != nil {
return nil, newDecodeModelError("failed to decode endpoints model", err)
if opts.SkipCustomizations {
return ps, nil
// Customization
for i := 0; i < len(ps); i++ {
p := &ps[i]
return ps, nil
func custAddS3DualStack(p *partition) {
if p.ID != "aws" {
s, ok := p.Services["s3"]
if !ok {
s.Defaults.HasDualStack = boxedTrue
s.Defaults.DualStackHostname = "{service}.dualstack.{region}.{dnsSuffix}"
p.Services["s3"] = s
func custAddEC2Metadata(p *partition) {
p.Services["ec2metadata"] = service{
IsRegionalized: boxedFalse,
PartitionEndpoint: "aws-global",
Endpoints: endpoints{
"aws-global": endpoint{
Hostname: "",
Protocols: []string{"http"},
func custRmIotDataService(p *partition) {
delete(p.Services, "data.iot")
type decodeModelError struct {
func newDecodeModelError(msg string, err error) decodeModelError {
return decodeModelError{
awsError: awserr.New("DecodeEndpointsModelError", msg, err),
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
// Package endpoints provides the types and functionality for defining regions
// and endpoints, as well as querying those definitions.
// The SDK's Regions and Endpoints metadata is code generated into the endpoints
// package, and is accessible via the DefaultResolver function. This function
// returns a endpoint Resolver will search the metadata and build an associated
// endpoint if one is found. The default resolver will search all partitions
// known by the SDK. e.g AWS Standard (aws), AWS China (aws-cn), and
// AWS GovCloud (US) (aws-us-gov).
// .
// Enumerating Regions and Endpoint Metadata
// Casting the Resolver returned by DefaultResolver to a EnumPartitions interface
// will allow you to get access to the list of underlying Partitions with the
// Partitions method. This is helpful if you want to limit the SDK's endpoint
// resolving to a single partition, or enumerate regions, services, and endpoints
// in the partition.
// resolver := endpoints.DefaultResolver()
// partitions := resolver.(endpoints.EnumPartitions).Partitions()
// for _, p := range partitions {
// fmt.Println("Regions for", p.ID())
// for id, _ := range p.Regions() {
// fmt.Println("*", id)
// }
// fmt.Println("Services for", p.ID())
// for id, _ := range p.Services() {
// fmt.Println("*", id)
// }
// }
// Using Custom Endpoints
// The endpoints package also gives you the ability to use your own logic how
// endpoints are resolved. This is a great way to define a custom endpoint
// for select services, without passing that logic down through your code.
// If a type implements the Resolver interface it can be used to resolve
// endpoints. To use this with the SDK's Session and Config set the value
// of the type to the EndpointsResolver field of aws.Config when initializing
// the session, or service client.
// In addition the ResolverFunc is a wrapper for a func matching the signature
// of Resolver.EndpointFor, converting it to a type that satisfies the
// Resolver interface.
// myCustomResolver := func(service, region string, optFns ...func(*endpoints.Options)) (endpoints.ResolvedEndpoint, error) {
// if service == endpoints.S3ServiceID {
// return endpoints.ResolvedEndpoint{
// URL: "s3.custom.endpoint.com",
// SigningRegion: "custom-signing-region",
// }, nil
// }
// return endpoints.DefaultResolver().EndpointFor(service, region, optFns...)
// }
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// Region: aws.String("us-west-2"),
// EndpointResolver: endpoints.ResolverFunc(myCustomResolver),
// }))
package endpoints
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@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
package endpoints
import (
// Options provide the configuration needed to direct how the
// endpoints will be resolved.
type Options struct {
// DisableSSL forces the endpoint to be resolved as HTTP.
// instead of HTTPS if the service supports it.
DisableSSL bool
// Sets the resolver to resolve the endpoint as a dualstack endpoint
// for the service. If dualstack support for a service is not known and
// StrictMatching is not enabled a dualstack endpoint for the service will
// be returned. This endpoint may not be valid. If StrictMatching is
// enabled only services that are known to support dualstack will return
// dualstack endpoints.
UseDualStack bool
// Enables strict matching of services and regions resolved endpoints.
// If the partition doesn't enumerate the exact service and region an
// error will be returned. This option will prevent returning endpoints
// that look valid, but may not resolve to any real endpoint.
StrictMatching bool
// Enables resolving a service endpoint based on the region provided if the
// service does not exist. The service endpoint ID will be used as the service
// domain name prefix. By default the endpoint resolver requires the service
// to be known when resolving endpoints.
// If resolving an endpoint on the partition list the provided region will
// be used to determine which partition's domain name pattern to the service
// endpoint ID with. If both the service and region are unkonwn and resolving
// the endpoint on partition list an UnknownEndpointError error will be returned.
// If resolving and endpoint on a partition specific resolver that partition's
// domain name pattern will be used with the service endpoint ID. If both
// region and service do not exist when resolving an endpoint on a specific
// partition the partition's domain pattern will be used to combine the
// endpoint and region together.
// This option is ignored if StrictMatching is enabled.
ResolveUnknownService bool
// Set combines all of the option functions together.
func (o *Options) Set(optFns ...func(*Options)) {
for _, fn := range optFns {
// DisableSSLOption sets the DisableSSL options. Can be used as a functional
// option when resolving endpoints.
func DisableSSLOption(o *Options) {
o.DisableSSL = true
// UseDualStackOption sets the UseDualStack option. Can be used as a functional
// option when resolving endpoints.
func UseDualStackOption(o *Options) {
o.UseDualStack = true
// StrictMatchingOption sets the StrictMatching option. Can be used as a functional
// option when resolving endpoints.
func StrictMatchingOption(o *Options) {
o.StrictMatching = true
// ResolveUnknownServiceOption sets the ResolveUnknownService option. Can be used
// as a functional option when resolving endpoints.
func ResolveUnknownServiceOption(o *Options) {
o.ResolveUnknownService = true
// A Resolver provides the interface for functionality to resolve endpoints.
// The build in Partition and DefaultResolver return value satisfy this interface.
type Resolver interface {
EndpointFor(service, region string, opts ...func(*Options)) (ResolvedEndpoint, error)
// ResolverFunc is a helper utility that wraps a function so it satisfies the
// Resolver interface. This is useful when you want to add additional endpoint
// resolving logic, or stub out specific endpoints with custom values.
type ResolverFunc func(service, region string, opts ...func(*Options)) (ResolvedEndpoint, error)
// EndpointFor wraps the ResolverFunc function to satisfy the Resolver interface.
func (fn ResolverFunc) EndpointFor(service, region string, opts ...func(*Options)) (ResolvedEndpoint, error) {
return fn(service, region, opts...)
var schemeRE = regexp.MustCompile("^([^:]+)://")
// AddScheme adds the HTTP or HTTPS schemes to a endpoint URL if there is no
// scheme. If disableSSL is true HTTP will set HTTP instead of the default HTTPS.
// If disableSSL is set, it will only set the URL's scheme if the URL does not
// contain a scheme.
func AddScheme(endpoint string, disableSSL bool) string {
if !schemeRE.MatchString(endpoint) {
scheme := "https"
if disableSSL {
scheme = "http"
endpoint = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", scheme, endpoint)
return endpoint
// EnumPartitions a provides a way to retrieve the underlying partitions that
// make up the SDK's default Resolver, or any resolver decoded from a model
// file.
// Use this interface with DefaultResolver and DecodeModels to get the list of
// Partitions.
type EnumPartitions interface {
Partitions() []Partition
// RegionsForService returns a map of regions for the partition and service.
// If either the partition or service does not exist false will be returned
// as the second parameter.
// This example shows how to get the regions for DynamoDB in the AWS partition.
// rs, exists := endpoints.RegionsForService(endpoints.DefaultPartitions(), endpoints.AwsPartitionID, endpoints.DynamodbServiceID)
// This is equivalent to using the partition directly.
// rs := endpoints.AwsPartition().Services()[endpoints.DynamodbServiceID].Regions()
func RegionsForService(ps []Partition, partitionID, serviceID string) (map[string]Region, bool) {
for _, p := range ps {
if p.ID() != partitionID {
if _, ok := p.p.Services[serviceID]; !ok {
s := Service{
id: serviceID,
p: p.p,
return s.Regions(), true
return map[string]Region{}, false
// PartitionForRegion returns the first partition which includes the region
// passed in. This includes both known regions and regions which match
// a pattern supported by the partition which may include regions that are
// not explicitly known by the partition. Use the Regions method of the
// returned Partition if explicit support is needed.
func PartitionForRegion(ps []Partition, regionID string) (Partition, bool) {
for _, p := range ps {
if _, ok := p.p.Regions[regionID]; ok || p.p.RegionRegex.MatchString(regionID) {
return p, true
return Partition{}, false
// A Partition provides the ability to enumerate the partition's regions
// and services.
type Partition struct {
id string
p *partition
// ID returns the identifier of the partition.
func (p Partition) ID() string { return p.id }
// EndpointFor attempts to resolve the endpoint based on service and region.
// See Options for information on configuring how the endpoint is resolved.
// If the service cannot be found in the metadata the UnknownServiceError
// error will be returned. This validation will occur regardless if
// StrictMatching is enabled. To enable resolving unknown services set the
// "ResolveUnknownService" option to true. When StrictMatching is disabled
// this option allows the partition resolver to resolve a endpoint based on
// the service endpoint ID provided.
// When resolving endpoints you can choose to enable StrictMatching. This will
// require the provided service and region to be known by the partition.
// If the endpoint cannot be strictly resolved an error will be returned. This
// mode is useful to ensure the endpoint resolved is valid. Without
// StrictMatching enabled the endpoint returned my look valid but may not work.
// StrictMatching requires the SDK to be updated if you want to take advantage
// of new regions and services expansions.
// Errors that can be returned.
// * UnknownServiceError
// * UnknownEndpointError
func (p Partition) EndpointFor(service, region string, opts ...func(*Options)) (ResolvedEndpoint, error) {
return p.p.EndpointFor(service, region, opts...)
// Regions returns a map of Regions indexed by their ID. This is useful for
// enumerating over the regions in a partition.
func (p Partition) Regions() map[string]Region {
rs := map[string]Region{}
for id := range p.p.Regions {
rs[id] = Region{
id: id,
p: p.p,
return rs
// Services returns a map of Service indexed by their ID. This is useful for
// enumerating over the services in a partition.
func (p Partition) Services() map[string]Service {
ss := map[string]Service{}
for id := range p.p.Services {
ss[id] = Service{
id: id,
p: p.p,
return ss
// A Region provides information about a region, and ability to resolve an
// endpoint from the context of a region, given a service.
type Region struct {
id, desc string
p *partition
// ID returns the region's identifier.
func (r Region) ID() string { return r.id }
// ResolveEndpoint resolves an endpoint from the context of the region given
// a service. See Partition.EndpointFor for usage and errors that can be returned.
func (r Region) ResolveEndpoint(service string, opts ...func(*Options)) (ResolvedEndpoint, error) {
return r.p.EndpointFor(service, r.id, opts...)
// Services returns a list of all services that are known to be in this region.
func (r Region) Services() map[string]Service {
ss := map[string]Service{}
for id, s := range r.p.Services {
if _, ok := s.Endpoints[r.id]; ok {
ss[id] = Service{
id: id,
p: r.p,
return ss
// A Service provides information about a service, and ability to resolve an
// endpoint from the context of a service, given a region.
type Service struct {
id string
p *partition
// ID returns the identifier for the service.
func (s Service) ID() string { return s.id }
// ResolveEndpoint resolves an endpoint from the context of a service given
// a region. See Partition.EndpointFor for usage and errors that can be returned.
func (s Service) ResolveEndpoint(region string, opts ...func(*Options)) (ResolvedEndpoint, error) {
return s.p.EndpointFor(s.id, region, opts...)
// Regions returns a map of Regions that the service is present in.
// A region is the AWS region the service exists in. Whereas a Endpoint is
// an URL that can be resolved to a instance of a service.
func (s Service) Regions() map[string]Region {
rs := map[string]Region{}
for id := range s.p.Services[s.id].Endpoints {
if _, ok := s.p.Regions[id]; ok {
rs[id] = Region{
id: id,
p: s.p,
return rs
// Endpoints returns a map of Endpoints indexed by their ID for all known
// endpoints for a service.
// A region is the AWS region the service exists in. Whereas a Endpoint is
// an URL that can be resolved to a instance of a service.
func (s Service) Endpoints() map[string]Endpoint {
es := map[string]Endpoint{}
for id := range s.p.Services[s.id].Endpoints {
es[id] = Endpoint{
id: id,
serviceID: s.id,
p: s.p,
return es
// A Endpoint provides information about endpoints, and provides the ability
// to resolve that endpoint for the service, and the region the endpoint
// represents.
type Endpoint struct {
id string
serviceID string
p *partition
// ID returns the identifier for an endpoint.
func (e Endpoint) ID() string { return e.id }
// ServiceID returns the identifier the endpoint belongs to.
func (e Endpoint) ServiceID() string { return e.serviceID }
// ResolveEndpoint resolves an endpoint from the context of a service and
// region the endpoint represents. See Partition.EndpointFor for usage and
// errors that can be returned.
func (e Endpoint) ResolveEndpoint(opts ...func(*Options)) (ResolvedEndpoint, error) {
return e.p.EndpointFor(e.serviceID, e.id, opts...)
// A ResolvedEndpoint is an endpoint that has been resolved based on a partition
// service, and region.
type ResolvedEndpoint struct {
// The endpoint URL
URL string
// The region that should be used for signing requests.
SigningRegion string
// The service name that should be used for signing requests.
SigningName string
// The signing method that should be used for signing requests.
SigningMethod string
// So that the Error interface type can be included as an anonymous field
// in the requestError struct and not conflict with the error.Error() method.
type awsError awserr.Error
// A EndpointNotFoundError is returned when in StrictMatching mode, and the
// endpoint for the service and region cannot be found in any of the partitions.
type EndpointNotFoundError struct {
Partition string
Service string
Region string
// A UnknownServiceError is returned when the service does not resolve to an
// endpoint. Includes a list of all known services for the partition. Returned
// when a partition does not support the service.
type UnknownServiceError struct {
Partition string
Service string
Known []string
// NewUnknownServiceError builds and returns UnknownServiceError.
func NewUnknownServiceError(p, s string, known []string) UnknownServiceError {
return UnknownServiceError{
awsError: awserr.New("UnknownServiceError",
"could not resolve endpoint for unknown service", nil),
Partition: p,
Service: s,
Known: known,
// String returns the string representation of the error.
func (e UnknownServiceError) Error() string {
extra := fmt.Sprintf("partition: %q, service: %q",
e.Partition, e.Service)
if len(e.Known) > 0 {
extra += fmt.Sprintf(", known: %v", e.Known)
return awserr.SprintError(e.Code(), e.Message(), extra, e.OrigErr())
// String returns the string representation of the error.
func (e UnknownServiceError) String() string {
return e.Error()
// A UnknownEndpointError is returned when in StrictMatching mode and the
// service is valid, but the region does not resolve to an endpoint. Includes
// a list of all known endpoints for the service.
type UnknownEndpointError struct {
Partition string
Service string
Region string
Known []string
// NewUnknownEndpointError builds and returns UnknownEndpointError.
func NewUnknownEndpointError(p, s, r string, known []string) UnknownEndpointError {
return UnknownEndpointError{
awsError: awserr.New("UnknownEndpointError",
"could not resolve endpoint", nil),
Partition: p,
Service: s,
Region: r,
Known: known,
// String returns the string representation of the error.
func (e UnknownEndpointError) Error() string {
extra := fmt.Sprintf("partition: %q, service: %q, region: %q",
e.Partition, e.Service, e.Region)
if len(e.Known) > 0 {
extra += fmt.Sprintf(", known: %v", e.Known)
return awserr.SprintError(e.Code(), e.Message(), extra, e.OrigErr())
// String returns the string representation of the error.
func (e UnknownEndpointError) String() string {
return e.Error()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
package endpoints
import (
type partitions []partition
func (ps partitions) EndpointFor(service, region string, opts ...func(*Options)) (ResolvedEndpoint, error) {
var opt Options
for i := 0; i < len(ps); i++ {
if !ps[i].canResolveEndpoint(service, region, opt.StrictMatching) {
return ps[i].EndpointFor(service, region, opts...)
// If loose matching fallback to first partition format to use
// when resolving the endpoint.
if !opt.StrictMatching && len(ps) > 0 {
return ps[0].EndpointFor(service, region, opts...)
return ResolvedEndpoint{}, NewUnknownEndpointError("all partitions", service, region, []string{})
// Partitions satisfies the EnumPartitions interface and returns a list
// of Partitions representing each partition represented in the SDK's
// endpoints model.
func (ps partitions) Partitions() []Partition {
parts := make([]Partition, 0, len(ps))
for i := 0; i < len(ps); i++ {
parts = append(parts, ps[i].Partition())
return parts
type partition struct {
ID string `json:"partition"`
Name string `json:"partitionName"`
DNSSuffix string `json:"dnsSuffix"`
RegionRegex regionRegex `json:"regionRegex"`
Defaults endpoint `json:"defaults"`
Regions regions `json:"regions"`
Services services `json:"services"`
func (p partition) Partition() Partition {
return Partition{
id: p.ID,
p: &p,
func (p partition) canResolveEndpoint(service, region string, strictMatch bool) bool {
s, hasService := p.Services[service]
_, hasEndpoint := s.Endpoints[region]
if hasEndpoint && hasService {
return true
if strictMatch {
return false
return p.RegionRegex.MatchString(region)
func (p partition) EndpointFor(service, region string, opts ...func(*Options)) (resolved ResolvedEndpoint, err error) {
var opt Options
s, hasService := p.Services[service]
if !(hasService || opt.ResolveUnknownService) {
// Only return error if the resolver will not fallback to creating
// endpoint based on service endpoint ID passed in.
return resolved, NewUnknownServiceError(p.ID, service, serviceList(p.Services))
e, hasEndpoint := s.endpointForRegion(region)
if !hasEndpoint && opt.StrictMatching {
return resolved, NewUnknownEndpointError(p.ID, service, region, endpointList(s.Endpoints))
defs := []endpoint{p.Defaults, s.Defaults}
return e.resolve(service, region, p.DNSSuffix, defs, opt), nil
func serviceList(ss services) []string {
list := make([]string, 0, len(ss))
for k := range ss {
list = append(list, k)
return list
func endpointList(es endpoints) []string {
list := make([]string, 0, len(es))
for k := range es {
list = append(list, k)
return list
type regionRegex struct {
func (rr *regionRegex) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
// Strip leading and trailing quotes
regex, err := strconv.Unquote(string(b))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to strip quotes from regex, %v", err)
rr.Regexp, err = regexp.Compile(regex)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal region regex, %v", err)
return nil
type regions map[string]region
type region struct {
Description string `json:"description"`
type services map[string]service
type service struct {
PartitionEndpoint string `json:"partitionEndpoint"`
IsRegionalized boxedBool `json:"isRegionalized,omitempty"`
Defaults endpoint `json:"defaults"`
Endpoints endpoints `json:"endpoints"`
func (s *service) endpointForRegion(region string) (endpoint, bool) {
if s.IsRegionalized == boxedFalse {
return s.Endpoints[s.PartitionEndpoint], region == s.PartitionEndpoint
if e, ok := s.Endpoints[region]; ok {
return e, true
// Unable to find any matching endpoint, return
// blank that will be used for generic endpoint creation.
return endpoint{}, false
type endpoints map[string]endpoint
type endpoint struct {
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
Protocols []string `json:"protocols"`
CredentialScope credentialScope `json:"credentialScope"`
// Custom fields not modeled
HasDualStack boxedBool `json:"-"`
DualStackHostname string `json:"-"`
// Signature Version not used
SignatureVersions []string `json:"signatureVersions"`
// SSLCommonName not used.
SSLCommonName string `json:"sslCommonName"`
const (
defaultProtocol = "https"
defaultSigner = "v4"
var (
protocolPriority = []string{"https", "http"}
signerPriority = []string{"v4", "v2"}
func getByPriority(s []string, p []string, def string) string {
if len(s) == 0 {
return def
for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(s); j++ {
if s[j] == p[i] {
return s[j]
return s[0]
func (e endpoint) resolve(service, region, dnsSuffix string, defs []endpoint, opts Options) ResolvedEndpoint {
var merged endpoint
for _, def := range defs {
e = merged
hostname := e.Hostname
// Offset the hostname for dualstack if enabled
if opts.UseDualStack && e.HasDualStack == boxedTrue {
hostname = e.DualStackHostname
u := strings.Replace(hostname, "{service}", service, 1)
u = strings.Replace(u, "{region}", region, 1)
u = strings.Replace(u, "{dnsSuffix}", dnsSuffix, 1)
scheme := getEndpointScheme(e.Protocols, opts.DisableSSL)
u = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", scheme, u)
signingRegion := e.CredentialScope.Region
if len(signingRegion) == 0 {
signingRegion = region
signingName := e.CredentialScope.Service
if len(signingName) == 0 {
signingName = service
return ResolvedEndpoint{
URL: u,
SigningRegion: signingRegion,
SigningName: signingName,
SigningMethod: getByPriority(e.SignatureVersions, signerPriority, defaultSigner),
func getEndpointScheme(protocols []string, disableSSL bool) string {
if disableSSL {
return "http"
return getByPriority(protocols, protocolPriority, defaultProtocol)
func (e *endpoint) mergeIn(other endpoint) {
if len(other.Hostname) > 0 {
e.Hostname = other.Hostname
if len(other.Protocols) > 0 {
e.Protocols = other.Protocols
if len(other.SignatureVersions) > 0 {
e.SignatureVersions = other.SignatureVersions
if len(other.CredentialScope.Region) > 0 {
e.CredentialScope.Region = other.CredentialScope.Region
if len(other.CredentialScope.Service) > 0 {
e.CredentialScope.Service = other.CredentialScope.Service
if len(other.SSLCommonName) > 0 {
e.SSLCommonName = other.SSLCommonName
if other.HasDualStack != boxedBoolUnset {
e.HasDualStack = other.HasDualStack
if len(other.DualStackHostname) > 0 {
e.DualStackHostname = other.DualStackHostname
type credentialScope struct {
Region string `json:"region"`
Service string `json:"service"`
type boxedBool int
func (b *boxedBool) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error {
v, err := strconv.ParseBool(string(buf))
if err != nil {
return err
if v {
*b = boxedTrue
} else {
*b = boxedFalse
return nil
const (
boxedBoolUnset boxedBool = iota
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
// +build codegen
package endpoints
import (
// A CodeGenOptions are the options for code generating the endpoints into
// Go code from the endpoints model definition.
type CodeGenOptions struct {
// Options for how the model will be decoded.
DecodeModelOptions DecodeModelOptions
// Set combines all of the option functions together
func (d *CodeGenOptions) Set(optFns ...func(*CodeGenOptions)) {
for _, fn := range optFns {
// CodeGenModel given a endpoints model file will decode it and attempt to
// generate Go code from the model definition. Error will be returned if
// the code is unable to be generated, or decoded.
func CodeGenModel(modelFile io.Reader, outFile io.Writer, optFns ...func(*CodeGenOptions)) error {
var opts CodeGenOptions
resolver, err := DecodeModel(modelFile, func(d *DecodeModelOptions) {
*d = opts.DecodeModelOptions
if err != nil {
return err
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("tmpl").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(v3Tmpl))
if err := tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(outFile, "defaults", resolver); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute template, %v", err)
return nil
func toSymbol(v string) string {
out := []rune{}
for _, c := range strings.Title(v) {
if !(unicode.IsNumber(c) || unicode.IsLetter(c)) {
out = append(out, c)
return string(out)
func quoteString(v string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", v)
func regionConstName(p, r string) string {
return toSymbol(p) + toSymbol(r)
func partitionGetter(id string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%sPartition", toSymbol(id))
func partitionVarName(id string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%sPartition", strings.ToLower(toSymbol(id)))
func listPartitionNames(ps partitions) string {
names := []string{}
switch len(ps) {
case 1:
return ps[0].Name
case 2:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s and %s", ps[0].Name, ps[1].Name)
for i, p := range ps {
if i == len(ps)-1 {
names = append(names, "and "+p.Name)
} else {
names = append(names, p.Name)
return strings.Join(names, ", ")
func boxedBoolIfSet(msg string, v boxedBool) string {
switch v {
case boxedTrue:
return fmt.Sprintf(msg, "boxedTrue")
case boxedFalse:
return fmt.Sprintf(msg, "boxedFalse")
return ""
func stringIfSet(msg, v string) string {
if len(v) == 0 {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf(msg, v)
func stringSliceIfSet(msg string, vs []string) string {
if len(vs) == 0 {
return ""
names := []string{}
for _, v := range vs {
names = append(names, `"`+v+`"`)
return fmt.Sprintf(msg, strings.Join(names, ","))
func endpointIsSet(v endpoint) bool {
return !reflect.DeepEqual(v, endpoint{})
func serviceSet(ps partitions) map[string]struct{} {
set := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, p := range ps {
for id := range p.Services {
set[id] = struct{}{}
return set
var funcMap = template.FuncMap{
"ToSymbol": toSymbol,
"QuoteString": quoteString,
"RegionConst": regionConstName,
"PartitionGetter": partitionGetter,
"PartitionVarName": partitionVarName,
"ListPartitionNames": listPartitionNames,
"BoxedBoolIfSet": boxedBoolIfSet,
"StringIfSet": stringIfSet,
"StringSliceIfSet": stringSliceIfSet,
"EndpointIsSet": endpointIsSet,
"ServicesSet": serviceSet,
const v3Tmpl = `
{{ define "defaults" -}}
// Code generated by aws/endpoints/v3model_codegen.go. DO NOT EDIT.
package endpoints
import (
{{ template "partition consts" . }}
{{ range $_, $partition := . }}
{{ template "partition region consts" $partition }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "service consts" . }}
{{ template "endpoint resolvers" . }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "partition consts" }}
// Partition identifiers
const (
{{ range $_, $p := . -}}
{{ ToSymbol $p.ID }}PartitionID = {{ QuoteString $p.ID }} // {{ $p.Name }} partition.
{{ end -}}
{{- end }}
{{ define "partition region consts" }}
// {{ .Name }} partition's regions.
const (
{{ range $id, $region := .Regions -}}
{{ ToSymbol $id }}RegionID = {{ QuoteString $id }} // {{ $region.Description }}.
{{ end -}}
{{- end }}
{{ define "service consts" }}
// Service identifiers
const (
{{ $serviceSet := ServicesSet . -}}
{{ range $id, $_ := $serviceSet -}}
{{ ToSymbol $id }}ServiceID = {{ QuoteString $id }} // {{ ToSymbol $id }}.
{{ end -}}
{{- end }}
{{ define "endpoint resolvers" }}
// DefaultResolver returns an Endpoint resolver that will be able
// to resolve endpoints for: {{ ListPartitionNames . }}.
// Use DefaultPartitions() to get the list of the default partitions.
func DefaultResolver() Resolver {
return defaultPartitions
// DefaultPartitions returns a list of the partitions the SDK is bundled
// with. The available partitions are: {{ ListPartitionNames . }}.
// partitions := endpoints.DefaultPartitions
// for _, p := range partitions {
// // ... inspect partitions
// }
func DefaultPartitions() []Partition {
return defaultPartitions.Partitions()
var defaultPartitions = partitions{
{{ range $_, $partition := . -}}
{{ PartitionVarName $partition.ID }},
{{ end }}
{{ range $_, $partition := . -}}
{{ $name := PartitionGetter $partition.ID -}}
// {{ $name }} returns the Resolver for {{ $partition.Name }}.
func {{ $name }}() Partition {
return {{ PartitionVarName $partition.ID }}.Partition()
var {{ PartitionVarName $partition.ID }} = {{ template "gocode Partition" $partition }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "default partitions" }}
func DefaultPartitions() []Partition {
return []partition{
{{ range $_, $partition := . -}}
// {{ ToSymbol $partition.ID}}Partition(),
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "gocode Partition" -}}
{{ StringIfSet "ID: %q,\n" .ID -}}
{{ StringIfSet "Name: %q,\n" .Name -}}
{{ StringIfSet "DNSSuffix: %q,\n" .DNSSuffix -}}
RegionRegex: {{ template "gocode RegionRegex" .RegionRegex }},
{{ if EndpointIsSet .Defaults -}}
Defaults: {{ template "gocode Endpoint" .Defaults }},
{{- end }}
Regions: {{ template "gocode Regions" .Regions }},
Services: {{ template "gocode Services" .Services }},
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode RegionRegex" -}}
Regexp: func() *regexp.Regexp{
reg, _ := regexp.Compile({{ QuoteString .Regexp.String }})
return reg
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Regions" -}}
{{ range $id, $region := . -}}
"{{ $id }}": {{ template "gocode Region" $region }},
{{ end -}}
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Region" -}}
{{ StringIfSet "Description: %q,\n" .Description -}}
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Services" -}}
{{ range $id, $service := . -}}
"{{ $id }}": {{ template "gocode Service" $service }},
{{ end }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Service" -}}
{{ StringIfSet "PartitionEndpoint: %q,\n" .PartitionEndpoint -}}
{{ BoxedBoolIfSet "IsRegionalized: %s,\n" .IsRegionalized -}}
{{ if EndpointIsSet .Defaults -}}
Defaults: {{ template "gocode Endpoint" .Defaults -}},
{{- end }}
{{ if .Endpoints -}}
Endpoints: {{ template "gocode Endpoints" .Endpoints }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Endpoints" -}}
{{ range $id, $endpoint := . -}}
"{{ $id }}": {{ template "gocode Endpoint" $endpoint }},
{{ end }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Endpoint" -}}
{{ StringIfSet "Hostname: %q,\n" .Hostname -}}
{{ StringIfSet "SSLCommonName: %q,\n" .SSLCommonName -}}
{{ StringSliceIfSet "Protocols: []string{%s},\n" .Protocols -}}
{{ StringSliceIfSet "SignatureVersions: []string{%s},\n" .SignatureVersions -}}
{{ if or .CredentialScope.Region .CredentialScope.Service -}}
CredentialScope: credentialScope{
{{ StringIfSet "Region: %q,\n" .CredentialScope.Region -}}
{{ StringIfSet "Service: %q,\n" .CredentialScope.Service -}}
{{- end }}
{{ BoxedBoolIfSet "HasDualStack: %s,\n" .HasDualStack -}}
{{ StringIfSet "DualStackHostname: %q,\n" .DualStackHostname -}}
{{- end }}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package aws
// JSONValue is a representation of a grab bag type that will be marshaled
// into a json string. This type can be used just like any other map.
// Example:
// values := aws.JSONValue{
// "Foo": "Bar",
// }
// values["Baz"] = "Qux"
type JSONValue map[string]interface{}
@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ func (l *LogLevelType) Value() LogLevelType {
// Matches returns true if the v LogLevel is enabled by this LogLevel. Should be
// used with logging sub levels. Is safe to use on nil value LogLevelTypes. If
// LogLevel is nill, will default to LogOff comparison.
// LogLevel is nil, will default to LogOff comparison.
func (l *LogLevelType) Matches(v LogLevelType) bool {
c := l.Value()
return c&v == v
// AtLeast returns true if this LogLevel is at least high enough to satisfies v.
// Is safe to use on nil value LogLevelTypes. If LogLevel is nill, will default
// Is safe to use on nil value LogLevelTypes. If LogLevel is nil, will default
// to LogOff comparison.
func (l *LogLevelType) AtLeast(v LogLevelType) bool {
c := l.Value()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// +build !appengine,!plan9
package request
import (
func isErrConnectionReset(err error) bool {
if opErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok {
if sysErr, ok := opErr.Err.(*os.SyscallError); ok {
return sysErr.Err == syscall.ECONNRESET
return false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// +build appengine plan9
package request
import (
func isErrConnectionReset(err error) bool {
return strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection reset")
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ type Handlers struct {
UnmarshalError HandlerList
Retry HandlerList
AfterRetry HandlerList
Complete HandlerList
// Copy returns of this handler's lists.
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ func (h *Handlers) Copy() Handlers {
UnmarshalMeta: h.UnmarshalMeta.copy(),
Retry: h.Retry.copy(),
AfterRetry: h.AfterRetry.copy(),
Complete: h.Complete.copy(),
@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ func (h *Handlers) Clear() {
// A HandlerListRunItem represents an entry in the HandlerList which
@ -85,13 +88,17 @@ func (l *HandlerList) copy() HandlerList {
n := HandlerList{
AfterEachFn: l.AfterEachFn,
n.list = append([]NamedHandler{}, l.list...)
if len(l.list) == 0 {
return n
n.list = append(make([]NamedHandler, 0, len(l.list)), l.list...)
return n
// Clear clears the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) Clear() {
l.list = []NamedHandler{}
l.list = l.list[0:0]
// Len returns the number of handlers in the list.
@ -101,33 +108,85 @@ func (l *HandlerList) Len() int {
// PushBack pushes handler f to the back of the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) PushBack(f func(*Request)) {
l.list = append(l.list, NamedHandler{"__anonymous", f})
// PushFront pushes handler f to the front of the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) PushFront(f func(*Request)) {
l.list = append([]NamedHandler{{"__anonymous", f}}, l.list...)
l.PushBackNamed(NamedHandler{"__anonymous", f})
// PushBackNamed pushes named handler f to the back of the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) PushBackNamed(n NamedHandler) {
if cap(l.list) == 0 {
l.list = make([]NamedHandler, 0, 5)
l.list = append(l.list, n)
// PushFront pushes handler f to the front of the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) PushFront(f func(*Request)) {
l.PushFrontNamed(NamedHandler{"__anonymous", f})
// PushFrontNamed pushes named handler f to the front of the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) PushFrontNamed(n NamedHandler) {
l.list = append([]NamedHandler{n}, l.list...)
if cap(l.list) == len(l.list) {
// Allocating new list required
l.list = append([]NamedHandler{n}, l.list...)
} else {
// Enough room to prepend into list.
l.list = append(l.list, NamedHandler{})
copy(l.list[1:], l.list)
l.list[0] = n
// Remove removes a NamedHandler n
func (l *HandlerList) Remove(n NamedHandler) {
newlist := []NamedHandler{}
for _, m := range l.list {
if m.Name != n.Name {
newlist = append(newlist, m)
// RemoveByName removes a NamedHandler by name.
func (l *HandlerList) RemoveByName(name string) {
for i := 0; i < len(l.list); i++ {
m := l.list[i]
if m.Name == name {
// Shift array preventing creating new arrays
copy(l.list[i:], l.list[i+1:])
l.list[len(l.list)-1] = NamedHandler{}
l.list = l.list[:len(l.list)-1]
// decrement list so next check to length is correct
l.list = newlist
// SwapNamed will swap out any existing handlers with the same name as the
// passed in NamedHandler returning true if handlers were swapped. False is
// returned otherwise.
func (l *HandlerList) SwapNamed(n NamedHandler) (swapped bool) {
for i := 0; i < len(l.list); i++ {
if l.list[i].Name == n.Name {
l.list[i].Fn = n.Fn
swapped = true
return swapped
// SetBackNamed will replace the named handler if it exists in the handler list.
// If the handler does not exist the handler will be added to the end of the list.
func (l *HandlerList) SetBackNamed(n NamedHandler) {
if !l.SwapNamed(n) {
// SetFrontNamed will replace the named handler if it exists in the handler list.
// If the handler does not exist the handler will be added to the beginning of
// the list.
func (l *HandlerList) SetFrontNamed(n NamedHandler) {
if !l.SwapNamed(n) {
// Run executes all handlers in the list with a given request object.
@ -163,6 +222,16 @@ func HandlerListStopOnError(item HandlerListRunItem) bool {
return item.Request.Error == nil
// WithAppendUserAgent will add a string to the user agent prefixed with a
// single white space.
func WithAppendUserAgent(s string) Option {
return func(r *Request) {
r.Handlers.Build.PushBack(func(r2 *Request) {
AddToUserAgent(r, s)
// MakeAddToUserAgentHandler will add the name/version pair to the User-Agent request
// header. If the extra parameters are provided they will be added as metadata to the
// name/version pair resulting in the following format.
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -15,6 +16,28 @@ import (
const (
// ErrCodeSerialization is the serialization error code that is received
// during protocol unmarshaling.
ErrCodeSerialization = "SerializationError"
// ErrCodeRead is an error that is returned during HTTP reads.
ErrCodeRead = "ReadError"
// ErrCodeResponseTimeout is the connection timeout error that is received
// during body reads.
ErrCodeResponseTimeout = "ResponseTimeout"
// ErrCodeInvalidPresignExpire is returned when the expire time provided to
// presign is invalid
ErrCodeInvalidPresignExpire = "InvalidPresignExpireError"
// CanceledErrorCode is the error code that will be returned by an
// API request that was canceled. Requests given a aws.Context may
// return this error when canceled.
CanceledErrorCode = "RequestCanceled"
// A Request is the service request to be made.
type Request struct {
Config aws.Config
@ -22,30 +45,37 @@ type Request struct {
Handlers Handlers
Time time.Time
ExpireTime time.Duration
Operation *Operation
HTTPRequest *http.Request
HTTPResponse *http.Response
Body io.ReadSeeker
BodyStart int64 // offset from beginning of Body that the request body starts
Params interface{}
Error error
Data interface{}
RequestID string
RetryCount int
Retryable *bool
RetryDelay time.Duration
NotHoist bool
SignedHeaderVals http.Header
LastSignedAt time.Time
Time time.Time
Operation *Operation
HTTPRequest *http.Request
HTTPResponse *http.Response
Body io.ReadSeeker
BodyStart int64 // offset from beginning of Body that the request body starts
Params interface{}
Error error
Data interface{}
RequestID string
RetryCount int
Retryable *bool
RetryDelay time.Duration
NotHoist bool
SignedHeaderVals http.Header
LastSignedAt time.Time
DisableFollowRedirects bool
// A value greater than 0 instructs the request to be signed as Presigned URL
// You should not set this field directly. Instead use Request's
// Presign or PresignRequest methods.
ExpireTime time.Duration
context aws.Context
built bool
// Need to persist an intermideant body betweend the input Body and HTTP
// Need to persist an intermediate body between the input Body and HTTP
// request body because the HTTP Client's transport can maintain a reference
// to the HTTP request's body after the client has returned. This value is
// safe to use concurrently and rewraps the input Body for each HTTP request.
// safe to use concurrently and wrap the input Body for each HTTP request.
safeBody *offsetReader
@ -55,14 +85,8 @@ type Operation struct {
HTTPMethod string
HTTPPath string
// Paginator keeps track of pagination configuration for an API operation.
type Paginator struct {
InputTokens []string
OutputTokens []string
LimitToken string
TruncationToken string
BeforePresignFn func(r *Request) error
// New returns a new Request pointer for the service API
@ -88,6 +112,8 @@ func New(cfg aws.Config, clientInfo metadata.ClientInfo, handlers Handlers,
err = awserr.New("InvalidEndpointURL", "invalid endpoint uri", err)
r := &Request{
Config: cfg,
ClientInfo: clientInfo,
@ -108,6 +134,94 @@ func New(cfg aws.Config, clientInfo metadata.ClientInfo, handlers Handlers,
return r
// A Option is a functional option that can augment or modify a request when
// using a WithContext API operation method.
type Option func(*Request)
// WithGetResponseHeader builds a request Option which will retrieve a single
// header value from the HTTP Response. If there are multiple values for the
// header key use WithGetResponseHeaders instead to access the http.Header
// map directly. The passed in val pointer must be non-nil.
// This Option can be used multiple times with a single API operation.
// var id2, versionID string
// svc.PutObjectWithContext(ctx, params,
// request.WithGetResponseHeader("x-amz-id-2", &id2),
// request.WithGetResponseHeader("x-amz-version-id", &versionID),
// )
func WithGetResponseHeader(key string, val *string) Option {
return func(r *Request) {
r.Handlers.Complete.PushBack(func(req *Request) {
*val = req.HTTPResponse.Header.Get(key)
// WithGetResponseHeaders builds a request Option which will retrieve the
// headers from the HTTP response and assign them to the passed in headers
// variable. The passed in headers pointer must be non-nil.
// var headers http.Header
// svc.PutObjectWithContext(ctx, params, request.WithGetResponseHeaders(&headers))
func WithGetResponseHeaders(headers *http.Header) Option {
return func(r *Request) {
r.Handlers.Complete.PushBack(func(req *Request) {
*headers = req.HTTPResponse.Header
// WithLogLevel is a request option that will set the request to use a specific
// log level when the request is made.
// svc.PutObjectWithContext(ctx, params, request.WithLogLevel(aws.LogDebugWithHTTPBody)
func WithLogLevel(l aws.LogLevelType) Option {
return func(r *Request) {
r.Config.LogLevel = aws.LogLevel(l)
// ApplyOptions will apply each option to the request calling them in the order
// the were provided.
func (r *Request) ApplyOptions(opts ...Option) {
for _, opt := range opts {
// Context will always returns a non-nil context. If Request does not have a
// context aws.BackgroundContext will be returned.
func (r *Request) Context() aws.Context {
if r.context != nil {
return r.context
return aws.BackgroundContext()
// SetContext adds a Context to the current request that can be used to cancel
// a in-flight request. The Context value must not be nil, or this method will
// panic.
// Unlike http.Request.WithContext, SetContext does not return a copy of the
// Request. It is not safe to use use a single Request value for multiple
// requests. A new Request should be created for each API operation request.
// Go 1.6 and below:
// The http.Request's Cancel field will be set to the Done() value of
// the context. This will overwrite the Cancel field's value.
// Go 1.7 and above:
// The http.Request.WithContext will be used to set the context on the underlying
// http.Request. This will create a shallow copy of the http.Request. The SDK
// may create sub contexts in the future for nested requests such as retries.
func (r *Request) SetContext(ctx aws.Context) {
if ctx == nil {
panic("context cannot be nil")
setRequestContext(r, ctx)
// WillRetry returns if the request's can be retried.
func (r *Request) WillRetry() bool {
return r.Error != nil && aws.BoolValue(r.Retryable) && r.RetryCount < r.MaxRetries()
@ -146,25 +260,59 @@ func (r *Request) SetReaderBody(reader io.ReadSeeker) {
// Presign returns the request's signed URL. Error will be returned
// if the signing fails.
func (r *Request) Presign(expireTime time.Duration) (string, error) {
r.ExpireTime = expireTime
// It is invalid to create a presigned URL with a expire duration 0 or less. An
// error is returned if expire duration is 0 or less.
func (r *Request) Presign(expire time.Duration) (string, error) {
r = r.copy()
// Presign requires all headers be hoisted. There is no way to retrieve
// the signed headers not hoisted without this. Making the presigned URL
// useless.
r.NotHoist = false
if r.Error != nil {
return "", r.Error
return r.HTTPRequest.URL.String(), nil
u, _, err := getPresignedURL(r, expire)
return u, err
// PresignRequest behaves just like presign, but hoists all headers and signs them.
// Also returns the signed hash back to the user
func (r *Request) PresignRequest(expireTime time.Duration) (string, http.Header, error) {
r.ExpireTime = expireTime
r.NotHoist = true
if r.Error != nil {
return "", nil, r.Error
// PresignRequest behaves just like presign, with the addition of returning a
// set of headers that were signed.
// It is invalid to create a presigned URL with a expire duration 0 or less. An
// error is returned if expire duration is 0 or less.
// Returns the URL string for the API operation with signature in the query string,
// and the HTTP headers that were included in the signature. These headers must
// be included in any HTTP request made with the presigned URL.
// To prevent hoisting any headers to the query string set NotHoist to true on
// this Request value prior to calling PresignRequest.
func (r *Request) PresignRequest(expire time.Duration) (string, http.Header, error) {
r = r.copy()
return getPresignedURL(r, expire)
func getPresignedURL(r *Request, expire time.Duration) (string, http.Header, error) {
if expire <= 0 {
return "", nil, awserr.New(
"presigned URL requires an expire duration greater than 0",
r.ExpireTime = expire
if r.Operation.BeforePresignFn != nil {
if err := r.Operation.BeforePresignFn(r); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if err := r.Sign(); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return r.HTTPRequest.URL.String(), r.SignedHeaderVals, nil
@ -225,16 +373,90 @@ func (r *Request) Sign() error {
return r.Error
// ResetBody rewinds the request body backto its starting position, and
// set's the HTTP Request body reference. When the body is read prior
// to being sent in the HTTP request it will need to be rewound.
func (r *Request) ResetBody() {
func (r *Request) getNextRequestBody() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if r.safeBody != nil {
r.safeBody = newOffsetReader(r.Body, r.BodyStart)
r.HTTPRequest.Body = r.safeBody
// Go 1.8 tightened and clarified the rules code needs to use when building
// requests with the http package. Go 1.8 removed the automatic detection
// of if the Request.Body was empty, or actually had bytes in it. The SDK
// always sets the Request.Body even if it is empty and should not actually
// be sent. This is incorrect.
// Go 1.8 did add a http.NoBody value that the SDK can use to tell the http
// client that the request really should be sent without a body. The
// Request.Body cannot be set to nil, which is preferable, because the
// field is exported and could introduce nil pointer dereferences for users
// of the SDK if they used that field.
// Related golang/go#18257
l, err := computeBodyLength(r.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, awserr.New(ErrCodeSerialization, "failed to compute request body size", err)
var body io.ReadCloser
if l == 0 {
body = NoBody
} else if l > 0 {
body = r.safeBody
} else {
// Hack to prevent sending bodies for methods where the body
// should be ignored by the server. Sending bodies on these
// methods without an associated ContentLength will cause the
// request to socket timeout because the server does not handle
// Transfer-Encoding: chunked bodies for these methods.
// This would only happen if a aws.ReaderSeekerCloser was used with
// a io.Reader that was not also an io.Seeker.
switch r.Operation.HTTPMethod {
case "GET", "HEAD", "DELETE":
body = NoBody
body = r.safeBody
return body, nil
// Attempts to compute the length of the body of the reader using the
// io.Seeker interface. If the value is not seekable because of being
// a ReaderSeekerCloser without an unerlying Seeker -1 will be returned.
// If no error occurs the length of the body will be returned.
func computeBodyLength(r io.ReadSeeker) (int64, error) {
seekable := true
// Determine if the seeker is actually seekable. ReaderSeekerCloser
// hides the fact that a io.Readers might not actually be seekable.
switch v := r.(type) {
case aws.ReaderSeekerCloser:
seekable = v.IsSeeker()
case *aws.ReaderSeekerCloser:
seekable = v.IsSeeker()
if !seekable {
return -1, nil
curOffset, err := r.Seek(0, 1)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
endOffset, err := r.Seek(0, 2)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
_, err = r.Seek(curOffset, 0)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return endOffset - curOffset, nil
// GetBody will return an io.ReadSeeker of the Request's underlying
@ -257,6 +479,12 @@ func (r *Request) GetBody() io.ReadSeeker {
// Send will not close the request.Request's body.
func (r *Request) Send() error {
defer func() {
// Regardless of success or failure of the request trigger the Complete
// request handlers.
for {
if aws.BoolValue(r.Retryable) {
if r.Config.LogLevel.Matches(aws.LogDebugWithRequestRetries) {
@ -286,7 +514,7 @@ func (r *Request) Send() error {
if r.Error != nil {
if strings.Contains(r.Error.Error(), "net/http: request canceled") {
if !shouldRetryCancel(r) {
return r.Error
@ -294,7 +522,7 @@ func (r *Request) Send() error {
if r.Error != nil {
debugLogReqError(r, "Send Request", false, r.Error)
debugLogReqError(r, "Send Request", false, err)
return r.Error
debugLogReqError(r, "Send Request", true, err)
@ -303,12 +531,13 @@ func (r *Request) Send() error {
if r.Error != nil {
err := r.Error
err := r.Error
if r.Error != nil {
debugLogReqError(r, "Validate Response", false, r.Error)
debugLogReqError(r, "Validate Response", false, err)
return r.Error
debugLogReqError(r, "Validate Response", true, err)
@ -321,7 +550,7 @@ func (r *Request) Send() error {
if r.Error != nil {
debugLogReqError(r, "Unmarshal Response", false, r.Error)
debugLogReqError(r, "Unmarshal Response", false, err)
return r.Error
debugLogReqError(r, "Unmarshal Response", true, err)
@ -334,6 +563,17 @@ func (r *Request) Send() error {
return nil
// copy will copy a request which will allow for local manipulation of the
// request.
func (r *Request) copy() *Request {
req := &Request{}
*req = *r
req.Handlers = r.Handlers.Copy()
op := *r.Operation
req.Operation = &op
return req
// AddToUserAgent adds the string to the end of the request's current user agent.
func AddToUserAgent(r *Request, s string) {
curUA := r.HTTPRequest.Header.Get("User-Agent")
@ -342,3 +582,98 @@ func AddToUserAgent(r *Request, s string) {
r.HTTPRequest.Header.Set("User-Agent", s)
func shouldRetryCancel(r *Request) bool {
awsErr, ok := r.Error.(awserr.Error)
timeoutErr := false
errStr := r.Error.Error()
if ok {
if awsErr.Code() == CanceledErrorCode {
return false
err := awsErr.OrigErr()
netErr, netOK := err.(net.Error)
timeoutErr = netOK && netErr.Temporary()
if urlErr, ok := err.(*url.Error); !timeoutErr && ok {
errStr = urlErr.Err.Error()
// There can be two types of canceled errors here.
// The first being a net.Error and the other being an error.
// If the request was timed out, we want to continue the retry
// process. Otherwise, return the canceled error.
return timeoutErr ||
(errStr != "net/http: request canceled" &&
errStr != "net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection")
// SanitizeHostForHeader removes default port from host and updates request.Host
func SanitizeHostForHeader(r *http.Request) {
host := getHost(r)
port := portOnly(host)
if port != "" && isDefaultPort(r.URL.Scheme, port) {
r.Host = stripPort(host)
// Returns host from request
func getHost(r *http.Request) string {
if r.Host != "" {
return r.Host
return r.URL.Host
// Hostname returns u.Host, without any port number.
// If Host is an IPv6 literal with a port number, Hostname returns the
// IPv6 literal without the square brackets. IPv6 literals may include
// a zone identifier.
// Copied from the Go 1.8 standard library (net/url)
func stripPort(hostport string) string {
colon := strings.IndexByte(hostport, ':')
if colon == -1 {
return hostport
if i := strings.IndexByte(hostport, ']'); i != -1 {
return strings.TrimPrefix(hostport[:i], "[")
return hostport[:colon]
// Port returns the port part of u.Host, without the leading colon.
// If u.Host doesn't contain a port, Port returns an empty string.
// Copied from the Go 1.8 standard library (net/url)
func portOnly(hostport string) string {
colon := strings.IndexByte(hostport, ':')
if colon == -1 {
return ""
if i := strings.Index(hostport, "]:"); i != -1 {
return hostport[i+len("]:"):]
if strings.Contains(hostport, "]") {
return ""
return hostport[colon+len(":"):]
// Returns true if the specified URI is using the standard port
// (i.e. port 80 for HTTP URIs or 443 for HTTPS URIs)
func isDefaultPort(scheme, port string) bool {
if port == "" {
return true
lowerCaseScheme := strings.ToLower(scheme)
if (lowerCaseScheme == "http" && port == "80") || (lowerCaseScheme == "https" && port == "443") {
return true
return false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// +build !go1.8
package request
import "io"
// NoBody is an io.ReadCloser with no bytes. Read always returns EOF
// and Close always returns nil. It can be used in an outgoing client
// request to explicitly signal that a request has zero bytes.
// An alternative, however, is to simply set Request.Body to nil.
// Copy of Go 1.8 NoBody type from net/http/http.go
type noBody struct{}
func (noBody) Read([]byte) (int, error) { return 0, io.EOF }
func (noBody) Close() error { return nil }
func (noBody) WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error) { return 0, nil }
// NoBody is an empty reader that will trigger the Go HTTP client to not include
// and body in the HTTP request.
var NoBody = noBody{}
// ResetBody rewinds the request body back to its starting position, and
// set's the HTTP Request body reference. When the body is read prior
// to being sent in the HTTP request it will need to be rewound.
// ResetBody will automatically be called by the SDK's build handler, but if
// the request is being used directly ResetBody must be called before the request
// is Sent. SetStringBody, SetBufferBody, and SetReaderBody will automatically
// call ResetBody.
func (r *Request) ResetBody() {
body, err := r.getNextRequestBody()
if err != nil {
r.Error = err
r.HTTPRequest.Body = body
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// +build go1.8
package request
import (
// NoBody is a http.NoBody reader instructing Go HTTP client to not include
// and body in the HTTP request.
var NoBody = http.NoBody
// ResetBody rewinds the request body back to its starting position, and
// set's the HTTP Request body reference. When the body is read prior
// to being sent in the HTTP request it will need to be rewound.
// ResetBody will automatically be called by the SDK's build handler, but if
// the request is being used directly ResetBody must be called before the request
// is Sent. SetStringBody, SetBufferBody, and SetReaderBody will automatically
// call ResetBody.
// Will also set the Go 1.8's http.Request.GetBody member to allow retrying
// PUT/POST redirects.
func (r *Request) ResetBody() {
body, err := r.getNextRequestBody()
if err != nil {
r.Error = err
r.HTTPRequest.Body = body
r.HTTPRequest.GetBody = r.getNextRequestBody
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// +build go1.7
package request
import "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws"
// setContext updates the Request to use the passed in context for cancellation.
// Context will also be used for request retry delay.
// Creates shallow copy of the http.Request with the WithContext method.
func setRequestContext(r *Request, ctx aws.Context) {
r.context = ctx
r.HTTPRequest = r.HTTPRequest.WithContext(ctx)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// +build !go1.7
package request
import "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws"
// setContext updates the Request to use the passed in context for cancellation.
// Context will also be used for request retry delay.
// Creates shallow copy of the http.Request with the WithContext method.
func setRequestContext(r *Request, ctx aws.Context) {
r.context = ctx
r.HTTPRequest.Cancel = ctx.Done()
@ -2,29 +2,125 @@ package request
import (
//type Paginater interface {
// HasNextPage() bool
// NextPage() *Request
// EachPage(fn func(data interface{}, isLastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
// A Pagination provides paginating of SDK API operations which are paginatable.
// Generally you should not use this type directly, but use the "Pages" API
// operations method to automatically perform pagination for you. Such as,
// "S3.ListObjectsPages", and "S3.ListObjectsPagesWithContext" methods.
// Pagination differs from a Paginator type in that pagination is the type that
// does the pagination between API operations, and Paginator defines the
// configuration that will be used per page request.
// cont := true
// for p.Next() && cont {
// data := p.Page().(*s3.ListObjectsOutput)
// // process the page's data
// }
// return p.Err()
// See service client API operation Pages methods for examples how the SDK will
// use the Pagination type.
type Pagination struct {
// Function to return a Request value for each pagination request.
// Any configuration or handlers that need to be applied to the request
// prior to getting the next page should be done here before the request
// returned.
// NewRequest should always be built from the same API operations. It is
// undefined if different API operations are returned on subsequent calls.
NewRequest func() (*Request, error)
// HasNextPage returns true if this request has more pages of data available.
func (r *Request) HasNextPage() bool {
return len(r.nextPageTokens()) > 0
started bool
nextTokens []interface{}
err error
curPage interface{}
// nextPageTokens returns the tokens to use when asking for the next page of
// data.
// HasNextPage will return true if Pagination is able to determine that the API
// operation has additional pages. False will be returned if there are no more
// pages remaining.
// Will always return true if Next has not been called yet.
func (p *Pagination) HasNextPage() bool {
return !(p.started && len(p.nextTokens) == 0)
// Err returns the error Pagination encountered when retrieving the next page.
func (p *Pagination) Err() error {
return p.err
// Page returns the current page. Page should only be called after a successful
// call to Next. It is undefined what Page will return if Page is called after
// Next returns false.
func (p *Pagination) Page() interface{} {
return p.curPage
// Next will attempt to retrieve the next page for the API operation. When a page
// is retrieved true will be returned. If the page cannot be retrieved, or there
// are no more pages false will be returned.
// Use the Page method to retrieve the current page data. The data will need
// to be cast to the API operation's output type.
// Use the Err method to determine if an error occurred if Page returns false.
func (p *Pagination) Next() bool {
if !p.HasNextPage() {
return false
req, err := p.NewRequest()
if err != nil {
p.err = err
return false
if p.started {
for i, intok := range req.Operation.InputTokens {
awsutil.SetValueAtPath(req.Params, intok, p.nextTokens[i])
p.started = true
err = req.Send()
if err != nil {
p.err = err
return false
p.nextTokens = req.nextPageTokens()
p.curPage = req.Data
return true
// A Paginator is the configuration data that defines how an API operation
// should be paginated. This type is used by the API service models to define
// the generated pagination config for service APIs.
// The Pagination type is what provides iterating between pages of an API. It
// is only used to store the token metadata the SDK should use for performing
// pagination.
type Paginator struct {
InputTokens []string
OutputTokens []string
LimitToken string
TruncationToken string
// nextPageTokens returns the tokens to use when asking for the next page of data.
func (r *Request) nextPageTokens() []interface{} {
if r.Operation.Paginator == nil {
return nil
if r.Operation.TruncationToken != "" {
tr, _ := awsutil.ValuesAtPath(r.Data, r.Operation.TruncationToken)
if len(tr) == 0 {
@ -61,9 +157,40 @@ func (r *Request) nextPageTokens() []interface{} {
return tokens
// Ensure a deprecated item is only logged once instead of each time its used.
func logDeprecatedf(logger aws.Logger, flag *int32, msg string) {
if logger == nil {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(flag, 0, 1) {
var (
logDeprecatedHasNextPage int32
logDeprecatedNextPage int32
logDeprecatedEachPage int32
// HasNextPage returns true if this request has more pages of data available.
// Deprecated Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations
func (r *Request) HasNextPage() bool {
logDeprecatedf(r.Config.Logger, &logDeprecatedHasNextPage,
"Request.HasNextPage deprecated. Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations")
return len(r.nextPageTokens()) > 0
// NextPage returns a new Request that can be executed to return the next
// page of result data. Call .Send() on this request to execute it.
// Deprecated Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations
func (r *Request) NextPage() *Request {
logDeprecatedf(r.Config.Logger, &logDeprecatedNextPage,
"Request.NextPage deprecated. Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations")
tokens := r.nextPageTokens()
if len(tokens) == 0 {
return nil
@ -90,7 +217,12 @@ func (r *Request) NextPage() *Request {
// as the structure "T". The lastPage value represents whether the page is
// the last page of data or not. The return value of this function should
// return true to keep iterating or false to stop.
// Deprecated Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations
func (r *Request) EachPage(fn func(data interface{}, isLastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error {
logDeprecatedf(r.Config.Logger, &logDeprecatedEachPage,
"Request.EachPage deprecated. Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations")
for page := r; page != nil; page = page.NextPage() {
if err := page.Send(); err != nil {
return err
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
// Retryer is an interface to control retry logic for a given service.
// The default implementation used by most services is the service.DefaultRetryer
// The default implementation used by most services is the client.DefaultRetryer
// structure, which contains basic retry logic using exponential backoff.
type Retryer interface {
RetryRules(*Request) time.Duration
@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ func WithRetryer(cfg *aws.Config, retryer Retryer) *aws.Config {
// retryableCodes is a collection of service response codes which are retry-able
// without any further action.
var retryableCodes = map[string]struct{}{
"RequestError": {},
"RequestTimeout": {},
"RequestError": {},
"RequestTimeout": {},
ErrCodeResponseTimeout: {},
"RequestTimeoutException": {}, // Glacier's flavor of RequestTimeout
var throttleCodes = map[string]struct{}{
@ -36,8 +38,8 @@ var throttleCodes = map[string]struct{}{
"ThrottlingException": {},
"RequestLimitExceeded": {},
"RequestThrottled": {},
"LimitExceededException": {}, // Deleting 10+ DynamoDb tables at once
"TooManyRequestsException": {}, // Lambda functions
"PriorRequestNotComplete": {}, // Route53
// credsExpiredCodes is a collection of error codes which signify the credentials
@ -67,35 +69,93 @@ func isCodeExpiredCreds(code string) bool {
return ok
var validParentCodes = map[string]struct{}{
ErrCodeSerialization: {},
ErrCodeRead: {},
type temporaryError interface {
Temporary() bool
func isNestedErrorRetryable(parentErr awserr.Error) bool {
if parentErr == nil {
return false
if _, ok := validParentCodes[parentErr.Code()]; !ok {
return false
err := parentErr.OrigErr()
if err == nil {
return false
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
return isCodeRetryable(aerr.Code())
if t, ok := err.(temporaryError); ok {
return t.Temporary()
return isErrConnectionReset(err)
// IsErrorRetryable returns whether the error is retryable, based on its Code.
// Returns false if the request has no Error set.
func (r *Request) IsErrorRetryable() bool {
if r.Error != nil {
if err, ok := r.Error.(awserr.Error); ok {
return isCodeRetryable(err.Code())
// Returns false if error is nil.
func IsErrorRetryable(err error) bool {
if err != nil {
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
return isCodeRetryable(aerr.Code()) || isNestedErrorRetryable(aerr)
return false
// IsErrorThrottle returns whether the error is to be throttled based on its code.
// Returns false if the request has no Error set
func (r *Request) IsErrorThrottle() bool {
if r.Error != nil {
if err, ok := r.Error.(awserr.Error); ok {
return isCodeThrottle(err.Code())
// Returns false if error is nil.
func IsErrorThrottle(err error) bool {
if err != nil {
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
return isCodeThrottle(aerr.Code())
return false
// IsErrorExpired returns whether the error code is a credential expiry error.
// Returns false if the request has no Error set.
func (r *Request) IsErrorExpired() bool {
if r.Error != nil {
if err, ok := r.Error.(awserr.Error); ok {
return isCodeExpiredCreds(err.Code())
// IsErrorExpiredCreds returns whether the error code is a credential expiry error.
// Returns false if error is nil.
func IsErrorExpiredCreds(err error) bool {
if err != nil {
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
return isCodeExpiredCreds(aerr.Code())
return false
// IsErrorRetryable returns whether the error is retryable, based on its Code.
// Returns false if the request has no Error set.
// Alias for the utility function IsErrorRetryable
func (r *Request) IsErrorRetryable() bool {
return IsErrorRetryable(r.Error)
// IsErrorThrottle returns whether the error is to be throttled based on its code.
// Returns false if the request has no Error set
// Alias for the utility function IsErrorThrottle
func (r *Request) IsErrorThrottle() bool {
return IsErrorThrottle(r.Error)
// IsErrorExpired returns whether the error code is a credential expiry error.
// Returns false if the request has no Error set.
// Alias for the utility function IsErrorExpiredCreds
func (r *Request) IsErrorExpired() bool {
return IsErrorExpiredCreds(r.Error)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
package request
import (
var timeoutErr = awserr.New(
"read on body has reached the timeout limit",
type readResult struct {
n int
err error
// timeoutReadCloser will handle body reads that take too long.
// We will return a ErrReadTimeout error if a timeout occurs.
type timeoutReadCloser struct {
reader io.ReadCloser
duration time.Duration
// Read will spin off a goroutine to call the reader's Read method. We will
// select on the timer's channel or the read's channel. Whoever completes first
// will be returned.
func (r *timeoutReadCloser) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
timer := time.NewTimer(r.duration)
c := make(chan readResult, 1)
go func() {
n, err := r.reader.Read(b)
c <- readResult{n: n, err: err}
select {
case data := <-c:
return data.n, data.err
case <-timer.C:
return 0, timeoutErr
func (r *timeoutReadCloser) Close() error {
return r.reader.Close()
const (
// HandlerResponseTimeout is what we use to signify the name of the
// response timeout handler.
HandlerResponseTimeout = "ResponseTimeoutHandler"
// adaptToResponseTimeoutError is a handler that will replace any top level error
// to a ErrCodeResponseTimeout, if its child is that.
func adaptToResponseTimeoutError(req *Request) {
if err, ok := req.Error.(awserr.Error); ok {
aerr, ok := err.OrigErr().(awserr.Error)
if ok && aerr.Code() == ErrCodeResponseTimeout {
req.Error = aerr
// WithResponseReadTimeout is a request option that will wrap the body in a timeout read closer.
// This will allow for per read timeouts. If a timeout occurred, we will return the
// ErrCodeResponseTimeout.
// svc.PutObjectWithContext(ctx, params, request.WithTimeoutReadCloser(30 * time.Second)
func WithResponseReadTimeout(duration time.Duration) Option {
return func(r *Request) {
var timeoutHandler = NamedHandler{
func(req *Request) {
req.HTTPResponse.Body = &timeoutReadCloser{
reader: req.HTTPResponse.Body,
duration: duration,
// remove the handler so we are not stomping over any new durations.
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ type ErrParamMinLen struct {
func NewErrParamMinLen(field string, min int) *ErrParamMinLen {
return &ErrParamMinLen{
errInvalidParam: errInvalidParam{
code: ParamMinValueErrCode,
code: ParamMinLenErrCode,
field: field,
msg: fmt.Sprintf("minimum field size of %v", min),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
package request
import (
// WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode is the error code returned by a waiter when
// the waiter's max attempts have been exhausted.
const WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode = "ResourceNotReady"
// A WaiterOption is a function that will update the Waiter value's fields to
// configure the waiter.
type WaiterOption func(*Waiter)
// WithWaiterMaxAttempts returns the maximum number of times the waiter should
// attempt to check the resource for the target state.
func WithWaiterMaxAttempts(max int) WaiterOption {
return func(w *Waiter) {
w.MaxAttempts = max
// WaiterDelay will return a delay the waiter should pause between attempts to
// check the resource state. The passed in attempt is the number of times the
// Waiter has checked the resource state.
// Attempt is the number of attempts the Waiter has made checking the resource
// state.
type WaiterDelay func(attempt int) time.Duration
// ConstantWaiterDelay returns a WaiterDelay that will always return a constant
// delay the waiter should use between attempts. It ignores the number of
// attempts made.
func ConstantWaiterDelay(delay time.Duration) WaiterDelay {
return func(attempt int) time.Duration {
return delay
// WithWaiterDelay will set the Waiter to use the WaiterDelay passed in.
func WithWaiterDelay(delayer WaiterDelay) WaiterOption {
return func(w *Waiter) {
w.Delay = delayer
// WithWaiterLogger returns a waiter option to set the logger a waiter
// should use to log warnings and errors to.
func WithWaiterLogger(logger aws.Logger) WaiterOption {
return func(w *Waiter) {
w.Logger = logger
// WithWaiterRequestOptions returns a waiter option setting the request
// options for each request the waiter makes. Appends to waiter's request
// options already set.
func WithWaiterRequestOptions(opts ...Option) WaiterOption {
return func(w *Waiter) {
w.RequestOptions = append(w.RequestOptions, opts...)
// A Waiter provides the functionality to perform a blocking call which will
// wait for a resource state to be satisfied by a service.
// This type should not be used directly. The API operations provided in the
// service packages prefixed with "WaitUntil" should be used instead.
type Waiter struct {
Name string
Acceptors []WaiterAcceptor
Logger aws.Logger
MaxAttempts int
Delay WaiterDelay
RequestOptions []Option
NewRequest func([]Option) (*Request, error)
SleepWithContext func(aws.Context, time.Duration) error
// ApplyOptions updates the waiter with the list of waiter options provided.
func (w *Waiter) ApplyOptions(opts ...WaiterOption) {
for _, fn := range opts {
// WaiterState are states the waiter uses based on WaiterAcceptor definitions
// to identify if the resource state the waiter is waiting on has occurred.
type WaiterState int
// String returns the string representation of the waiter state.
func (s WaiterState) String() string {
switch s {
case SuccessWaiterState:
return "success"
case FailureWaiterState:
return "failure"
case RetryWaiterState:
return "retry"
return "unknown waiter state"
// States the waiter acceptors will use to identify target resource states.
const (
SuccessWaiterState WaiterState = iota // waiter successful
FailureWaiterState // waiter failed
RetryWaiterState // waiter needs to be retried
// WaiterMatchMode is the mode that the waiter will use to match the WaiterAcceptor
// definition's Expected attribute.
type WaiterMatchMode int
// Modes the waiter will use when inspecting API response to identify target
// resource states.
const (
PathAllWaiterMatch WaiterMatchMode = iota // match on all paths
PathWaiterMatch // match on specific path
PathAnyWaiterMatch // match on any path
PathListWaiterMatch // match on list of paths
StatusWaiterMatch // match on status code
ErrorWaiterMatch // match on error
// String returns the string representation of the waiter match mode.
func (m WaiterMatchMode) String() string {
switch m {
case PathAllWaiterMatch:
return "pathAll"
case PathWaiterMatch:
return "path"
case PathAnyWaiterMatch:
return "pathAny"
case PathListWaiterMatch:
return "pathList"
case StatusWaiterMatch:
return "status"
case ErrorWaiterMatch:
return "error"
return "unknown waiter match mode"
// WaitWithContext will make requests for the API operation using NewRequest to
// build API requests. The request's response will be compared against the
// Waiter's Acceptors to determine the successful state of the resource the
// waiter is inspecting.
// The passed in context must not be nil. If it is nil a panic will occur. The
// Context will be used to cancel the waiter's pending requests and retry delays.
// Use aws.BackgroundContext if no context is available.
// The waiter will continue until the target state defined by the Acceptors,
// or the max attempts expires.
// Will return the WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode error code if the waiter's
// retryer ShouldRetry returns false. This normally will happen when the max
// wait attempts expires.
func (w Waiter) WaitWithContext(ctx aws.Context) error {
for attempt := 1; ; attempt++ {
req, err := w.NewRequest(w.RequestOptions)
if err != nil {
waiterLogf(w.Logger, "unable to create request %v", err)
return err
err = req.Send()
// See if any of the acceptors match the request's response, or error
for _, a := range w.Acceptors {
if matched, matchErr := a.match(w.Name, w.Logger, req, err); matched {
return matchErr
// The Waiter should only check the resource state MaxAttempts times
// This is here instead of in the for loop above to prevent delaying
// unnecessary when the waiter will not retry.
if attempt == w.MaxAttempts {
// Delay to wait before inspecting the resource again
delay := w.Delay(attempt)
if sleepFn := req.Config.SleepDelay; sleepFn != nil {
// Support SleepDelay for backwards compatibility and testing
} else {
sleepCtxFn := w.SleepWithContext
if sleepCtxFn == nil {
sleepCtxFn = aws.SleepWithContext
if err := sleepCtxFn(ctx, delay); err != nil {
return awserr.New(CanceledErrorCode, "waiter context canceled", err)
return awserr.New(WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode, "exceeded wait attempts", nil)
// A WaiterAcceptor provides the information needed to wait for an API operation
// to complete.
type WaiterAcceptor struct {
State WaiterState
Matcher WaiterMatchMode
Argument string
Expected interface{}
// match returns if the acceptor found a match with the passed in request
// or error. True is returned if the acceptor made a match, error is returned
// if there was an error attempting to perform the match.
func (a *WaiterAcceptor) match(name string, l aws.Logger, req *Request, err error) (bool, error) {
result := false
var vals []interface{}
switch a.Matcher {
case PathAllWaiterMatch, PathWaiterMatch:
// Require all matches to be equal for result to match
vals, _ = awsutil.ValuesAtPath(req.Data, a.Argument)
if len(vals) == 0 {
result = true
for _, val := range vals {
if !awsutil.DeepEqual(val, a.Expected) {
result = false
case PathAnyWaiterMatch:
// Only a single match needs to equal for the result to match
vals, _ = awsutil.ValuesAtPath(req.Data, a.Argument)
for _, val := range vals {
if awsutil.DeepEqual(val, a.Expected) {
result = true
case PathListWaiterMatch:
// ignored matcher
case StatusWaiterMatch:
s := a.Expected.(int)
result = s == req.HTTPResponse.StatusCode
case ErrorWaiterMatch:
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
result = aerr.Code() == a.Expected.(string)
waiterLogf(l, "WARNING: Waiter %s encountered unexpected matcher: %s",
name, a.Matcher)
if !result {
// If there was no matching result found there is nothing more to do
// for this response, retry the request.
return false, nil
switch a.State {
case SuccessWaiterState:
// waiter completed
return true, nil
case FailureWaiterState:
// Waiter failure state triggered
return true, awserr.New(WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode,
"failed waiting for successful resource state", err)
case RetryWaiterState:
// clear the error and retry the operation
return false, nil
waiterLogf(l, "WARNING: Waiter %s encountered unexpected state: %s",
name, a.State)
return false, nil
func waiterLogf(logger aws.Logger, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
if logger != nil {
logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ additional config if the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable is set.
Alternatively you can explicitly create a Session with shared config enabled.
To do this you can use NewSessionWithOptions to configure how the Session will
be created. Using the NewSessionWithOptions with SharedConfigState set to
SharedConfigEnabled will create the session as if the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG
SharedConfigEnable will create the session as if the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG
environment variable was set.
Creating Sessions
@ -45,16 +45,16 @@ region, and profile loaded from the environment and shared config automatically.
Requires the AWS_PROFILE to be set, or "default" is used.
// Create Session
sess, err := session.NewSession()
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
// Create a Session with a custom region
sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{Region: aws.String("us-east-1")})
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
Region: aws.String("us-east-1"),
// Create a S3 client instance from a session
sess, err := session.NewSession()
if err != nil {
// Handle Session creation error
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
svc := s3.New(sess)
Create Session With Option Overrides
@ -67,23 +67,25 @@ Use NewSessionWithOptions when you want to provide the config profile, or
override the shared config state (AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG).
// Equivalent to session.NewSession()
sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{})
sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
// Options
// Specify profile to load for the session's config
sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
Profile: "profile_name",
// Specify profile for config and region for requests
sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
Config: aws.Config{Region: aws.String("us-east-1")},
Profile: "profile_name",
// Force enable Shared Config support
sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
SharedConfigState: SharedConfigEnable,
sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable,
Adding Handlers
@ -93,7 +95,8 @@ handler logs every request and its payload made by a service client:
// Create a session, and add additional handlers for all service
// clients created with the Session to inherit. Adds logging handler.
sess, err := session.NewSession()
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
sess.Handlers.Send.PushFront(func(r *request.Request) {
// Log every request made and its payload
logger.Println("Request: %s/%s, Payload: %s",
@ -121,9 +124,8 @@ file (~/.aws/config) and shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials). Both
files have the same format.
If both config files are present the configuration from both files will be
read. The Session will be created from configuration values from the shared
credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) over those in the shared credentials
file (~/.aws/config).
read. The Session will be created from configuration values from the shared
credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) over those in the shared config file (~/.aws/config).
Credentials are the values the SDK should use for authenticating requests with
AWS Services. They arfrom a configuration file will need to include both
@ -138,15 +140,14 @@ the other two fields are also provided.
Assume Role values allow you to configure the SDK to assume an IAM role using
a set of credentials provided in a config file via the source_profile field.
Both "role_arn" and "source_profile" are required. The SDK does not support
assuming a role with MFA token Via the Session's constructor. You can use the
stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider credentials provider to specify custom
configuration and support for MFA.
Both "role_arn" and "source_profile" are required. The SDK supports assuming
a role with MFA token if the session option AssumeRoleTokenProvider
is set.
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::<account_number>:role/<role_name>
source_profile = profile_with_creds
external_id = 1234
mfa_serial = not supported!
mfa_serial = <serial or mfa arn>
role_session_name = session_name
Region is the region the SDK should use for looking up AWS service endpoints
@ -154,6 +155,37 @@ and signing requests.
region = us-east-1
Assume Role with MFA token
To create a session with support for assuming an IAM role with MFA set the
session option AssumeRoleTokenProvider to a function that will prompt for the
MFA token code when the SDK assumes the role and refreshes the role's credentials.
This allows you to configure the SDK via the shared config to assumea role
with MFA tokens.
In order for the SDK to assume a role with MFA the SharedConfigState
session option must be set to SharedConfigEnable, or AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG
environment variable set.
The shared configuration instructs the SDK to assume an IAM role with MFA
when the mfa_serial configuration field is set in the shared config
(~/.aws/config) or shared credentials (~/.aws/credentials) file.
If mfa_serial is set in the configuration, the SDK will assume the role, and
the AssumeRoleTokenProvider session option is not set an an error will
be returned when creating the session.
sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
AssumeRoleTokenProvider: stscreds.StdinTokenProvider,
// Create service client value configured for credentials
// from assumed role.
svc := s3.New(sess)
To setup assume role outside of a session see the stscrds.AssumeRoleProvider
Environment Variables
When a Session is created several environment variables can be set to adjust
@ -218,6 +250,24 @@ $HOME/.aws/config on Linux/Unix based systems, and
Path to a custom Credentials Authority (CA) bundle PEM file that the SDK
will use instead of the default system's root CA bundle. Use this only
if you want to replace the CA bundle the SDK uses for TLS requests.
Enabling this option will attempt to merge the Transport into the SDK's HTTP
client. If the client's Transport is not a http.Transport an error will be
returned. If the Transport's TLS config is set this option will cause the SDK
to overwrite the Transport's TLS config's RootCAs value. If the CA bundle file
contains multiple certificates all of them will be loaded.
The Session option CustomCABundle is also available when creating sessions
to also enable this feature. CustomCABundle session option field has priority
over the AWS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable, and will be used if both are set.
Setting a custom HTTPClient in the aws.Config options will override this setting.
To use this option and custom HTTP client, the HTTP client needs to be provided
when creating the session. Not the service client.
package session
@ -2,12 +2,14 @@ package session
import (
// EnvProviderName provides a name of the provider when config is loaded from environment.
const EnvProviderName = "EnvConfigCredentials"
// envConfig is a collection of environment values the SDK will read
// setup config from. All environment values are optional. But some values
// such as credentials require multiple values to be complete or the values
@ -75,6 +77,24 @@ type envConfig struct {
// AWS_CONFIG_FILE=$HOME/my_shared_config
SharedConfigFile string
// Sets the path to a custom Credentials Authroity (CA) Bundle PEM file
// that the SDK will use instead of the system's root CA bundle.
// Only use this if you want to configure the SDK to use a custom set
// of CAs.
// Enabling this option will attempt to merge the Transport
// into the SDK's HTTP client. If the client's Transport is
// not a http.Transport an error will be returned. If the
// Transport's TLS config is set this option will cause the
// SDK to overwrite the Transport's TLS config's RootCAs value.
// Setting a custom HTTPClient in the aws.Config options will override this setting.
// To use this option and custom HTTP client, the HTTP client needs to be provided
// when creating the session. Not the service client.
// AWS_CA_BUNDLE=$HOME/my_custom_ca_bundle
CustomCABundle string
var (
@ -98,6 +118,12 @@ var (
"AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE", // Only read if AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG is also set
sharedCredsFileEnvKey = []string{
sharedConfigFileEnvKey = []string{
// loadEnvConfig retrieves the SDK's environment configuration.
@ -134,7 +160,7 @@ func envConfigLoad(enableSharedConfig bool) envConfig {
if len(cfg.Creds.AccessKeyID) == 0 || len(cfg.Creds.SecretAccessKey) == 0 {
cfg.Creds = credentials.Value{}
} else {
cfg.Creds.ProviderName = "EnvConfigCredentials"
cfg.Creds.ProviderName = EnvProviderName
regionKeys := regionEnvKeys
@ -147,8 +173,10 @@ func envConfigLoad(enableSharedConfig bool) envConfig {
setFromEnvVal(&cfg.Region, regionKeys)
setFromEnvVal(&cfg.Profile, profileKeys)
cfg.SharedCredentialsFile = sharedCredentialsFilename()
cfg.SharedConfigFile = sharedConfigFilename()
setFromEnvVal(&cfg.SharedCredentialsFile, sharedCredsFileEnvKey)
setFromEnvVal(&cfg.SharedConfigFile, sharedConfigFileEnvKey)
cfg.CustomCABundle = os.Getenv("AWS_CA_BUNDLE")
return cfg
@ -161,28 +189,3 @@ func setFromEnvVal(dst *string, keys []string) {
func sharedCredentialsFilename() string {
if name := os.Getenv("AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE"); len(name) > 0 {
return name
return filepath.Join(userHomeDir(), ".aws", "credentials")
func sharedConfigFilename() string {
if name := os.Getenv("AWS_CONFIG_FILE"); len(name) > 0 {
return name
return filepath.Join(userHomeDir(), ".aws", "config")
func userHomeDir() string {
homeDir := os.Getenv("HOME") // *nix
if len(homeDir) == 0 { // windows
homeDir = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
return homeDir
@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
package session
import (
@ -10,8 +16,8 @@ import (
// A Session provides a central location to create service clients from and
@ -34,17 +40,17 @@ type Session struct {
// If the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment is set to a truthy value, the New
// method could now encounter an error when loading the configuration. When
// The environment variable is set, and an error occurs, New will return a
// session that will fail all requests reporting the error that occured while
// session that will fail all requests reporting the error that occurred while
// loading the session. Use NewSession to get the error when creating the
// session.
// If the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable is set to a truthy value
// the shared config file (~/.aws/config) will also be loaded, in addition to
// the shared credentials file (~/.aws/config). Values set in both the
// the shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials). Values set in both the
// shared config, and shared credentials will be taken from the shared
// credentials file.
// Deprecated: Use NewSession functiions to create sessions instead. NewSession
// Deprecated: Use NewSession functions to create sessions instead. NewSession
// has the same functionality as New except an error can be returned when the
// func is called instead of waiting to receive an error until a request is made.
func New(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session {
@ -52,14 +58,14 @@ func New(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session {
envCfg := loadEnvConfig()
if envCfg.EnableSharedConfig {
s, err := newSession(envCfg, cfgs...)
s, err := newSession(Options{}, envCfg, cfgs...)
if err != nil {
// Old session.New expected all errors to be discovered when
// a request is made, and would report the errors then. This
// needs to be replicated if an error occurs while creating
// the session.
msg := "failed to create session with AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG enabled. " +
"Use session.NewSession to handle errors occuring during session creation."
"Use session.NewSession to handle errors occurring during session creation."
// Session creation failed, need to report the error and prevent
// any requests from succeeding.
@ -73,7 +79,7 @@ func New(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session {
return s
return oldNewSession(cfgs...)
return deprecatedNewSession(cfgs...)
// NewSession returns a new Session created from SDK defaults, config files,
@ -83,18 +89,19 @@ func New(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session {
// If the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable is set to a truthy value
// the shared config file (~/.aws/config) will also be loaded in addition to
// the shared credentials file (~/.aws/config). Values set in both the
// the shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials). Values set in both the
// shared config, and shared credentials will be taken from the shared
// credentials file. Enabling the Shared Config will also allow the Session
// to be built with retrieving credentials with AssumeRole set in the config.
// See the NewSessionWithOptions func for information on how to override or
// control through code how the Session will be created. Such as specifing the
// control through code how the Session will be created. Such as specifying the
// config profile, and controlling if shared config is enabled or not.
func NewSession(cfgs ...*aws.Config) (*Session, error) {
envCfg := loadEnvConfig()
opts := Options{}
return newSession(envCfg, cfgs...)
return NewSessionWithOptions(opts)
// SharedConfigState provides the ability to optionally override the state
@ -124,7 +131,7 @@ type Options struct {
// Provides config values for the SDK to use when creating service clients
// and making API requests to services. Any value set in with this field
// will override the associated value provided by the SDK defaults,
// environment or config files where relevent.
// environment or config files where relevant.
// If not set, configuration values from from SDK defaults, environment,
// config will be used.
@ -147,6 +154,45 @@ type Options struct {
// will allow you to override the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable
// and enable or disable the shared config functionality.
SharedConfigState SharedConfigState
// Ordered list of files the session will load configuration from.
// It will override environment variable AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE, AWS_CONFIG_FILE.
SharedConfigFiles []string
// When the SDK's shared config is configured to assume a role with MFA
// this option is required in order to provide the mechanism that will
// retrieve the MFA token. There is no default value for this field. If
// it is not set an error will be returned when creating the session.
// This token provider will be called when ever the assumed role's
// credentials need to be refreshed. Within the context of service clients
// all sharing the same session the SDK will ensure calls to the token
// provider are atomic. When sharing a token provider across multiple
// sessions additional synchronization logic is needed to ensure the
// token providers do not introduce race conditions. It is recommend to
// share the session where possible.
// stscreds.StdinTokenProvider is a basic implementation that will prompt
// from stdin for the MFA token code.
// This field is only used if the shared configuration is enabled, and
// the config enables assume role wit MFA via the mfa_serial field.
AssumeRoleTokenProvider func() (string, error)
// Reader for a custom Credentials Authority (CA) bundle in PEM format that
// the SDK will use instead of the default system's root CA bundle. Use this
// only if you want to replace the CA bundle the SDK uses for TLS requests.
// Enabling this option will attempt to merge the Transport into the SDK's HTTP
// client. If the client's Transport is not a http.Transport an error will be
// returned. If the Transport's TLS config is set this option will cause the SDK
// to overwrite the Transport's TLS config's RootCAs value. If the CA
// bundle reader contains multiple certificates all of them will be loaded.
// The Session option CustomCABundle is also available when creating sessions
// to also enable this feature. CustomCABundle session option field has priority
// over the AWS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable, and will be used if both are set.
CustomCABundle io.Reader
// NewSessionWithOptions returns a new Session created from SDK defaults, config files,
@ -155,29 +201,29 @@ type Options struct {
// If the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable is set to a truthy value
// the shared config file (~/.aws/config) will also be loaded in addition to
// the shared credentials file (~/.aws/config). Values set in both the
// the shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials). Values set in both the
// shared config, and shared credentials will be taken from the shared
// credentials file. Enabling the Shared Config will also allow the Session
// to be built with retrieving credentials with AssumeRole set in the config.
// // Equivalent to session.New
// sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{})
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{}))
// // Specify profile to load for the session's config
// sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
// Profile: "profile_name",
// })
// }))
// // Specify profile for config and region for requests
// sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
// Config: aws.Config{Region: aws.String("us-east-1")},
// Profile: "profile_name",
// })
// }))
// // Force enable Shared Config support
// sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
// SharedConfigState: SharedConfigEnable,
// })
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
// SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable,
// }))
func NewSessionWithOptions(opts Options) (*Session, error) {
var envCfg envConfig
if opts.SharedConfigState == SharedConfigEnable {
@ -197,7 +243,25 @@ func NewSessionWithOptions(opts Options) (*Session, error) {
envCfg.EnableSharedConfig = true
return newSession(envCfg, &opts.Config)
if len(envCfg.SharedCredentialsFile) == 0 {
envCfg.SharedCredentialsFile = defaults.SharedCredentialsFilename()
if len(envCfg.SharedConfigFile) == 0 {
envCfg.SharedConfigFile = defaults.SharedConfigFilename()
// Only use AWS_CA_BUNDLE if session option is not provided.
if len(envCfg.CustomCABundle) != 0 && opts.CustomCABundle == nil {
f, err := os.Open(envCfg.CustomCABundle)
if err != nil {
return nil, awserr.New("LoadCustomCABundleError",
"failed to open custom CA bundle PEM file", err)
defer f.Close()
opts.CustomCABundle = f
return newSession(opts, envCfg, &opts.Config)
// Must is a helper function to ensure the Session is valid and there was no
@ -215,13 +279,18 @@ func Must(sess *Session, err error) *Session {
return sess
func oldNewSession(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session {
func deprecatedNewSession(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session {
cfg := defaults.Config()
handlers := defaults.Handlers()
// Apply the passed in configs so the configuration can be applied to the
// default credential chain
if cfg.EndpointResolver == nil {
// An endpoint resolver is required for a session to be able to provide
// endpoints for service client configurations.
cfg.EndpointResolver = endpoints.DefaultResolver()
cfg.Credentials = defaults.CredChain(cfg, handlers)
// Reapply any passed in configs to override credentials if set
@ -237,7 +306,7 @@ func oldNewSession(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session {
return s
func newSession(envCfg envConfig, cfgs ...*aws.Config) (*Session, error) {
func newSession(opts Options, envCfg envConfig, cfgs ...*aws.Config) (*Session, error) {
cfg := defaults.Config()
handlers := defaults.Handlers()
@ -246,13 +315,18 @@ func newSession(envCfg envConfig, cfgs ...*aws.Config) (*Session, error) {
userCfg := &aws.Config{}
// Order config files will be loaded in with later files overwriting
// Ordered config files will be loaded in with later files overwriting
// previous config file values.
cfgFiles := []string{envCfg.SharedConfigFile, envCfg.SharedCredentialsFile}
if !envCfg.EnableSharedConfig {
// The shared config file (~/.aws/config) is only loaded if instructed
// to load via the envConfig.EnableSharedConfig (AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG).
cfgFiles = cfgFiles[1:]
var cfgFiles []string
if opts.SharedConfigFiles != nil {
cfgFiles = opts.SharedConfigFiles
} else {
cfgFiles = []string{envCfg.SharedConfigFile, envCfg.SharedCredentialsFile}
if !envCfg.EnableSharedConfig {
// The shared config file (~/.aws/config) is only loaded if instructed
// to load via the envConfig.EnableSharedConfig (AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG).
cfgFiles = cfgFiles[1:]
// Load additional config from file(s)
@ -261,7 +335,9 @@ func newSession(envCfg envConfig, cfgs ...*aws.Config) (*Session, error) {
return nil, err
mergeConfigSrcs(cfg, userCfg, envCfg, sharedCfg, handlers)
if err := mergeConfigSrcs(cfg, userCfg, envCfg, sharedCfg, handlers, opts); err != nil {
return nil, err
s := &Session{
Config: cfg,
@ -270,10 +346,62 @@ func newSession(envCfg envConfig, cfgs ...*aws.Config) (*Session, error) {
// Setup HTTP client with custom cert bundle if enabled
if opts.CustomCABundle != nil {
if err := loadCustomCABundle(s, opts.CustomCABundle); err != nil {
return nil, err
return s, nil
func mergeConfigSrcs(cfg, userCfg *aws.Config, envCfg envConfig, sharedCfg sharedConfig, handlers request.Handlers) {
func loadCustomCABundle(s *Session, bundle io.Reader) error {
var t *http.Transport
switch v := s.Config.HTTPClient.Transport.(type) {
case *http.Transport:
t = v
if s.Config.HTTPClient.Transport != nil {
return awserr.New("LoadCustomCABundleError",
"unable to load custom CA bundle, HTTPClient's transport unsupported type", nil)
if t == nil {
t = &http.Transport{}
p, err := loadCertPool(bundle)
if err != nil {
return err
if t.TLSClientConfig == nil {
t.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{}
t.TLSClientConfig.RootCAs = p
s.Config.HTTPClient.Transport = t
return nil
func loadCertPool(r io.Reader) (*x509.CertPool, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, awserr.New("LoadCustomCABundleError",
"failed to read custom CA bundle PEM file", err)
p := x509.NewCertPool()
if !p.AppendCertsFromPEM(b) {
return nil, awserr.New("LoadCustomCABundleError",
"failed to load custom CA bundle PEM file", err)
return p, nil
func mergeConfigSrcs(cfg, userCfg *aws.Config, envCfg envConfig, sharedCfg sharedConfig, handlers request.Handlers, sessOpts Options) error {
// Merge in user provided configuration
@ -297,6 +425,11 @@ func mergeConfigSrcs(cfg, userCfg *aws.Config, envCfg envConfig, sharedCfg share
cfgCp.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentialsFromCreds(
if len(sharedCfg.AssumeRole.MFASerial) > 0 && sessOpts.AssumeRoleTokenProvider == nil {
// AssumeRole Token provider is required if doing Assume Role
// with MFA.
return AssumeRoleTokenProviderNotSetError{}
cfg.Credentials = stscreds.NewCredentials(
Config: &cfgCp,
@ -306,11 +439,16 @@ func mergeConfigSrcs(cfg, userCfg *aws.Config, envCfg envConfig, sharedCfg share
func(opt *stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider) {
opt.RoleSessionName = sharedCfg.AssumeRole.RoleSessionName
// Assume role with external ID
if len(sharedCfg.AssumeRole.ExternalID) > 0 {
opt.ExternalID = aws.String(sharedCfg.AssumeRole.ExternalID)
// MFA not supported
// Assume role with MFA
if len(sharedCfg.AssumeRole.MFASerial) > 0 {
opt.SerialNumber = aws.String(sharedCfg.AssumeRole.MFASerial)
opt.TokenProvider = sessOpts.AssumeRoleTokenProvider
} else if len(sharedCfg.Creds.AccessKeyID) > 0 {
@ -331,6 +469,33 @@ func mergeConfigSrcs(cfg, userCfg *aws.Config, envCfg envConfig, sharedCfg share
return nil
// AssumeRoleTokenProviderNotSetError is an error returned when creating a session when the
// MFAToken option is not set when shared config is configured load assume a
// role with an MFA token.
type AssumeRoleTokenProviderNotSetError struct{}
// Code is the short id of the error.
func (e AssumeRoleTokenProviderNotSetError) Code() string {
return "AssumeRoleTokenProviderNotSetError"
// Message is the description of the error
func (e AssumeRoleTokenProviderNotSetError) Message() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("assume role with MFA enabled, but AssumeRoleTokenProvider session option not set.")
// OrigErr is the underlying error that caused the failure.
func (e AssumeRoleTokenProviderNotSetError) OrigErr() error {
return nil
// Error satisfies the error interface.
func (e AssumeRoleTokenProviderNotSetError) Error() string {
return awserr.SprintError(e.Code(), e.Message(), "", nil)
type credProviderError struct {
@ -375,19 +540,67 @@ func (s *Session) Copy(cfgs ...*aws.Config) *Session {
// configure the service client instances. Passing the Session to the service
// client's constructor (New) will use this method to configure the client.
func (s *Session) ClientConfig(serviceName string, cfgs ...*aws.Config) client.Config {
// Backwards compatibility, the error will be eaten if user calls ClientConfig
// directly. All SDK services will use ClientconfigWithError.
cfg, _ := s.clientConfigWithErr(serviceName, cfgs...)
return cfg
func (s *Session) clientConfigWithErr(serviceName string, cfgs ...*aws.Config) (client.Config, error) {
s = s.Copy(cfgs...)
endpoint, signingRegion := endpoints.NormalizeEndpoint(
var resolved endpoints.ResolvedEndpoint
var err error
region := aws.StringValue(s.Config.Region)
if endpoint := aws.StringValue(s.Config.Endpoint); len(endpoint) != 0 {
resolved.URL = endpoints.AddScheme(endpoint, aws.BoolValue(s.Config.DisableSSL))
resolved.SigningRegion = region
} else {
resolved, err = s.Config.EndpointResolver.EndpointFor(
serviceName, region,
func(opt *endpoints.Options) {
opt.DisableSSL = aws.BoolValue(s.Config.DisableSSL)
opt.UseDualStack = aws.BoolValue(s.Config.UseDualStack)
// Support the condition where the service is modeled but its
// endpoint metadata is not available.
opt.ResolveUnknownService = true
return client.Config{
Config: s.Config,
Handlers: s.Handlers,
Endpoint: endpoint,
SigningRegion: signingRegion,
Endpoint: resolved.URL,
SigningRegion: resolved.SigningRegion,
SigningName: resolved.SigningName,
}, err
// ClientConfigNoResolveEndpoint is the same as ClientConfig with the exception
// that the EndpointResolver will not be used to resolve the endpoint. The only
// endpoint set must come from the aws.Config.Endpoint field.
func (s *Session) ClientConfigNoResolveEndpoint(cfgs ...*aws.Config) client.Config {
s = s.Copy(cfgs...)
var resolved endpoints.ResolvedEndpoint
region := aws.StringValue(s.Config.Region)
if ep := aws.StringValue(s.Config.Endpoint); len(ep) > 0 {
resolved.URL = endpoints.AddScheme(ep, aws.BoolValue(s.Config.DisableSSL))
resolved.SigningRegion = region
return client.Config{
Config: s.Config,
Handlers: s.Handlers,
Endpoint: resolved.URL,
SigningRegion: resolved.SigningRegion,
SigningName: resolved.SigningName,
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ func loadSharedConfigIniFiles(filenames []string) ([]sharedConfigFile, error) {
f, err := ini.Load(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, SharedConfigLoadError{Filename: filename}
return nil, SharedConfigLoadError{Filename: filename, Err: err}
files = append(files, sharedConfigFile{
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package v4
// WithUnsignedPayload will enable and set the UnsignedPayload field to
// true of the signer.
func WithUnsignedPayload(v4 *Signer) {
v4.UnsignedPayload = true
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// +build !go1.5
package v4
import (
func getURIPath(u *url.URL) string {
var uri string
if len(u.Opaque) > 0 {
uri = "/" + strings.Join(strings.Split(u.Opaque, "/")[3:], "/")
} else {
uri = u.Path
if len(uri) == 0 {
uri = "/"
return uri
@ -42,12 +42,19 @@
// the URL.Opaque or URL.RawPath. The SDK will use URL.Opaque first and then
// call URL.EscapedPath() if Opaque is not set.
// If signing a request intended for HTTP2 server, and you're using Go 1.6.2
// through 1.7.4 you should use the URL.RawPath as the pre-escaped form of the
// request URL. https://github.com/golang/go/issues/16847 points to a bug in
// Go pre 1.8 that fails to make HTTP2 requests using absolute URL in the HTTP
// message. URL.Opaque generally will force Go to make requests with absolute URL.
// URL.RawPath does not do this, but RawPath must be a valid escaping of Path
// or url.EscapedPath will ignore the RawPath escaping.
// Test `TestStandaloneSign` provides a complete example of using the signer
// outside of the SDK and pre-escaping the URI path.
package v4
import (
@ -79,8 +86,9 @@ const (
var ignoredHeaders = rules{
"Authorization": struct{}{},
"User-Agent": struct{}{},
"Authorization": struct{}{},
"User-Agent": struct{}{},
"X-Amzn-Trace-Id": struct{}{},
@ -171,10 +179,24 @@ type Signer struct {
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-create-canonical-request.html
DisableURIPathEscaping bool
// Disales the automatical setting of the HTTP request's Body field with the
// io.ReadSeeker passed in to the signer. This is useful if you're using a
// custom wrapper around the body for the io.ReadSeeker and want to preserve
// the Body value on the Request.Body.
// This does run the risk of signing a request with a body that will not be
// sent in the request. Need to ensure that the underlying data of the Body
// values are the same.
DisableRequestBodyOverwrite bool
// currentTimeFn returns the time value which represents the current time.
// This value should only be used for testing. If it is nil the default
// time.Now will be used.
currentTimeFn func() time.Time
// UnsignedPayload will prevent signing of the payload. This will only
// work for services that have support for this.
UnsignedPayload bool
// NewSigner returns a Signer pointer configured with the credentials and optional
@ -208,6 +230,7 @@ type signingCtx struct {
isPresign bool
formattedTime string
formattedShortTime string
unsignedPayload bool
bodyDigest string
signedHeaders string
@ -245,7 +268,7 @@ type signingCtx struct {
// "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" header with a precomputed value. The signer will
// only compute the hash if the request header value is empty.
func (v4 Signer) Sign(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, region string, signTime time.Time) (http.Header, error) {
return v4.signWithBody(r, body, service, region, 0, signTime)
return v4.signWithBody(r, body, service, region, 0, false, signTime)
// Presign signs AWS v4 requests with the provided body, service name, region
@ -279,10 +302,10 @@ func (v4 Signer) Sign(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, region strin
// presigned request's signature you can set the "X-Amz-Content-Sha256"
// HTTP header and that will be included in the request's signature.
func (v4 Signer) Presign(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, region string, exp time.Duration, signTime time.Time) (http.Header, error) {
return v4.signWithBody(r, body, service, region, exp, signTime)
return v4.signWithBody(r, body, service, region, exp, true, signTime)
func (v4 Signer) signWithBody(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, region string, exp time.Duration, signTime time.Time) (http.Header, error) {
func (v4 Signer) signWithBody(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, region string, exp time.Duration, isPresign bool, signTime time.Time) (http.Header, error) {
currentTimeFn := v4.currentTimeFn
if currentTimeFn == nil {
currentTimeFn = time.Now
@ -294,10 +317,15 @@ func (v4 Signer) signWithBody(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, regi
Query: r.URL.Query(),
Time: signTime,
ExpireTime: exp,
isPresign: exp != 0,
isPresign: isPresign,
ServiceName: service,
Region: region,
DisableURIPathEscaping: v4.DisableURIPathEscaping,
unsignedPayload: v4.UnsignedPayload,
for key := range ctx.Query {
if ctx.isRequestSigned() {
@ -311,13 +339,14 @@ func (v4 Signer) signWithBody(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, regi
return http.Header{}, err
// If the request is not presigned the body should be attached to it. This
// prevents the confusion of wanting to send a signed request without
// the body the request was signed for attached.
if !ctx.isPresign {
if !(v4.DisableRequestBodyOverwrite || ctx.isPresign) {
var reader io.ReadCloser
if body != nil {
var ok bool
@ -335,6 +364,10 @@ func (v4 Signer) signWithBody(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, regi
return ctx.SignedHeaderVals, nil
func (ctx *signingCtx) sanitizeHostForHeader() {
func (ctx *signingCtx) handlePresignRemoval() {
if !ctx.isPresign {
@ -373,7 +406,7 @@ var SignRequestHandler = request.NamedHandler{
// SignSDKRequest signs an AWS request with the V4 signature. This
// request handler is bested used only with the SDK's built in service client's
// request handler should only be used with the SDK's built in service client's
// API operation requests.
// This function should not be used on its on its own, but in conjunction with
@ -386,7 +419,18 @@ var SignRequestHandler = request.NamedHandler{
func SignSDKRequest(req *request.Request) {
signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req, time.Now)
func signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req *request.Request, curTimeFn func() time.Time) {
// BuildNamedHandler will build a generic handler for signing.
func BuildNamedHandler(name string, opts ...func(*Signer)) request.NamedHandler {
return request.NamedHandler{
Name: name,
Fn: func(req *request.Request) {
signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req, time.Now, opts...)
func signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req *request.Request, curTimeFn func() time.Time, opts ...func(*Signer)) {
// If the request does not need to be signed ignore the signing of the
// request if the AnonymousCredentials object is used.
if req.Config.Credentials == credentials.AnonymousCredentials {
@ -412,15 +456,23 @@ func signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req *request.Request, curTimeFn func() time.Time
// S3 service should not have any escaping applied
v4.DisableURIPathEscaping = true
// Prevents setting the HTTPRequest's Body. Since the Body could be
// wrapped in a custom io.Closer that we do not want to be stompped
// on top of by the signer.
v4.DisableRequestBodyOverwrite = true
for _, opt := range opts {
signingTime := req.Time
if !req.LastSignedAt.IsZero() {
signingTime = req.LastSignedAt
signedHeaders, err := v4.signWithBody(req.HTTPRequest, req.GetBody(),
name, region, req.ExpireTime, signingTime,
name, region, req.ExpireTime, req.ExpireTime > 0, signingTime,
if err != nil {
req.Error = err
@ -455,6 +507,8 @@ func (ctx *signingCtx) build(disableHeaderHoisting bool) {
ctx.buildTime() // no depends
ctx.buildCredentialString() // no depends
unsignedHeaders := ctx.Request.Header
if ctx.isPresign {
if !disableHeaderHoisting {
@ -466,7 +520,6 @@ func (ctx *signingCtx) build(disableHeaderHoisting bool) {
ctx.buildCanonicalHeaders(ignoredHeaders, unsignedHeaders)
ctx.buildCanonicalString() // depends on canon headers / signed headers
ctx.buildStringToSign() // depends on canon string
@ -556,14 +609,18 @@ func (ctx *signingCtx) buildCanonicalHeaders(r rule, header http.Header) {
headerValues := make([]string, len(headers))
for i, k := range headers {
if k == "host" {
headerValues[i] = "host:" + ctx.Request.URL.Host
if ctx.Request.Host != "" {
headerValues[i] = "host:" + ctx.Request.Host
} else {
headerValues[i] = "host:" + ctx.Request.URL.Host
} else {
headerValues[i] = k + ":" +
strings.Join(ctx.SignedHeaderVals[k], ",")
ctx.canonicalHeaders = strings.Join(stripExcessSpaces(headerValues), "\n")
ctx.canonicalHeaders = strings.Join(headerValues, "\n")
func (ctx *signingCtx) buildCanonicalString() {
@ -607,14 +664,14 @@ func (ctx *signingCtx) buildSignature() {
func (ctx *signingCtx) buildBodyDigest() {
hash := ctx.Request.Header.Get("X-Amz-Content-Sha256")
if hash == "" {
if ctx.isPresign && ctx.ServiceName == "s3" {
if ctx.unsignedPayload || (ctx.isPresign && ctx.ServiceName == "s3") {
} else if ctx.Body == nil {
hash = emptyStringSHA256
} else {
hash = hex.EncodeToString(makeSha256Reader(ctx.Body))
if ctx.ServiceName == "s3" || ctx.ServiceName == "glacier" {
if ctx.unsignedPayload || ctx.ServiceName == "s3" || ctx.ServiceName == "glacier" {
ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Amz-Content-Sha256", hash)
@ -665,49 +722,46 @@ func makeSha256Reader(reader io.ReadSeeker) []byte {
return hash.Sum(nil)
const doubleSpaces = " "
const doubleSpace = " "
var doubleSpaceBytes = []byte(doubleSpaces)
// stripExcessSpaces will rewrite the passed in slice's string values to not
// contain muliple side-by-side spaces.
func stripExcessSpaces(vals []string) {
var j, k, l, m, spaces int
for i, str := range vals {
// Trim trailing spaces
for j = len(str) - 1; j >= 0 && str[j] == ' '; j-- {
func stripExcessSpaces(headerVals []string) []string {
vals := make([]string, len(headerVals))
for i, str := range headerVals {
// Trim leading and trailing spaces
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(str)
// Trim leading spaces
for k = 0; k < j && str[k] == ' '; k++ {
str = str[k : j+1]
idx := strings.Index(trimmed, doubleSpaces)
var buf []byte
for idx > -1 {
// Multiple adjacent spaces found
if buf == nil {
// first time create the buffer
buf = []byte(trimmed)
// Strip multiple spaces.
j = strings.Index(str, doubleSpace)
if j < 0 {
vals[i] = str
stripToIdx := -1
for j := idx + 1; j < len(buf); j++ {
if buf[j] != ' ' {
buf = append(buf[:idx+1], buf[j:]...)
stripToIdx = j
if stripToIdx >= 0 {
idx = bytes.Index(buf[stripToIdx:], doubleSpaceBytes)
if idx >= 0 {
idx += stripToIdx
buf := []byte(str)
for k, m, l = j, j, len(buf); k < l; k++ {
if buf[k] == ' ' {
if spaces == 0 {
// First space.
buf[m] = buf[k]
} else {
idx = -1
// End of multiple spaces.
spaces = 0
buf[m] = buf[k]
if buf != nil {
vals[i] = string(buf)
} else {
vals[i] = trimmed
vals[i] = string(buf[:m])
return vals
@ -5,7 +5,13 @@ import (
// ReadSeekCloser wraps a io.Reader returning a ReaderSeekerCloser
// ReadSeekCloser wraps a io.Reader returning a ReaderSeekerCloser. Should
// only be used with an io.Reader that is also an io.Seeker. Doing so may
// cause request signature errors, or request body's not sent for GET, HEAD
// and DELETE HTTP methods.
// Deprecated: Should only be used with io.ReadSeeker. If using for
// S3 PutObject to stream content use s3manager.Uploader instead.
func ReadSeekCloser(r io.Reader) ReaderSeekerCloser {
return ReaderSeekerCloser{r}
@ -44,6 +50,12 @@ func (r ReaderSeekerCloser) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
return int64(0), nil
// IsSeeker returns if the underlying reader is also a seeker.
func (r ReaderSeekerCloser) IsSeeker() bool {
_, ok := r.r.(io.Seeker)
return ok
// Close closes the ReaderSeekerCloser.
// If the ReaderSeekerCloser is not an io.Closer nothing will be done.
@ -102,5 +114,5 @@ func (b *WriteAtBuffer) WriteAt(p []byte, pos int64) (n int, err error) {
func (b *WriteAtBuffer) Bytes() []byte {
defer b.m.Unlock()
return b.buf[:len(b.buf):len(b.buf)]
return b.buf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// +build go1.8
package aws
import "net/url"
// URLHostname will extract the Hostname without port from the URL value.
// Wrapper of net/url#URL.Hostname for backwards Go version compatibility.
func URLHostname(url *url.URL) string {
return url.Hostname()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// +build !go1.8
package aws
import (
// URLHostname will extract the Hostname without port from the URL value.
// Copy of Go 1.8's net/url#URL.Hostname functionality.
func URLHostname(url *url.URL) string {
return stripPort(url.Host)
// stripPort is copy of Go 1.8 url#URL.Hostname functionality.
// https://golang.org/src/net/url/url.go
func stripPort(hostport string) string {
colon := strings.IndexByte(hostport, ':')
if colon == -1 {
return hostport
if i := strings.IndexByte(hostport, ']'); i != -1 {
return strings.TrimPrefix(hostport[:i], "[")
return hostport[:colon]
@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ package aws
const SDKName = "aws-sdk-go"
// SDKVersion is the version of this SDK
const SDKVersion = "1.4.22"
const SDKVersion = "1.12.66"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package shareddefaults
import (
// SharedCredentialsFilename returns the SDK's default file path
// for the shared credentials file.
// Builds the shared config file path based on the OS's platform.
// - Linux/Unix: $HOME/.aws/credentials
// - Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.aws\credentials
func SharedCredentialsFilename() string {
return filepath.Join(UserHomeDir(), ".aws", "credentials")
// SharedConfigFilename returns the SDK's default file path for
// the shared config file.
// Builds the shared config file path based on the OS's platform.
// - Linux/Unix: $HOME/.aws/config
// - Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.aws\config
func SharedConfigFilename() string {
return filepath.Join(UserHomeDir(), ".aws", "config")
// UserHomeDir returns the home directory for the user the process is
// running under.
func UserHomeDir() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { // Windows
return os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
// *nix
return os.Getenv("HOME")
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
// Package endpoints validates regional endpoints for services.
package endpoints
//go:generate go run -tags codegen ../model/cli/gen-endpoints/main.go endpoints.json endpoints_map.go
//go:generate gofmt -s -w endpoints_map.go
import (
// NormalizeEndpoint takes and endpoint and service API information to return a
// normalized endpoint and signing region. If the endpoint is not an empty string
// the service name and region will be used to look up the service's API endpoint.
// If the endpoint is provided the scheme will be added if it is not present.
func NormalizeEndpoint(endpoint, serviceName, region string, disableSSL, useDualStack bool) (normEndpoint, signingRegion string) {
if endpoint == "" {
return EndpointForRegion(serviceName, region, disableSSL, useDualStack)
return AddScheme(endpoint, disableSSL), ""
// EndpointForRegion returns an endpoint and its signing region for a service and region.
// if the service and region pair are not found endpoint and signingRegion will be empty.
func EndpointForRegion(svcName, region string, disableSSL, useDualStack bool) (endpoint, signingRegion string) {
dualStackField := ""
if useDualStack {
dualStackField = "/dualstack"
derivedKeys := []string{
region + "/" + svcName + dualStackField,
region + "/*" + dualStackField,
"*/" + svcName + dualStackField,
"*/*" + dualStackField,
for _, key := range derivedKeys {
if val, ok := endpointsMap.Endpoints[key]; ok {
ep := val.Endpoint
ep = strings.Replace(ep, "{region}", region, -1)
ep = strings.Replace(ep, "{service}", svcName, -1)
endpoint = ep
signingRegion = val.SigningRegion
return AddScheme(endpoint, disableSSL), signingRegion
// Regular expression to determine if the endpoint string is prefixed with a scheme.
var schemeRE = regexp.MustCompile("^([^:]+)://")
// AddScheme adds the HTTP or HTTPS schemes to a endpoint URL if there is no
// scheme. If disableSSL is true HTTP will be added instead of the default HTTPS.
func AddScheme(endpoint string, disableSSL bool) string {
if endpoint != "" && !schemeRE.MatchString(endpoint) {
scheme := "https"
if disableSSL {
scheme = "http"
endpoint = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", scheme, endpoint)
return endpoint
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
package endpoints
type endpointStruct struct {
Version int
Endpoints map[string]endpointEntry
type endpointEntry struct {
Endpoint string
SigningRegion string
var endpointsMap = endpointStruct{
Version: 2,
Endpoints: map[string]endpointEntry{
"*/*": {
Endpoint: "{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com",
"*/budgets": {
Endpoint: "budgets.amazonaws.com",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/cloudfront": {
Endpoint: "cloudfront.amazonaws.com",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/cloudsearchdomain": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/data.iot": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/ec2metadata": {
Endpoint: "",
"*/iam": {
Endpoint: "iam.amazonaws.com",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/importexport": {
Endpoint: "importexport.amazonaws.com",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/route53": {
Endpoint: "route53.amazonaws.com",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/s3": {
Endpoint: "s3-{region}.amazonaws.com",
"*/s3/dualstack": {
Endpoint: "s3.dualstack.{region}.amazonaws.com",
"*/sts": {
Endpoint: "sts.amazonaws.com",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/waf": {
Endpoint: "waf.amazonaws.com",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"cn-north-1/*": {
Endpoint: "{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com.cn",
"cn-north-1/ec2metadata": {
Endpoint: "",
"eu-central-1/s3": {
Endpoint: "{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com",
"us-east-1/s3": {
Endpoint: "s3.amazonaws.com",
"us-east-1/sdb": {
Endpoint: "sdb.amazonaws.com",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"us-gov-west-1/ec2metadata": {
Endpoint: "",
"us-gov-west-1/iam": {
Endpoint: "iam.us-gov.amazonaws.com",
"us-gov-west-1/s3": {
Endpoint: "s3-{region}.amazonaws.com",
"us-gov-west-1/sts": {
Endpoint: "sts.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com",
@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ package jsonutil
import (
@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ func BuildJSON(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
func buildAny(value reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer, tag reflect.StructTag) error {
origVal := value
value = reflect.Indirect(value)
if !value.IsValid() {
return nil
@ -46,7 +50,10 @@ func buildAny(value reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer, tag reflect.StructTag) err
t = "list"
case reflect.Map:
t = "map"
// cannot be a JSONValue map
if _, ok := value.Interface().(aws.JSONValue); !ok {
t = "map"
@ -61,7 +68,7 @@ func buildAny(value reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer, tag reflect.StructTag) err
case "map":
return buildMap(value, buf, tag)
return buildScalar(value, buf, tag)
return buildScalar(origVal, buf, tag)
@ -87,6 +94,10 @@ func buildStruct(value reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer, tag reflect.StructTag)
first := true
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
member := value.Field(i)
// This allocates the most memory.
// Additionally, we cannot skip nil fields due to
// idempotency auto filling.
field := t.Field(i)
if field.PkgPath != "" {
@ -98,6 +109,9 @@ func buildStruct(value reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer, tag reflect.StructTag)
if field.Tag.Get("location") != "" {
continue // ignore non-body elements
if field.Tag.Get("ignore") != "" {
if protocol.CanSetIdempotencyToken(member, field) {
token := protocol.GetIdempotencyToken()
@ -179,24 +193,32 @@ func buildMap(value reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer, tag reflect.StructTag) err
return nil
func buildScalar(value reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer, tag reflect.StructTag) error {
switch value.Kind() {
func buildScalar(v reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer, tag reflect.StructTag) error {
// prevents allocation on the heap.
scratch := [64]byte{}
switch value := reflect.Indirect(v); value.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
writeString(value.String(), buf)
case reflect.Bool:
if value.Bool() {
} else {
case reflect.Int64:
buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(value.Int(), 10))
buf.Write(strconv.AppendInt(scratch[:0], value.Int(), 10))
case reflect.Float64:
buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatFloat(value.Float(), 'f', -1, 64))
f := value.Float()
if math.IsInf(f, 0) || math.IsNaN(f) {
return &json.UnsupportedValueError{Value: v, Str: strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', -1, 64)}
buf.Write(strconv.AppendFloat(scratch[:0], f, 'f', -1, 64))
switch value.Type() {
case timeType:
converted := value.Interface().(time.Time)
buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(converted.UTC().Unix(), 10))
case byteSliceType:
switch converted := value.Interface().(type) {
case time.Time:
buf.Write(strconv.AppendInt(scratch[:0], converted.UTC().Unix(), 10))
case []byte:
if !value.IsNil() {
converted := value.Interface().([]byte)
if len(converted) < 1024 {
// for small buffers, using Encode directly is much faster.
@ -212,6 +234,12 @@ func buildScalar(value reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer, tag reflect.StructTag)
case aws.JSONValue:
str, err := protocol.EncodeJSONValue(converted, protocol.QuotedEscape)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to encode JSONValue, %v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported JSON value %v (%s)", value.Interface(), value.Type())
@ -219,27 +247,31 @@ func buildScalar(value reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer, tag reflect.StructTag)
return nil
var hex = "0123456789abcdef"
func writeString(s string, buf *bytes.Buffer) {
for _, r := range s {
if r == '"' {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] == '"' {
} else if r == '\\' {
} else if s[i] == '\\' {
} else if r == '\b' {
} else if s[i] == '\b' {
} else if r == '\f' {
} else if s[i] == '\f' {
} else if r == '\r' {
} else if s[i] == '\r' {
} else if r == '\t' {
} else if s[i] == '\t' {
} else if r == '\n' {
} else if s[i] == '\n' {
} else if r < 32 {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\\u%0.4x", r)
} else if s[i] < 32 {
} else {
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import (
// UnmarshalJSON reads a stream and unmarshals the results in object v.
@ -50,7 +53,10 @@ func unmarshalAny(value reflect.Value, data interface{}, tag reflect.StructTag)
t = "list"
case reflect.Map:
t = "map"
// cannot be a JSONValue map
if _, ok := value.Interface().(aws.JSONValue); !ok {
t = "map"
@ -183,6 +189,13 @@ func unmarshalScalar(value reflect.Value, data interface{}, tag reflect.StructTa
return err
case aws.JSONValue:
// No need to use escaping as the value is a non-quoted string.
v, err := protocol.DecodeJSONValue(d, protocol.NoEscape)
if err != nil {
return err
return errf()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package protocol
import (
// EscapeMode is the mode that should be use for escaping a value
type EscapeMode uint
// The modes for escaping a value before it is marshaled, and unmarshaled.
const (
NoEscape EscapeMode = iota
// EncodeJSONValue marshals the value into a JSON string, and optionally base64
// encodes the string before returning it.
// Will panic if the escape mode is unknown.
func EncodeJSONValue(v aws.JSONValue, escape EscapeMode) (string, error) {
b, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return "", err
switch escape {
case NoEscape:
return string(b), nil
case Base64Escape:
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b), nil
case QuotedEscape:
return strconv.Quote(string(b)), nil
panic(fmt.Sprintf("EncodeJSONValue called with unknown EscapeMode, %v", escape))
// DecodeJSONValue will attempt to decode the string input as a JSONValue.
// Optionally decoding base64 the value first before JSON unmarshaling.
// Will panic if the escape mode is unknown.
func DecodeJSONValue(v string, escape EscapeMode) (aws.JSONValue, error) {
var b []byte
var err error
switch escape {
case NoEscape:
b = []byte(v)
case Base64Escape:
b, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(v)
case QuotedEscape:
var u string
u, err = strconv.Unquote(v)
b = []byte(u)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("DecodeJSONValue called with unknown EscapeMode, %v", escape))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := aws.JSONValue{}
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return m, nil
@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ func (q *queryParser) parseStruct(v url.Values, value reflect.Value, prefix stri
if field.PkgPath != "" {
continue // ignore unexported fields
if field.Tag.Get("ignore") != "" {
if protocol.CanSetIdempotencyToken(value.Field(i), field) {
token := protocol.GetIdempotencyToken()
@ -118,9 +121,17 @@ func (q *queryParser) parseList(v url.Values, value reflect.Value, prefix string
return nil
if _, ok := value.Interface().([]byte); ok {
return q.parseScalar(v, value, prefix, tag)
// check for unflattened list member
if !q.isEC2 && tag.Get("flattened") == "" {
prefix += ".member"
if listName := tag.Get("locationNameList"); listName == "" {
prefix += ".member"
} else {
prefix += "." + listName
for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ {
@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ import (
// RFC822 returns an RFC822 formatted timestamp for AWS protocols
@ -46,14 +48,29 @@ var BuildHandler = request.NamedHandler{Name: "awssdk.rest.Build", Fn: Build}
func Build(r *request.Request) {
if r.ParamsFilled() {
v := reflect.ValueOf(r.Params).Elem()
buildLocationElements(r, v)
buildLocationElements(r, v, false)
buildBody(r, v)
func buildLocationElements(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value) {
// BuildAsGET builds the REST component of a service request with the ability to hoist
// data from the body.
func BuildAsGET(r *request.Request) {
if r.ParamsFilled() {
v := reflect.ValueOf(r.Params).Elem()
buildLocationElements(r, v, true)
buildBody(r, v)
func buildLocationElements(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value, buildGETQuery bool) {
query := r.HTTPRequest.URL.Query()
// Setup the raw path to match the base path pattern. This is needed
// so that when the path is mutated a custom escaped version can be
// stored in RawPath that will be used by the Go client.
r.HTTPRequest.URL.RawPath = r.HTTPRequest.URL.Path
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
m := v.Field(i)
if n := v.Type().Field(i).Name; n[0:1] == strings.ToLower(n[0:1]) {
@ -66,23 +83,34 @@ func buildLocationElements(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value) {
if name == "" {
name = field.Name
if m.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if kind := m.Kind(); kind == reflect.Ptr {
m = m.Elem()
} else if kind == reflect.Interface {
if !m.Elem().IsValid() {
if !m.IsValid() {
if field.Tag.Get("ignore") != "" {
var err error
switch field.Tag.Get("location") {
case "headers": // header maps
err = buildHeaderMap(&r.HTTPRequest.Header, m, field.Tag.Get("locationName"))
err = buildHeaderMap(&r.HTTPRequest.Header, m, field.Tag)
case "header":
err = buildHeader(&r.HTTPRequest.Header, m, name)
err = buildHeader(&r.HTTPRequest.Header, m, name, field.Tag)
case "uri":
err = buildURI(r.HTTPRequest.URL, m, name)
err = buildURI(r.HTTPRequest.URL, m, name, field.Tag)
case "querystring":
err = buildQueryString(query, m, name)
err = buildQueryString(query, m, name, field.Tag)
if buildGETQuery {
err = buildQueryString(query, m, name, field.Tag)
r.Error = err
@ -92,7 +120,9 @@ func buildLocationElements(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value) {
r.HTTPRequest.URL.RawQuery = query.Encode()
updatePath(r.HTTPRequest.URL, r.HTTPRequest.URL.Path)
if !aws.BoolValue(r.Config.DisableRestProtocolURICleaning) {
func buildBody(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value) {
@ -120,8 +150,8 @@ func buildBody(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value) {
func buildHeader(header *http.Header, v reflect.Value, name string) error {
str, err := convertType(v)
func buildHeader(header *http.Header, v reflect.Value, name string, tag reflect.StructTag) error {
str, err := convertType(v, tag)
if err == errValueNotSet {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
@ -133,9 +163,10 @@ func buildHeader(header *http.Header, v reflect.Value, name string) error {
return nil
func buildHeaderMap(header *http.Header, v reflect.Value, prefix string) error {
func buildHeaderMap(header *http.Header, v reflect.Value, tag reflect.StructTag) error {
prefix := tag.Get("locationName")
for _, key := range v.MapKeys() {
str, err := convertType(v.MapIndex(key))
str, err := convertType(v.MapIndex(key), tag)
if err == errValueNotSet {
} else if err != nil {
@ -148,23 +179,24 @@ func buildHeaderMap(header *http.Header, v reflect.Value, prefix string) error {
return nil
func buildURI(u *url.URL, v reflect.Value, name string) error {
value, err := convertType(v)
func buildURI(u *url.URL, v reflect.Value, name string, tag reflect.StructTag) error {
value, err := convertType(v, tag)
if err == errValueNotSet {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to encode REST request", err)
uri := u.Path
uri = strings.Replace(uri, "{"+name+"}", EscapePath(value, true), -1)
uri = strings.Replace(uri, "{"+name+"+}", EscapePath(value, false), -1)
u.Path = uri
u.Path = strings.Replace(u.Path, "{"+name+"}", value, -1)
u.Path = strings.Replace(u.Path, "{"+name+"+}", value, -1)
u.RawPath = strings.Replace(u.RawPath, "{"+name+"}", EscapePath(value, true), -1)
u.RawPath = strings.Replace(u.RawPath, "{"+name+"+}", EscapePath(value, false), -1)
return nil
func buildQueryString(query url.Values, v reflect.Value, name string) error {
func buildQueryString(query url.Values, v reflect.Value, name string, tag reflect.StructTag) error {
switch value := v.Interface().(type) {
case []*string:
for _, item := range value {
@ -181,7 +213,7 @@ func buildQueryString(query url.Values, v reflect.Value, name string) error {
str, err := convertType(v)
str, err := convertType(v, tag)
if err == errValueNotSet {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
@ -193,25 +225,17 @@ func buildQueryString(query url.Values, v reflect.Value, name string) error {
return nil
func updatePath(url *url.URL, urlPath string) {
scheme, query := url.Scheme, url.RawQuery
func cleanPath(u *url.URL) {
hasSlash := strings.HasSuffix(u.Path, "/")
hasSlash := strings.HasSuffix(urlPath, "/")
// clean up path, removing duplicate `/`
u.Path = path.Clean(u.Path)
u.RawPath = path.Clean(u.RawPath)
// clean up path
urlPath = path.Clean(urlPath)
if hasSlash && !strings.HasSuffix(urlPath, "/") {
urlPath += "/"
if hasSlash && !strings.HasSuffix(u.Path, "/") {
u.Path += "/"
u.RawPath += "/"
// get formatted URL minus scheme so we can build this into Opaque
url.Scheme, url.Path, url.RawQuery = "", "", ""
s := url.String()
url.Scheme = scheme
url.RawQuery = query
// build opaque URI
url.Opaque = s + urlPath
// EscapePath escapes part of a URL path in Amazon style
@ -228,13 +252,12 @@ func EscapePath(path string, encodeSep bool) string {
return buf.String()
func convertType(v reflect.Value) (string, error) {
func convertType(v reflect.Value, tag reflect.StructTag) (str string, err error) {
v = reflect.Indirect(v)
if !v.IsValid() {
return "", errValueNotSet
var str string
switch value := v.Interface().(type) {
case string:
str = value
@ -248,8 +271,20 @@ func convertType(v reflect.Value) (string, error) {
str = strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 64)
case time.Time:
str = value.UTC().Format(RFC822)
case aws.JSONValue:
if len(value) == 0 {
return "", errValueNotSet
escaping := protocol.NoEscape
if tag.Get("location") == "header" {
escaping = protocol.Base64Escape
str, err = protocol.EncodeJSONValue(value, escaping)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to encode JSONValue, %v", err)
err := fmt.Errorf("Unsupported value for param %v (%s)", v.Interface(), v.Type())
err := fmt.Errorf("unsupported value for param %v (%s)", v.Interface(), v.Type())
return "", err
return str, nil
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package rest
import (
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ import (
// UnmarshalHandler is a named request handler for unmarshaling rest protocol requests
@ -70,10 +72,16 @@ func unmarshalBody(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value) {
switch payload.Type().String() {
case "io.ReadSeeker":
case "aws.ReadSeekCloser", "io.ReadCloser":
case "io.ReadCloser":
case "io.ReadSeeker":
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.HTTPResponse.Body)
if err != nil {
r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError",
"failed to read response body", err)
io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r.HTTPResponse.Body)
defer r.HTTPResponse.Body.Close()
@ -105,7 +113,7 @@ func unmarshalLocationElements(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value) {
case "statusCode":
unmarshalStatusCode(m, r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode)
case "header":
err := unmarshalHeader(m, r.HTTPResponse.Header.Get(name))
err := unmarshalHeader(m, r.HTTPResponse.Header.Get(name), field.Tag)
if err != nil {
r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to decode REST response", err)
@ -152,8 +160,13 @@ func unmarshalHeaderMap(r reflect.Value, headers http.Header, prefix string) err
return nil
func unmarshalHeader(v reflect.Value, header string) error {
if !v.IsValid() || (header == "" && v.Elem().Kind() != reflect.String) {
func unmarshalHeader(v reflect.Value, header string, tag reflect.StructTag) error {
isJSONValue := tag.Get("type") == "jsonvalue"
if isJSONValue {
if len(header) == 0 {
return nil
} else if !v.IsValid() || (header == "" && v.Elem().Kind() != reflect.String) {
return nil
@ -190,6 +203,16 @@ func unmarshalHeader(v reflect.Value, header string) error {
return err
case aws.JSONValue:
escaping := protocol.NoEscape
if tag.Get("location") == "header" {
escaping = protocol.Base64Escape
m, err := protocol.DecodeJSONValue(header, escaping)
if err != nil {
return err
err := fmt.Errorf("Unsupported value for param %v (%s)", v.Interface(), v.Type())
return err
@ -127,6 +127,9 @@ func (b *xmlBuilder) buildStruct(value reflect.Value, current *XMLNode, tag refl
if field.PkgPath != "" {
continue // ignore unexported fields
if field.Tag.Get("ignore") != "" {
mTag := field.Tag
if mTag.Get("location") != "" { // skip non-body members
@ -15,7 +15,10 @@ import (
// needs to match the shape of the XML expected to be decoded.
// If the shape doesn't match unmarshaling will fail.
func UnmarshalXML(v interface{}, d *xml.Decoder, wrapper string) error {
n, _ := XMLToStruct(d, nil)
n, err := XMLToStruct(d, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if n.Children != nil {
for _, root := range n.Children {
for _, c := range root {
@ -23,7 +26,7 @@ func UnmarshalXML(v interface{}, d *xml.Decoder, wrapper string) error {
c = wrappedChild[0] // pull out wrapped element
err := parse(reflect.ValueOf(v), c, "")
err = parse(reflect.ValueOf(v), c, "")
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
@ -111,11 +114,8 @@ func parseStruct(r reflect.Value, node *XMLNode, tag reflect.StructTag) error {
elems := node.Children[name]
if elems == nil { // try to find the field in attributes
for _, a := range node.Attr {
if name == a.Name.Local {
// turn this into a text node for de-serializing
elems = []*XMLNode{{Text: a.Value}}
if val, ok := node.findElem(name); ok {
elems = []*XMLNode{{Text: val}}
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package xmlutil
import (
@ -12,6 +13,9 @@ type XMLNode struct {
Children map[string][]*XMLNode `json:",omitempty"`
Text string `json:",omitempty"`
Attr []xml.Attr `json:",omitempty"`
namespaces map[string]string
parent *XMLNode
// NewXMLElement returns a pointer to a new XMLNode initialized to default values.
@ -36,11 +40,16 @@ func XMLToStruct(d *xml.Decoder, s *xml.StartElement) (*XMLNode, error) {
out := &XMLNode{}
for {
tok, err := d.Token()
if tok == nil || err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return out, err
if err == io.EOF {
} else {
return out, err
if tok == nil {
switch typed := tok.(type) {
@ -59,21 +68,54 @@ func XMLToStruct(d *xml.Decoder, s *xml.StartElement) (*XMLNode, error) {
slice = []*XMLNode{}
node, e := XMLToStruct(d, &el)
if e != nil {
return out, e
node.Name = typed.Name
tempOut := *out
// Save into a temp variable, simply because out gets squashed during
// loop iterations
node.parent = &tempOut
slice = append(slice, node)
out.Children[name] = slice
case xml.EndElement:
if s != nil && s.Name.Local == typed.Name.Local { // matching end token
return out, nil
out = &XMLNode{}
return out, nil
func (n *XMLNode) findNamespaces() {
ns := map[string]string{}
for _, a := range n.Attr {
if a.Name.Space == "xmlns" {
ns[a.Value] = a.Name.Local
n.namespaces = ns
func (n *XMLNode) findElem(name string) (string, bool) {
for node := n; node != nil; node = node.parent {
for _, a := range node.Attr {
namespace := a.Name.Space
if v, ok := node.namespaces[namespace]; ok {
namespace = v
if name == fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", namespace, a.Name.Local) {
return a.Value, true
return "", false
// StructToXML writes an XMLNode to a xml.Encoder as tokens.
func StructToXML(e *xml.Encoder, node *XMLNode, sorted bool) error {
e.EncodeToken(xml.StartElement{Name: node.Name, Attr: node.Attr})
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
// Package cloudwatchlogs provides the client and types for making API
// requests to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
// You can use Amazon CloudWatch Logs to monitor, store, and access your log
// files from Amazon EC2 instances, AWS CloudTrail, or other sources. You can
// then retrieve the associated log data from CloudWatch Logs using the CloudWatch
// console, CloudWatch Logs commands in the AWS CLI, CloudWatch Logs API, or
// CloudWatch Logs SDK.
// You can use CloudWatch Logs to:
// * Monitor logs from EC2 instances in real-time: You can use CloudWatch
// Logs to monitor applications and systems using log data. For example,
// CloudWatch Logs can track the number of errors that occur in your application
// logs and send you a notification whenever the rate of errors exceeds a
// threshold that you specify. CloudWatch Logs uses your log data for monitoring;
// so, no code changes are required. For example, you can monitor application
// logs for specific literal terms (such as "NullReferenceException") or
// count the number of occurrences of a literal term at a particular position
// in log data (such as "404" status codes in an Apache access log). When
// the term you are searching for is found, CloudWatch Logs reports the data
// to a CloudWatch metric that you specify.
// * Monitor AWS CloudTrail logged events: You can create alarms in CloudWatch
// and receive notifications of particular API activity as captured by CloudTrail
// and use the notification to perform troubleshooting.
// * Archive log data: You can use CloudWatch Logs to store your log data
// in highly durable storage. You can change the log retention setting so
// that any log events older than this setting are automatically deleted.
// The CloudWatch Logs agent makes it easy to quickly send both rotated and
// non-rotated log data off of a host and into the log service. You can then
// access the raw log data when you need it.
// See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/logs-2014-03-28 for more information on this service.
// See cloudwatchlogs package documentation for more information.
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/cloudwatchlogs/
// Using the Client
// To contact Amazon CloudWatch Logs with the SDK use the New function to create
// a new service client. With that client you can make API requests to the service.
// These clients are safe to use concurrently.
// See the SDK's documentation for more information on how to use the SDK.
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/
// See aws.Config documentation for more information on configuring SDK clients.
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/#Config
// See the Amazon CloudWatch Logs client CloudWatchLogs for more
// information on creating client for this service.
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/cloudwatchlogs/#New
package cloudwatchlogs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
package cloudwatchlogs
const (
// ErrCodeDataAlreadyAcceptedException for service response error code
// "DataAlreadyAcceptedException".
// The event was already logged.
ErrCodeDataAlreadyAcceptedException = "DataAlreadyAcceptedException"
// ErrCodeInvalidOperationException for service response error code
// "InvalidOperationException".
// The operation is not valid on the specified resource.
ErrCodeInvalidOperationException = "InvalidOperationException"
// ErrCodeInvalidParameterException for service response error code
// "InvalidParameterException".
// A parameter is specified incorrectly.
ErrCodeInvalidParameterException = "InvalidParameterException"
// ErrCodeInvalidSequenceTokenException for service response error code
// "InvalidSequenceTokenException".
// The sequence token is not valid.
ErrCodeInvalidSequenceTokenException = "InvalidSequenceTokenException"
// ErrCodeLimitExceededException for service response error code
// "LimitExceededException".
// You have reached the maximum number of resources that can be created.
ErrCodeLimitExceededException = "LimitExceededException"
// ErrCodeOperationAbortedException for service response error code
// "OperationAbortedException".
// Multiple requests to update the same resource were in conflict.
ErrCodeOperationAbortedException = "OperationAbortedException"
// ErrCodeResourceAlreadyExistsException for service response error code
// "ResourceAlreadyExistsException".
// The specified resource already exists.
ErrCodeResourceAlreadyExistsException = "ResourceAlreadyExistsException"
// ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException for service response error code
// "ResourceNotFoundException".
// The specified resource does not exist.
ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException = "ResourceNotFoundException"
// ErrCodeServiceUnavailableException for service response error code
// "ServiceUnavailableException".
// The service cannot complete the request.
ErrCodeServiceUnavailableException = "ServiceUnavailableException"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
package cloudwatchlogs
@ -11,38 +11,12 @@ import (
// You can use Amazon CloudWatch Logs to monitor, store, and access your log
// files from Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, Amazon CloudTrail,
// or other sources. You can then retrieve the associated log data from CloudWatch
// Logs using the Amazon CloudWatch console, the CloudWatch Logs commands in
// the AWS CLI, the CloudWatch Logs API, or the CloudWatch Logs SDK.
// CloudWatchLogs provides the API operation methods for making requests to
// Amazon CloudWatch Logs. See this package's package overview docs
// for details on the service.
// You can use CloudWatch Logs to:
// * Monitor Logs from Amazon EC2 Instances in Real-time: You can use CloudWatch
// Logs to monitor applications and systems using log data. For example,
// CloudWatch Logs can track the number of errors that occur in your application
// logs and send you a notification whenever the rate of errors exceeds a
// threshold you specify. CloudWatch Logs uses your log data for monitoring;
// so, no code changes are required. For example, you can monitor application
// logs for specific literal terms (such as "NullReferenceException") or
// count the number of occurrences of a literal term at a particular position
// in log data (such as "404" status codes in an Apache access log). When
// the term you are searching for is found, CloudWatch Logs reports the data
// to a Amazon CloudWatch metric that you specify.
// * Monitor Amazon CloudTrail Logged Events: You can create alarms in Amazon
// CloudWatch and receive notifications of particular API activity as captured
// by CloudTrail and use the notification to perform troubleshooting.
// * Archive Log Data: You can use CloudWatch Logs to store your log data
// in highly durable storage. You can change the log retention setting so
// that any log events older than this setting are automatically deleted.
// The CloudWatch Logs agent makes it easy to quickly send both rotated and
// non-rotated log data off of a host and into the log service. You can then
// access the raw log data when you need it.
//The service client's operations are safe to be used concurrently.
// It is not safe to mutate any of the client's properties though.
// CloudWatchLogs methods are safe to use concurrently. It is not safe to
// modify mutate any of the struct's properties though.
type CloudWatchLogs struct {
@ -53,8 +27,11 @@ var initClient func(*client.Client)
// Used for custom request initialization logic
var initRequest func(*request.Request)
// A ServiceName is the name of the service the client will make API calls to.
const ServiceName = "logs"
// Service information constants
const (
ServiceName = "logs" // Service endpoint prefix API calls made to.
EndpointsID = ServiceName // Service ID for Regions and Endpoints metadata.
// New creates a new instance of the CloudWatchLogs client with a session.
// If additional configuration is needed for the client instance use the optional
@ -67,17 +44,18 @@ const ServiceName = "logs"
// // Create a CloudWatchLogs client with additional configuration
// svc := cloudwatchlogs.New(mySession, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion("us-west-2"))
func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *CloudWatchLogs {
c := p.ClientConfig(ServiceName, cfgs...)
return newClient(*c.Config, c.Handlers, c.Endpoint, c.SigningRegion)
c := p.ClientConfig(EndpointsID, cfgs...)
return newClient(*c.Config, c.Handlers, c.Endpoint, c.SigningRegion, c.SigningName)
// newClient creates, initializes and returns a new service client instance.
func newClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint, signingRegion string) *CloudWatchLogs {
func newClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint, signingRegion, signingName string) *CloudWatchLogs {
svc := &CloudWatchLogs{
Client: client.New(
ServiceName: ServiceName,
SigningName: signingName,
SigningRegion: signingRegion,
Endpoint: endpoint,
APIVersion: "2014-03-28",
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
// Package sts provides the client and types for making API
// requests to AWS Security Token Service.
// The AWS Security Token Service (STS) is a web service that enables you to
// request temporary, limited-privilege credentials for AWS Identity and Access
// Management (IAM) users or for users that you authenticate (federated users).
// This guide provides descriptions of the STS API. For more detailed information
// about using this service, go to Temporary Security Credentials (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp.html).
// As an alternative to using the API, you can use one of the AWS SDKs, which
// consist of libraries and sample code for various programming languages and
// platforms (Java, Ruby, .NET, iOS, Android, etc.). The SDKs provide a convenient
// way to create programmatic access to STS. For example, the SDKs take care
// of cryptographically signing requests, managing errors, and retrying requests
// automatically. For information about the AWS SDKs, including how to download
// and install them, see the Tools for Amazon Web Services page (http://aws.amazon.com/tools/).
// For information about setting up signatures and authorization through the
// API, go to Signing AWS API Requests (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signing_aws_api_requests.html)
// in the AWS General Reference. For general information about the Query API,
// go to Making Query Requests (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/IAM_UsingQueryAPI.html)
// in Using IAM. For information about using security tokens with other AWS
// products, go to AWS Services That Work with IAM (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_aws-services-that-work-with-iam.html)
// in the IAM User Guide.
// If you're new to AWS and need additional technical information about a specific
// AWS product, you can find the product's technical documentation at http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/
// (http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/).
// Endpoints
// The AWS Security Token Service (STS) has a default endpoint of https://sts.amazonaws.com
// that maps to the US East (N. Virginia) region. Additional regions are available
// and are activated by default. For more information, see Activating and Deactivating
// AWS STS in an AWS Region (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_enable-regions.html)
// in the IAM User Guide.
// For information about STS endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#sts_region)
// in the AWS General Reference.
// Recording API requests
// STS supports AWS CloudTrail, which is a service that records AWS calls for
// your AWS account and delivers log files to an Amazon S3 bucket. By using
// information collected by CloudTrail, you can determine what requests were
// successfully made to STS, who made the request, when it was made, and so
// on. To learn more about CloudTrail, including how to turn it on and find
// your log files, see the AWS CloudTrail User Guide (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awscloudtrail/latest/userguide/what_is_cloud_trail_top_level.html).
// See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/sts-2011-06-15 for more information on this service.
// See sts package documentation for more information.
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/sts/
// Using the Client
// To contact AWS Security Token Service with the SDK use the New function to create
// a new service client. With that client you can make API requests to the service.
// These clients are safe to use concurrently.
// See the SDK's documentation for more information on how to use the SDK.
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/
// See aws.Config documentation for more information on configuring SDK clients.
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/#Config
// See the AWS Security Token Service client STS for more
// information on creating client for this service.
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/sts/#New
package sts
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
package sts
const (
// ErrCodeExpiredTokenException for service response error code
// "ExpiredTokenException".
// The web identity token that was passed is expired or is not valid. Get a
// new identity token from the identity provider and then retry the request.
ErrCodeExpiredTokenException = "ExpiredTokenException"
// ErrCodeIDPCommunicationErrorException for service response error code
// "IDPCommunicationError".
// The request could not be fulfilled because the non-AWS identity provider
// (IDP) that was asked to verify the incoming identity token could not be reached.
// This is often a transient error caused by network conditions. Retry the request
// a limited number of times so that you don't exceed the request rate. If the
// error persists, the non-AWS identity provider might be down or not responding.
ErrCodeIDPCommunicationErrorException = "IDPCommunicationError"
// ErrCodeIDPRejectedClaimException for service response error code
// "IDPRejectedClaim".
// The identity provider (IdP) reported that authentication failed. This might
// be because the claim is invalid.
// If this error is returned for the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity operation, it
// can also mean that the claim has expired or has been explicitly revoked.
ErrCodeIDPRejectedClaimException = "IDPRejectedClaim"
// ErrCodeInvalidAuthorizationMessageException for service response error code
// "InvalidAuthorizationMessageException".
// The error returned if the message passed to DecodeAuthorizationMessage was
// invalid. This can happen if the token contains invalid characters, such as
// linebreaks.
ErrCodeInvalidAuthorizationMessageException = "InvalidAuthorizationMessageException"
// ErrCodeInvalidIdentityTokenException for service response error code
// "InvalidIdentityToken".
// The web identity token that was passed could not be validated by AWS. Get
// a new identity token from the identity provider and then retry the request.
ErrCodeInvalidIdentityTokenException = "InvalidIdentityToken"
// ErrCodeMalformedPolicyDocumentException for service response error code
// "MalformedPolicyDocument".
// The request was rejected because the policy document was malformed. The error
// message describes the specific error.
ErrCodeMalformedPolicyDocumentException = "MalformedPolicyDocument"
// ErrCodePackedPolicyTooLargeException for service response error code
// "PackedPolicyTooLarge".
// The request was rejected because the policy document was too large. The error
// message describes how big the policy document is, in packed form, as a percentage
// of what the API allows.
ErrCodePackedPolicyTooLargeException = "PackedPolicyTooLarge"
// ErrCodeRegionDisabledException for service response error code
// "RegionDisabledException".
// STS is not activated in the requested region for the account that is being
// asked to generate credentials. The account administrator must use the IAM
// console to activate STS in that region. For more information, see Activating
// and Deactivating AWS STS in an AWS Region (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_enable-regions.html)
// in the IAM User Guide.
ErrCodeRegionDisabledException = "RegionDisabledException"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
package sts
@ -11,53 +11,12 @@ import (
// The AWS Security Token Service (STS) is a web service that enables you to
// request temporary, limited-privilege credentials for AWS Identity and Access
// Management (IAM) users or for users that you authenticate (federated users).
// This guide provides descriptions of the STS API. For more detailed information
// about using this service, go to Temporary Security Credentials (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp.html).
// STS provides the API operation methods for making requests to
// AWS Security Token Service. See this package's package overview docs
// for details on the service.
// As an alternative to using the API, you can use one of the AWS SDKs, which
// consist of libraries and sample code for various programming languages and
// platforms (Java, Ruby, .NET, iOS, Android, etc.). The SDKs provide a convenient
// way to create programmatic access to STS. For example, the SDKs take care
// of cryptographically signing requests, managing errors, and retrying requests
// automatically. For information about the AWS SDKs, including how to download
// and install them, see the Tools for Amazon Web Services page (http://aws.amazon.com/tools/).
// For information about setting up signatures and authorization through the
// API, go to Signing AWS API Requests (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signing_aws_api_requests.html)
// in the AWS General Reference. For general information about the Query API,
// go to Making Query Requests (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/IAM_UsingQueryAPI.html)
// in Using IAM. For information about using security tokens with other AWS
// products, go to AWS Services That Work with IAM (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_aws-services-that-work-with-iam.html)
// in the IAM User Guide.
// If you're new to AWS and need additional technical information about a specific
// AWS product, you can find the product's technical documentation at http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/
// (http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/).
// Endpoints
// The AWS Security Token Service (STS) has a default endpoint of https://sts.amazonaws.com
// that maps to the US East (N. Virginia) region. Additional regions are available
// and are activated by default. For more information, see Activating and Deactivating
// AWS STS in an AWS Region (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_temp_enable-regions.html)
// in the IAM User Guide.
// For information about STS endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#sts_region)
// in the AWS General Reference.
// Recording API requests
// STS supports AWS CloudTrail, which is a service that records AWS calls for
// your AWS account and delivers log files to an Amazon S3 bucket. By using
// information collected by CloudTrail, you can determine what requests were
// successfully made to STS, who made the request, when it was made, and so
// on. To learn more about CloudTrail, including how to turn it on and find
// your log files, see the AWS CloudTrail User Guide (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awscloudtrail/latest/userguide/what_is_cloud_trail_top_level.html).
//The service client's operations are safe to be used concurrently.
// It is not safe to mutate any of the client's properties though.
// STS methods are safe to use concurrently. It is not safe to
// modify mutate any of the struct's properties though.
type STS struct {
@ -68,8 +27,11 @@ var initClient func(*client.Client)
// Used for custom request initialization logic
var initRequest func(*request.Request)
// A ServiceName is the name of the service the client will make API calls to.
const ServiceName = "sts"
// Service information constants
const (
ServiceName = "sts" // Service endpoint prefix API calls made to.
EndpointsID = ServiceName // Service ID for Regions and Endpoints metadata.
// New creates a new instance of the STS client with a session.
// If additional configuration is needed for the client instance use the optional
@ -82,17 +44,18 @@ const ServiceName = "sts"
// // Create a STS client with additional configuration
// svc := sts.New(mySession, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion("us-west-2"))
func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *STS {
c := p.ClientConfig(ServiceName, cfgs...)
return newClient(*c.Config, c.Handlers, c.Endpoint, c.SigningRegion)
c := p.ClientConfig(EndpointsID, cfgs...)
return newClient(*c.Config, c.Handlers, c.Endpoint, c.SigningRegion, c.SigningName)
// newClient creates, initializes and returns a new service client instance.
func newClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint, signingRegion string) *STS {
func newClient(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, endpoint, signingRegion, signingName string) *STS {
svc := &STS{
Client: client.New(
ServiceName: ServiceName,
SigningName: signingName,
SigningRegion: signingRegion,
Endpoint: endpoint,
APIVersion: "2011-06-15",
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
ini [](https://drone.io/github.com/go-ini/ini/latest) [](http://gocover.io/github.com/go-ini/ini)
INI [](https://travis-ci.org/go-ini/ini) [](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/go-ini/ini?badge)

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Package ini provides INI file read and write functionality in Go.
## Feature
- Load multiple data sources(`[]byte` or file) with overwrites.
- Load multiple data sources(`[]byte`, file and `io.ReadCloser`) with overwrites.
- Read with recursion values.
- Read with parent-child sections.
- Read with auto-increment key names.
@ -22,16 +22,32 @@ Package ini provides INI file read and write functionality in Go.
## Installation
To use a tagged revision:
go get gopkg.in/ini.v1
To use with latest changes:
go get github.com/go-ini/ini
Please add `-u` flag to update in the future.
### Testing
If you want to test on your machine, please apply `-t` flag:
go get -t gopkg.in/ini.v1
Please add `-u` flag to update in the future.
## Getting Started
### Loading from data sources
A **Data Source** is either raw data in type `[]byte` or a file name with type `string` and you can load **as many as** data sources you want. Passing other types will simply return an error.
A **Data Source** is either raw data in type `[]byte`, a file name with type `string` or `io.ReadCloser`. You can load **as many data sources as you want**. Passing other types will simply return an error.
cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("raw data"), "filename")
cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("raw data"), "filename", ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte("some other data"))))
Or start with an empty object:
@ -40,12 +56,72 @@ Or start with an empty object:
cfg := ini.Empty()
When you cannot decide how many data sources to load at the beginning, you still able to **Append()** them later.
When you cannot decide how many data sources to load at the beginning, you will still be able to **Append()** them later.
err := cfg.Append("other file", []byte("other raw data"))
If you have a list of files with possibilities that some of them may not available at the time, and you don't know exactly which ones, you can use `LooseLoad` to ignore nonexistent files without returning error.
cfg, err := ini.LooseLoad("filename", "filename_404")
The cool thing is, whenever the file is available to load while you're calling `Reload` method, it will be counted as usual.
#### Ignore cases of key name
When you do not care about cases of section and key names, you can use `InsensitiveLoad` to force all names to be lowercased while parsing.
cfg, err := ini.InsensitiveLoad("filename")
// sec1 and sec2 are the exactly same section object
sec1, err := cfg.GetSection("Section")
sec2, err := cfg.GetSection("SecTIOn")
// key1 and key2 are the exactly same key object
key1, err := cfg.GetKey("Key")
key2, err := cfg.GetKey("KeY")
#### MySQL-like boolean key
MySQL's configuration allows a key without value as follows:
By default, this is considered as missing value. But if you know you're going to deal with those cases, you can assign advanced load options:
cfg, err := LoadSources(LoadOptions{AllowBooleanKeys: true}, "my.cnf"))
The value of those keys are always `true`, and when you save to a file, it will keep in the same foramt as you read.
To generate such keys in your program, you could use `NewBooleanKey`:
key, err := sec.NewBooleanKey("skip-host-cache")
#### Comment
Take care that following format will be treated as comment:
1. Line begins with `#` or `;`
2. Words after `#` or `;`
3. Words after section name (i.e words after `[some section name]`)
If you want to save a value with `#` or `;`, please quote them with ``` ` ``` or ``` """ ```.
### Working with sections
To get a section, you would need to:
@ -63,7 +139,7 @@ section, err := cfg.GetSection("")
When you're pretty sure the section exists, following code could make your life easier:
section := cfg.Section("")
section := cfg.Section("section name")
What happens when the section somehow does not exist? Don't panic, it automatically creates and returns a new section to you.
@ -95,6 +171,12 @@ Same rule applies to key operations:
key := cfg.Section("").Key("key name")
To check if a key exists:
yes := cfg.Section("").HasKey("key name")
To create a new key:
@ -111,7 +193,7 @@ names := cfg.Section("").KeyStrings()
To get a clone hash of keys and corresponding values:
hash := cfg.GetSection("").KeysHash()
hash := cfg.Section("").KeysHash()
### Working with values
@ -133,12 +215,24 @@ val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").Validate(func(in string) string {
If you do not want any auto-transformation (such as recursive read) for the values, you can get raw value directly (this way you get much better performance):
val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").Value()
To check if raw value exists:
yes := cfg.Section("").HasValue("test value")
To get value with types:
// For boolean values:
// true when value is: 1, t, T, TRUE, true, True, YES, yes, Yes, ON, on, On
// false when value is: 0, f, F, FALSE, false, False, NO, no, No, OFF, off, Off
// true when value is: 1, t, T, TRUE, true, True, YES, yes, Yes, y, ON, on, On
// false when value is: 0, f, F, FALSE, false, False, NO, no, No, n, OFF, off, Off
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("BOOL").Bool()
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").Float64()
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").Int()
@ -212,6 +306,16 @@ cfg.Section("advance").Key("two_lines").String() // how about continuation lines
cfg.Section("advance").Key("lots_of_lines").String() // 1 2 3 4
Well, I hate continuation lines, how do I disable that?
cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{
IgnoreContinuation: true,
}, "filename")
Holy crap!
Note that single quotes around values will be stripped:
@ -250,9 +354,13 @@ vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").RangeTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, time.Now(), min
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").RangeTime(time.Now(), minTime, maxTime) // RFC3339
To auto-split value into slice:
##### Auto-split values into a slice
To use zero value of type for invalid inputs:
// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> [0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0]
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("STRINGS").Strings(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").Float64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").Ints(",")
@ -262,6 +370,32 @@ vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").Uint64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").Times(",")
To exclude invalid values out of result slice:
// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> [2.2]
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").ValidFloat64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").ValidInts(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").ValidInt64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").ValidUints(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").ValidUint64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").ValidTimes(",")
Or to return nothing but error when have invalid inputs:
// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> error
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").StrictFloat64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").StrictInts(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").StrictInt64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").StrictUints(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").StrictUint64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").StrictTimes(",")
### Save your configuration
Finally, it's time to save your configuration to somewhere.
@ -282,6 +416,12 @@ cfg.WriteTo(writer)
cfg.WriteToIndent(writer, "\t")
By default, spaces are used to align "=" sign between key and values, to disable that:
ini.PrettyFormat = false
## Advanced Usage
### Recursive Values
@ -323,6 +463,27 @@ CLONE_URL = https://%(IMPORT_PATH)s
cfg.Section("package.sub").Key("CLONE_URL").String() // https://gopkg.in/ini.v1
#### Retrieve parent keys available to a child section
cfg.Section("package.sub").ParentKeys() // ["CLONE_URL"]
### Unparseable Sections
Sometimes, you have sections that do not contain key-value pairs but raw content, to handle such case, you can use `LoadOptions.UnparsableSections`:
cfg, err := LoadSources(LoadOptions{UnparseableSections: []string{"COMMENTS"}}, `[COMMENTS]
<1><L.Slide#2> This slide has the fuel listed in the wrong units <e.1>`))
body := cfg.Section("COMMENTS").Body()
/* --- start ---
<1><L.Slide#2> This slide has the fuel listed in the wrong units <e.1>
------ end --- */
### Auto-increment Key Names
If key name is `-` in data source, then it would be seen as special syntax for auto-increment key name start from 1, and every section is independent on counter.
@ -407,8 +568,8 @@ Why not?
type Embeded struct {
Dates []time.Time `delim:"|"`
Places []string
None []int
Places []string `ini:"places,omitempty"`
None []int `ini:",omitempty"`
type Author struct {
@ -443,8 +604,7 @@ GPA = 2.8
Dates = 2015-08-07T22:14:22+08:00|2015-08-07T22:14:22+08:00
Places = HangZhou,Boston
None =
places = HangZhou,Boston
#### Name Mapper
@ -464,7 +624,7 @@ type Info struct {
func main() {
err = ini.MapToWithMapper(&Info{}, ini.TitleUnderscore, []byte("packag_name=ini"))
err = ini.MapToWithMapper(&Info{}, ini.TitleUnderscore, []byte("package_name=ini"))
// ...
cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("PACKAGE_NAME=ini"))
@ -478,6 +638,26 @@ func main() {
Same rules of name mapper apply to `ini.ReflectFromWithMapper` function.
#### Value Mapper
To expand values (e.g. from environment variables), you can use the `ValueMapper` to transform values:
type Env struct {
Foo string `ini:"foo"`
func main() {
cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("[env]\nfoo = ${MY_VAR}\n")
cfg.ValueMapper = os.ExpandEnv
// ...
env := &Env{}
err = cfg.Section("env").MapTo(env)
This would set the value of `env.Foo` to the value of the environment variable `MY_VAR`.
#### Other Notes On Map/Reflect
Any embedded struct is treated as a section by default, and there is no automatic parent-child relations in map/reflect feature:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## 功能特性
- 支持覆盖加载多个数据源(`[]byte` 或文件)
- 支持覆盖加载多个数据源(`[]byte`、文件和 `io.ReadCloser`)
- 支持递归读取键值
- 支持读取父子分区
- 支持读取自增键名
@ -15,16 +15,32 @@
## 下载安装
go get gopkg.in/ini.v1
go get github.com/go-ini/ini
如需更新请添加 `-u` 选项。
### 测试安装
如果您想要在自己的机器上运行测试,请使用 `-t` 标记:
go get -t gopkg.in/ini.v1
如需更新请添加 `-u` 选项。
## 开始使用
### 从数据源加载
一个 **数据源** 可以是 `[]byte` 类型的原始数据,或 `string` 类型的文件路径。您可以加载 **任意多个** 数据源。如果您传递其它类型的数据源,则会直接返回错误。
一个 **数据源** 可以是 `[]byte` 类型的原始数据,`string` 类型的文件路径或 `io.ReadCloser`。您可以加载 **任意多个** 数据源。如果您传递其它类型的数据源,则会直接返回错误。
cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("raw data"), "filename")
cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("raw data"), "filename", ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte("some other data"))))
@ -39,6 +55,66 @@ cfg := ini.Empty()
err := cfg.Append("other file", []byte("other raw data"))
当您想要加载一系列文件,但是不能够确定其中哪些文件是不存在的,可以通过调用函数 `LooseLoad` 来忽略它们(`Load` 会因为文件不存在而返回错误):
cfg, err := ini.LooseLoad("filename", "filename_404")
更牛逼的是,当那些之前不存在的文件在重新调用 `Reload` 方法的时候突然出现了,那么它们会被正常加载。
#### 忽略键名的大小写
有时候分区和键的名称大小写混合非常烦人,这个时候就可以通过 `InsensitiveLoad` 将所有分区和键名在读取里强制转换为小写:
cfg, err := ini.InsensitiveLoad("filename")
// sec1 和 sec2 指向同一个分区对象
sec1, err := cfg.GetSection("Section")
sec2, err := cfg.GetSection("SecTIOn")
// key1 和 key2 指向同一个键对象
key1, err := cfg.GetKey("Key")
key2, err := cfg.GetKey("KeY")
#### 类似 MySQL 配置中的布尔值键
MySQL 的配置文件中会出现没有具体值的布尔类型的键:
cfg, err := LoadSources(LoadOptions{AllowBooleanKeys: true}, "my.cnf"))
这些键的值永远为 `true`,且在保存到文件时也只会输出键名。
如果您想要通过程序来生成此类键,则可以使用 `NewBooleanKey`:
key, err := sec.NewBooleanKey("skip-host-cache")
#### 关于注释
1. 所有以 `#` 或 `;` 开头的行
2. 所有在 `#` 或 `;` 之后的内容
3. 分区标签后的文字 (即 `[分区名]` 之后的内容)
如果你希望使用包含 `#` 或 `;` 的值,请使用 ``` ` ``` 或 ``` """ ``` 进行包覆。
### 操作分区(Section)
@ -56,7 +132,7 @@ section, err := cfg.GetSection("")
section := cfg.Section("")
section := cfg.Section("section name")
@ -88,6 +164,12 @@ key, err := cfg.Section("").GetKey("key name")
key := cfg.Section("").Key("key name")
yes := cfg.Section("").HasKey("key name")
@ -104,7 +186,7 @@ names := cfg.Section("").KeyStrings()
hash := cfg.GetSection("").KeysHash()
hash := cfg.Section("").KeysHash()
### 操作键值(Value)
@ -126,12 +208,24 @@ val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").Validate(func(in string) string {
val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").Value()
yes := cfg.Section("").HasValue("test value")
// 布尔值的规则:
// true 当值为:1, t, T, TRUE, true, True, YES, yes, Yes, ON, on, On
// false 当值为:0, f, F, FALSE, false, False, NO, no, No, OFF, off, Off
// true 当值为:1, t, T, TRUE, true, True, YES, yes, Yes, y, ON, on, On
// false 当值为:0, f, F, FALSE, false, False, NO, no, No, n, OFF, off, Off
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("BOOL").Bool()
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").Float64()
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").Int()
@ -205,6 +299,16 @@ cfg.Section("advance").Key("two_lines").String() // how about continuation lines
cfg.Section("advance").Key("lots_of_lines").String() // 1 2 3 4
cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{
IgnoreContinuation: true,
}, "filename")
@ -243,9 +347,13 @@ vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").RangeTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, time.Now(), min
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").RangeTime(time.Now(), minTime, maxTime) // RFC3339
##### 自动分割键值到切片(slice)
// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> [0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0]
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("STRINGS").Strings(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").Float64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").Ints(",")
@ -255,6 +363,32 @@ vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").Uint64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").Times(",")
// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> [2.2]
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").ValidFloat64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").ValidInts(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").ValidInt64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").ValidUints(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").ValidUint64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").ValidTimes(",")
// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> error
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").StrictFloat64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").StrictInts(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").StrictInt64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").StrictUints(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").StrictUint64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").StrictTimes(",")
### 保存配置
@ -275,9 +409,15 @@ cfg.WriteTo(writer)
cfg.WriteToIndent(writer, "\t")
### 高级用法
#### 递归读取键值
ini.PrettyFormat = false
## 高级用法
### 递归读取键值
在获取所有键值的过程中,特殊语法 `%(<name>)s` 会被应用,其中 `<name>` 可以是相同分区或者默认分区下的键名。字符串 `%(<name>)s` 会被相应的键值所替代,如果指定的键不存在,则会用空字符串替代。您可以最多使用 99 层的递归嵌套。
@ -297,7 +437,7 @@ cfg.Section("author").Key("GITHUB").String() // https://github.com/Unknwon
cfg.Section("package").Key("FULL_NAME").String() // github.com/go-ini/ini
#### 读取父子分区
### 读取父子分区
您可以在分区名称中使用 `.` 来表示两个或多个分区之间的父子关系。如果某个键在子分区中不存在,则会去它的父分区中再次寻找,直到没有父分区为止。
@ -316,7 +456,28 @@ CLONE_URL = https://%(IMPORT_PATH)s
cfg.Section("package.sub").Key("CLONE_URL").String() // https://gopkg.in/ini.v1
#### 读取自增键名
#### 获取上级父分区下的所有键名
cfg.Section("package.sub").ParentKeys() // ["CLONE_URL"]
### 无法解析的分区
如果遇到一些比较特殊的分区,它们不包含常见的键值对,而是没有固定格式的纯文本,则可以使用 `LoadOptions.UnparsableSections` 进行处理:
cfg, err := LoadSources(LoadOptions{UnparseableSections: []string{"COMMENTS"}}, `[COMMENTS]
<1><L.Slide#2> This slide has the fuel listed in the wrong units <e.1>`))
body := cfg.Section("COMMENTS").Body()
/* --- start ---
<1><L.Slide#2> This slide has the fuel listed in the wrong units <e.1>
------ end --- */
### 读取自增键名
如果数据源中的键名为 `-`,则认为该键使用了自增键名的特殊语法。计数器从 1 开始,并且分区之间是相互独立的。
@ -398,8 +559,8 @@ p := &Person{
type Embeded struct {
Dates []time.Time `delim:"|"`
Places []string
None []int
Places []string `ini:"places,omitempty"`
None []int `ini:",omitempty"`
type Author struct {
@ -434,8 +595,7 @@ GPA = 2.8
Dates = 2015-08-07T22:14:22+08:00|2015-08-07T22:14:22+08:00
Places = HangZhou,Boston
None =
places = HangZhou,Boston
#### 名称映射器(Name Mapper)
@ -455,7 +615,7 @@ type Info struct{
func main() {
err = ini.MapToWithMapper(&Info{}, ini.TitleUnderscore, []byte("packag_name=ini"))
err = ini.MapToWithMapper(&Info{}, ini.TitleUnderscore, []byte("package_name=ini"))
// ...
cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("PACKAGE_NAME=ini"))
@ -469,6 +629,26 @@ func main() {
使用函数 `ini.ReflectFromWithMapper` 时也可应用相同的规则。
#### 值映射器(Value Mapper)
type Env struct {
Foo string `ini:"foo"`
func main() {
cfg, err := ini.Load([]byte("[env]\nfoo = ${MY_VAR}\n")
cfg.ValueMapper = os.ExpandEnv
// ...
env := &Env{}
err = cfg.Section("env").MapTo(env)
本例中,`env.Foo` 将会是运行时所获取到环境变量 `MY_VAR` 的值。
#### 映射/反射的其它说明
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Copyright 2016 Unknwon
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package ini
import (
type ErrDelimiterNotFound struct {
Line string
func IsErrDelimiterNotFound(err error) bool {
_, ok := err.(ErrDelimiterNotFound)
return ok
func (err ErrDelimiterNotFound) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("key-value delimiter not found: %s", err.Line)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
// Copyright 2014 Unknwon
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package ini
import (
// Key represents a key under a section.
type Key struct {
s *Section
name string
value string
isAutoIncrement bool
isBooleanType bool
isShadow bool
shadows []*Key
Comment string
// newKey simply return a key object with given values.
func newKey(s *Section, name, val string) *Key {
return &Key{
s: s,
name: name,
value: val,
func (k *Key) addShadow(val string) error {
if k.isShadow {
return errors.New("cannot add shadow to another shadow key")
} else if k.isAutoIncrement || k.isBooleanType {
return errors.New("cannot add shadow to auto-increment or boolean key")
shadow := newKey(k.s, k.name, val)
shadow.isShadow = true
k.shadows = append(k.shadows, shadow)
return nil
// AddShadow adds a new shadow key to itself.
func (k *Key) AddShadow(val string) error {
if !k.s.f.options.AllowShadows {
return errors.New("shadow key is not allowed")
return k.addShadow(val)
// ValueMapper represents a mapping function for values, e.g. os.ExpandEnv
type ValueMapper func(string) string
// Name returns name of key.
func (k *Key) Name() string {
return k.name
// Value returns raw value of key for performance purpose.
func (k *Key) Value() string {
return k.value
// ValueWithShadows returns raw values of key and its shadows if any.
func (k *Key) ValueWithShadows() []string {
if len(k.shadows) == 0 {
return []string{k.value}
vals := make([]string, len(k.shadows)+1)
vals[0] = k.value
for i := range k.shadows {
vals[i+1] = k.shadows[i].value
return vals
// transformValue takes a raw value and transforms to its final string.
func (k *Key) transformValue(val string) string {
if k.s.f.ValueMapper != nil {
val = k.s.f.ValueMapper(val)
// Fail-fast if no indicate char found for recursive value
if !strings.Contains(val, "%") {
return val
for i := 0; i < _DEPTH_VALUES; i++ {
vr := varPattern.FindString(val)
if len(vr) == 0 {
// Take off leading '%(' and trailing ')s'.
noption := strings.TrimLeft(vr, "%(")
noption = strings.TrimRight(noption, ")s")
// Search in the same section.
nk, err := k.s.GetKey(noption)
if err != nil {
// Search again in default section.
nk, _ = k.s.f.Section("").GetKey(noption)
// Substitute by new value and take off leading '%(' and trailing ')s'.
val = strings.Replace(val, vr, nk.value, -1)
return val
// String returns string representation of value.
func (k *Key) String() string {
return k.transformValue(k.value)
// Validate accepts a validate function which can
// return modifed result as key value.
func (k *Key) Validate(fn func(string) string) string {
return fn(k.String())
// parseBool returns the boolean value represented by the string.
// It accepts 1, t, T, TRUE, true, True, YES, yes, Yes, y, ON, on, On,
// 0, f, F, FALSE, false, False, NO, no, No, n, OFF, off, Off.
// Any other value returns an error.
func parseBool(str string) (value bool, err error) {
switch str {
case "1", "t", "T", "true", "TRUE", "True", "YES", "yes", "Yes", "y", "ON", "on", "On":
return true, nil
case "0", "f", "F", "false", "FALSE", "False", "NO", "no", "No", "n", "OFF", "off", "Off":
return false, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("parsing \"%s\": invalid syntax", str)
// Bool returns bool type value.
func (k *Key) Bool() (bool, error) {
return parseBool(k.String())
// Float64 returns float64 type value.
func (k *Key) Float64() (float64, error) {
return strconv.ParseFloat(k.String(), 64)
// Int returns int type value.
func (k *Key) Int() (int, error) {
return strconv.Atoi(k.String())
// Int64 returns int64 type value.
func (k *Key) Int64() (int64, error) {
return strconv.ParseInt(k.String(), 10, 64)
// Uint returns uint type valued.
func (k *Key) Uint() (uint, error) {
u, e := strconv.ParseUint(k.String(), 10, 64)
return uint(u), e
// Uint64 returns uint64 type value.
func (k *Key) Uint64() (uint64, error) {
return strconv.ParseUint(k.String(), 10, 64)
// Duration returns time.Duration type value.
func (k *Key) Duration() (time.Duration, error) {
return time.ParseDuration(k.String())
// TimeFormat parses with given format and returns time.Time type value.
func (k *Key) TimeFormat(format string) (time.Time, error) {
return time.Parse(format, k.String())
// Time parses with RFC3339 format and returns time.Time type value.
func (k *Key) Time() (time.Time, error) {
return k.TimeFormat(time.RFC3339)
// MustString returns default value if key value is empty.
func (k *Key) MustString(defaultVal string) string {
val := k.String()
if len(val) == 0 {
k.value = defaultVal
return defaultVal
return val
// MustBool always returns value without error,
// it returns false if error occurs.
func (k *Key) MustBool(defaultVal ...bool) bool {
val, err := k.Bool()
if len(defaultVal) > 0 && err != nil {
k.value = strconv.FormatBool(defaultVal[0])
return defaultVal[0]
return val
// MustFloat64 always returns value without error,
// it returns 0.0 if error occurs.
func (k *Key) MustFloat64(defaultVal ...float64) float64 {
val, err := k.Float64()
if len(defaultVal) > 0 && err != nil {
k.value = strconv.FormatFloat(defaultVal[0], 'f', -1, 64)
return defaultVal[0]
return val
// MustInt always returns value without error,
// it returns 0 if error occurs.
func (k *Key) MustInt(defaultVal ...int) int {
val, err := k.Int()
if len(defaultVal) > 0 && err != nil {
k.value = strconv.FormatInt(int64(defaultVal[0]), 10)
return defaultVal[0]
return val
// MustInt64 always returns value without error,
// it returns 0 if error occurs.
func (k *Key) MustInt64(defaultVal ...int64) int64 {
val, err := k.Int64()
if len(defaultVal) > 0 && err != nil {
k.value = strconv.FormatInt(defaultVal[0], 10)
return defaultVal[0]
return val
// MustUint always returns value without error,
// it returns 0 if error occurs.
func (k *Key) MustUint(defaultVal ...uint) uint {
val, err := k.Uint()
if len(defaultVal) > 0 && err != nil {
k.value = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(defaultVal[0]), 10)
return defaultVal[0]
return val
// MustUint64 always returns value without error,
// it returns 0 if error occurs.
func (k *Key) MustUint64(defaultVal ...uint64) uint64 {
val, err := k.Uint64()
if len(defaultVal) > 0 && err != nil {
k.value = strconv.FormatUint(defaultVal[0], 10)
return defaultVal[0]
return val
// MustDuration always returns value without error,
// it returns zero value if error occurs.
func (k *Key) MustDuration(defaultVal ...time.Duration) time.Duration {
val, err := k.Duration()
if len(defaultVal) > 0 && err != nil {
k.value = defaultVal[0].String()
return defaultVal[0]
return val
// MustTimeFormat always parses with given format and returns value without error,
// it returns zero value if error occurs.
func (k *Key) MustTimeFormat(format string, defaultVal ...time.Time) time.Time {
val, err := k.TimeFormat(format)
if len(defaultVal) > 0 && err != nil {
k.value = defaultVal[0].Format(format)
return defaultVal[0]
return val
// MustTime always parses with RFC3339 format and returns value without error,
// it returns zero value if error occurs.
func (k *Key) MustTime(defaultVal ...time.Time) time.Time {
return k.MustTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, defaultVal...)
// In always returns value without error,
// it returns default value if error occurs or doesn't fit into candidates.
func (k *Key) In(defaultVal string, candidates []string) string {
val := k.String()
for _, cand := range candidates {
if val == cand {
return val
return defaultVal
// InFloat64 always returns value without error,
// it returns default value if error occurs or doesn't fit into candidates.
func (k *Key) InFloat64(defaultVal float64, candidates []float64) float64 {
val := k.MustFloat64()
for _, cand := range candidates {
if val == cand {
return val
return defaultVal
// InInt always returns value without error,
// it returns default value if error occurs or doesn't fit into candidates.
func (k *Key) InInt(defaultVal int, candidates []int) int {
val := k.MustInt()
for _, cand := range candidates {
if val == cand {
return val
return defaultVal
// InInt64 always returns value without error,
// it returns default value if error occurs or doesn't fit into candidates.
func (k *Key) InInt64(defaultVal int64, candidates []int64) int64 {
val := k.MustInt64()
for _, cand := range candidates {
if val == cand {
return val
return defaultVal
// InUint always returns value without error,
// it returns default value if error occurs or doesn't fit into candidates.
func (k *Key) InUint(defaultVal uint, candidates []uint) uint {
val := k.MustUint()
for _, cand := range candidates {
if val == cand {
return val
return defaultVal
// InUint64 always returns value without error,
// it returns default value if error occurs or doesn't fit into candidates.
func (k *Key) InUint64(defaultVal uint64, candidates []uint64) uint64 {
val := k.MustUint64()
for _, cand := range candidates {
if val == cand {
return val
return defaultVal
// InTimeFormat always parses with given format and returns value without error,
// it returns default value if error occurs or doesn't fit into candidates.
func (k *Key) InTimeFormat(format string, defaultVal time.Time, candidates []time.Time) time.Time {
val := k.MustTimeFormat(format)
for _, cand := range candidates {
if val == cand {
return val
return defaultVal
// InTime always parses with RFC3339 format and returns value without error,
// it returns default value if error occurs or doesn't fit into candidates.
func (k *Key) InTime(defaultVal time.Time, candidates []time.Time) time.Time {
return k.InTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, defaultVal, candidates)
// RangeFloat64 checks if value is in given range inclusively,
// and returns default value if it's not.
func (k *Key) RangeFloat64(defaultVal, min, max float64) float64 {
val := k.MustFloat64()
if val < min || val > max {
return defaultVal
return val
// RangeInt checks if value is in given range inclusively,
// and returns default value if it's not.
func (k *Key) RangeInt(defaultVal, min, max int) int {
val := k.MustInt()
if val < min || val > max {
return defaultVal
return val
// RangeInt64 checks if value is in given range inclusively,
// and returns default value if it's not.
func (k *Key) RangeInt64(defaultVal, min, max int64) int64 {
val := k.MustInt64()
if val < min || val > max {
return defaultVal
return val
// RangeTimeFormat checks if value with given format is in given range inclusively,
// and returns default value if it's not.
func (k *Key) RangeTimeFormat(format string, defaultVal, min, max time.Time) time.Time {
val := k.MustTimeFormat(format)
if val.Unix() < min.Unix() || val.Unix() > max.Unix() {
return defaultVal
return val
// RangeTime checks if value with RFC3339 format is in given range inclusively,
// and returns default value if it's not.
func (k *Key) RangeTime(defaultVal, min, max time.Time) time.Time {
return k.RangeTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, defaultVal, min, max)
// Strings returns list of string divided by given delimiter.
func (k *Key) Strings(delim string) []string {
str := k.String()
if len(str) == 0 {
return []string{}
vals := strings.Split(str, delim)
for i := range vals {
// vals[i] = k.transformValue(strings.TrimSpace(vals[i]))
vals[i] = strings.TrimSpace(vals[i])
return vals
// StringsWithShadows returns list of string divided by given delimiter.
// Shadows will also be appended if any.
func (k *Key) StringsWithShadows(delim string) []string {
vals := k.ValueWithShadows()
results := make([]string, 0, len(vals)*2)
for i := range vals {
if len(vals) == 0 {
results = append(results, strings.Split(vals[i], delim)...)
for i := range results {
results[i] = k.transformValue(strings.TrimSpace(results[i]))
return results
// Float64s returns list of float64 divided by given delimiter. Any invalid input will be treated as zero value.
func (k *Key) Float64s(delim string) []float64 {
vals, _ := k.getFloat64s(delim, true, false)
return vals
// Ints returns list of int divided by given delimiter. Any invalid input will be treated as zero value.
func (k *Key) Ints(delim string) []int {
vals, _ := k.parseInts(k.Strings(delim), true, false)
return vals
// Int64s returns list of int64 divided by given delimiter. Any invalid input will be treated as zero value.
func (k *Key) Int64s(delim string) []int64 {
vals, _ := k.parseInt64s(k.Strings(delim), true, false)
return vals
// Uints returns list of uint divided by given delimiter. Any invalid input will be treated as zero value.
func (k *Key) Uints(delim string) []uint {
vals, _ := k.getUints(delim, true, false)
return vals
// Uint64s returns list of uint64 divided by given delimiter. Any invalid input will be treated as zero value.
func (k *Key) Uint64s(delim string) []uint64 {
vals, _ := k.getUint64s(delim, true, false)
return vals
// TimesFormat parses with given format and returns list of time.Time divided by given delimiter.
// Any invalid input will be treated as zero value (0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC).
func (k *Key) TimesFormat(format, delim string) []time.Time {
vals, _ := k.getTimesFormat(format, delim, true, false)
return vals
// Times parses with RFC3339 format and returns list of time.Time divided by given delimiter.
// Any invalid input will be treated as zero value (0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC).
func (k *Key) Times(delim string) []time.Time {
return k.TimesFormat(time.RFC3339, delim)
// ValidFloat64s returns list of float64 divided by given delimiter. If some value is not float, then
// it will not be included to result list.
func (k *Key) ValidFloat64s(delim string) []float64 {
vals, _ := k.getFloat64s(delim, false, false)
return vals
// ValidInts returns list of int divided by given delimiter. If some value is not integer, then it will
// not be included to result list.
func (k *Key) ValidInts(delim string) []int {
vals, _ := k.parseInts(k.Strings(delim), false, false)
return vals
// ValidInt64s returns list of int64 divided by given delimiter. If some value is not 64-bit integer,
// then it will not be included to result list.
func (k *Key) ValidInt64s(delim string) []int64 {
vals, _ := k.parseInt64s(k.Strings(delim), false, false)
return vals
// ValidUints returns list of uint divided by given delimiter. If some value is not unsigned integer,
// then it will not be included to result list.
func (k *Key) ValidUints(delim string) []uint {
vals, _ := k.getUints(delim, false, false)
return vals
// ValidUint64s returns list of uint64 divided by given delimiter. If some value is not 64-bit unsigned
// integer, then it will not be included to result list.
func (k *Key) ValidUint64s(delim string) []uint64 {
vals, _ := k.getUint64s(delim, false, false)
return vals
// ValidTimesFormat parses with given format and returns list of time.Time divided by given delimiter.
func (k *Key) ValidTimesFormat(format, delim string) []time.Time {
vals, _ := k.getTimesFormat(format, delim, false, false)
return vals
// ValidTimes parses with RFC3339 format and returns list of time.Time divided by given delimiter.
func (k *Key) ValidTimes(delim string) []time.Time {
return k.ValidTimesFormat(time.RFC3339, delim)
// StrictFloat64s returns list of float64 divided by given delimiter or error on first invalid input.
func (k *Key) StrictFloat64s(delim string) ([]float64, error) {
return k.getFloat64s(delim, false, true)
// StrictInts returns list of int divided by given delimiter or error on first invalid input.
func (k *Key) StrictInts(delim string) ([]int, error) {
return k.parseInts(k.Strings(delim), false, true)
// StrictInt64s returns list of int64 divided by given delimiter or error on first invalid input.
func (k *Key) StrictInt64s(delim string) ([]int64, error) {
return k.parseInt64s(k.Strings(delim), false, true)
// StrictUints returns list of uint divided by given delimiter or error on first invalid input.
func (k *Key) StrictUints(delim string) ([]uint, error) {
return k.getUints(delim, false, true)
// StrictUint64s returns list of uint64 divided by given delimiter or error on first invalid input.
func (k *Key) StrictUint64s(delim string) ([]uint64, error) {
return k.getUint64s(delim, false, true)
// StrictTimesFormat parses with given format and returns list of time.Time divided by given delimiter
// or error on first invalid input.
func (k *Key) StrictTimesFormat(format, delim string) ([]time.Time, error) {
return k.getTimesFormat(format, delim, false, true)
// StrictTimes parses with RFC3339 format and returns list of time.Time divided by given delimiter
// or error on first invalid input.
func (k *Key) StrictTimes(delim string) ([]time.Time, error) {
return k.StrictTimesFormat(time.RFC3339, delim)
// getFloat64s returns list of float64 divided by given delimiter.
func (k *Key) getFloat64s(delim string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]float64, error) {
strs := k.Strings(delim)
vals := make([]float64, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, val)
return vals, nil
// parseInts transforms strings to ints.
func (k *Key) parseInts(strs []string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]int, error) {
vals := make([]int, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
val, err := strconv.Atoi(str)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, val)
return vals, nil
// parseInt64s transforms strings to int64s.
func (k *Key) parseInt64s(strs []string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]int64, error) {
vals := make([]int64, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, val)
return vals, nil
// getUints returns list of uint divided by given delimiter.
func (k *Key) getUints(delim string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]uint, error) {
strs := k.Strings(delim)
vals := make([]uint, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(str, 10, 0)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, uint(val))
return vals, nil
// getUint64s returns list of uint64 divided by given delimiter.
func (k *Key) getUint64s(delim string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]uint64, error) {
strs := k.Strings(delim)
vals := make([]uint64, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(str, 10, 64)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, val)
return vals, nil
// getTimesFormat parses with given format and returns list of time.Time divided by given delimiter.
func (k *Key) getTimesFormat(format, delim string, addInvalid, returnOnInvalid bool) ([]time.Time, error) {
strs := k.Strings(delim)
vals := make([]time.Time, 0, len(strs))
for _, str := range strs {
val, err := time.Parse(format, str)
if err != nil && returnOnInvalid {
return nil, err
if err == nil || addInvalid {
vals = append(vals, val)
return vals, nil
// SetValue changes key value.
func (k *Key) SetValue(v string) {
if k.s.f.BlockMode {
defer k.s.f.lock.Unlock()
k.value = v
k.s.keysHash[k.name] = v
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
// Copyright 2015 Unknwon
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package ini
import (
type tokenType int
const (
_TOKEN_INVALID tokenType = iota
type parser struct {
buf *bufio.Reader
isEOF bool
count int
comment *bytes.Buffer
func newParser(r io.Reader) *parser {
return &parser{
buf: bufio.NewReader(r),
count: 1,
comment: &bytes.Buffer{},
// BOM handles header of UTF-8, UTF-16 LE and UTF-16 BE's BOM format.
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark#Representations_of_byte_order_marks_by_encoding
func (p *parser) BOM() error {
mask, err := p.buf.Peek(2)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
} else if len(mask) < 2 {
return nil
switch {
case mask[0] == 254 && mask[1] == 255:
case mask[0] == 255 && mask[1] == 254:
case mask[0] == 239 && mask[1] == 187:
mask, err := p.buf.Peek(3)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
} else if len(mask) < 3 {
return nil
if mask[2] == 191 {
return nil
func (p *parser) readUntil(delim byte) ([]byte, error) {
data, err := p.buf.ReadBytes(delim)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
p.isEOF = true
} else {
return nil, err
return data, nil
func cleanComment(in []byte) ([]byte, bool) {
i := bytes.IndexAny(in, "#;")
if i == -1 {
return nil, false
return in[i:], true
func readKeyName(in []byte) (string, int, error) {
line := string(in)
// Check if key name surrounded by quotes.
var keyQuote string
if line[0] == '"' {
if len(line) > 6 && string(line[0:3]) == `"""` {
keyQuote = `"""`
} else {
keyQuote = `"`
} else if line[0] == '`' {
keyQuote = "`"
// Get out key name
endIdx := -1
if len(keyQuote) > 0 {
startIdx := len(keyQuote)
// FIXME: fail case -> """"""name"""=value
pos := strings.Index(line[startIdx:], keyQuote)
if pos == -1 {
return "", -1, fmt.Errorf("missing closing key quote: %s", line)
pos += startIdx
// Find key-value delimiter
i := strings.IndexAny(line[pos+startIdx:], "=:")
if i < 0 {
return "", -1, ErrDelimiterNotFound{line}
endIdx = pos + i
return strings.TrimSpace(line[startIdx:pos]), endIdx + startIdx + 1, nil
endIdx = strings.IndexAny(line, "=:")
if endIdx < 0 {
return "", -1, ErrDelimiterNotFound{line}
return strings.TrimSpace(line[0:endIdx]), endIdx + 1, nil
func (p *parser) readMultilines(line, val, valQuote string) (string, error) {
for {
data, err := p.readUntil('\n')
if err != nil {
return "", err
next := string(data)
pos := strings.LastIndex(next, valQuote)
if pos > -1 {
val += next[:pos]
comment, has := cleanComment([]byte(next[pos:]))
if has {
val += next
if p.isEOF {
return "", fmt.Errorf("missing closing key quote from '%s' to '%s'", line, next)
return val, nil
func (p *parser) readContinuationLines(val string) (string, error) {
for {
data, err := p.readUntil('\n')
if err != nil {
return "", err
next := strings.TrimSpace(string(data))
if len(next) == 0 {
val += next
if val[len(val)-1] != '\\' {
val = val[:len(val)-1]
return val, nil
// hasSurroundedQuote check if and only if the first and last characters
// are quotes \" or \'.
// It returns false if any other parts also contain same kind of quotes.
func hasSurroundedQuote(in string, quote byte) bool {
return len(in) > 2 && in[0] == quote && in[len(in)-1] == quote &&
strings.IndexByte(in[1:], quote) == len(in)-2
func (p *parser) readValue(in []byte, ignoreContinuation bool) (string, error) {
line := strings.TrimLeftFunc(string(in), unicode.IsSpace)
if len(line) == 0 {
return "", nil
var valQuote string
if len(line) > 3 && string(line[0:3]) == `"""` {
valQuote = `"""`
} else if line[0] == '`' {
valQuote = "`"
if len(valQuote) > 0 {
startIdx := len(valQuote)
pos := strings.LastIndex(line[startIdx:], valQuote)
// Check for multi-line value
if pos == -1 {
return p.readMultilines(line, line[startIdx:], valQuote)
return line[startIdx : pos+startIdx], nil
// Won't be able to reach here if value only contains whitespace.
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
// Check continuation lines when desired.
if !ignoreContinuation && line[len(line)-1] == '\\' {
return p.readContinuationLines(line[:len(line)-1])
i := strings.IndexAny(line, "#;")
if i > -1 {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line[:i])
// Trim single quotes
if hasSurroundedQuote(line, '\'') ||
hasSurroundedQuote(line, '"') {
line = line[1 : len(line)-1]
return line, nil
// parse parses data through an io.Reader.
func (f *File) parse(reader io.Reader) (err error) {
p := newParser(reader)
if err = p.BOM(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("BOM: %v", err)
// Ignore error because default section name is never empty string.
section, _ := f.NewSection(DEFAULT_SECTION)
var line []byte
var inUnparseableSection bool
for !p.isEOF {
line, err = p.readUntil('\n')
if err != nil {
return err
line = bytes.TrimLeftFunc(line, unicode.IsSpace)
if len(line) == 0 {
// Comments
if line[0] == '#' || line[0] == ';' {
// Note: we do not care ending line break,
// it is needed for adding second line,
// so just clean it once at the end when set to value.
// Section
if line[0] == '[' {
// Read to the next ']' (TODO: support quoted strings)
// TODO(unknwon): use LastIndexByte when stop supporting Go1.4
closeIdx := bytes.LastIndex(line, []byte("]"))
if closeIdx == -1 {
return fmt.Errorf("unclosed section: %s", line)
name := string(line[1:closeIdx])
section, err = f.NewSection(name)
if err != nil {
return err
comment, has := cleanComment(line[closeIdx+1:])
if has {
section.Comment = strings.TrimSpace(p.comment.String())
// Reset aotu-counter and comments
p.count = 1
inUnparseableSection = false
for i := range f.options.UnparseableSections {
if f.options.UnparseableSections[i] == name ||
(f.options.Insensitive && strings.ToLower(f.options.UnparseableSections[i]) == strings.ToLower(name)) {
inUnparseableSection = true
if inUnparseableSection {
section.isRawSection = true
section.rawBody += string(line)
kname, offset, err := readKeyName(line)
if err != nil {
// Treat as boolean key when desired, and whole line is key name.
if IsErrDelimiterNotFound(err) && f.options.AllowBooleanKeys {
kname, err := p.readValue(line, f.options.IgnoreContinuation)
if err != nil {
return err
key, err := section.NewBooleanKey(kname)
if err != nil {
return err
key.Comment = strings.TrimSpace(p.comment.String())
return err
// Auto increment.
isAutoIncr := false
if kname == "-" {
isAutoIncr = true
kname = "#" + strconv.Itoa(p.count)
value, err := p.readValue(line[offset:], f.options.IgnoreContinuation)
if err != nil {
return err
key, err := section.NewKey(kname, value)
if err != nil {
return err
key.isAutoIncrement = isAutoIncr
key.Comment = strings.TrimSpace(p.comment.String())
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
// Copyright 2014 Unknwon
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package ini
import (
// Section represents a config section.
type Section struct {
f *File
Comment string
name string
keys map[string]*Key
keyList []string
keysHash map[string]string
isRawSection bool
rawBody string
func newSection(f *File, name string) *Section {
return &Section{
f: f,
name: name,
keys: make(map[string]*Key),
keyList: make([]string, 0, 10),
keysHash: make(map[string]string),
// Name returns name of Section.
func (s *Section) Name() string {
return s.name
// Body returns rawBody of Section if the section was marked as unparseable.
// It still follows the other rules of the INI format surrounding leading/trailing whitespace.
func (s *Section) Body() string {
return strings.TrimSpace(s.rawBody)
// NewKey creates a new key to given section.
func (s *Section) NewKey(name, val string) (*Key, error) {
if len(name) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("error creating new key: empty key name")
} else if s.f.options.Insensitive {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
if s.f.BlockMode {
defer s.f.lock.Unlock()
if inSlice(name, s.keyList) {
if s.f.options.AllowShadows {
if err := s.keys[name].addShadow(val); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
s.keys[name].value = val
return s.keys[name], nil
s.keyList = append(s.keyList, name)
s.keys[name] = newKey(s, name, val)
s.keysHash[name] = val
return s.keys[name], nil
// NewBooleanKey creates a new boolean type key to given section.
func (s *Section) NewBooleanKey(name string) (*Key, error) {
key, err := s.NewKey(name, "true")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
key.isBooleanType = true
return key, nil
// GetKey returns key in section by given name.
func (s *Section) GetKey(name string) (*Key, error) {
// FIXME: change to section level lock?
if s.f.BlockMode {
if s.f.options.Insensitive {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
key := s.keys[name]
if s.f.BlockMode {
if key == nil {
// Check if it is a child-section.
sname := s.name
for {
if i := strings.LastIndex(sname, "."); i > -1 {
sname = sname[:i]
sec, err := s.f.GetSection(sname)
if err != nil {
return sec.GetKey(name)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error when getting key of section '%s': key '%s' not exists", s.name, name)
return key, nil
// HasKey returns true if section contains a key with given name.
func (s *Section) HasKey(name string) bool {
key, _ := s.GetKey(name)
return key != nil
// Haskey is a backwards-compatible name for HasKey.
func (s *Section) Haskey(name string) bool {
return s.HasKey(name)
// HasValue returns true if section contains given raw value.
func (s *Section) HasValue(value string) bool {
if s.f.BlockMode {
defer s.f.lock.RUnlock()
for _, k := range s.keys {
if value == k.value {
return true
return false
// Key assumes named Key exists in section and returns a zero-value when not.
func (s *Section) Key(name string) *Key {
key, err := s.GetKey(name)
if err != nil {
// It's OK here because the only possible error is empty key name,
// but if it's empty, this piece of code won't be executed.
key, _ = s.NewKey(name, "")
return key
return key
// Keys returns list of keys of section.
func (s *Section) Keys() []*Key {
keys := make([]*Key, len(s.keyList))
for i := range s.keyList {
keys[i] = s.Key(s.keyList[i])
return keys
// ParentKeys returns list of keys of parent section.
func (s *Section) ParentKeys() []*Key {
var parentKeys []*Key
sname := s.name
for {
if i := strings.LastIndex(sname, "."); i > -1 {
sname = sname[:i]
sec, err := s.f.GetSection(sname)
if err != nil {
parentKeys = append(parentKeys, sec.Keys()...)
} else {
return parentKeys
// KeyStrings returns list of key names of section.
func (s *Section) KeyStrings() []string {
list := make([]string, len(s.keyList))
copy(list, s.keyList)
return list
// KeysHash returns keys hash consisting of names and values.
func (s *Section) KeysHash() map[string]string {
if s.f.BlockMode {
defer s.f.lock.RUnlock()
hash := map[string]string{}
for key, value := range s.keysHash {
hash[key] = value
return hash
// DeleteKey deletes a key from section.
func (s *Section) DeleteKey(name string) {
if s.f.BlockMode {
defer s.f.lock.Unlock()
for i, k := range s.keyList {
if k == name {
s.keyList = append(s.keyList[:i], s.keyList[i+1:]...)
delete(s.keys, name)
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import (
@ -76,10 +77,69 @@ func parseDelim(actual string) string {
var reflectTime = reflect.TypeOf(time.Now()).Kind()
// setSliceWithProperType sets proper values to slice based on its type.
func setSliceWithProperType(key *Key, field reflect.Value, delim string, allowShadow bool) error {
var strs []string
if allowShadow {
strs = key.StringsWithShadows(delim)
} else {
strs = key.Strings(delim)
numVals := len(strs)
if numVals == 0 {
return nil
var vals interface{}
sliceOf := field.Type().Elem().Kind()
switch sliceOf {
case reflect.String:
vals = strs
case reflect.Int:
vals, _ = key.parseInts(strs, true, false)
case reflect.Int64:
vals, _ = key.parseInt64s(strs, true, false)
case reflect.Uint:
vals = key.Uints(delim)
case reflect.Uint64:
vals = key.Uint64s(delim)
case reflect.Float64:
vals = key.Float64s(delim)
case reflectTime:
vals = key.Times(delim)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type '[]%s'", sliceOf)
slice := reflect.MakeSlice(field.Type(), numVals, numVals)
for i := 0; i < numVals; i++ {
switch sliceOf {
case reflect.String:
case reflect.Int:
case reflect.Int64:
case reflect.Uint:
case reflect.Uint64:
case reflect.Float64:
case reflectTime:
return nil
// setWithProperType sets proper value to field based on its type,
// but it does not return error for failing parsing,
// because we want to use default value that is already assigned to strcut.
func setWithProperType(t reflect.Type, key *Key, field reflect.Value, delim string) error {
func setWithProperType(t reflect.Type, key *Key, field reflect.Value, delim string, allowShadow bool) error {
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
if len(key.String()) == 0 {
@ -94,20 +154,22 @@ func setWithProperType(t reflect.Type, key *Key, field reflect.Value, delim stri
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
durationVal, err := key.Duration()
if err == nil {
// Skip zero value
if err == nil && int(durationVal) > 0 {
return nil
intVal, err := key.Int64()
if err != nil {
if err != nil || intVal == 0 {
return nil
// byte is an alias for uint8, so supporting uint8 breaks support for byte
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
durationVal, err := key.Duration()
if err == nil {
// Skip zero value
if err == nil && int(durationVal) > 0 {
return nil
@ -118,7 +180,7 @@ func setWithProperType(t reflect.Type, key *Key, field reflect.Value, delim stri
case reflect.Float64:
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
floatVal, err := key.Float64()
if err != nil {
return nil
@ -131,35 +193,25 @@ func setWithProperType(t reflect.Type, key *Key, field reflect.Value, delim stri
case reflect.Slice:
vals := key.Strings(delim)
numVals := len(vals)
if numVals == 0 {
return nil
sliceOf := field.Type().Elem().Kind()
var times []time.Time
if sliceOf == reflectTime {
times = key.Times(delim)
slice := reflect.MakeSlice(field.Type(), numVals, numVals)
for i := 0; i < numVals; i++ {
switch sliceOf {
case reflectTime:
return setSliceWithProperType(key, field, delim, allowShadow)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type '%s'", t)
return nil
func parseTagOptions(tag string) (rawName string, omitEmpty bool, allowShadow bool) {
opts := strings.SplitN(tag, ",", 3)
rawName = opts[0]
if len(opts) > 1 {
omitEmpty = opts[1] == "omitempty"
if len(opts) > 2 {
allowShadow = opts[2] == "allowshadow"
return rawName, omitEmpty, allowShadow
func (s *Section) mapTo(val reflect.Value) error {
if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
val = val.Elem()
@ -175,7 +227,8 @@ func (s *Section) mapTo(val reflect.Value) error {
fieldName := s.parseFieldName(tpField.Name, tag)
rawName, _, allowShadow := parseTagOptions(tag)
fieldName := s.parseFieldName(tpField.Name, rawName)
if len(fieldName) == 0 || !field.CanSet() {
@ -196,7 +249,8 @@ func (s *Section) mapTo(val reflect.Value) error {
if key, err := s.GetKey(fieldName); err == nil {
if err = setWithProperType(tpField.Type, key, field, parseDelim(tpField.Tag.Get("delim"))); err != nil {
delim := parseDelim(tpField.Tag.Get("delim"))
if err = setWithProperType(tpField.Type, key, field, delim, allowShadow); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error mapping field(%s): %v", fieldName, err)
@ -238,40 +292,81 @@ func MapTo(v, source interface{}, others ...interface{}) error {
return MapToWithMapper(v, nil, source, others...)
// reflectWithProperType does the opposite thing with setWithProperType.
// reflectSliceWithProperType does the opposite thing as setSliceWithProperType.
func reflectSliceWithProperType(key *Key, field reflect.Value, delim string) error {
slice := field.Slice(0, field.Len())
if field.Len() == 0 {
return nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
sliceOf := field.Type().Elem().Kind()
for i := 0; i < field.Len(); i++ {
switch sliceOf {
case reflect.String:
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int64:
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint64:
case reflect.Float64:
case reflectTime:
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type '[]%s'", sliceOf)
return nil
// reflectWithProperType does the opposite thing as setWithProperType.
func reflectWithProperType(t reflect.Type, key *Key, field reflect.Value, delim string) error {
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
case reflect.Bool,
reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64,
case reflect.Bool:
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
case reflectTime:
case reflect.Slice:
vals := field.Slice(0, field.Len())
if field.Len() == 0 {
return nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
isTime := fmt.Sprint(field.Type()) == "[]time.Time"
for i := 0; i < field.Len(); i++ {
if isTime {
} else {
return reflectSliceWithProperType(key, field, delim)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported type '%s'", t)
return nil
// CR: copied from encoding/json/encode.go with modifications of time.Time support.
// TODO: add more test coverage.
func isEmptyValue(v reflect.Value) bool {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
return v.Len() == 0
case reflect.Bool:
return !v.Bool()
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return v.Int() == 0
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
return v.Uint() == 0
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return v.Float() == 0
case reflectTime:
return v.Interface().(time.Time).IsZero()
case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
return v.IsNil()
return false
func (s *Section) reflectFrom(val reflect.Value) error {
if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
val = val.Elem()
@ -287,13 +382,18 @@ func (s *Section) reflectFrom(val reflect.Value) error {
fieldName := s.parseFieldName(tpField.Name, tag)
opts := strings.SplitN(tag, ",", 2)
if len(opts) == 2 && opts[1] == "omitempty" && isEmptyValue(field) {
fieldName := s.parseFieldName(tpField.Name, opts[0])
if len(fieldName) == 0 || !field.CanSet() {
if (tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && tpField.Anonymous) ||
(tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct) {
(tpField.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct && tpField.Type.Name() != "Time") {
// Note: The only error here is section doesn't exist.
sec, err := s.f.GetSection(fieldName)
if err != nil {
@ -301,7 +401,7 @@ func (s *Section) reflectFrom(val reflect.Value) error {
sec, _ = s.f.NewSection(fieldName)
if err = sec.reflectFrom(field); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error reflecting field(%s): %v", fieldName, err)
return fmt.Errorf("error reflecting field (%s): %v", fieldName, err)
@ -312,7 +412,7 @@ func (s *Section) reflectFrom(val reflect.Value) error {
key, _ = s.NewKey(fieldName, "")
if err = reflectWithProperType(tpField.Type, key, field, parseDelim(tpField.Tag.Get("delim"))); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error reflecting field(%s): %v", fieldName, err)
return fmt.Errorf("error reflecting field (%s): %v", fieldName, err)
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