diff --git a/docs/sources/reference/commandline/cli.rst b/docs/sources/reference/commandline/cli.rst index 5f4f821e12..18cef685aa 100644 --- a/docs/sources/reference/commandline/cli.rst +++ b/docs/sources/reference/commandline/cli.rst @@ -1088,6 +1088,10 @@ is, ``docker run`` is equivalent to the API ``/containers/create`` then The ``docker run`` command can be used in combination with ``docker commit`` to :ref:`change the command that a container runs `. +See :ref:`port_redirection` for more detailed information about the ``--expose``, +``-p``, ``-P`` and ``--link`` parameters, and :ref:`working_with_links_names` for +specific examples using ``--link``. + Known Issues (run -volumes-from) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ diff --git a/docs/sources/use/port_redirection.rst b/docs/sources/use/port_redirection.rst index 5cddb238e4..2f4fd37c76 100644 --- a/docs/sources/use/port_redirection.rst +++ b/docs/sources/use/port_redirection.rst @@ -31,6 +31,15 @@ container, Docker provide ways to bind the container port to an interface of the host system. To simplify communication between containers, Docker provides the linking mechanism. +Auto map all exposed ports on the host +------------------------------------- + +To bind all the exposed container ports to the host automatically, use +``docker run -P ``. The mapped host ports will be auto-selected +from a pool of unused ports (49000..49900), and you will need to use +``docker ps``, ``docker inspect `` or +``docker port `` to determine what they are. + Binding a port to a host interface -----------------------------------