mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00
vendor: github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.6
full diff: http://github.com/google/go-cmp/compare/v0.5.5...v0.5.6 Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <github@gone.nl>
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 180 additions and 31 deletions
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ require (
github.com/godbus/dbus/v5 v5.0.6
github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2
github.com/golang/gddo v0.0.0-20190904175337-72a348e765d2
github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.5
github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.6
github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0
github.com/gorilla/mux v1.8.0
github.com/hashicorp/go-immutable-radix v1.0.0
@ -364,8 +364,9 @@ github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.0/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/
github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.1/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/gNBxE=
github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.2/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/gNBxE=
github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.4/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/gNBxE=
github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.5 h1:Khx7svrCpmxxtHBq5j2mp/xVjsi8hQMfNLvJFAlrGgU=
github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.5/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/gNBxE=
github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.6 h1:BKbKCqvP6I+rmFHt06ZmyQtvB8xAkWdhFyr0ZUNZcxQ=
github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.6/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/gNBxE=
github.com/google/gofuzz v1.0.0/go.mod h1:dBl0BpW6vV/+mYPU4Po3pmUjxk6FQPldtuIdl/M65Eg=
github.com/google/gofuzz v1.1.0/go.mod h1:dBl0BpW6vV/+mYPU4Po3pmUjxk6FQPldtuIdl/M65Eg=
github.com/google/martian v2.1.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:9I4somxYTbIHy5NJKHRl3wXiIaQGbYVAs8BPL6v8lEs=
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ func (tf Transform) Option() Option { return tf.trans }
// pops the address from the stack. Thus, when traversing into a pointer from
// reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice element, or reflect.Map, we can detect cycles
// by checking whether the pointer has already been visited. The cycle detection
// uses a seperate stack for the x and y values.
// uses a separate stack for the x and y values.
// If a cycle is detected we need to determine whether the two pointers
// should be considered equal. The definition of equality chosen by Equal
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ package cmp
import (
@ -96,15 +97,16 @@ func (opts formatOptions) FormatDiffSlice(v *valueNode) textNode {
// Auto-detect the type of the data.
var isLinedText, isText, isBinary bool
var sx, sy string
var ssx, ssy []string
var isString, isMostlyText, isPureLinedText, isBinary bool
switch {
case t.Kind() == reflect.String:
sx, sy = vx.String(), vy.String()
isText = true // Initial estimate, verify later
isString = true
case t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(byte(0)):
sx, sy = string(vx.Bytes()), string(vy.Bytes())
isBinary = true // Initial estimate, verify later
isString = true
case t.Kind() == reflect.Array:
// Arrays need to be addressable for slice operations to work.
vx2, vy2 := reflect.New(t).Elem(), reflect.New(t).Elem()
@ -112,13 +114,12 @@ func (opts formatOptions) FormatDiffSlice(v *valueNode) textNode {
vx, vy = vx2, vy2
if isText || isBinary {
var numLines, lastLineIdx, maxLineLen int
isBinary = !utf8.ValidString(sx) || !utf8.ValidString(sy)
if isString {
var numTotalRunes, numValidRunes, numLines, lastLineIdx, maxLineLen int
for i, r := range sx + sy {
if !(unicode.IsPrint(r) || unicode.IsSpace(r)) || r == utf8.RuneError {
isBinary = true
if (unicode.IsPrint(r) || unicode.IsSpace(r)) && r != utf8.RuneError {
if r == '\n' {
if maxLineLen < i-lastLineIdx {
@ -128,8 +129,26 @@ func (opts formatOptions) FormatDiffSlice(v *valueNode) textNode {
isText = !isBinary
isLinedText = isText && numLines >= 4 && maxLineLen <= 1024
isPureText := numValidRunes == numTotalRunes
isMostlyText = float64(numValidRunes) > math.Floor(0.90*float64(numTotalRunes))
isPureLinedText = isPureText && numLines >= 4 && maxLineLen <= 1024
isBinary = !isMostlyText
// Avoid diffing by lines if it produces a significantly more complex
// edit script than diffing by bytes.
if isPureLinedText {
ssx = strings.Split(sx, "\n")
ssy = strings.Split(sy, "\n")
esLines := diff.Difference(len(ssx), len(ssy), func(ix, iy int) diff.Result {
return diff.BoolResult(ssx[ix] == ssy[iy])
esBytes := diff.Difference(len(sx), len(sy), func(ix, iy int) diff.Result {
return diff.BoolResult(sx[ix] == sy[iy])
efficiencyLines := float64(esLines.Dist()) / float64(len(esLines))
efficiencyBytes := float64(esBytes.Dist()) / float64(len(esBytes))
isPureLinedText = efficiencyLines < 4*efficiencyBytes
// Format the string into printable records.
@ -138,9 +157,7 @@ func (opts formatOptions) FormatDiffSlice(v *valueNode) textNode {
switch {
// If the text appears to be multi-lined text,
// then perform differencing across individual lines.
case isLinedText:
ssx := strings.Split(sx, "\n")
ssy := strings.Split(sy, "\n")
case isPureLinedText:
list = opts.formatDiffSlice(
reflect.ValueOf(ssx), reflect.ValueOf(ssy), 1, "line",
func(v reflect.Value, d diffMode) textRecord {
@ -229,7 +246,7 @@ func (opts formatOptions) FormatDiffSlice(v *valueNode) textNode {
// If the text appears to be single-lined text,
// then perform differencing in approximately fixed-sized chunks.
// The output is printed as quoted strings.
case isText:
case isMostlyText:
list = opts.formatDiffSlice(
reflect.ValueOf(sx), reflect.ValueOf(sy), 64, "byte",
func(v reflect.Value, d diffMode) textRecord {
@ -237,7 +254,6 @@ func (opts formatOptions) FormatDiffSlice(v *valueNode) textNode {
return textRecord{Diff: d, Value: textLine(s)}
delim = ""
// If the text appears to be binary data,
// then perform differencing in approximately fixed-sized chunks.
@ -299,7 +315,7 @@ func (opts formatOptions) FormatDiffSlice(v *valueNode) textNode {
// Wrap the output with appropriate type information.
var out textNode = &textWrap{Prefix: "{", Value: list, Suffix: "}"}
if !isText {
if !isMostlyText {
// The "{...}" byte-sequence literal is not valid Go syntax for strings.
// Emit the type for extra clarity (e.g. "string{...}").
if t.Kind() == reflect.String {
@ -338,8 +354,11 @@ func (opts formatOptions) formatDiffSlice(
vx, vy reflect.Value, chunkSize int, name string,
makeRec func(reflect.Value, diffMode) textRecord,
) (list textList) {
es := diff.Difference(vx.Len(), vy.Len(), func(ix int, iy int) diff.Result {
return diff.BoolResult(vx.Index(ix).Interface() == vy.Index(iy).Interface())
eq := func(ix, iy int) bool {
return vx.Index(ix).Interface() == vy.Index(iy).Interface()
es := diff.Difference(vx.Len(), vy.Len(), func(ix, iy int) diff.Result {
return diff.BoolResult(eq(ix, iy))
appendChunks := func(v reflect.Value, d diffMode) int {
@ -364,6 +383,7 @@ func (opts formatOptions) formatDiffSlice(
groups := coalesceAdjacentEdits(name, es)
groups = coalesceInterveningIdentical(groups, chunkSize/4)
groups = cleanupSurroundingIdentical(groups, eq)
maxGroup := diffStats{Name: name}
for i, ds := range groups {
if maxLen >= 0 && numDiffs >= maxLen {
@ -416,25 +436,36 @@ func (opts formatOptions) formatDiffSlice(
// coalesceAdjacentEdits coalesces the list of edits into groups of adjacent
// equal or unequal counts.
// Example:
// Input: "..XXY...Y"
// Output: [
// {NumIdentical: 2},
// {NumRemoved: 2, NumInserted 1},
// {NumIdentical: 3},
// {NumInserted: 1},
// ]
func coalesceAdjacentEdits(name string, es diff.EditScript) (groups []diffStats) {
var prevCase int // Arbitrary index into which case last occurred
lastStats := func(i int) *diffStats {
if prevCase != i {
var prevMode byte
lastStats := func(mode byte) *diffStats {
if prevMode != mode {
groups = append(groups, diffStats{Name: name})
prevCase = i
prevMode = mode
return &groups[len(groups)-1]
for _, e := range es {
switch e {
case diff.Identity:
case diff.UniqueX:
case diff.UniqueY:
case diff.Modified:
return groups
@ -444,6 +475,35 @@ func coalesceAdjacentEdits(name string, es diff.EditScript) (groups []diffStats)
// equal groups into adjacent unequal groups that currently result in a
// dual inserted/removed printout. This acts as a high-pass filter to smooth
// out high-frequency changes within the windowSize.
// Example:
// WindowSize: 16,
// Input: [
// {NumIdentical: 61}, // group 0
// {NumRemoved: 3, NumInserted: 1}, // group 1
// {NumIdentical: 6}, // ├── coalesce
// {NumInserted: 2}, // ├── coalesce
// {NumIdentical: 1}, // ├── coalesce
// {NumRemoved: 9}, // └── coalesce
// {NumIdentical: 64}, // group 2
// {NumRemoved: 3, NumInserted: 1}, // group 3
// {NumIdentical: 6}, // ├── coalesce
// {NumInserted: 2}, // ├── coalesce
// {NumIdentical: 1}, // ├── coalesce
// {NumRemoved: 7}, // ├── coalesce
// {NumIdentical: 1}, // ├── coalesce
// {NumRemoved: 2}, // └── coalesce
// {NumIdentical: 63}, // group 4
// ]
// Output: [
// {NumIdentical: 61},
// {NumIdentical: 7, NumRemoved: 12, NumInserted: 3},
// {NumIdentical: 64},
// {NumIdentical: 8, NumRemoved: 12, NumInserted: 3},
// {NumIdentical: 63},
// ]
func coalesceInterveningIdentical(groups []diffStats, windowSize int) []diffStats {
groups, groupsOrig := groups[:0], groups
for i, ds := range groupsOrig {
@ -463,3 +523,91 @@ func coalesceInterveningIdentical(groups []diffStats, windowSize int) []diffStat
return groups
// cleanupSurroundingIdentical scans through all unequal groups, and
// moves any leading sequence of equal elements to the preceding equal group and
// moves and trailing sequence of equal elements to the succeeding equal group.
// This is necessary since coalesceInterveningIdentical may coalesce edit groups
// together such that leading/trailing spans of equal elements becomes possible.
// Note that this can occur even with an optimal diffing algorithm.
// Example:
// Input: [
// {NumIdentical: 61},
// {NumIdentical: 1 , NumRemoved: 11, NumInserted: 2}, // assume 3 leading identical elements
// {NumIdentical: 67},
// {NumIdentical: 7, NumRemoved: 12, NumInserted: 3}, // assume 10 trailing identical elements
// {NumIdentical: 54},
// ]
// Output: [
// {NumIdentical: 64}, // incremented by 3
// {NumRemoved: 9},
// {NumIdentical: 67},
// {NumRemoved: 9},
// {NumIdentical: 64}, // incremented by 10
// ]
func cleanupSurroundingIdentical(groups []diffStats, eq func(i, j int) bool) []diffStats {
var ix, iy int // indexes into sequence x and y
for i, ds := range groups {
// Handle equal group.
if ds.NumDiff() == 0 {
ix += ds.NumIdentical
iy += ds.NumIdentical
// Handle unequal group.
nx := ds.NumIdentical + ds.NumRemoved + ds.NumModified
ny := ds.NumIdentical + ds.NumInserted + ds.NumModified
var numLeadingIdentical, numTrailingIdentical int
for i := 0; i < nx && i < ny && eq(ix+i, iy+i); i++ {
for i := 0; i < nx && i < ny && eq(ix+nx-1-i, iy+ny-1-i); i++ {
if numIdentical := numLeadingIdentical + numTrailingIdentical; numIdentical > 0 {
if numLeadingIdentical > 0 {
// Remove leading identical span from this group and
// insert it into the preceding group.
if i-1 >= 0 {
groups[i-1].NumIdentical += numLeadingIdentical
} else {
// No preceding group exists, so prepend a new group,
// but do so after we finish iterating over all groups.
defer func() {
groups = append([]diffStats{{Name: groups[0].Name, NumIdentical: numLeadingIdentical}}, groups...)
// Increment indexes since the preceding group would have handled this.
ix += numLeadingIdentical
iy += numLeadingIdentical
if numTrailingIdentical > 0 {
// Remove trailing identical span from this group and
// insert it into the succeeding group.
if i+1 < len(groups) {
groups[i+1].NumIdentical += numTrailingIdentical
} else {
// No succeeding group exists, so append a new group,
// but do so after we finish iterating over all groups.
defer func() {
groups = append(groups, diffStats{Name: groups[len(groups)-1].Name, NumIdentical: numTrailingIdentical})
// Do not increment indexes since the succeeding group will handle this.
// Update this group since some identical elements were removed.
nx -= numIdentical
ny -= numIdentical
groups[i] = diffStats{Name: ds.Name, NumRemoved: nx, NumInserted: ny}
ix += nx
iy += ny
return groups
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ github.com/google/certificate-transparency-go/jsonclient
# github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.5
# github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.6
## explicit; go 1.8
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