mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00
Merge pull request #39946 from cpuguy83/plugins_use_containerd_dist
Replace plugin distribution code w/ containerd
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 928 additions and 542 deletions
@ -5,12 +5,16 @@ import (
var testEnv *environment.Execution
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
if reexec.Init() {
var err error
testEnv, err = environment.New()
if err != nil {
@ -1,12 +1,25 @@
package common // import "github.com/docker/docker/integration/plugin/common"
import (
is "gotest.tools/v3/assert/cmp"
func TestPluginInvalidJSON(t *testing.T) {
@ -36,3 +49,111 @@ func TestPluginInvalidJSON(t *testing.T) {
func TestPluginInstall(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, testEnv.IsRemoteDaemon, "cannot run daemon when remote daemon")
skip.If(t, testEnv.OSType == "windows")
skip.If(t, testEnv.IsRootless, "rootless mode has different view of localhost")
ctx := context.Background()
client := testEnv.APIClient()
t.Run("no auth", func(t *testing.T) {
defer setupTest(t)()
reg := registry.NewV2(t)
defer reg.Close()
name := "test-" + strings.ToLower(t.Name())
repo := path.Join(registry.DefaultURL, name+":latest")
assert.NilError(t, plugin.CreateInRegistry(ctx, repo, nil))
rdr, err := client.PluginInstall(ctx, repo, types.PluginInstallOptions{Disabled: true, RemoteRef: repo})
assert.NilError(t, err)
defer rdr.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, rdr)
assert.NilError(t, err)
_, _, err = client.PluginInspectWithRaw(ctx, repo)
assert.NilError(t, err)
t.Run("with htpasswd", func(t *testing.T) {
defer setupTest(t)()
reg := registry.NewV2(t, registry.Htpasswd)
defer reg.Close()
name := "test-" + strings.ToLower(t.Name())
repo := path.Join(registry.DefaultURL, name+":latest")
auth := &types.AuthConfig{ServerAddress: registry.DefaultURL, Username: "testuser", Password: "testpassword"}
assert.NilError(t, plugin.CreateInRegistry(ctx, repo, auth))
authEncoded, err := json.Marshal(auth)
assert.NilError(t, err)
rdr, err := client.PluginInstall(ctx, repo, types.PluginInstallOptions{
RegistryAuth: base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(authEncoded),
Disabled: true,
RemoteRef: repo,
assert.NilError(t, err)
defer rdr.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, rdr)
assert.NilError(t, err)
_, _, err = client.PluginInspectWithRaw(ctx, repo)
assert.NilError(t, err)
t.Run("with insecure", func(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, !testEnv.IsLocalDaemon())
addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
assert.NilError(t, err)
var bindTo string
for _, addr := range addrs {
ip, ok := addr.(*net.IPNet)
if !ok {
if ip.IP.IsLoopback() || ip.IP.To4() == nil {
bindTo = ip.IP.String()
if bindTo == "" {
t.Skip("No suitable interface to bind registry to")
regURL := bindTo + ":5000"
d := daemon.New(t)
defer d.Stop(t)
d.Start(t, "--insecure-registry="+regURL)
defer d.Stop(t)
reg := registry.NewV2(t, registry.URL(regURL))
defer reg.Close()
name := "test-" + strings.ToLower(t.Name())
repo := path.Join(regURL, name+":latest")
assert.NilError(t, plugin.CreateInRegistry(ctx, repo, nil, plugin.WithInsecureRegistry(regURL)))
client := d.NewClientT(t)
rdr, err := client.PluginInstall(ctx, repo, types.PluginInstallOptions{Disabled: true, RemoteRef: repo})
assert.NilError(t, err)
defer rdr.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, rdr)
assert.NilError(t, err)
_, _, err = client.PluginInspectWithRaw(ctx, repo)
assert.NilError(t, err)
// TODO: test insecure registry with https
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package plugin // import "github.com/docker/docker/plugin"
import (
@ -11,27 +12,27 @@ import (
progressutils "github.com/docker/docker/distribution/utils"
v2 "github.com/docker/docker/plugin/v2"
refstore "github.com/docker/docker/reference"
digest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
specs "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
@ -98,64 +99,6 @@ func (pm *Manager) Inspect(refOrID string) (tp *types.Plugin, err error) {
return &p.PluginObj, nil
func (pm *Manager) pull(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, config *distribution.ImagePullConfig, outStream io.Writer) error {
if outStream != nil {
// Include a buffer so that slow client connections don't affect
// transfer performance.
progressChan := make(chan progress.Progress, 100)
writesDone := make(chan struct{})
defer func() {
var cancelFunc context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancelFunc = context.WithCancel(ctx)
go func() {
progressutils.WriteDistributionProgress(cancelFunc, outStream, progressChan)
config.ProgressOutput = progress.ChanOutput(progressChan)
} else {
config.ProgressOutput = progress.DiscardOutput()
return distribution.Pull(ctx, ref, config)
type tempConfigStore struct {
config []byte
configDigest digest.Digest
func (s *tempConfigStore) Put(c []byte) (digest.Digest, error) {
dgst := digest.FromBytes(c)
s.config = c
s.configDigest = dgst
return dgst, nil
func (s *tempConfigStore) Get(d digest.Digest) ([]byte, error) {
if d != s.configDigest {
return nil, errNotFound("digest not found")
return s.config, nil
func (s *tempConfigStore) RootFSFromConfig(c []byte) (*image.RootFS, error) {
return configToRootFS(c)
func (s *tempConfigStore) PlatformFromConfig(c []byte) (*specs.Platform, error) {
// TODO: LCOW/Plugins. This will need revisiting. For now use the runtime OS
return &specs.Platform{OS: runtime.GOOS}, nil
func computePrivileges(c types.PluginConfig) types.PluginPrivileges {
var privileges types.PluginPrivileges
if c.Network.Type != "null" && c.Network.Type != "bridge" && c.Network.Type != "" {
@ -217,37 +160,53 @@ func computePrivileges(c types.PluginConfig) types.PluginPrivileges {
// Privileges pulls a plugin config and computes the privileges required to install it.
func (pm *Manager) Privileges(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, metaHeader http.Header, authConfig *types.AuthConfig) (types.PluginPrivileges, error) {
// create image store instance
cs := &tempConfigStore{}
var (
config types.PluginConfig
configSeen bool
// DownloadManager not defined because only pulling configuration.
pluginPullConfig := &distribution.ImagePullConfig{
Config: distribution.Config{
MetaHeaders: metaHeader,
AuthConfig: authConfig,
RegistryService: pm.config.RegistryService,
ImageEventLogger: func(string, string, string) {},
ImageStore: cs,
Schema2Types: distribution.PluginTypes,
h := func(ctx context.Context, desc specs.Descriptor) ([]specs.Descriptor, error) {
switch desc.MediaType {
case schema2.MediaTypeManifest, specs.MediaTypeImageManifest:
data, err := content.ReadBlob(ctx, pm.blobStore, desc)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error reading image manifest from blob store for %s", ref)
var m specs.Manifest
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &m); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error unmarshaling image manifest for %s", ref)
return []specs.Descriptor{m.Config}, nil
case schema2.MediaTypePluginConfig:
configSeen = true
data, err := content.ReadBlob(ctx, pm.blobStore, desc)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error reading plugin config from blob store for %s", ref)
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &config); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error unmarshaling plugin config for %s", ref)
return nil, nil
if err := pm.pull(ctx, ref, pluginPullConfig, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := pm.fetch(ctx, ref, authConfig, progress.DiscardOutput(), metaHeader, images.HandlerFunc(h)); err != nil {
return types.PluginPrivileges{}, nil
if cs.config == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no configuration pulled")
var config types.PluginConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(cs.config, &config); err != nil {
return nil, errdefs.System(err)
if !configSeen {
return types.PluginPrivileges{}, errors.Errorf("did not find plugin config for specified reference %s", ref)
return computePrivileges(config), nil
// Upgrade upgrades a plugin
// TODO: replace reference package usage with simpler url.Parse semantics
func (pm *Manager) Upgrade(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, name string, metaHeader http.Header, authConfig *types.AuthConfig, privileges types.PluginPrivileges, outStream io.Writer) (err error) {
p, err := pm.config.Store.GetV2Plugin(name)
if err != nil {
@ -258,44 +217,35 @@ func (pm *Manager) Upgrade(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, name string
return errors.Wrap(enabledError(p.Name()), "plugin must be disabled before upgrading")
defer pm.muGC.RUnlock()
// revalidate because Pull is public
if _, err := reference.ParseNormalizedNamed(name); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(errdefs.InvalidParameter(err), "failed to parse %q", name)
defer pm.muGC.RUnlock()
tmpRootFSDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(pm.tmpDir(), ".rootfs")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(errdefs.System(err), "error preparing upgrade")
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpRootFSDir)
dm := &downloadManager{
tmpDir: tmpRootFSDir,
blobStore: pm.blobStore,
return errors.Wrap(err, "error creating tmp dir for plugin rootfs")
pluginPullConfig := &distribution.ImagePullConfig{
Config: distribution.Config{
MetaHeaders: metaHeader,
AuthConfig: authConfig,
RegistryService: pm.config.RegistryService,
ImageEventLogger: pm.config.LogPluginEvent,
ImageStore: dm,
DownloadManager: dm, // todo: reevaluate if possible to substitute distribution/xfer dependencies instead
Schema2Types: distribution.PluginTypes,
var md fetchMeta
err = pm.pull(ctx, ref, pluginPullConfig, outStream)
if err != nil {
go pm.GC()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
out, waitProgress := setupProgressOutput(outStream, cancel)
defer waitProgress()
if err := pm.fetch(ctx, ref, authConfig, out, metaHeader, storeFetchMetadata(&md), childrenHandler(pm.blobStore), applyLayer(pm.blobStore, tmpRootFSDir, out)); err != nil {
return err
pm.config.LogPluginEvent(reference.FamiliarString(ref), name, "pull")
if err := validateFetchedMetadata(md); err != nil {
return err
if err := pm.upgradePlugin(p, dm.configDigest, dm.blobs, tmpRootFSDir, &privileges); err != nil {
if err := pm.upgradePlugin(p, md.config, md.manifest, md.blobs, tmpRootFSDir, &privileges); err != nil {
return err
p.PluginObj.PluginReference = ref.String()
@ -303,6 +253,8 @@ func (pm *Manager) Upgrade(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, name string
// Pull pulls a plugin, check if the correct privileges are provided and install the plugin.
// TODO: replace reference package usage with simpler url.Parse semantics
func (pm *Manager) Pull(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, name string, metaHeader http.Header, authConfig *types.AuthConfig, privileges types.PluginPrivileges, outStream io.Writer, opts ...CreateOpt) (err error) {
defer pm.muGC.RUnlock()
@ -320,30 +272,22 @@ func (pm *Manager) Pull(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, name string, m
tmpRootFSDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(pm.tmpDir(), ".rootfs")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(errdefs.System(err), "error preparing pull")
return errors.Wrap(errdefs.System(err), "error preparing upgrade")
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpRootFSDir)
dm := &downloadManager{
tmpDir: tmpRootFSDir,
blobStore: pm.blobStore,
var md fetchMeta
pluginPullConfig := &distribution.ImagePullConfig{
Config: distribution.Config{
MetaHeaders: metaHeader,
AuthConfig: authConfig,
RegistryService: pm.config.RegistryService,
ImageEventLogger: pm.config.LogPluginEvent,
ImageStore: dm,
DownloadManager: dm, // todo: reevaluate if possible to substitute distribution/xfer dependencies instead
Schema2Types: distribution.PluginTypes,
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
out, waitProgress := setupProgressOutput(outStream, cancel)
defer waitProgress()
err = pm.pull(ctx, ref, pluginPullConfig, outStream)
if err != nil {
go pm.GC()
if err := pm.fetch(ctx, ref, authConfig, out, metaHeader, storeFetchMetadata(&md), childrenHandler(pm.blobStore), applyLayer(pm.blobStore, tmpRootFSDir, out)); err != nil {
return err
pm.config.LogPluginEvent(reference.FamiliarString(ref), name, "pull")
if err := validateFetchedMetadata(md); err != nil {
return err
@ -354,12 +298,14 @@ func (pm *Manager) Pull(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, name string, m
optsList = append(optsList, opts...)
optsList = append(optsList, refOpt)
p, err := pm.createPlugin(name, dm.configDigest, dm.blobs, tmpRootFSDir, &privileges, optsList...)
// TODO: tmpRootFSDir is empty but should have layers in it
p, err := pm.createPlugin(name, md.config, md.manifest, md.blobs, tmpRootFSDir, &privileges, optsList...)
if err != nil {
return err
pm.publisher.Publish(EventCreate{Plugin: p.PluginObj})
return nil
@ -404,7 +350,7 @@ next:
return out, nil
// Push pushes a plugin to the store.
// Push pushes a plugin to the registry.
func (pm *Manager) Push(ctx context.Context, name string, metaHeader http.Header, authConfig *types.AuthConfig, outStream io.Writer) error {
p, err := pm.config.Store.GetV2Plugin(name)
if err != nil {
@ -416,201 +362,197 @@ func (pm *Manager) Push(ctx context.Context, name string, metaHeader http.Header
return errors.Wrapf(err, "plugin has invalid name %v for push", p.Name())
var po progress.Output
if outStream != nil {
// Include a buffer so that slow client connections don't affect
// transfer performance.
progressChan := make(chan progress.Progress, 100)
statusTracker := docker.NewInMemoryTracker()
writesDone := make(chan struct{})
defer func() {
var cancelFunc context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancelFunc = context.WithCancel(ctx)
go func() {
progressutils.WriteDistributionProgress(cancelFunc, outStream, progressChan)
po = progress.ChanOutput(progressChan)
} else {
po = progress.DiscardOutput()
// TODO: replace these with manager
is := &pluginConfigStore{
pm: pm,
plugin: p,
lss := make(map[string]distribution.PushLayerProvider)
lss[runtime.GOOS] = &pluginLayerProvider{
pm: pm,
plugin: p,
rs := &pluginReference{
name: ref,
pluginID: p.Config,
uploadManager := xfer.NewLayerUploadManager(3)
imagePushConfig := &distribution.ImagePushConfig{
Config: distribution.Config{
MetaHeaders: metaHeader,
AuthConfig: authConfig,
ProgressOutput: po,
RegistryService: pm.config.RegistryService,
ReferenceStore: rs,
ImageEventLogger: pm.config.LogPluginEvent,
ImageStore: is,
RequireSchema2: true,
ConfigMediaType: schema2.MediaTypePluginConfig,
LayerStores: lss,
UploadManager: uploadManager,
return distribution.Push(ctx, ref, imagePushConfig)
type pluginReference struct {
name reference.Named
pluginID digest.Digest
func (r *pluginReference) References(id digest.Digest) []reference.Named {
if r.pluginID != id {
return nil
return []reference.Named{r.name}
func (r *pluginReference) ReferencesByName(ref reference.Named) []refstore.Association {
return []refstore.Association{
Ref: r.name,
ID: r.pluginID,
func (r *pluginReference) Get(ref reference.Named) (digest.Digest, error) {
if r.name.String() != ref.String() {
return digest.Digest(""), refstore.ErrDoesNotExist
return r.pluginID, nil
func (r *pluginReference) AddTag(ref reference.Named, id digest.Digest, force bool) error {
// Read only, ignore
return nil
func (r *pluginReference) AddDigest(ref reference.Canonical, id digest.Digest, force bool) error {
// Read only, ignore
return nil
func (r *pluginReference) Delete(ref reference.Named) (bool, error) {
// Read only, ignore
return false, nil
type pluginConfigStore struct {
pm *Manager
plugin *v2.Plugin
func (s *pluginConfigStore) Put([]byte) (digest.Digest, error) {
return digest.Digest(""), errors.New("cannot store config on push")
func (s *pluginConfigStore) Get(d digest.Digest) ([]byte, error) {
if s.plugin.Config != d {
return nil, errors.New("plugin not found")
rwc, err := s.pm.blobStore.Get(d)
resolver, err := pm.newResolver(ctx, statusTracker, authConfig, metaHeader, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return err
defer rwc.Close()
return ioutil.ReadAll(rwc)
func (s *pluginConfigStore) RootFSFromConfig(c []byte) (*image.RootFS, error) {
return configToRootFS(c)
pusher, err := resolver.Pusher(ctx, ref.String())
if err != nil {
func (s *pluginConfigStore) PlatformFromConfig(c []byte) (*specs.Platform, error) {
// TODO: LCOW/Plugins. This will need revisiting. For now use the runtime OS
return &specs.Platform{OS: runtime.GOOS}, nil
return errors.Wrap(err, "error creating plugin pusher")
type pluginLayerProvider struct {
pm *Manager
plugin *v2.Plugin
pj := newPushJobs(statusTracker)
func (p *pluginLayerProvider) Get(id layer.ChainID) (distribution.PushLayer, error) {
rootFS := rootFSFromPlugin(p.plugin.PluginObj.Config.Rootfs)
var i int
for i = 1; i <= len(rootFS.DiffIDs); i++ {
if layer.CreateChainID(rootFS.DiffIDs[:i]) == id {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
out, waitProgress := setupProgressOutput(outStream, cancel)
defer waitProgress()
progressHandler := images.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, desc specs.Descriptor) ([]specs.Descriptor, error) {
logrus.WithField("mediaType", desc.MediaType).WithField("digest", desc.Digest.String()).Debug("Preparing to push plugin layer")
id := stringid.TruncateID(desc.Digest.String())
pj.add(remotes.MakeRefKey(ctx, desc), id)
progress.Update(out, id, "Preparing")
return nil, nil
desc, err := pm.getManifestDescriptor(ctx, p)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error reading plugin manifest")
progress.Messagef(out, "", "The push refers to repository [%s]", reference.FamiliarName(ref))
// TODO: If a layer already exists on the registry, the progress output just says "Preparing"
go func() {
timer := time.NewTimer(100 * time.Millisecond)
defer timer.Stop()
if !timer.Stop() {
var statuses []contentStatus
for {
timer.Reset(100 * time.Millisecond)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-timer.C:
statuses = pj.status()
for _, s := range statuses {
out.WriteProgress(progress.Progress{ID: s.Ref, Current: s.Offset, Total: s.Total, Action: s.Status, LastUpdate: s.Offset == s.Total})
// Make sure we can authenticate the request since the auth scope for plugin repos is different than a normal repo.
ctx = docker.WithScope(ctx, scope(ref, true))
if err := remotes.PushContent(ctx, pusher, desc, pm.blobStore, nil, func(h images.Handler) images.Handler {
return images.Handlers(progressHandler, h)
}); err != nil {
// Try fallback to http.
// This is needed because the containerd pusher will only attempt the first registry config we pass, which would
// typically be https.
// If there are no http-only host configs found we'll error out anyway.
resolver, _ := pm.newResolver(ctx, statusTracker, authConfig, metaHeader, true)
if resolver != nil {
pusher, _ := resolver.Pusher(ctx, ref.String())
if pusher != nil {
logrus.WithField("ref", ref).Debug("Re-attmpting push with http-fallback")
err2 := remotes.PushContent(ctx, pusher, desc, pm.blobStore, nil, func(h images.Handler) images.Handler {
return images.Handlers(progressHandler, h)
if err2 == nil {
err = nil
} else {
logrus.WithError(err2).WithField("ref", ref).Debug("Error while attempting push with http-fallback")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error pushing plugin")
if i > len(rootFS.DiffIDs) {
return nil, errors.New("layer not found")
// For blobs that already exist in the registry we need to make sure to update the progress otherwise it will just say "pending"
// TODO: How to check if the layer already exists? Is it worth it?
for _, j := range pj.jobs {
progress.Update(out, pj.names[j], "Upload complete")
return &pluginLayer{
pm: p.pm,
diffIDs: rootFS.DiffIDs[:i],
blobs: p.plugin.Blobsums[:i],
}, nil
// Signal the client for content trust verification
progress.Aux(out, types.PushResult{Tag: ref.(reference.Tagged).Tag(), Digest: desc.Digest.String(), Size: int(desc.Size)})
return nil
type pluginLayer struct {
pm *Manager
diffIDs []layer.DiffID
blobs []digest.Digest
// manifest wraps an OCI manifest, because...
// Historically the registry does not support plugins unless the media type on the manifest is specifically schema2.MediaTypeManifest
// So the OCI manifest media type is not supported.
// Additionally, there is extra validation for the docker schema2 manifest than there is a mediatype set on the manifest itself
// even though this is set on the descriptor
// The OCI types do not have this field.
type manifest struct {
MediaType string `json:"mediaType,omitempty"`
func (l *pluginLayer) ChainID() layer.ChainID {
return layer.CreateChainID(l.diffIDs)
func buildManifest(ctx context.Context, s content.Manager, config digest.Digest, layers []digest.Digest) (manifest, error) {
var m manifest
m.MediaType = images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2Manifest
m.SchemaVersion = 2
func (l *pluginLayer) DiffID() layer.DiffID {
return l.diffIDs[len(l.diffIDs)-1]
func (l *pluginLayer) Parent() distribution.PushLayer {
if len(l.diffIDs) == 1 {
return nil
configInfo, err := s.Info(ctx, config)
if err != nil {
return m, errors.Wrapf(err, "error reading plugin config content for digest %s", config)
return &pluginLayer{
pm: l.pm,
diffIDs: l.diffIDs[:len(l.diffIDs)-1],
blobs: l.blobs[:len(l.diffIDs)-1],
m.Config = specs.Descriptor{
MediaType: mediaTypePluginConfig,
Size: configInfo.Size,
Digest: configInfo.Digest,
for _, l := range layers {
info, err := s.Info(ctx, l)
if err != nil {
return m, errors.Wrapf(err, "error fetching info for content digest %s", l)
m.Layers = append(m.Layers, specs.Descriptor{
MediaType: specs.MediaTypeImageLayerGzip, // TODO: This is assuming everything is a gzip compressed layer, but that may not be true.
Digest: l,
Size: info.Size,
return m, nil
func (l *pluginLayer) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return l.pm.blobStore.Get(l.blobs[len(l.diffIDs)-1])
// getManifestDescriptor gets the OCI descriptor for a manifest
// It will generate a manifest if one does not exist
func (pm *Manager) getManifestDescriptor(ctx context.Context, p *v2.Plugin) (specs.Descriptor, error) {
logger := logrus.WithField("plugin", p.Name()).WithField("digest", p.Manifest)
if p.Manifest != "" {
info, err := pm.blobStore.Info(ctx, p.Manifest)
if err == nil {
desc := specs.Descriptor{
Size: info.Size,
Digest: info.Digest,
MediaType: images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2Manifest,
return desc, nil
logger.WithError(err).Debug("Could not find plugin manifest in content store")
} else {
logger.Info("Plugin does not have manifest digest")
logger.Info("Building a new plugin manifest")
manifest, err := buildManifest(ctx, pm.blobStore, p.Config, p.Blobsums)
if err != nil {
return specs.Descriptor{}, err
desc, err := writeManifest(ctx, pm.blobStore, &manifest)
if err != nil {
return desc, err
if err := pm.save(p); err != nil {
logger.WithError(err).Error("Could not save plugin with manifest digest")
return desc, nil
func (l *pluginLayer) Size() (int64, error) {
return l.pm.blobStore.Size(l.blobs[len(l.diffIDs)-1])
func writeManifest(ctx context.Context, cs content.Store, m *manifest) (specs.Descriptor, error) {
platform := platforms.DefaultSpec()
desc := specs.Descriptor{
MediaType: images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2Manifest,
Platform: &platform,
data, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return desc, errors.Wrap(err, "error encoding manifest")
desc.Digest = digest.FromBytes(data)
desc.Size = int64(len(data))
func (l *pluginLayer) MediaType() string {
return schema2.MediaTypeLayer
func (l *pluginLayer) Release() {
// Nothing needs to be release, no references held
if err := content.WriteBlob(ctx, cs, remotes.MakeRefKey(ctx, desc), bytes.NewReader(data), desc); err != nil {
return desc, errors.Wrap(err, "error writing plugin manifest")
return desc, nil
// Remove deletes plugin's root directory.
@ -700,14 +642,14 @@ func (pm *Manager) CreateFromContext(ctx context.Context, tarCtx io.ReadCloser,
var configJSON []byte
rootFS := splitConfigRootFSFromTar(tarCtx, &configJSON)
rootFSBlob, err := pm.blobStore.New()
rootFSBlob, err := pm.blobStore.Writer(ctx, content.WithRef(name))
if err != nil {
return err
defer rootFSBlob.Close()
gzw := gzip.NewWriter(rootFSBlob)
layerDigester := digest.Canonical.Digester()
rootFSReader := io.TeeReader(rootFS, io.MultiWriter(gzw, layerDigester.Hash()))
rootFSReader := io.TeeReader(rootFS, gzw)
if err := chrootarchive.Untar(rootFSReader, tmpRootFSDir, nil); err != nil {
return err
@ -736,8 +678,7 @@ func (pm *Manager) CreateFromContext(ctx context.Context, tarCtx io.ReadCloser,
defer pm.mu.Unlock()
rootFSBlobsum, err := rootFSBlob.Commit()
if err != nil {
if err := rootFSBlob.Commit(ctx, 0, ""); err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
@ -748,12 +689,12 @@ func (pm *Manager) CreateFromContext(ctx context.Context, tarCtx io.ReadCloser,
config.Rootfs = &types.PluginConfigRootfs{
Type: "layers",
DiffIds: []string{layerDigester.Digest().String()},
DiffIds: []string{rootFSBlob.Digest().String()},
config.DockerVersion = dockerversion.Version
configBlob, err := pm.blobStore.New()
configBlob, err := pm.blobStore.Writer(ctx, content.WithRef(name+"-config.json"))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -761,12 +702,23 @@ func (pm *Manager) CreateFromContext(ctx context.Context, tarCtx io.ReadCloser,
if err := json.NewEncoder(configBlob).Encode(config); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error encoding json config")
configBlobsum, err := configBlob.Commit()
if err != nil {
if err := configBlob.Commit(ctx, 0, ""); err != nil {
return err
p, err := pm.createPlugin(name, configBlobsum, []digest.Digest{rootFSBlobsum}, tmpRootFSDir, nil)
configDigest := configBlob.Digest()
layers := []digest.Digest{rootFSBlob.Digest()}
manifest, err := buildManifest(ctx, pm.blobStore, configDigest, layers)
if err != nil {
return err
desc, err := writeManifest(ctx, pm.blobStore, &manifest)
if err != nil {
p, err := pm.createPlugin(name, configDigest, desc.Digest, layers, tmpRootFSDir, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
package plugin // import "github.com/docker/docker/plugin"
import (
digest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
specs "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
type blobstore interface {
New() (WriteCommitCloser, error)
Get(dgst digest.Digest) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Size(dgst digest.Digest) (int64, error)
type basicBlobStore struct {
path string
func newBasicBlobStore(p string) (*basicBlobStore, error) {
tmpdir := filepath.Join(p, "tmp")
if err := os.MkdirAll(tmpdir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mkdir %v", p)
return &basicBlobStore{path: p}, nil
func (b *basicBlobStore) New() (WriteCommitCloser, error) {
f, err := ioutil.TempFile(filepath.Join(b.path, "tmp"), ".insertion")
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create temp file")
return newInsertion(f), nil
func (b *basicBlobStore) Get(dgst digest.Digest) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return os.Open(filepath.Join(b.path, string(dgst.Algorithm()), dgst.Hex()))
func (b *basicBlobStore) Size(dgst digest.Digest) (int64, error) {
stat, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(b.path, string(dgst.Algorithm()), dgst.Hex()))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return stat.Size(), nil
func (b *basicBlobStore) gc(whitelist map[digest.Digest]struct{}) {
for _, alg := range []string{string(digest.Canonical)} {
items, err := ioutil.ReadDir(filepath.Join(b.path, alg))
if err != nil {
for _, fi := range items {
if _, exists := whitelist[digest.Digest(alg+":"+fi.Name())]; !exists {
p := filepath.Join(b.path, alg, fi.Name())
err := os.RemoveAll(p)
logrus.Debugf("cleaned up blob %v: %v", p, err)
// WriteCommitCloser defines object that can be committed to blobstore.
type WriteCommitCloser interface {
Commit() (digest.Digest, error)
type insertion struct {
f *os.File
digester digest.Digester
closed bool
func newInsertion(tempFile *os.File) *insertion {
digester := digest.Canonical.Digester()
return &insertion{f: tempFile, digester: digester, Writer: io.MultiWriter(tempFile, digester.Hash())}
func (i *insertion) Commit() (digest.Digest, error) {
p := i.f.Name()
d := filepath.Join(filepath.Join(p, "../../"))
defer os.RemoveAll(p)
if err := i.f.Close(); err != nil {
return "", err
i.closed = true
dgst := i.digester.Digest()
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(d, string(dgst.Algorithm())), 0700); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mkdir %v", d)
if err := os.Rename(p, filepath.Join(d, string(dgst.Algorithm()), dgst.Hex())); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to rename %v", p)
return dgst, nil
func (i *insertion) Close() error {
if i.closed {
return nil
defer os.RemoveAll(i.f.Name())
return i.f.Close()
type downloadManager struct {
blobStore blobstore
tmpDir string
blobs []digest.Digest
configDigest digest.Digest
func (dm *downloadManager) Download(ctx context.Context, initialRootFS image.RootFS, os string, layers []xfer.DownloadDescriptor, progressOutput progress.Output) (image.RootFS, func(), error) {
for _, l := range layers {
b, err := dm.blobStore.New()
if err != nil {
return initialRootFS, nil, err
defer b.Close()
rc, _, err := l.Download(ctx, progressOutput)
if err != nil {
return initialRootFS, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to download")
defer rc.Close()
r := io.TeeReader(rc, b)
inflatedLayerData, err := archive.DecompressStream(r)
if err != nil {
return initialRootFS, nil, err
defer inflatedLayerData.Close()
digester := digest.Canonical.Digester()
if _, err := chrootarchive.ApplyLayer(dm.tmpDir, io.TeeReader(inflatedLayerData, digester.Hash())); err != nil {
return initialRootFS, nil, err
d, err := b.Commit()
if err != nil {
return initialRootFS, nil, err
dm.blobs = append(dm.blobs, d)
return initialRootFS, nil, nil
func (dm *downloadManager) Put(dt []byte) (digest.Digest, error) {
b, err := dm.blobStore.New()
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer b.Close()
n, err := b.Write(dt)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if n != len(dt) {
return "", io.ErrShortWrite
d, err := b.Commit()
dm.configDigest = d
return d, err
func (dm *downloadManager) Get(d digest.Digest) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("digest not found")
func (dm *downloadManager) RootFSFromConfig(c []byte) (*image.RootFS, error) {
return configToRootFS(c)
func (dm *downloadManager) PlatformFromConfig(c []byte) (*specs.Platform, error) {
// TODO: LCOW/Plugins. This will need revisiting. For now use the runtime OS
return &specs.Platform{OS: runtime.GOOS}, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
package plugin
import (
c8derrdefs "github.com/containerd/containerd/errdefs"
progressutils "github.com/docker/docker/distribution/utils"
digest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
specs "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
const mediaTypePluginConfig = "application/vnd.docker.plugin.v1+json"
// setupProgressOutput sets up the passed in writer to stream progress.
// The passed in cancel function is used by the progress writer to signal callers that there
// is an issue writing to the stream.
// The returned function is used to wait for the progress writer to be finished.
// Call it to make sure the progress writer is done before returning from your function as needed.
func setupProgressOutput(outStream io.Writer, cancel func()) (progress.Output, func()) {
var out progress.Output
f := func() {}
if outStream != nil {
ch := make(chan progress.Progress, 100)
out = progress.ChanOutput(ch)
ctx, retCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
progressutils.WriteDistributionProgress(cancel, outStream, ch)
f = func() {
} else {
out = progress.DiscardOutput()
return out, f
// fetch the content related to the passed in reference into the blob store and appends the provided images.Handlers
// There is no need to use remotes.FetchHandler since it already gets set
func (pm *Manager) fetch(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, auth *types.AuthConfig, out progress.Output, metaHeader http.Header, handlers ...images.Handler) (err error) {
// We need to make sure we have a domain on the reference
withDomain, err := reference.ParseNormalizedNamed(ref.String())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error parsing plugin image reference")
// Make sure we can authenticate the request since the auth scope for plugin repos is different than a normal repo.
ctx = docker.WithScope(ctx, scope(ref, false))
// Make sure the fetch handler knows how to set a ref key for the plugin media type.
// Without this the ref key is "unknown" and we see a nasty warning message in the logs
ctx = remotes.WithMediaTypeKeyPrefix(ctx, mediaTypePluginConfig, "docker-plugin")
resolver, err := pm.newResolver(ctx, nil, auth, metaHeader, false)
if err != nil {
return err
resolved, desc, err := resolver.Resolve(ctx, withDomain.String())
if err != nil {
// This is backwards compatible with older versions of the distribution registry.
// The containerd client will add it's own accept header as a comma separated list of supported manifests.
// This is perfectly fine, unless you are talking to an older registry which does not split the comma separated list,
// so it is never able to match a media type and it falls back to schema1 (yuck) and fails because our manifest the
// fallback does not support plugin configs...
logrus.WithError(err).WithField("ref", withDomain).Debug("Error while resolving reference, falling back to backwards compatible accept header format")
headers := http.Header{}
headers.Add("Accept", images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2Manifest)
headers.Add("Accept", images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2ManifestList)
headers.Add("Accept", specs.MediaTypeImageManifest)
headers.Add("Accept", specs.MediaTypeImageIndex)
resolver, _ = pm.newResolver(ctx, nil, auth, headers, false)
if resolver != nil {
resolved, desc, err = resolver.Resolve(ctx, withDomain.String())
if err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).WithField("ref", withDomain).Debug("Failed to resolve reference after falling back to backwards compatible accept header format")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error resolving plugin reference")
fetcher, err := resolver.Fetcher(ctx, resolved)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error creating plugin image fetcher")
fp := withFetchProgress(pm.blobStore, out, ref)
handlers = append([]images.Handler{fp, remotes.FetchHandler(pm.blobStore, fetcher)}, handlers...)
if err := images.Dispatch(ctx, images.Handlers(handlers...), nil, desc); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// applyLayer makes an images.HandlerFunc which applies a fetched image rootfs layer to a directory.
// TODO(@cpuguy83) This gets run sequentially after layer pull (makes sense), however
// if there are multiple layers to fetch we may end up extracting layers in the wrong
// order.
func applyLayer(cs content.Store, dir string, out progress.Output) images.HandlerFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, desc specs.Descriptor) ([]specs.Descriptor, error) {
switch desc.MediaType {
return nil, nil
ra, err := cs.ReaderAt(ctx, desc)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error getting content from content store for digest %s", desc.Digest)
id := stringid.TruncateID(desc.Digest.String())
rc := ioutils.NewReadCloserWrapper(content.NewReader(ra), ra.Close)
pr := progress.NewProgressReader(rc, out, desc.Size, id, "Extracting")
defer pr.Close()
if _, err := chrootarchive.ApplyLayer(dir, pr); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error applying layer for digest %s", desc.Digest)
progress.Update(out, id, "Complete")
return nil, nil
func childrenHandler(cs content.Store) images.HandlerFunc {
ch := images.ChildrenHandler(cs)
return func(ctx context.Context, desc specs.Descriptor) ([]specs.Descriptor, error) {
switch desc.MediaType {
case mediaTypePluginConfig:
return nil, nil
return ch(ctx, desc)
type fetchMeta struct {
blobs []digest.Digest
config digest.Digest
manifest digest.Digest
func storeFetchMetadata(m *fetchMeta) images.HandlerFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, desc specs.Descriptor) ([]specs.Descriptor, error) {
switch desc.MediaType {
m.blobs = append(m.blobs, desc.Digest)
case specs.MediaTypeImageManifest, images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2Manifest:
m.manifest = desc.Digest
case mediaTypePluginConfig:
m.config = desc.Digest
return nil, nil
func validateFetchedMetadata(md fetchMeta) error {
if md.config == "" {
return errors.New("fetched plugin image but plugin config is missing")
if md.manifest == "" {
return errors.New("fetched plugin image but manifest is missing")
return nil
// withFetchProgress is a fetch handler which registers a descriptor with a progress
func withFetchProgress(cs content.Store, out progress.Output, ref reference.Named) images.HandlerFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, desc specs.Descriptor) ([]specs.Descriptor, error) {
switch desc.MediaType {
case specs.MediaTypeImageManifest, images.MediaTypeDockerSchema2Manifest:
tn := reference.TagNameOnly(ref)
tagged := tn.(reference.Tagged)
progress.Messagef(out, tagged.Tag(), "Pulling from %s", reference.FamiliarName(ref))
progress.Messagef(out, "", "Digest: %s", desc.Digest.String())
return nil, nil
return nil, nil
id := stringid.TruncateID(desc.Digest.String())
if _, err := cs.Info(ctx, desc.Digest); err == nil {
out.WriteProgress(progress.Progress{ID: id, Action: "Already exists", LastUpdate: true})
return nil, nil
progress.Update(out, id, "Waiting")
key := remotes.MakeRefKey(ctx, desc)
go func() {
timer := time.NewTimer(100 * time.Millisecond)
if !timer.Stop() {
defer timer.Stop()
var pulling bool
var ctxErr error
for {
timer.Reset(100 * time.Millisecond)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
ctxErr = ctx.Err()
// make sure we can still fetch from the content store
// TODO: Might need to add some sort of timeout
ctx = context.Background()
case <-timer.C:
s, err := cs.Status(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
if !c8derrdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
logrus.WithError(err).WithField("layerDigest", desc.Digest.String()).Error("Error looking up status of plugin layer pull")
progress.Update(out, id, err.Error())
if _, err := cs.Info(ctx, desc.Digest); err == nil {
progress.Update(out, id, "Download complete")
if ctxErr != nil {
progress.Update(out, id, ctxErr.Error())
if !pulling {
progress.Update(out, id, "Pulling fs layer")
pulling = true
if s.Offset == s.Total {
out.WriteProgress(progress.Progress{ID: id, Action: "Download complete", Current: s.Offset, LastUpdate: true})
out.WriteProgress(progress.Progress{ID: id, Action: "Downloading", Current: s.Offset, Total: s.Total})
return nil, nil
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package plugin // import "github.com/docker/docker/plugin"
import (
@ -12,10 +13,10 @@ import (
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ type Manager struct {
mu sync.RWMutex // protects cMap
muGC sync.RWMutex // protects blobstore deletions
cMap map[*v2.Plugin]*controller
blobStore *basicBlobStore
blobStore content.Store
publisher *pubsub.Publisher
executor Executor
@ -117,9 +118,9 @@ func NewManager(config ManagerConfig) (*Manager, error) {
return nil, err
manager.blobStore, err = newBasicBlobStore(filepath.Join(manager.config.Root, "storage/blobs"))
manager.blobStore, err = local.NewStore(filepath.Join(manager.config.Root, "storage"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error creating plugin blob store")
manager.cMap = make(map[*v2.Plugin]*controller)
@ -305,7 +306,15 @@ func (pm *Manager) GC() {
ctx := context.TODO()
pm.blobStore.Walk(ctx, func(info content.Info) error {
_, ok := whitelist[info.Digest]
if ok {
return nil
return pm.blobStore.Delete(ctx, info.Digest)
type logHook struct{ id string }
@ -357,28 +366,3 @@ func isEqualPrivilege(a, b types.PluginPrivilege) bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(a.Value, b.Value)
func configToRootFS(c []byte) (*image.RootFS, error) {
var pluginConfig types.PluginConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(c, &pluginConfig); err != nil {
return nil, err
// validation for empty rootfs is in distribution code
if pluginConfig.Rootfs == nil {
return nil, nil
return rootFSFromPlugin(pluginConfig.Rootfs), nil
func rootFSFromPlugin(pluginfs *types.PluginConfigRootfs) *image.RootFS {
rootFS := image.RootFS{
Type: pluginfs.Type,
DiffIDs: make([]layer.DiffID, len(pluginfs.DiffIds)),
for i := range pluginfs.DiffIds {
rootFS.DiffIDs[i] = layer.DiffID(pluginfs.DiffIds[i])
return &rootFS
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
package plugin // import "github.com/docker/docker/plugin"
import (
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ import (
v2 "github.com/docker/docker/plugin/v2"
digest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
specs "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
@ -213,7 +216,7 @@ func (pm *Manager) Shutdown() {
func (pm *Manager) upgradePlugin(p *v2.Plugin, configDigest digest.Digest, blobsums []digest.Digest, tmpRootFSDir string, privileges *types.PluginPrivileges) (err error) {
func (pm *Manager) upgradePlugin(p *v2.Plugin, configDigest, manifestDigest digest.Digest, blobsums []digest.Digest, tmpRootFSDir string, privileges *types.PluginPrivileges) (err error) {
config, err := pm.setupNewPlugin(configDigest, blobsums, privileges)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -261,19 +264,22 @@ func (pm *Manager) upgradePlugin(p *v2.Plugin, configDigest digest.Digest, blobs
p.PluginObj.Config = config
p.Manifest = manifestDigest
err = pm.save(p)
return errors.Wrap(err, "error saving upgraded plugin config")
func (pm *Manager) setupNewPlugin(configDigest digest.Digest, blobsums []digest.Digest, privileges *types.PluginPrivileges) (types.PluginConfig, error) {
configRC, err := pm.blobStore.Get(configDigest)
configRA, err := pm.blobStore.ReaderAt(context.TODO(), specs.Descriptor{Digest: configDigest})
if err != nil {
return types.PluginConfig{}, err
defer configRC.Close()
defer configRA.Close()
configR := content.NewReader(configRA)
var config types.PluginConfig
dec := json.NewDecoder(configRC)
dec := json.NewDecoder(configR)
if err := dec.Decode(&config); err != nil {
return types.PluginConfig{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse config")
@ -292,7 +298,7 @@ func (pm *Manager) setupNewPlugin(configDigest digest.Digest, blobsums []digest.
// createPlugin creates a new plugin. take lock before calling.
func (pm *Manager) createPlugin(name string, configDigest digest.Digest, blobsums []digest.Digest, rootFSDir string, privileges *types.PluginPrivileges, opts ...CreateOpt) (p *v2.Plugin, err error) {
func (pm *Manager) createPlugin(name string, configDigest, manifestDigest digest.Digest, blobsums []digest.Digest, rootFSDir string, privileges *types.PluginPrivileges, opts ...CreateOpt) (p *v2.Plugin, err error) {
if err := pm.config.Store.validateName(name); err != nil { // todo: this check is wrong. remove store
return nil, errdefs.InvalidParameter(err)
@ -310,6 +316,7 @@ func (pm *Manager) createPlugin(name string, configDigest digest.Digest, blobsum
Config: configDigest,
Blobsums: blobsums,
Manifest: manifestDigest,
for _, o := range opts {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package plugin
import (
func newPushJobs(tracker docker.StatusTracker) *pushJobs {
return &pushJobs{
names: make(map[string]string),
t: tracker,
type pushJobs struct {
t docker.StatusTracker
mu sync.Mutex
jobs []string
// maps job ref to a name
names map[string]string
func (p *pushJobs) add(id, name string) {
defer p.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := p.names[id]; ok {
p.jobs = append(p.jobs, id)
p.names[id] = name
func (p *pushJobs) status() []contentStatus {
statuses := make([]contentStatus, 0, len(p.jobs))
defer p.mu.Unlock()
for _, j := range p.jobs {
var s contentStatus
s.Ref = p.names[j]
status, err := p.t.GetStatus(j)
if err != nil {
s.Status = "Waiting"
} else {
s.Total = status.Total
s.Offset = status.Offset
s.StartedAt = status.StartedAt
s.UpdatedAt = status.UpdatedAt
if status.UploadUUID == "" {
s.Status = "Upload complete"
} else {
s.Status = "Uploading"
statuses = append(statuses, s)
return statuses
type contentStatus struct {
Status string
Total int64
Offset int64
StartedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
Ref string
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
package plugin
import (
// scope builds the correct auth scope for the registry client to authorize against
// By default the client currently only does a "repository:" scope with out a classifier, e.g. "(plugin)"
// Without this, the client will not be able to authorize the request
func scope(ref reference.Named, push bool) string {
scope := "repository(plugin):" + reference.Path(reference.TrimNamed(ref)) + ":pull"
if push {
scope += ",push"
return scope
func (pm *Manager) newResolver(ctx context.Context, tracker docker.StatusTracker, auth *types.AuthConfig, headers http.Header, httpFallback bool) (remotes.Resolver, error) {
if headers == nil {
headers = http.Header{}
headers.Add("User-Agent", dockerversion.DockerUserAgent(ctx))
return docker.NewResolver(docker.ResolverOptions{
Tracker: tracker,
Headers: headers,
Hosts: pm.registryHostsFn(auth, httpFallback),
}), nil
func registryHTTPClient(config *tls.Config) *http.Client {
return &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
TLSClientConfig: config,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
IdleConnTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
func (pm *Manager) registryHostsFn(auth *types.AuthConfig, httpFallback bool) docker.RegistryHosts {
return func(hostname string) ([]docker.RegistryHost, error) {
eps, err := pm.config.RegistryService.LookupPullEndpoints(hostname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error resolving repository for %s", hostname)
hosts := make([]docker.RegistryHost, 0, len(eps))
for _, ep := range eps {
// forced http fallback is used only for push since the containerd pusher only ever uses the first host we
// pass to it.
// So it is the callers responsibility to retry with this flag set.
if httpFallback && ep.URL.Scheme != "http" {
logrus.WithField("registryHost", hostname).WithField("endpoint", ep).Debugf("Skipping non-http endpoint")
caps := docker.HostCapabilityPull | docker.HostCapabilityResolve
if !ep.Mirror {
caps = caps | docker.HostCapabilityPush
host, err := docker.DefaultHost(ep.URL.Host)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client := registryHTTPClient(ep.TLSConfig)
hosts = append(hosts, docker.RegistryHost{
Host: host,
Scheme: ep.URL.Scheme,
Client: client,
Path: "/v2",
Capabilities: caps,
Authorizer: docker.NewDockerAuthorizer(
docker.WithAuthCreds(func(_ string) (string, string, error) {
if auth.IdentityToken != "" {
return "", auth.IdentityToken, nil
return auth.Username, auth.Password, nil
logrus.WithField("registryHost", hostname).WithField("hosts", hosts).Debug("Resolved registry hosts")
return hosts, nil
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ type Plugin struct {
Config digest.Digest
Blobsums []digest.Digest
Manifest digest.Digest
modifyRuntimeSpec func(*specs.Spec)
@ -26,7 +26,15 @@ type CreateOpt func(*Config)
// create the plugin with.
type Config struct {
binPath string
binPath string
RegistryConfig registry.ServiceOptions
// WithInsecureRegistry specifies that the given registry can skip host-key checking as well as fall back to plain http
func WithInsecureRegistry(url string) CreateOpt {
return func(cfg *Config) {
cfg.RegistryConfig.InsecureRegistries = append(cfg.RegistryConfig.InsecureRegistries, url)
// WithBinary is a CreateOpt to set an custom binary to create the plugin with.
@ -82,6 +90,11 @@ func CreateInRegistry(ctx context.Context, repo string, auth *types.AuthConfig,
return errors.Wrap(err, "error creating plugin root")
var cfg Config
for _, o := range opts {
tar, err := makePluginBundle(inPath, opts...)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -92,7 +105,7 @@ func CreateInRegistry(ctx context.Context, repo string, auth *types.AuthConfig,
return nil, nil
regService, err := registry.NewService(registry.ServiceOptions{})
regService, err := registry.NewService(cfg.RegistryConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package registry
import "io"
// Schema1 sets the registry to serve v1 api
func Schema1(c *Config) {
c.schema1 = true
@ -24,3 +26,17 @@ func URL(registryURL string) func(*Config) {
c.registryURL = registryURL
// WithStdout sets the stdout of the registry command to the passed in writer.
func WithStdout(w io.Writer) func(c *Config) {
return func(c *Config) {
c.stdout = w
// WithStderr sets the stdout of the registry command to the passed in writer.
func WithStderr(w io.Writer) func(c *Config) {
return func(c *Config) {
c.stderr = w
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package registry // import "github.com/docker/docker/testutil/registry"
import (
@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ type Config struct {
auth string
tokenURL string
registryURL string
stdout io.Writer
stderr io.Writer
// NewV2 creates a v2 registry server
@ -109,6 +112,8 @@ http:
binary = V2binarySchema1
cmd := exec.Command(binary, confPath)
cmd.Stdout = c.stdout
cmd.Stderr = c.stderr
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
// FIXME(vdemeester) use a defer/clean func
Add table
Reference in a new issue