Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/moby/moby.git synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Fixes issue with stats on start event

In situations where a client is called like `docker stats` with no
arguments or flags, if a container which was already created but not
started yet is then subsequently started it will not be added to the
stats list as expected.

Also splits some of the stats helpers to a separate file from the stats
CLI which is already quite long.

Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <cpuguy83@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Brian Goff 2016-02-29 14:24:51 -05:00
parent eb22fcc229
commit df95474885
3 changed files with 267 additions and 233 deletions

View file

@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ import (
Cli "github.com/docker/docker/cli"
@ -115,3 +117,31 @@ func printOutput(event eventtypes.Message, output io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprint(output, "\n")
type eventHandler struct {
handlers map[string]func(eventtypes.Message)
mu sync.Mutex
closed bool
func (w *eventHandler) Handle(action string, h func(eventtypes.Message)) {
w.handlers[action] = h
// Watch ranges over the passed in event chan and processes the events based on the
// handlers created for a given action.
// To stop watching, close the event chan.
func (w *eventHandler) Watch(c <-chan eventtypes.Message) {
for e := range c {
h, exists := w.handlers[e.Action]
if !exists {
logrus.Debugf("event handler: received event: %v", e)
go h(e)

View file

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
package client
import (
@ -15,134 +13,8 @@ import (
type containerStats struct {
Name string
CPUPercentage float64
Memory float64
MemoryLimit float64
MemoryPercentage float64
NetworkRx float64
NetworkTx float64
BlockRead float64
BlockWrite float64
mu sync.RWMutex
err error
type stats struct {
mu sync.Mutex
cs []*containerStats
func (s *stats) isKnownContainer(cid string) bool {
for _, c := range s.cs {
if c.Name == cid {
return true
return false
func (s *containerStats) Collect(cli *DockerCli, streamStats bool) {
responseBody, err := cli.client.ContainerStats(context.Background(), s.Name, streamStats)
if err != nil {
s.err = err
defer responseBody.Close()
var (
previousCPU uint64
previousSystem uint64
dec = json.NewDecoder(responseBody)
u = make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
for {
var v *types.StatsJSON
if err := dec.Decode(&v); err != nil {
u <- err
var memPercent = 0.0
var cpuPercent = 0.0
// MemoryStats.Limit will never be 0 unless the container is not running and we haven't
// got any data from cgroup
if v.MemoryStats.Limit != 0 {
memPercent = float64(v.MemoryStats.Usage) / float64(v.MemoryStats.Limit) * 100.0
previousCPU = v.PreCPUStats.CPUUsage.TotalUsage
previousSystem = v.PreCPUStats.SystemUsage
cpuPercent = calculateCPUPercent(previousCPU, previousSystem, v)
blkRead, blkWrite := calculateBlockIO(v.BlkioStats)
s.CPUPercentage = cpuPercent
s.Memory = float64(v.MemoryStats.Usage)
s.MemoryLimit = float64(v.MemoryStats.Limit)
s.MemoryPercentage = memPercent
s.NetworkRx, s.NetworkTx = calculateNetwork(v.Networks)
s.BlockRead = float64(blkRead)
s.BlockWrite = float64(blkWrite)
u <- nil
if !streamStats {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
// zero out the values if we have not received an update within
// the specified duration.
s.CPUPercentage = 0
s.Memory = 0
s.MemoryPercentage = 0
s.MemoryLimit = 0
s.NetworkRx = 0
s.NetworkTx = 0
s.BlockRead = 0
s.BlockWrite = 0
case err := <-u:
if err != nil {
s.err = err
if !streamStats {
func (s *containerStats) Display(w io.Writer) error {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
if s.err != nil {
return s.err
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%.2f%%\t%s / %s\t%.2f%%\t%s / %s\t%s / %s\n",
units.HumanSize(s.Memory), units.HumanSize(s.MemoryLimit),
units.HumanSize(s.NetworkRx), units.HumanSize(s.NetworkTx),
units.HumanSize(s.BlockRead), units.HumanSize(s.BlockWrite))
return nil
// CmdStats displays a live stream of resource usage statistics for one or more containers.
// This shows real-time information on CPU usage, memory usage, and network I/O.
@ -157,27 +29,11 @@ func (cli *DockerCli) CmdStats(args ...string) error {
names := cmd.Args()
showAll := len(names) == 0
// The containerChan is the central synchronization piece for this function,
// and all messages to either add or remove an element to the list of
// monitored containers go through this.
// - When watching all containers, a goroutine subscribes to the events
// API endpoint and messages this channel accordingly.
// - When watching a particular subset of containers, we feed the
// requested list of containers to this channel.
// - For both codepaths, a goroutine is responsible for watching this
// channel and subscribing to the stats API for containers.
type containerEvent struct {
id string
event string
err error
containerChan := make(chan containerEvent)
closeChan := make(chan error)
// monitorContainerEvents watches for container creation and removal (only
// used when calling `docker stats` without arguments).
monitorContainerEvents := func(started chan<- struct{}, c chan<- containerEvent) {
monitorContainerEvents := func(started chan<- struct{}, c chan events.Message) {
f := filters.NewArgs()
f.Add("type", "container")
options := types.EventsOptions{
@ -188,91 +44,82 @@ func (cli *DockerCli) CmdStats(args ...string) error {
// unblock the main goroutine.
if err != nil {
c <- containerEvent{err: err}
closeChan <- err
defer resBody.Close()
decodeEvents(resBody, func(event events.Message, err error) error {
if err != nil {
c <- containerEvent{"", "", err}
} else {
c <- containerEvent{event.ID[:12], event.Action, err}
closeChan <- err
return nil
c <- event
return nil
cStats := stats{}
// getContainerList simulates creation event for all previously existing
// containers (only used when calling `docker stats` without arguments).
getContainerList := func(c chan<- containerEvent) {
getContainerList := func() {
options := types.ContainerListOptions{
All: *all,
cs, err := cli.client.ContainerList(options)
if err != nil {
containerChan <- containerEvent{"", "", err}
closeChan <- err
for _, c := range cs {
containerChan <- containerEvent{c.ID[:12], "create", nil}
for _, container := range cs {
s := &containerStats{Name: container.ID[:12]}
go s.Collect(cli.client, !*noStream)
// Monitor the containerChan and start collection for each container.
cStats := stats{}
closeChan := make(chan error)
go func(stopChan chan<- error, c <-chan containerEvent) {
for {
event := <-c
if event.err != nil {
stopChan <- event.err
switch event.event {
case "create":
if !cStats.isKnownContainer(event.id) {
s := &containerStats{Name: event.id}
cStats.cs = append(cStats.cs, s)
go s.Collect(cli, !*noStream)
case "stop":
case "die":
if !*all {
var remove int
// cStats cannot be O(1) with a map cause ranging over it would cause
// containers in stats to move up and down in the list...:(
for i, s := range cStats.cs {
if s.Name == event.id {
remove = i
cStats.cs = append(cStats.cs[:remove], cStats.cs[remove+1:]...)
}(closeChan, containerChan)
if showAll {
// If no names were specified, start a long running goroutine which
// monitors container events. We make sure we're subscribed before
// retrieving the list of running containers to avoid a race where we
// would "miss" a creation.
started := make(chan struct{})
go monitorContainerEvents(started, containerChan)
eh := eventHandler{handlers: make(map[string]func(events.Message))}
eh.Handle("create", func(e events.Message) {
if *all {
s := &containerStats{Name: e.ID[:12]}
go s.Collect(cli.client, !*noStream)
eh.Handle("start", func(e events.Message) {
s := &containerStats{Name: e.ID[:12]}
go s.Collect(cli.client, !*noStream)
eh.Handle("die", func(e events.Message) {
if !*all {
eventChan := make(chan events.Message)
go eh.Watch(eventChan)
go monitorContainerEvents(started, eventChan)
defer close(eventChan)
// Start a short-lived goroutine to retrieve the initial list of
// containers.
go getContainerList(containerChan)
go getContainerList()
} else {
// Artificially send creation events for the containers we were asked to
// monitor (same code path than we use when monitoring all containers).
for _, name := range names {
containerChan <- containerEvent{name, "create", nil}
s := &containerStats{Name: name}
go s.Collect(cli.client, !*noStream)
// We don't expect any asynchronous errors: closeChan can be closed.
@ -304,6 +151,7 @@ func (cli *DockerCli) CmdStats(args ...string) error {
io.WriteString(w, "CONTAINER\tCPU %\tMEM USAGE / LIMIT\tMEM %\tNET I/O\tBLOCK I/O\n")
for range time.Tick(500 * time.Millisecond) {
toRemove := []int{}
@ -343,40 +191,3 @@ func (cli *DockerCli) CmdStats(args ...string) error {
return nil
func calculateCPUPercent(previousCPU, previousSystem uint64, v *types.StatsJSON) float64 {
var (
cpuPercent = 0.0
// calculate the change for the cpu usage of the container in between readings
cpuDelta = float64(v.CPUStats.CPUUsage.TotalUsage) - float64(previousCPU)
// calculate the change for the entire system between readings
systemDelta = float64(v.CPUStats.SystemUsage) - float64(previousSystem)
if systemDelta > 0.0 && cpuDelta > 0.0 {
cpuPercent = (cpuDelta / systemDelta) * float64(len(v.CPUStats.CPUUsage.PercpuUsage)) * 100.0
return cpuPercent
func calculateBlockIO(blkio types.BlkioStats) (blkRead uint64, blkWrite uint64) {
for _, bioEntry := range blkio.IoServiceBytesRecursive {
switch strings.ToLower(bioEntry.Op) {
case "read":
blkRead = blkRead + bioEntry.Value
case "write":
blkWrite = blkWrite + bioEntry.Value
func calculateNetwork(network map[string]types.NetworkStats) (float64, float64) {
var rx, tx float64
for _, v := range network {
rx += float64(v.RxBytes)
tx += float64(v.TxBytes)
return rx, tx

api/client/stats_helpers.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
package client
import (
type containerStats struct {
Name string
CPUPercentage float64
Memory float64
MemoryLimit float64
MemoryPercentage float64
NetworkRx float64
NetworkTx float64
BlockRead float64
BlockWrite float64
mu sync.RWMutex
err error
type stats struct {
mu sync.Mutex
cs []*containerStats
func (s *stats) add(cs *containerStats) {
if _, exists := s.isKnownContainer(cs.Name); !exists {
s.cs = append(s.cs, cs)
func (s *stats) remove(id string) {
if i, exists := s.isKnownContainer(id); exists {
s.cs = append(s.cs[:i], s.cs[i+1:]...)
func (s *stats) isKnownContainer(cid string) (int, bool) {
for i, c := range s.cs {
if c.Name == cid {
return i, true
return -1, false
func (s *containerStats) Collect(cli client.APIClient, streamStats bool) {
responseBody, err := cli.ContainerStats(context.Background(), s.Name, streamStats)
if err != nil {
s.err = err
defer responseBody.Close()
var (
previousCPU uint64
previousSystem uint64
dec = json.NewDecoder(responseBody)
u = make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
for {
var v *types.StatsJSON
if err := dec.Decode(&v); err != nil {
u <- err
var memPercent = 0.0
var cpuPercent = 0.0
// MemoryStats.Limit will never be 0 unless the container is not running and we haven't
// got any data from cgroup
if v.MemoryStats.Limit != 0 {
memPercent = float64(v.MemoryStats.Usage) / float64(v.MemoryStats.Limit) * 100.0
previousCPU = v.PreCPUStats.CPUUsage.TotalUsage
previousSystem = v.PreCPUStats.SystemUsage
cpuPercent = calculateCPUPercent(previousCPU, previousSystem, v)
blkRead, blkWrite := calculateBlockIO(v.BlkioStats)
s.CPUPercentage = cpuPercent
s.Memory = float64(v.MemoryStats.Usage)
s.MemoryLimit = float64(v.MemoryStats.Limit)
s.MemoryPercentage = memPercent
s.NetworkRx, s.NetworkTx = calculateNetwork(v.Networks)
s.BlockRead = float64(blkRead)
s.BlockWrite = float64(blkWrite)
u <- nil
if !streamStats {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
// zero out the values if we have not received an update within
// the specified duration.
s.CPUPercentage = 0
s.Memory = 0
s.MemoryPercentage = 0
s.MemoryLimit = 0
s.NetworkRx = 0
s.NetworkTx = 0
s.BlockRead = 0
s.BlockWrite = 0
case err := <-u:
if err != nil {
s.err = err
if !streamStats {
func (s *containerStats) Display(w io.Writer) error {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
if s.err != nil {
return s.err
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%.2f%%\t%s / %s\t%.2f%%\t%s / %s\t%s / %s\n",
units.HumanSize(s.Memory), units.HumanSize(s.MemoryLimit),
units.HumanSize(s.NetworkRx), units.HumanSize(s.NetworkTx),
units.HumanSize(s.BlockRead), units.HumanSize(s.BlockWrite))
return nil
func calculateCPUPercent(previousCPU, previousSystem uint64, v *types.StatsJSON) float64 {
var (
cpuPercent = 0.0
// calculate the change for the cpu usage of the container in between readings
cpuDelta = float64(v.CPUStats.CPUUsage.TotalUsage) - float64(previousCPU)
// calculate the change for the entire system between readings
systemDelta = float64(v.CPUStats.SystemUsage) - float64(previousSystem)
if systemDelta > 0.0 && cpuDelta > 0.0 {
cpuPercent = (cpuDelta / systemDelta) * float64(len(v.CPUStats.CPUUsage.PercpuUsage)) * 100.0
return cpuPercent
func calculateBlockIO(blkio types.BlkioStats) (blkRead uint64, blkWrite uint64) {
for _, bioEntry := range blkio.IoServiceBytesRecursive {
switch strings.ToLower(bioEntry.Op) {
case "read":
blkRead = blkRead + bioEntry.Value
case "write":
blkWrite = blkWrite + bioEntry.Value
func calculateNetwork(network map[string]types.NetworkStats) (float64, float64) {
var rx, tx float64
for _, v := range network {
rx += float64(v.RxBytes)
tx += float64(v.TxBytes)
return rx, tx