TestPostContainerAttach: minor improvements

When this test fails, the error looks like this:

> FAIL: docker_api_attach_test.go:98: DockerSuite.TestPostContainersAttach
> docker_api_attach_test.go:211:
>     c.Assert(actualStdout.Bytes(), checker.DeepEquals, []byte("hello\nsuccess"), check.Commentf("Attach didn't return the expected data from stdout"))
> ... obtained []uint8 = []byte{0x73, 0x75, 0x63, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73}
> ... expected []uint8 = []byte{0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0xa, 0x73, 0x75, 0x63, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73}
> ... Attach didn't return the expected data from stdout

Let's use strings for comparisons to make the output more readable.

While at it,
- get the container's stderr as well, and make sure it's empty;
- check that stdcopy.StdCopy() did not return an error, except for
  the timeout which is expected;
- move/remove comments, simplify var names.

Signed-off-by: Kir Kolyshkin <kolyshkin@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Kir Kolyshkin 2018-03-15 20:07:26 -07:00
parent 7cfd3f4229
commit ecc54889c9
1 changed files with 13 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
@ -176,7 +177,6 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestPostContainersAttach(c *check.C) {
expectTimeout(conn, br, "stdout")
// Test the client API
// Make sure we don't see "hello" if Logs is false
client, err := client.NewEnvClient()
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
defer client.Close()
@ -184,10 +184,13 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestPostContainersAttach(c *check.C) {
cid, _ = dockerCmd(c, "run", "-di", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo hello; cat")
cid = strings.TrimSpace(cid)
// Make sure we don't see "hello" if Logs is false
attachOpts := types.ContainerAttachOptions{
Stream: true,
Stdin: true,
Stdout: true,
Stderr: true,
Logs: false,
resp, err := client.ContainerAttach(context.Background(), cid, attachOpts)
@ -205,10 +208,15 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestPostContainersAttach(c *check.C) {
_, err = resp.Conn.Write([]byte("success"))
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
actualStdout := new(bytes.Buffer)
actualStderr := new(bytes.Buffer)
stdcopy.StdCopy(actualStdout, actualStderr, resp.Reader)
c.Assert(actualStdout.Bytes(), checker.DeepEquals, []byte("hello\nsuccess"), check.Commentf("Attach didn't return the expected data from stdout"))
var outBuf, errBuf bytes.Buffer
_, err = stdcopy.StdCopy(&outBuf, &errBuf, resp.Reader)
if err != nil && errors.Cause(err).(net.Error).Timeout() {
// ignore the timeout error as it is expected
err = nil
c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil)
c.Assert(errBuf.String(), checker.Equals, "")
c.Assert(outBuf.String(), checker.Equals, "hello\nsuccess")
// SockRequestHijack creates a connection to specified host (with method, contenttype, …) and returns a hijacked connection