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mirror of https://github.com/moby/moby.git synced 2022-11-09 12:21:53 -05:00

Fixed race on quick node fail/join

The previous logic was not properly handling the case of a node
that was failing and oining back in short period of time.
The issue was in the handling of the network messages.
When a node joins it sync with other nodes, these are passing
the whole list of nodes that at best of their knowledge are part
of a network. At this point if the node receives that node A is part
of the network it saves it before having received the notification
that node A is actually alive (coming from memberlist).
If node A failed the source node will receive the notification
while the new joined node won't because memberlist never advertise
node A as available. In this case the new node will never purge
node A from its state but also worse, will accept any table notification
where node A is the owner and so will end up in a out of sync state
with the rest of the cluster.

This commit contains also some code cleanup around the area of node

Signed-off-by: Flavio Crisciani <flavio.crisciani@docker.com>
This commit is contained in:
Flavio Crisciani 2017-11-16 16:30:27 -08:00
parent 4037132b33
commit f0fcb0bbe6
5 changed files with 102 additions and 54 deletions

View file

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ func (n *Server) EnableDebug(ip string, port int) {
// go func() {
// http.Serve(n.sk, n.mux)
// }()
http.ListenAndServe(":"+strconv.Itoa(port), n.mux)
http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port), n.mux)
// DisableDebug stop the dubug and closes the tcp socket

View file

@ -255,13 +255,18 @@ func (nDB *NetworkDB) triggerFunc(stagger time.Duration, C <-chan time.Time, sto
func (nDB *NetworkDB) reapDeadNode() {
defer nDB.Unlock()
for id, n := range nDB.failedNodes {
if n.reapTime > 0 {
n.reapTime -= nodeReapPeriod
for _, nodeMap := range []map[string]*node{
} {
for id, n := range nodeMap {
if n.reapTime > nodeReapPeriod {
n.reapTime -= nodeReapPeriod
logrus.Debugf("Garbage collect node %v", n.Name)
delete(nodeMap, id)
logrus.Debugf("Removing failed node %v from gossip cluster", n.Name)
delete(nDB.failedNodes, id)
@ -374,7 +379,6 @@ func (nDB *NetworkDB) gossip() {
thisNodeNetworks := nDB.networks[nDB.config.NodeID]
for nid := range thisNodeNetworks {
networkNodes[nid] = nDB.networkNodes[nid]
printStats := time.Since(nDB.lastStatsTimestamp) >= nDB.config.StatsPrintPeriod
printHealth := time.Since(nDB.lastHealthTimestamp) >= nDB.config.HealthPrintPeriod

View file

@ -16,9 +16,12 @@ func (d *delegate) NodeMeta(limit int) []byte {
return []byte{}
func (nDB *NetworkDB) getNode(nEvent *NodeEvent) *node {
defer nDB.Unlock()
// getNode searches the node inside the tables
// returns true if the node was respectively in the active list, explicit node leave list or failed list
func (nDB *NetworkDB) getNode(nEvent *NodeEvent, extract bool) (bool, bool, bool, *node) {
var active bool
var left bool
var failed bool
for _, nodes := range []map[string]*node{
@ -26,35 +29,19 @@ func (nDB *NetworkDB) getNode(nEvent *NodeEvent) *node {
} {
if n, ok := nodes[nEvent.NodeName]; ok {
active = &nodes == &nDB.nodes
left = &nodes == &nDB.leftNodes
failed = &nodes == &nDB.failedNodes
if n.ltime >= nEvent.LTime {
return nil
return active, left, failed, nil
return n
if extract {
delete(nodes, n.Name)
return active, left, failed, n
return nil
func (nDB *NetworkDB) checkAndGetNode(nEvent *NodeEvent) *node {
defer nDB.Unlock()
for _, nodes := range []map[string]*node{
} {
if n, ok := nodes[nEvent.NodeName]; ok {
if n.ltime >= nEvent.LTime {
return nil
delete(nodes, n.Name)
return n
return nil
return active, left, failed, nil
func (nDB *NetworkDB) handleNodeEvent(nEvent *NodeEvent) bool {
@ -62,11 +49,14 @@ func (nDB *NetworkDB) handleNodeEvent(nEvent *NodeEvent) bool {
// time.
n := nDB.getNode(nEvent)
active, left, _, n := nDB.getNode(nEvent, false)
if n == nil {
return false
// If its a node leave event for a manager and this is the only manager we
// If it is a node leave event for a manager and this is the only manager we
// know of we want the reconnect logic to kick in. In a single manager
// cluster manager's gossip can't be bootstrapped unless some other node
// connects to it.
@ -79,28 +69,38 @@ func (nDB *NetworkDB) handleNodeEvent(nEvent *NodeEvent) bool {
n = nDB.checkAndGetNode(nEvent)
if n == nil {
return false
n.ltime = nEvent.LTime
switch nEvent.Type {
case NodeEventTypeJoin:
if active {
// the node is already marked as active nothing to do
return false
_, found := nDB.nodes[n.Name]
nDB.nodes[n.Name] = n
if !found {
// Because the lock got released on the previous check we have to do it again and re verify the status of the node
// All of this is to avoid a big lock on the function
if active, _, _, n = nDB.getNode(nEvent, true); !active && n != nil {
n.reapTime = 0
nDB.nodes[n.Name] = n
logrus.Infof("%v(%v): Node join event for %s/%s", nDB.config.Hostname, nDB.config.NodeID, n.Name, n.Addr)
return true
case NodeEventTypeLeave:
if left {
// the node is already marked as left nothing to do.
return false
nDB.leftNodes[n.Name] = n
// Because the lock got released on the previous check we have to do it again and re verify the status of the node
// All of this is to avoid a big lock on the function
if _, left, _, n = nDB.getNode(nEvent, true); !left && n != nil {
n.reapTime = nodeReapInterval
nDB.leftNodes[n.Name] = n
logrus.Infof("%v(%v): Node leave event for %s/%s", nDB.config.Hostname, nDB.config.NodeID, n.Name, n.Addr)
logrus.Infof("%v(%v): Node leave event for %s/%s", nDB.config.Hostname, nDB.config.NodeID, n.Name, n.Addr)
return true
@ -162,6 +162,12 @@ func (nDB *NetworkDB) handleNetworkEvent(nEvent *NetworkEvent) bool {
return false
// If the node is not known from memberlist we cannot process save any state of it else if it actually
// dies we won't receive any notification and we will remain stuck with it
if _, ok := nDB.nodes[nEvent.NodeName]; !ok {
return false
// This remote network join is being seen the first time.
nodeNetworks[nEvent.NetworkID] = &network{
id: nEvent.NetworkID,
@ -466,7 +472,7 @@ func (d *delegate) MergeRemoteState(buf []byte, isJoin bool) {
var gMsg GossipMessage
err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, &gMsg)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Error unmarshalling push pull messsage: %v", err)
logrus.Errorf("Error unmarshalling push pull message: %v", err)

View file

@ -21,10 +21,29 @@ func (e *eventDelegate) broadcastNodeEvent(addr net.IP, op opType) {
func (e *eventDelegate) purgeReincarnation(mn *memberlist.Node) {
for name, node := range e.nDB.failedNodes {
if node.Addr.Equal(mn.Addr) {
logrus.Infof("Node %s/%s, is the new incarnation of the failed node %s/%s", mn.Name, mn.Addr, name, node.Addr)
delete(e.nDB.failedNodes, name)
for name, node := range e.nDB.leftNodes {
if node.Addr.Equal(mn.Addr) {
logrus.Infof("Node %s/%s, is the new incarnation of the shutdown node %s/%s", mn.Name, mn.Addr, name, node.Addr)
delete(e.nDB.leftNodes, name)
func (e *eventDelegate) NotifyJoin(mn *memberlist.Node) {
logrus.Infof("Node %s/%s, joined gossip cluster", mn.Name, mn.Addr)
e.broadcastNodeEvent(mn.Addr, opCreate)
defer e.nDB.Unlock()
// In case the node is rejoining after a failure or leave,
// wait until an explicit join message arrives before adding
// it to the nodes just to make sure this is not a stale
@ -32,12 +51,15 @@ func (e *eventDelegate) NotifyJoin(mn *memberlist.Node) {
_, fOk := e.nDB.failedNodes[mn.Name]
_, lOk := e.nDB.leftNodes[mn.Name]
if fOk || lOk {
// Every node has a unique ID
// Check on the base of the IP address if the new node that joined is actually a new incarnation of a previous
// failed or shutdown one
e.nDB.nodes[mn.Name] = &node{Node: *mn}
logrus.Infof("Node %s/%s, added to nodes list", mn.Name, mn.Addr)
@ -49,18 +71,28 @@ func (e *eventDelegate) NotifyLeave(mn *memberlist.Node) {
// If the node was temporary down, deleting the entries will guarantee that the CREATE events will be accepted
// If the node instead left because was going down, then it makes sense to just delete all its state
defer e.nDB.Unlock()
if n, ok := e.nDB.nodes[mn.Name]; ok {
delete(e.nDB.nodes, mn.Name)
// Check if a new incarnation of the same node already joined
// In that case this node can simply be removed and no further action are needed
for name, node := range e.nDB.nodes {
if node.Addr.Equal(mn.Addr) {
logrus.Infof("Node %s/%s, is the new incarnation of the failed node %s/%s", name, node.Addr, mn.Name, mn.Addr)
// In case of node failure, keep retrying to reconnect every retryInterval (1sec) for nodeReapInterval (24h)
// Explicit leave will have already removed the node from the list of nodes (nDB.nodes) and put it into the leftNodes map
n.reapTime = nodeReapInterval
e.nDB.failedNodes[mn.Name] = n
failed = true
if failed {
logrus.Infof("Node %s/%s, added to failed nodes list", mn.Name, mn.Addr)

View file

@ -310,6 +310,10 @@ func (nDB *NetworkDB) Peers(nid string) []PeerInfo {
Name: node.Name,
IP: node.Addr.String(),
} else {
// Added for testing purposes, this condition should never happen else mean that the network list
// is out of sync with the node list
peers = append(peers, PeerInfo{})
return peers
@ -593,6 +597,9 @@ func (nDB *NetworkDB) JoinNetwork(nid string) error {
nodeNetworks[nid] = &network{id: nid, ltime: ltime, entriesNumber: entries}
nodeNetworks[nid].tableBroadcasts = &memberlist.TransmitLimitedQueue{
NumNodes: func() int {
//TODO fcrisciani this can be optimized maybe avoiding the lock?
// this call is done each GetBroadcasts call to evaluate the number of
// replicas for the message
defer nDB.RUnlock()
return len(nDB.networkNodes[nid])