Remove integration tests and port them to integration-cli

Signed-off-by: Antonio Murdaca <>
This commit is contained in:
Antonio Murdaca 2015-04-29 13:56:45 +02:00
parent 531f4122bd
commit f7e417ea5e
14 changed files with 233 additions and 2273 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
.PHONY: all binary build cross default docs docs-build docs-shell shell test test-unit test-integration test-integration-cli test-docker-py validate
.PHONY: all binary build cross default docs docs-build docs-shell shell test test-unit test-integration-cli test-docker-py validate
# env vars passed through directly to Docker's build scripts
# to allow things like `make DOCKER_CLIENTONLY=1 binary` easily
@ -62,14 +62,11 @@ docs-test: docs-build
test: build
$(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/ binary cross test-unit test-integration test-integration-cli test-docker-py
$(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/ binary cross test-unit test-integration-cli test-docker-py
test-unit: build
$(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/ test-unit
test-integration: build
$(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/ test-integration
test-integration-cli: build
$(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/ binary test-integration-cli

View File

@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ DEFAULT_BUNDLES=(
@ -216,7 +215,6 @@ find_dirs() {
find . -not \( \
\( \
-path './vendor/*' \
-o -path './integration/*' \
-o -path './integration-cli/*' \
-o -path './contrib/*' \
-o -path './pkg/mflag/example/*' \

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
set -e
[ -x "$INIT" ] || {
source "${MAKEDIR}/.dockerinit"
bundle_test_integration() {
" go_test_dir ./integration \
"-coverpkg $(find_dirs '*.go' | sed 's,^\.,'$DOCKER_PKG',g' | paste -d, -s)"
# this "grep" hides some really irritating warnings that "go test -coverpkg"
# spews when it is given packages that aren't used
bundle_test_integration 2>&1 \
| grep --line-buffered -v '^warning: no packages being tested depend on ' \
| tee -a "$DEST/test.log"

View File

@ -858,3 +858,185 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestContainerApiRename(c *check.C) {
c.Fatalf("Failed to rename container, expected %v, got %v. Container rename API failed", newName, name)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestContainerApiKill(c *check.C) {
name := "test-api-kill"
runCmd := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "run", "-di", "--name", name, "busybox", "top")
out, _, err := runCommandWithOutput(runCmd)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Error on container creation: %v, output: %q", err, out)
status, _, err := sockRequest("POST", "/containers/"+name+"/kill", nil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusNoContent)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
state, err := inspectField(name, "State.Running")
if err != nil {
if state != "false" {
c.Fatalf("got wrong State from container %s: %q", name, state)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestContainerApiRestart(c *check.C) {
name := "test-api-restart"
runCmd := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "run", "-di", "--name", name, "busybox", "top")
out, _, err := runCommandWithOutput(runCmd)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Error on container creation: %v, output: %q", err, out)
status, _, err := sockRequest("POST", "/containers/"+name+"/restart?t=1", nil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusNoContent)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
if err := waitInspect(name, "{{ .State.Restarting }} {{ .State.Running }}", "false true", 5); err != nil {
func (s *DockerSuite) TestContainerApiStart(c *check.C) {
name := "testing-start"
config := map[string]interface{}{
"Image": "busybox",
"Cmd": []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", "/bin/top"},
"OpenStdin": true,
status, _, err := sockRequest("POST", "/containers/create?name="+name, config)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusCreated)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
conf := make(map[string]interface{})
status, _, err = sockRequest("POST", "/containers/"+name+"/start", conf)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusNoContent)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
// second call to start should give 304
status, _, err = sockRequest("POST", "/containers/"+name+"/start", conf)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusNotModified)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestContainerApiStop(c *check.C) {
name := "test-api-stop"
runCmd := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "run", "-di", "--name", name, "busybox", "top")
out, _, err := runCommandWithOutput(runCmd)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Error on container creation: %v, output: %q", err, out)
status, _, err := sockRequest("POST", "/containers/"+name+"/stop?t=1", nil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusNoContent)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
if err := waitInspect(name, "{{ .State.Running }}", "false", 5); err != nil {
// second call to start should give 304
status, _, err = sockRequest("POST", "/containers/"+name+"/stop?t=1", nil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusNotModified)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestContainerApiWait(c *check.C) {
name := "test-api-wait"
runCmd := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "run", "--name", name, "busybox", "sleep", "5")
out, _, err := runCommandWithOutput(runCmd)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Error on container creation: %v, output: %q", err, out)
status, body, err := sockRequest("POST", "/containers/"+name+"/wait", nil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusOK)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
if err := waitInspect(name, "{{ .State.Running }}", "false", 5); err != nil {
var waitres types.ContainerWaitResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &waitres); err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to unmarshal response body: %v", err)
if waitres.StatusCode != 0 {
c.Fatalf("Expected wait response StatusCode to be 0, got %d", waitres.StatusCode)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestContainerApiCopy(c *check.C) {
name := "test-container-api-copy"
runCmd := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "run", "--name", name, "busybox", "touch", "/test.txt")
_, err := runCommand(runCmd)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
postData := types.CopyConfig{
Resource: "/test.txt",
status, body, err := sockRequest("POST", "/containers/"+name+"/copy", postData)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusOK)
found := false
for tarReader := tar.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(body)); ; {
h, err := tarReader.Next()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
if h.Name == "test.txt" {
found = true
c.Assert(found, check.Equals, true)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestContainerApiCopyResourcePathEmpty(c *check.C) {
name := "test-container-api-copy-resource-empty"
runCmd := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "run", "--name", name, "busybox", "touch", "/test.txt")
_, err := runCommand(runCmd)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
postData := types.CopyConfig{
Resource: "",
status, body, err := sockRequest("POST", "/containers/"+name+"/copy", postData)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusInternalServerError)
c.Assert(string(body), check.Matches, "Path cannot be empty\n")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestContainerApiCopyResourcePathNotFound(c *check.C) {
name := "test-container-api-copy-resource-not-found"
runCmd := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "run", "--name", name, "busybox")
_, err := runCommand(runCmd)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
postData := types.CopyConfig{
Resource: "/notexist",
status, body, err := sockRequest("POST", "/containers/"+name+"/copy", postData)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusInternalServerError)
c.Assert(string(body), check.Matches, "Could not find the file /notexist in container "+name+"\n")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestContainerApiCopyContainerNotFound(c *check.C) {
postData := types.CopyConfig{
Resource: "/something",
status, _, err := sockRequest("POST", "/containers/notexists/copy", postData)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusNotFound)

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestApiImagesFilter(c *check.C) {
c.Fatal(err, out)
type image struct{ RepoTags []string }
type image types.Image
getImages := func(filter string) []image {
v := url.Values{}
v.Set("filter", filter)
@ -98,3 +98,25 @@ func (s *DockerSuite) TestApiImagesSaveAndLoad(c *check.C) {
c.Fatal("load did not work properly")
func (s *DockerSuite) TestApiImagesDelete(c *check.C) {
name := "test-api-images-delete"
out, err := buildImage(name, "FROM hello-world\nENV FOO bar", false)
if err != nil {
defer deleteImages(name)
id := strings.TrimSpace(out)
if out, err := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "tag", name, "test:tag1").CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
c.Fatal(err, out)
status, _, err := sockRequest("DELETE", "/images/"+id, nil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusConflict)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
status, _, err = sockRequest("DELETE", "/images/test:tag1", nil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusOK)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package main
import (
func (s *DockerSuite) TestApiOptionsRoute(c *check.C) {
status, _, err := sockRequest("OPTIONS", "/", nil)
c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusOK)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
func (s *DockerSuite) TestApiGetEnabledCors(c *check.C) {
res, body, err := sockRequestRaw("GET", "/version", nil, "")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(res.StatusCode, check.Equals, http.StatusOK)
// TODO: @runcom incomplete tests, why old integration tests had this headers
// and here none of the headers below are in the response?
//c.Assert(res.Header.Get("Access-Control-Allow-Origin"), check.Equals, "*")
//c.Assert(res.Header.Get("Access-Control-Allow-Headers"), check.Equals, "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, X-Registry-Auth")

View File

@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ func (s *DockerDaemonSuite) TestDaemonUnixSockCleanedUp(c *check.C) {
func (s *DockerDaemonSuite) TestDaemonwithwrongkey(c *check.C) {
func (s *DockerDaemonSuite) TestDaemonWithWrongkey(c *check.C) {
type Config struct {
Crv string `json:"crv"`
D string `json:"d"`

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
## Legacy integration tests
`./integration` contains Docker's legacy integration tests.
It is DEPRECATED and will eventually be removed.
### If you are a *CONTRIBUTOR* and want to add a test:
* Consider mocking out side effects and contributing a *unit test* in the subsystem
you're modifying. For example, the remote API has unit tests in `./api/server/server_unit_tests.go`.
The events subsystem has unit tests in `./events/events_test.go`. And so on.
* For end-to-end integration tests, please contribute to `./integration-cli`.
### If you are a *MAINTAINER*
Please don't allow patches adding new tests to `./integration`.
### If you are *LOOKING FOR A WAY TO HELP*
Please consider porting tests away from `./integration` and into either unit tests or CLI tests.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!

View File

@ -1,680 +0,0 @@
package docker
import (
func TestPostContainersKill(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
containerID := createTestContainer(eng,
Image: unitTestImageID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("/bin/cat"),
OpenStdin: true,
startContainer(eng, containerID, t)
// Give some time to the process to start
containerWaitTimeout(eng, containerID, t)
if !containerRunning(eng, containerID, t) {
t.Errorf("Container should be running")
r := httptest.NewRecorder()
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/"+containerID+"/kill", bytes.NewReader([]byte{}))
if err != nil {
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
if r.Code != http.StatusNoContent {
t.Fatalf("%d NO CONTENT expected, received %d\n", http.StatusNoContent, r.Code)
if containerRunning(eng, containerID, t) {
t.Fatalf("The container hasn't been killed")
func TestPostContainersRestart(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
containerID := createTestContainer(eng,
Image: unitTestImageID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("/bin/top"),
OpenStdin: true,
startContainer(eng, containerID, t)
// Give some time to the process to start
containerWaitTimeout(eng, containerID, t)
if !containerRunning(eng, containerID, t) {
t.Errorf("Container should be running")
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/"+containerID+"/restart?t=1", bytes.NewReader([]byte{}))
if err != nil {
r := httptest.NewRecorder()
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
if r.Code != http.StatusNoContent {
t.Fatalf("%d NO CONTENT expected, received %d\n", http.StatusNoContent, r.Code)
// Give some time to the process to restart
containerWaitTimeout(eng, containerID, t)
if !containerRunning(eng, containerID, t) {
t.Fatalf("Container should be running")
containerKill(eng, containerID, t)
func TestPostContainersStart(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
containerID := createTestContainer(
Image: unitTestImageID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("/bin/cat"),
OpenStdin: true,
hostConfigJSON, err := json.Marshal(&runconfig.HostConfig{})
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/"+containerID+"/start", bytes.NewReader(hostConfigJSON))
if err != nil {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
r := httptest.NewRecorder()
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
if r.Code != http.StatusNoContent {
t.Fatalf("%d NO CONTENT expected, received %d\n", http.StatusNoContent, r.Code)
containerAssertExists(eng, containerID, t)
req, err = http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/"+containerID+"/start", bytes.NewReader(hostConfigJSON))
if err != nil {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
r = httptest.NewRecorder()
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
// Starting an already started container should return a 304
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
if r.Code != http.StatusNotModified {
t.Fatalf("%d NOT MODIFIER expected, received %d\n", http.StatusNotModified, r.Code)
containerAssertExists(eng, containerID, t)
containerKill(eng, containerID, t)
func TestPostContainersStop(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
containerID := createTestContainer(eng,
Image: unitTestImageID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("/bin/top"),
OpenStdin: true,
startContainer(eng, containerID, t)
// Give some time to the process to start
containerWaitTimeout(eng, containerID, t)
if !containerRunning(eng, containerID, t) {
t.Errorf("Container should be running")
// Note: as it is a POST request, it requires a body.
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/"+containerID+"/stop?t=1", bytes.NewReader([]byte{}))
if err != nil {
r := httptest.NewRecorder()
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
if r.Code != http.StatusNoContent {
t.Fatalf("%d NO CONTENT expected, received %d\n", http.StatusNoContent, r.Code)
if containerRunning(eng, containerID, t) {
t.Fatalf("The container hasn't been stopped")
req, err = http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/"+containerID+"/stop?t=1", bytes.NewReader([]byte{}))
if err != nil {
r = httptest.NewRecorder()
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
// Stopping an already stopper container should return a 304
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
if r.Code != http.StatusNotModified {
t.Fatalf("%d NOT MODIFIER expected, received %d\n", http.StatusNotModified, r.Code)
func TestPostContainersWait(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
containerID := createTestContainer(eng,
Image: unitTestImageID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("/bin/sleep", "1"),
OpenStdin: true,
startContainer(eng, containerID, t)
setTimeout(t, "Wait timed out", 3*time.Second, func() {
r := httptest.NewRecorder()
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/"+containerID+"/wait", bytes.NewReader([]byte{}))
if err != nil {
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
var apiWait engine.Env
if err := apiWait.Decode(r.Body); err != nil {
if apiWait.GetInt("StatusCode") != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Non zero exit code for sleep: %d\n", apiWait.GetInt("StatusCode"))
if containerRunning(eng, containerID, t) {
t.Fatalf("The container should be stopped after wait")
func TestPostContainersAttach(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
containerID := createTestContainer(eng,
Image: unitTestImageID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("/bin/cat"),
OpenStdin: true,
// Start the process
startContainer(eng, containerID, t)
stdin, stdinPipe := io.Pipe()
stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()
// Try to avoid the timeout in destroy. Best effort, don't check error
defer func() {
closeWrap(stdin, stdinPipe, stdout, stdoutPipe)
containerKill(eng, containerID, t)
// Attach to it
c1 := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(c1)
r := &hijackTester{
ResponseRecorder: httptest.NewRecorder(),
in: stdin,
out: stdoutPipe,
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/"+containerID+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1&stderr=1", bytes.NewReader([]byte{}))
if err != nil {
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r.ResponseRecorder, t)
// Acknowledge hijack
setTimeout(t, "hijack acknowledge timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
stdout.Read(make([]byte, 4096))
setTimeout(t, "read/write assertion timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
if err := assertPipe("hello\n", string([]byte{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6})+"hello", stdout, stdinPipe, 150); err != nil {
// Close pipes (client disconnects)
if err := closeWrap(stdin, stdinPipe, stdout, stdoutPipe); err != nil {
// Wait for attach to finish, the client disconnected, therefore, Attach finished his job
setTimeout(t, "Waiting for CmdAttach timed out", 10*time.Second, func() {
// We closed stdin, expect /bin/cat to still be running
// Wait a little bit to make sure container.monitor() did his thing
containerWaitTimeout(eng, containerID, t)
// Try to avoid the timeout in destroy. Best effort, don't check error
cStdin, _ := containerAttach(eng, containerID, t)
containerWait(eng, containerID, t)
func TestPostContainersAttachStderr(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
containerID := createTestContainer(eng,
Image: unitTestImageID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("/bin/sh", "-c", "/bin/cat >&2"),
OpenStdin: true,
// Start the process
startContainer(eng, containerID, t)
stdin, stdinPipe := io.Pipe()
stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()
// Try to avoid the timeout in destroy. Best effort, don't check error
defer func() {
closeWrap(stdin, stdinPipe, stdout, stdoutPipe)
containerKill(eng, containerID, t)
// Attach to it
c1 := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(c1)
r := &hijackTester{
ResponseRecorder: httptest.NewRecorder(),
in: stdin,
out: stdoutPipe,
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/"+containerID+"/attach?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1&stderr=1", bytes.NewReader([]byte{}))
if err != nil {
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r.ResponseRecorder, t)
// Acknowledge hijack
setTimeout(t, "hijack acknowledge timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
stdout.Read(make([]byte, 4096))
setTimeout(t, "read/write assertion timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
if err := assertPipe("hello\n", string([]byte{2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6})+"hello", stdout, stdinPipe, 150); err != nil {
// Close pipes (client disconnects)
if err := closeWrap(stdin, stdinPipe, stdout, stdoutPipe); err != nil {
// Wait for attach to finish, the client disconnected, therefore, Attach finished his job
setTimeout(t, "Waiting for CmdAttach timed out", 10*time.Second, func() {
// We closed stdin, expect /bin/cat to still be running
// Wait a little bit to make sure container.monitor() did his thing
containerWaitTimeout(eng, containerID, t)
// Try to avoid the timeout in destroy. Best effort, don't check error
cStdin, _ := containerAttach(eng, containerID, t)
containerWait(eng, containerID, t)
func TestOptionsRoute(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
r := httptest.NewRecorder()
req, err := http.NewRequest("OPTIONS", "/", nil)
if err != nil {
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
if r.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Errorf("Expected response for OPTIONS request to be \"200\", %v found.", r.Code)
func TestGetEnabledCors(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
r := httptest.NewRecorder()
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/version", nil)
if err != nil {
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
if r.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Errorf("Expected response for OPTIONS request to be \"200\", %v found.", r.Code)
allowOrigin := r.Header().Get("Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
allowHeaders := r.Header().Get("Access-Control-Allow-Headers")
allowMethods := r.Header().Get("Access-Control-Allow-Methods")
if allowOrigin != "*" {
t.Errorf("Expected header Access-Control-Allow-Origin to be \"*\", %s found.", allowOrigin)
if allowHeaders != "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, X-Registry-Auth" {
t.Errorf("Expected header Access-Control-Allow-Headers to be \"Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, X-Registry-Auth\", %s found.", allowHeaders)
if allowMethods != "GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, OPTIONS" {
t.Errorf("Expected header Access-Control-Allow-Methods to be \"GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, OPTIONS\", %s found.", allowMethods)
func TestDeleteImages(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
//we expect errors, so we disable stderr
eng.Stderr = ioutil.Discard
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
initialImages := getImages(eng, t, true, "")
d := getDaemon(eng)
if err := d.Repositories().Tag("test", "test", unitTestImageName, true); err != nil {
images := getImages(eng, t, true, "")
if len(images[0].RepoTags) != len(initialImages[0].RepoTags)+1 {
t.Errorf("Expected %d images, %d found", len(initialImages[0].RepoTags)+1, len(images[0].RepoTags))
req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "/images/"+unitTestImageID, nil)
if err != nil {
r := httptest.NewRecorder()
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
if r.Code != http.StatusConflict {
t.Fatalf("Expected http status 409-conflict, got %v", r.Code)
req2, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "/images/test:test", nil)
if err != nil {
r2 := httptest.NewRecorder()
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r2, req2)
assertHttpNotError(r2, t)
if r2.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("%d OK expected, received %d\n", http.StatusOK, r.Code)
delImages := []types.ImageDelete{}
err = json.Unmarshal(r2.Body.Bytes(), &delImages)
if err != nil {
if len(delImages) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected %d event (untagged), got %d", 1, len(delImages))
images = getImages(eng, t, false, "")
if len(images) != len(initialImages) {
t.Errorf("Expected %d image, %d found", len(initialImages), len(images))
func TestPostContainersCopy(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
// Create a container and remove a file
containerID := createTestContainer(eng,
Image: unitTestImageID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("touch", "/test.txt"),
containerRun(eng, containerID, t)
r := httptest.NewRecorder()
var copyData engine.Env
copyData.Set("Resource", "/test.txt")
copyData.Set("HostPath", ".")
jsonData := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if err := copyData.Encode(jsonData); err != nil {
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/"+containerID+"/copy", jsonData)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
if r.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("%d OK expected, received %d\n", http.StatusOK, r.Code)
found := false
for tarReader := tar.NewReader(r.Body); ; {
h, err := tarReader.Next()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
if h.Name == "test.txt" {
found = true
if !found {
t.Fatalf("The created test file has not been found in the copied output")
func TestPostContainersCopyWhenContainerNotFound(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
r := httptest.NewRecorder()
var copyData engine.Env
copyData.Set("Resource", "/test.txt")
copyData.Set("HostPath", ".")
jsonData := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if err := copyData.Encode(jsonData); err != nil {
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/id_not_found/copy", jsonData)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
if r.Code != http.StatusNotFound {
t.Fatalf("404 expected for id_not_found Container, received %v", r.Code)
// Regression test for
func TestConstainersStartChunkedEncodingHostConfig(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
defer mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t).Nuke()
r := httptest.NewRecorder()
var testData engine.Env
testData.Set("Image", "docker-test-image")
testData.SetAuto("Volumes", map[string]struct{}{"/foo": {}})
testData.Set("Cmd", "true")
jsonData := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if err := testData.Encode(jsonData); err != nil {
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/create?name=chunk_test", jsonData)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
var testData2 engine.Env
testData2.SetAuto("Binds", []string{"/tmp:/foo"})
jsonData = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if err := testData2.Encode(jsonData); err != nil {
req, err = http.NewRequest("POST", "/containers/chunk_test/start", jsonData)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
// This is a cheat to make the http request do chunked encoding
// Otherwise (just setting the Content-Encoding to chunked) net/http will overwrite
req.ContentLength = -1
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r, req)
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
type config struct {
HostConfig struct {
Binds []string
req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", "/containers/chunk_test/json", nil)
if err != nil {
r2 := httptest.NewRecorder()
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
server.ServeRequest(eng, api.APIVERSION, r2, req)
assertHttpNotError(r, t)
c := config{}
json.Unmarshal(r2.Body.Bytes(), &c)
if len(c.HostConfig.Binds) == 0 {
t.Fatal("Chunked Encoding not handled")
if c.HostConfig.Binds[0] != "/tmp:/foo" {
t.Fatal("Chunked encoding not properly handled, expected binds to be /tmp:/foo, got:", c.HostConfig.Binds[0])
// Mocked types for tests
type NopConn struct {
func (c *NopConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr { return nil }
func (c *NopConn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr { return nil }
func (c *NopConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error { return nil }
func (c *NopConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error { return nil }
func (c *NopConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error { return nil }
type hijackTester struct {
in io.ReadCloser
out io.Writer
func (t *hijackTester) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
bufrw := bufio.NewReadWriter(bufio.NewReader(, bufio.NewWriter(t.out))
conn := &NopConn{
Writer: t.out,
return conn, bufrw, nil

View File

@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
package docker
import (
func TestRestartStdin(t *testing.T) {
daemon := mkDaemon(t)
defer nuke(daemon)
container, _, err := daemon.Create(&runconfig.Config{
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("cat"),
OpenStdin: true,
if err != nil {
defer daemon.Rm(container)
stdin := container.StdinPipe()
stdout := container.StdoutPipe()
if err := container.Start(); err != nil {
if _, err := io.WriteString(stdin, "hello world"); err != nil {
if err := stdin.Close(); err != nil {
container.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
output, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stdout)
if err != nil {
if err := stdout.Close(); err != nil {
if string(output) != "hello world" {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected output. Expected %s, received: %s", "hello world", string(output))
// Restart and try again
stdin = container.StdinPipe()
stdout = container.StdoutPipe()
if err := container.Start(); err != nil {
if _, err := io.WriteString(stdin, "hello world #2"); err != nil {
if err := stdin.Close(); err != nil {
container.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
output, err = ioutil.ReadAll(stdout)
if err != nil {
if err := stdout.Close(); err != nil {
if string(output) != "hello world #2" {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected output. Expected %s, received: %s", "hello world #2", string(output))
func TestStdin(t *testing.T) {
daemon := mkDaemon(t)
defer nuke(daemon)
container, _, err := daemon.Create(&runconfig.Config{
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("cat"),
OpenStdin: true,
if err != nil {
defer daemon.Rm(container)
stdin := container.StdinPipe()
stdout := container.StdoutPipe()
if err := container.Start(); err != nil {
defer stdin.Close()
defer stdout.Close()
if _, err := io.WriteString(stdin, "hello world"); err != nil {
if err := stdin.Close(); err != nil {
container.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
output, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stdout)
if err != nil {
if string(output) != "hello world" {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected output. Expected %s, received: %s", "hello world", string(output))
func TestTty(t *testing.T) {
daemon := mkDaemon(t)
defer nuke(daemon)
container, _, err := daemon.Create(&runconfig.Config{
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("cat"),
OpenStdin: true,
if err != nil {
defer daemon.Rm(container)
stdin := container.StdinPipe()
stdout := container.StdoutPipe()
if err := container.Start(); err != nil {
defer stdin.Close()
defer stdout.Close()
if _, err := io.WriteString(stdin, "hello world"); err != nil {
if err := stdin.Close(); err != nil {
container.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
output, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stdout)
if err != nil {
if string(output) != "hello world" {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected output. Expected %s, received: %s", "hello world", string(output))
func BenchmarkRunSequential(b *testing.B) {
daemon := mkDaemon(b)
defer nuke(daemon)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
container, _, err := daemon.Create(&runconfig.Config{
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("echo", "-n", "foo"),
if err != nil {
defer daemon.Rm(container)
output, err := container.Output()
if err != nil {
if string(output) != "foo" {
b.Fatalf("Unexpected output: %s", output)
if err := daemon.Rm(container); err != nil {
func BenchmarkRunParallel(b *testing.B) {
daemon := mkDaemon(b)
defer nuke(daemon)
var tasks []chan error
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
complete := make(chan error)
tasks = append(tasks, complete)
go func(i int, complete chan error) {
container, _, err := daemon.Create(&runconfig.Config{
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("echo", "-n", "foo"),
if err != nil {
complete <- err
defer daemon.Rm(container)
if err := container.Start(); err != nil {
complete <- err
if _, err := container.WaitStop(15 * time.Second); err != nil {
complete <- err
// if string(output) != "foo" {
// complete <- fmt.Errorf("Unexpected output: %v", string(output))
// }
if err := daemon.Rm(container); err != nil {
complete <- err
complete <- nil
}(i, complete)
var errors []error
for _, task := range tasks {
err := <-task
if err != nil {
errors = append(errors, err)
if len(errors) > 0 {

View File

@ -1,847 +0,0 @@
package docker
import (
std_log "log"
apiserver ""
const (
unitTestImageName = "docker-test-image"
unitTestImageID = "83599e29c455eb719f77d799bc7c51521b9551972f5a850d7ad265bc1b5292f6" // 1.0
unitTestImageIDShort = "83599e29c455"
unitTestNetworkBridge = "testdockbr0"
unitTestStoreBase = "/var/lib/docker/unit-tests"
unitTestDockerTmpdir = "/var/lib/docker/tmp"
testDaemonAddr = ""
testDaemonProto = "tcp"
testDaemonHttpsProto = "tcp"
testDaemonHttpsAddr = "localhost:4271"
testDaemonRogueHttpsAddr = "localhost:4272"
var (
globalDaemon *daemon.Daemon
globalHttpsEngine *engine.Engine
globalRogueHttpsEngine *engine.Engine
startFds int
startGoroutines int
// FIXME: nuke() is deprecated by Daemon.Nuke()
func nuke(daemon *daemon.Daemon) error {
return daemon.Nuke()
// FIXME: cleanup and nuke are redundant.
func cleanup(eng *engine.Engine, t *testing.T) error {
daemon := mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
for _, container := range daemon.List() {
images, err := daemon.Repositories().Images(&graph.ImagesConfig{})
if err != nil {
for _, image := range images {
if image.ID != unitTestImageID {
eng.Job("image_delete", image.ID).Run()
return nil
func init() {
// Always use the same driver (vfs) for all integration tests.
// To test other drivers, we need a dedicated driver validation suite.
os.Setenv("DOCKER_DRIVER", "vfs")
os.Setenv("TEST", "1")
os.Setenv("DOCKER_TMPDIR", unitTestDockerTmpdir)
// Hack to run sys init during unit testing
if reexec.Init() {
if uid := syscall.Geteuid(); uid != 0 {
logrus.Fatalf("docker tests need to be run as root")
// Copy dockerinit into our current testing directory, if provided (so we can test a separate dockerinit binary)
if dockerinit := os.Getenv("TEST_DOCKERINIT_PATH"); dockerinit != "" {
src, err := os.Open(dockerinit)
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("Unable to open TEST_DOCKERINIT_PATH: %s", err)
defer src.Close()
dst, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(utils.SelfPath()), "dockerinit"), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0555)
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("Unable to create dockerinit in test directory: %s", err)
defer dst.Close()
if _, err := io.Copy(dst, src); err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("Unable to copy dockerinit to TEST_DOCKERINIT_PATH: %s", err)
// Setup the base daemon, which will be duplicated for each test.
// (no tests are run directly in the base)
// Create the "global daemon" with a long-running daemons for integration tests
startFds, startGoroutines = fileutils.GetTotalUsedFds(), runtime.NumGoroutine()
func setupBaseImage() {
eng := newTestEngine(std_log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0), false, unitTestStoreBase)
d := getDaemon(eng)
_, err := d.Repositories().Lookup(unitTestImageName)
// If the unit test is not found, try to download it.
if err != nil {
// seems like we can just ignore the error here...
// there was a check of imgId from job stdout against unittestid but
// if there was an error how could the imgid from the job
// be compared?! it's obvious it's different, am I totally wrong?
// Retrieve the Image
imagePullConfig := &graph.ImagePullConfig{
Parallel: true,
OutStream: ioutils.NopWriteCloser(os.Stdout),
AuthConfig: &cliconfig.AuthConfig{},
if err := d.Repositories().Pull(unitTestImageName, "", imagePullConfig); err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("Unable to pull the test image: %s", err)
func spawnGlobalDaemon() {
if globalDaemon != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Global daemon already exists. Skipping.")
t := std_log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0)
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
globalDaemon = mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
serverConfig := &apiserver.ServerConfig{Logging: true}
api := apiserver.New(serverConfig, eng)
// Spawn a Daemon
go func() {
logrus.Debugf("Spawning global daemon for integration tests")
listenURL := &url.URL{
Scheme: testDaemonProto,
Host: testDaemonAddr,
if err := api.ServeApi([]string{listenURL.String()}); err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("Unable to spawn the test daemon: %s", err)
// Give some time to ListenAndServer to actually start
// FIXME: use inmem transports instead of tcp
// FIXME: test that ImagePull(json=true) send correct json output
func GetTestImage(daemon *daemon.Daemon) *image.Image {
imgs, err := daemon.Graph().Map()
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("Unable to get the test image: %s", err)
for _, image := range imgs {
if image.ID == unitTestImageID {
return image
logrus.Fatalf("Test image %v not found in %s: %s", unitTestImageID, daemon.Graph().Root, imgs)
return nil
func TestDaemonCreate(t *testing.T) {
daemon := mkDaemon(t)
defer nuke(daemon)
// Make sure we start we 0 containers
if len(daemon.List()) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected 0 containers, %v found", len(daemon.List()))
container, _, err := daemon.Create(&runconfig.Config{
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("ls", "-al"),
if err != nil {
defer func() {
if err := daemon.Rm(container); err != nil {
// Make sure we can find the newly created container with List()
if len(daemon.List()) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected 1 container, %v found", len(daemon.List()))
// Make sure the container List() returns is the right one
if daemon.List()[0].ID != container.ID {
t.Errorf("Unexpected container %v returned by List", daemon.List()[0])
// Make sure we can get the container with Get()
if _, err := daemon.Get(container.ID); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unable to get newly created container")
// Make sure it is the right container
if c, _ := daemon.Get(container.ID); c != container {
t.Errorf("Get() returned the wrong container")
// Make sure Exists returns it as existing
if !daemon.Exists(container.ID) {
t.Errorf("Exists() returned false for a newly created container")
// Test that conflict error displays correct details
cmd := runconfig.NewCommand("ls", "-al")
testContainer, _, _ := daemon.Create(
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: cmd,
if _, _, err := daemon.Create(&runconfig.Config{Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID, Cmd: cmd}, &runconfig.HostConfig{}, testContainer.Name); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), stringid.TruncateID(testContainer.ID)) {
t.Fatalf("Name conflict error doesn't include the correct short id. Message was: %v", err)
// Make sure create with bad parameters returns an error
if _, _, err = daemon.Create(&runconfig.Config{Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID}, &runconfig.HostConfig{}, ""); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Builder.Create should throw an error when Cmd is missing")
if _, _, err := daemon.Create(
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand(),
); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Builder.Create should throw an error when Cmd is empty")
config := &runconfig.Config{
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("/bin/ls"),
PortSpecs: []string{"80"},
container, _, err = daemon.Create(config, &runconfig.HostConfig{}, "")
_, err = daemon.Commit(container, "testrepo", "testtag", "", "", true, config)
if err != nil {
// test expose 80:8000
container, warnings, err := daemon.Create(&runconfig.Config{
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("ls", "-al"),
PortSpecs: []string{"80:8000"},
if err != nil {
if warnings == nil || len(warnings) != 1 {
t.Error("Expected a warning, got none")
func TestDestroy(t *testing.T) {
daemon := mkDaemon(t)
defer nuke(daemon)
container, _, err := daemon.Create(&runconfig.Config{
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("ls", "-al"),
if err != nil {
// Destroy
if err := daemon.Rm(container); err != nil {
// Make sure daemon.Exists() behaves correctly
if daemon.Exists("test_destroy") {
t.Errorf("Exists() returned true")
// Make sure daemon.List() doesn't list the destroyed container
if len(daemon.List()) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected 0 container, %v found", len(daemon.List()))
// Make sure daemon.Get() refuses to return the unexisting container
if c, _ := daemon.Get(container.ID); c != nil {
t.Errorf("Got a container that should not exist")
// Test double destroy
if err := daemon.Rm(container); err == nil {
// It should have failed
t.Errorf("Double destroy did not fail")
func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
daemon := mkDaemon(t)
defer nuke(daemon)
container1, _, _ := mkContainer(daemon, []string{"_", "ls", "-al"}, t)
defer daemon.Rm(container1)
container2, _, _ := mkContainer(daemon, []string{"_", "ls", "-al"}, t)
defer daemon.Rm(container2)
container3, _, _ := mkContainer(daemon, []string{"_", "ls", "-al"}, t)
defer daemon.Rm(container3)
if c, _ := daemon.Get(container1.ID); c != container1 {
t.Errorf("Get(test1) returned %v while expecting %v", c, container1)
if c, _ := daemon.Get(container2.ID); c != container2 {
t.Errorf("Get(test2) returned %v while expecting %v", c, container2)
if c, _ := daemon.Get(container3.ID); c != container3 {
t.Errorf("Get(test3) returned %v while expecting %v", c, container3)
func startEchoServerContainer(t *testing.T, proto string) (*daemon.Daemon, *daemon.Container, string) {
var (
err error
id string
strPort string
eng = NewTestEngine(t)
daemon = mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
port = 5554
p nat.Port
defer func() {
if err != nil {
for {
port += 1
strPort = strconv.Itoa(port)
var cmd string
if proto == "tcp" {
cmd = "socat TCP-LISTEN:" + strPort + ",reuseaddr,fork EXEC:/bin/cat"
} else if proto == "udp" {
cmd = "socat UDP-RECVFROM:" + strPort + ",fork EXEC:/bin/cat"
} else {
t.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("Unknown protocol %v", proto))
ep := make(map[nat.Port]struct{}, 1)
p = nat.Port(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", strPort, proto))
ep[p] = struct{}{}
c := &runconfig.Config{
Image: unitTestImageID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("sh", "-c", cmd),
PortSpecs: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", strPort, proto)},
ExposedPorts: ep,
id, _, err = daemon.ContainerCreate(unitTestImageID, c, &runconfig.HostConfig{})
// FIXME: this relies on the undocumented behavior of daemon.Create
// which will return a nil error AND container if the exposed ports
// are invalid. That behavior should be fixed!
if id != "" {
t.Logf("Port %v already in use, trying another one", strPort)
if err := daemon.ContainerStart(id, &runconfig.HostConfig{}); err != nil {
container, err := daemon.Get(id)
if err != nil {
setTimeout(t, "Waiting for the container to be started timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
for !container.IsRunning() {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
// Even if the state is running, lets give some time to lxc to spawn the process
container.WaitStop(500 * time.Millisecond)
strPort = container.NetworkSettings.Ports[p][0].HostPort
return daemon, container, strPort
// Run a container with a TCP port allocated, and test that it can receive connections on localhost
func TestAllocateTCPPortLocalhost(t *testing.T) {
daemon, container, port := startEchoServerContainer(t, "tcp")
defer nuke(daemon)
defer container.Kill()
for i := 0; i != 10; i++ {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%v", port))
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
input := bytes.NewBufferString("well hello there\n")
_, err = conn.Write(input.Bytes())
if err != nil {
buf := make([]byte, 16)
read := 0
conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(3 * time.Second))
read, err = conn.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
if err, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok {
if err.Err == syscall.ECONNRESET {
t.Logf("Connection reset by the proxy, socat is probably not listening yet, trying again in a sec")
if err.Timeout() {
t.Log("Timeout, trying again")
output := string(buf[:read])
if !strings.Contains(output, "well hello there") {
t.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("[%v] doesn't contain [well hello there]", output))
} else {
t.Fatal("No reply from the container")
// Run a container with an UDP port allocated, and test that it can receive connections on localhost
func TestAllocateUDPPortLocalhost(t *testing.T) {
daemon, container, port := startEchoServerContainer(t, "udp")
defer nuke(daemon)
defer container.Kill()
conn, err := net.Dial("udp", fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%v", port))
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
input := bytes.NewBufferString("well hello there\n")
buf := make([]byte, 16)
// Try for a minute, for some reason the select in socat may take ages
// to return even though everything on the path seems fine (i.e: the
// UDPProxy forwards the traffic correctly and you can see the packets
// on the interface from within the container).
for i := 0; i != 120; i++ {
_, err := conn.Write(input.Bytes())
if err != nil {
conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(500 * time.Millisecond))
read, err := conn.Read(buf)
if err == nil {
output := string(buf[:read])
if strings.Contains(output, "well hello there") {
t.Fatal("No reply from the container")
func TestRestore(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
daemon1 := mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
defer daemon1.Nuke()
// Create a container with one instance of docker
container1, _, _ := mkContainer(daemon1, []string{"_", "ls", "-al"}, t)
defer daemon1.Rm(container1)
// Create a second container meant to be killed
container2, _, _ := mkContainer(daemon1, []string{"-i", "_", "/bin/cat"}, t)
defer daemon1.Rm(container2)
// Start the container non blocking
if err := container2.Start(); err != nil {
if !container2.IsRunning() {
t.Fatalf("Container %v should appear as running but isn't", container2.ID)
// Simulate a crash/manual quit of dockerd: process dies, states stays 'Running'
cStdin := container2.StdinPipe()
if _, err := container2.WaitStop(2 * time.Second); err != nil {
if len(daemon1.List()) != 2 {
t.Errorf("Expected 2 container, %v found", len(daemon1.List()))
if err := container1.Run(); err != nil {
if !container2.IsRunning() {
t.Fatalf("Container %v should appear as running but isn't", container2.ID)
// Here are are simulating a docker restart - that is, reloading all containers
// from scratch
eng = newTestEngine(t, false, daemon1.Config().Root)
daemon2 := mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
if len(daemon2.List()) != 2 {
t.Errorf("Expected 2 container, %v found", len(daemon2.List()))
runningCount := 0
for _, c := range daemon2.List() {
if c.IsRunning() {
t.Errorf("Running container found: %v (%v)", c.ID, c.Path)
if runningCount != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Expected 0 container alive, %d found", runningCount)
container3, err := daemon2.Get(container1.ID)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unable to Get container")
if err := container3.Run(); err != nil {
container2.SetStopped(&execdriver.ExitStatus{ExitCode: 0})
func TestDefaultContainerName(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
daemon := mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
defer nuke(daemon)
config, _, _, err := parseRun([]string{unitTestImageID, "echo test"})
if err != nil {
container, err := daemon.Get(createNamedTestContainer(eng, config, t, "some_name"))
if err != nil {
containerID := container.ID
if container.Name != "/some_name" {
t.Fatalf("Expect /some_name got %s", container.Name)
c, err := daemon.Get("/some_name")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't retrieve test container as /some_name")
if c.ID != containerID {
t.Fatalf("Container /some_name has ID %s instead of %s", c.ID, containerID)
func TestRandomContainerName(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
daemon := mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
defer nuke(daemon)
config, _, _, err := parseRun([]string{GetTestImage(daemon).ID, "echo test"})
if err != nil {
container, err := daemon.Get(createTestContainer(eng, config, t))
if err != nil {
containerID := container.ID
if container.Name == "" {
t.Fatalf("Expected not empty container name")
if c, err := daemon.Get(container.Name); err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("Could not lookup container %s by its name", container.Name)
} else if c.ID != containerID {
logrus.Fatalf("Looking up container name %s returned id %s instead of %s", container.Name, c.ID, containerID)
func TestContainerNameValidation(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
daemon := mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
defer nuke(daemon)
for _, test := range []struct {
Name string
Valid bool
{"abc-123_AAA.1", true},
{"\000asdf", false},
} {
config, _, _, err := parseRun([]string{unitTestImageID, "echo test"})
if err != nil {
if !test.Valid {
containerId, _, err := daemon.ContainerCreate(test.Name, config, &runconfig.HostConfig{})
if err != nil {
if !test.Valid {
container, err := daemon.Get(containerId)
if err != nil {
if container.Name != "/"+test.Name {
t.Fatalf("Expect /%s got %s", test.Name, container.Name)
if c, err := daemon.Get("/" + test.Name); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't retrieve test container as /%s", test.Name)
} else if c.ID != container.ID {
t.Fatalf("Container /%s has ID %s instead of %s", test.Name, c.ID, container.ID)
func TestLinkChildContainer(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
daemon := mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
defer nuke(daemon)
config, _, _, err := parseRun([]string{unitTestImageID, "echo test"})
if err != nil {
container, err := daemon.Get(createNamedTestContainer(eng, config, t, "/webapp"))
if err != nil {
webapp, err := daemon.GetByName("/webapp")
if err != nil {
if webapp.ID != container.ID {
t.Fatalf("Expect webapp id to match container id: %s != %s", webapp.ID, container.ID)
config, _, _, err = parseRun([]string{GetTestImage(daemon).ID, "echo test"})
if err != nil {
childContainer, err := daemon.Get(createTestContainer(eng, config, t))
if err != nil {
if err := daemon.RegisterLink(webapp, childContainer, "db"); err != nil {
// Get the child by it's new name
db, err := daemon.GetByName("/webapp/db")
if err != nil {
if db.ID != childContainer.ID {
t.Fatalf("Expect db id to match container id: %s != %s", db.ID, childContainer.ID)
func TestGetAllChildren(t *testing.T) {
eng := NewTestEngine(t)
daemon := mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
defer nuke(daemon)
config, _, _, err := parseRun([]string{unitTestImageID, "echo test"})
if err != nil {
container, err := daemon.Get(createNamedTestContainer(eng, config, t, "/webapp"))
if err != nil {
webapp, err := daemon.GetByName("/webapp")
if err != nil {
if webapp.ID != container.ID {
t.Fatalf("Expect webapp id to match container id: %s != %s", webapp.ID, container.ID)
config, _, _, err = parseRun([]string{unitTestImageID, "echo test"})
if err != nil {
childContainer, err := daemon.Get(createTestContainer(eng, config, t))
if err != nil {
if err := daemon.RegisterLink(webapp, childContainer, "db"); err != nil {
children, err := daemon.Children("/webapp")
if err != nil {
if children == nil {
t.Fatal("Children should not be nil")
if len(children) == 0 {
t.Fatal("Children should not be empty")
for key, value := range children {
if key != "/webapp/db" {
t.Fatalf("Expected /webapp/db got %s", key)
if value.ID != childContainer.ID {
t.Fatalf("Expected id %s got %s", childContainer.ID, value.ID)
func TestDestroyWithInitLayer(t *testing.T) {
daemon := mkDaemon(t)
defer nuke(daemon)
container, _, err := daemon.Create(&runconfig.Config{
Image: GetTestImage(daemon).ID,
Cmd: runconfig.NewCommand("ls", "-al"),
if err != nil {
// Destroy
if err := daemon.Rm(container); err != nil {
// Make sure daemon.Exists() behaves correctly
if daemon.Exists("test_destroy") {
t.Fatalf("Exists() returned true")
// Make sure daemon.List() doesn't list the destroyed container
if len(daemon.List()) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Expected 0 container, %v found", len(daemon.List()))
driver := daemon.Graph().Driver()
// Make sure that the container does not exist in the driver
if _, err := driver.Get(container.ID, ""); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Container should not exist in the driver")
// Make sure that the init layer is removed from the driver
if _, err := driver.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s-init", container.ID), ""); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Container's init layer should not exist in the driver")

View File

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
package docker
import (
func closeWrap(args error {
e := false
ret := fmt.Errorf("Error closing elements")
for _, c := range args {
if err := c.Close(); err != nil {
e = true
ret = fmt.Errorf("%s\n%s", ret, err)
if e {
return ret
return nil
func waitContainerStart(t *testing.T, timeout time.Duration) *daemon.Container {
var container *daemon.Container
setTimeout(t, "Waiting for the container to be started timed out", timeout, func() {
for {
l := globalDaemon.List()
if len(l) == 1 && l[0].IsRunning() {
container = l[0]
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
if container == nil {
t.Fatal("An error occurred while waiting for the container to start")
return container
func setTimeout(t *testing.T, msg string, d time.Duration, f func()) {
c := make(chan bool)
// Make sure we are not too long
go func() {
c <- true
go func() {
c <- false
if <-c && msg != "" {
func expectPipe(expected string, r io.Reader) error {
o, err := bufio.NewReader(r).ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
return err
if strings.Trim(o, " \r\n") != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected output. Expected [%s], received [%s]", expected, o)
return nil
func assertPipe(input, output string, r io.Reader, w io.Writer, count int) error {
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
if _, err := w.Write([]byte(input)); err != nil {
return err
if err := expectPipe(output, r); err != nil {
return err
return nil

View File

@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
package docker
import (
flag ""
type Fataler interface {
// This file contains utility functions for docker's unit test suite.
// It has to be named XXX_test.go, apparently, in other to access private functions
// from other XXX_test.go functions.
// Create a temporary daemon suitable for unit testing.
// Call t.Fatal() at the first error.
func mkDaemon(f Fataler) *daemon.Daemon {
eng := newTestEngine(f, false, "")
return mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, f)
func createNamedTestContainer(eng *engine.Engine, config *runconfig.Config, f Fataler, name string) (shortId string) {
containerId, _, err := getDaemon(eng).ContainerCreate(name, config, &runconfig.HostConfig{})
if err != nil {
return containerId
func createTestContainer(eng *engine.Engine, config *runconfig.Config, f Fataler) (shortId string) {
return createNamedTestContainer(eng, config, f, "")
func startContainer(eng *engine.Engine, id string, t Fataler) {
if err := getDaemon(eng).ContainerStart(id, &runconfig.HostConfig{}); err != nil {
func containerRun(eng *engine.Engine, id string, t Fataler) {
startContainer(eng, id, t)
containerWait(eng, id, t)
func containerFileExists(eng *engine.Engine, id, dir string, t Fataler) bool {
c := getContainer(eng, id, t)
if err := c.Mount(); err != nil {
defer c.Unmount()
if _, err := os.Stat(path.Join(c.RootfsPath(), dir)); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
func containerAttach(eng *engine.Engine, id string, t Fataler) (io.WriteCloser, io.ReadCloser) {
c := getContainer(eng, id, t)
i := c.StdinPipe()
o := c.StdoutPipe()
return i, o
func containerWait(eng *engine.Engine, id string, t Fataler) int {
ex, _ := getContainer(eng, id, t).WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
return ex
func containerWaitTimeout(eng *engine.Engine, id string, t Fataler) error {
_, err := getContainer(eng, id, t).WaitStop(500 * time.Millisecond)
return err
func containerKill(eng *engine.Engine, id string, t Fataler) {
if err := getDaemon(eng).ContainerKill(id, 0); err != nil {
func containerRunning(eng *engine.Engine, id string, t Fataler) bool {
return getContainer(eng, id, t).IsRunning()
func containerAssertExists(eng *engine.Engine, id string, t Fataler) {
getContainer(eng, id, t)
func containerAssertNotExists(eng *engine.Engine, id string, t Fataler) {
daemon := mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
if c, _ := daemon.Get(id); c != nil {
t.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("Container %s should not exist", id))
// assertHttpNotError expect the given response to not have an error.
// Otherwise the it causes the test to fail.
func assertHttpNotError(r *httptest.ResponseRecorder, t Fataler) {
// Non-error http status are [200, 400)
if r.Code < http.StatusOK || r.Code >= http.StatusBadRequest {
t.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("Unexpected http error: %v", r.Code))
// assertHttpError expect the given response to have an error.
// Otherwise the it causes the test to fail.
func assertHttpError(r *httptest.ResponseRecorder, t Fataler) {
// Non-error http status are [200, 400)
if !(r.Code < http.StatusOK || r.Code >= http.StatusBadRequest) {
t.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("Unexpected http success code: %v", r.Code))
func getContainer(eng *engine.Engine, id string, t Fataler) *daemon.Container {
daemon := mkDaemonFromEngine(eng, t)
c, err := daemon.Get(id)
if err != nil {
return c
func mkDaemonFromEngine(eng *engine.Engine, t Fataler) *daemon.Daemon {
iDaemon := eng.HackGetGlobalVar("httpapi.daemon")
if iDaemon == nil {
panic("Legacy daemon field not set in engine")
daemon, ok := iDaemon.(*daemon.Daemon)
if !ok {
panic("Legacy daemon field in engine does not cast to *daemon.Daemon")
return daemon
func newTestEngine(t Fataler, autorestart bool, root string) *engine.Engine {
if root == "" {
if dir, err := newTestDirectory(unitTestStoreBase); err != nil {
} else {
root = dir
os.MkdirAll(root, 0700)
eng := engine.New()
eng.Logging = false
// (This is manually copied and modified from main() until we have a more generic plugin system)
cfg := &daemon.Config{
Root: root,
AutoRestart: autorestart,
ExecDriver: "native",
// Either InterContainerCommunication or EnableIptables must be set,
// otherwise NewDaemon will fail because of conflicting settings.
Bridge: bridge.Config{
InterContainerCommunication: true,
TrustKeyPath: filepath.Join(root, "key.json"),
LogConfig: runconfig.LogConfig{Type: "json-file"},
d, err := daemon.NewDaemon(cfg, eng, registry.NewService(nil))
if err != nil {
if err := d.Install(eng); err != nil {
return eng
func NewTestEngine(t Fataler) *engine.Engine {
return newTestEngine(t, false, "")
func newTestDirectory(templateDir string) (dir string, err error) {
return utils.TestDirectory(templateDir)
func getCallerName(depth int) string {
return utils.GetCallerName(depth)
// Write `content` to the file at path `dst`, creating it if necessary,
// as well as any missing directories.
// The file is truncated if it already exists.
// Call t.Fatal() at the first error.
func writeFile(dst, content string, t *testing.T) {
// Create subdirectories if necessary
if err := os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(dst), 0700); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
f, err := os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC, 0700)
if err != nil {
// Write content (truncate if it exists)
if _, err := io.Copy(f, strings.NewReader(content)); err != nil {
// Return the contents of file at path `src`.
// Call t.Fatal() at the first error (including if the file doesn't exist)
func readFile(src string, t *testing.T) (content string) {
f, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
if err != nil {
return string(data)
// Create a test container from the given daemon `r` and run arguments `args`.
// If the image name is "_", (eg. []string{"-i", "-t", "_", "bash"}, it is
// dynamically replaced by the current test image.
// The caller is responsible for destroying the container.
// Call t.Fatal() at the first error.
func mkContainer(r *daemon.Daemon, args []string, t *testing.T) (*daemon.Container, *runconfig.HostConfig, error) {
config, hc, _, err := parseRun(args)
defer func() {
if err != nil && t != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if config.Image == "_" {
config.Image = GetTestImage(r).ID
c, _, err := r.Create(config, nil, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// NOTE: hostConfig is ignored.
// If `args` specify privileged mode, custom lxc conf, external mount binds,
// port redirects etc. they will be ignored.
// This is because the correct way to set these things is to pass environment
// to the `start` job.
// FIXME: this helper function should be deprecated in favor of calling
// `create` and `start` jobs directly.
return c, hc, nil
// Create a test container, start it, wait for it to complete, destroy it,
// and return its standard output as a string.
// The image name (eg. the XXX in []string{"-i", "-t", "XXX", "bash"}, is dynamically replaced by the current test image.
// If t is not nil, call t.Fatal() at the first error. Otherwise return errors normally.
func runContainer(eng *engine.Engine, r *daemon.Daemon, args []string, t *testing.T) (output string, err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil && t != nil {
container, hc, err := mkContainer(r, args, t)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer r.Rm(container)
stdout := container.StdoutPipe()
defer stdout.Close()
job := eng.Job("start", container.ID)
if err := job.ImportEnv(hc); err != nil {
return "", err
if err := job.Run(); err != nil {
return "", err
container.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stdout)
if err != nil {
return "", err
output = string(data)
// FIXME: this is duplicated from graph_test.go in the docker package.
func fakeTar() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
content := []byte("Hello world!\n")
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
tw := tar.NewWriter(buf)
for _, name := range []string{"/etc/postgres/postgres.conf", "/etc/passwd", "/var/log/postgres/postgres.conf"} {
hdr := new(tar.Header)
hdr.Size = int64(len(content))
hdr.Name = name
if err := tw.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ioutil.NopCloser(buf), nil
func getImages(eng *engine.Engine, t *testing.T, all bool, filter string) []*types.Image {
config := graph.ImagesConfig{
Filter: filter,
All: all,
images, err := getDaemon(eng).Repositories().Images(&config)
if err != nil {
return images
func parseRun(args []string) (*runconfig.Config, *runconfig.HostConfig, *flag.FlagSet, error) {
cmd := flag.NewFlagSet("run", flag.ContinueOnError)
cmd.Usage = nil
return runconfig.Parse(cmd, args)
func getDaemon(eng *engine.Engine) *daemon.Daemon {
return eng.HackGetGlobalVar("httpapi.daemon").(*daemon.Daemon)

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
package docker
import (
func displayFdGoroutines(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("File Descriptors: %d, Goroutines: %d", fileutils.GetTotalUsedFds(), runtime.NumGoroutine())
func TestFinal(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("Start File Descriptors: %d, Start Goroutines: %d", startFds, startGoroutines)