Add daemon config to allow the user to specify the MTU of the control plane network.
The first user of this new parameter is actually libnetwork that can seed the
gossip with the proper MTU value allowing to pack multiple messages per UDP packet sent.
If the value is not specified or is lower than 1500 the logic will set it to the default.
Signed-off-by: Flavio Crisciani <>
Currently, names are maintained by a separate system called "registrar".
This means there is no way to atomically snapshot the state of
containers and the names associated with them.
We can add this atomicity and simplify the code by storing name
associations in the memdb. This removes the need for pkg/registrar, and
makes snapshots a lot less expensive because they no longer need to copy
all the names. This change also avoids some problematic behavior from
pkg/registrar where it returns slices which may be modified later on.
Note that while this change makes the *snapshotting* atomic, it doesn't
yet do anything to make sure containers are named at the same time that
they are added to the database. We can do that by adding a transactional
interface, either as a followup, or as part of this PR.
Signed-off-by: Aaron Lehmann <>
When a container is paused, signals are sent once the container has been
Instead of forcing the user to unpause a container before they can ever
send a signal, allow the user to send the signals, and in the case of a
stop signal, automatically unpause the container afterwards.
This is much safer than unpausing the container first then sending a
signal (what a user is currently forced to do), as the container may be
paused for very good reasons and should not be unpaused except for
Note that not even SIGKILL is possible while a process is paused,
but it is killed the instant it is unpaused.
Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <>
Migrate legacy volumes (Daemon.verifyVolumesInfo) before containers are
registered on the Daemon, so state on disk is not overwritten and legacy
fields lost during registration.
Signed-off-by: Fabio Kung <>
Reuse existing structures and rely on json serialization to deep copy
Container objects.
Also consolidate all "save" operations on container.CheckpointTo, which
now both saves a serialized json to disk, and replicates state to the
ACID in-memory store.
Signed-off-by: Fabio Kung <>
Replicate relevant mutations to the in-memory ACID store. Readers will
then be able to query container state without locking.
Signed-off-by: Fabio Kung <>
When docker is in startup process and containerd sends an "process exit" event to docker.
If the container config '--restart=always', restartmanager will start this container very soon.
But some initialization is not done, e.g. `daemon.netController`,when visit, docker would panic.
Signed-off-by: Wentao Zhang <>
There is no case which would resolve in this error. The root user always exists, and if the id maps are empty, the default value of 0 is correct.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Nephin <>
If a container mount the socket the daemon is listening on into
container while the daemon is being shutdown, the socket will
not exist on the host, then daemon will assume it's a directory
and create it on the host, this will cause the daemon can't start
next time.
fix issue
To reproduce this issue, you can add following code
--- a/daemon/oci_linux.go
+++ b/daemon/oci_linux.go
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
+ "time"
@@ -666,7 +667,8 @@ func (daemon *Daemon) createSpec(c *container.Container) (*libcontainerd.Spec, e
if err := daemon.setupIpcDirs(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
+ fmt.Printf("===please stop the daemon===\n")
+ time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
ms, err := daemon.setupMounts(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
step1 run a container which has `--restart always` and `-v /var/run/docker.sock:/sock`
$ docker run -ti --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/sock busybox
/ #
step2 exit the the container
/ # exit
and kill the daemon when you see
===please stop the daemon===
in the daemon log
The daemon can't restart again and fail with `can't create unix socket /var/run/docker.sock: is a directory`.
Signed-off-by: Lei Jitang <>
This patch adds the untilRemoved option to the ContainerWait API which
allows the client to wait until the container is not only exited but
also removed.
This patch also adds some more CLI integration tests for waiting for a
created container and waiting with the new --until-removed flag.
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
Handle detach sequence in CLI
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
Update Container Wait Conditions
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
Apply container wait changes to API 1.30
The set of changes to the containerWait API missed the cut for the
Docker 17.05 release (API version 1.29). This patch bumps the version
checks to use 1.30 instead.
This patch also makes a minor update to a testfile which was added to
the builder/dockerfile package.
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
Remove wait changes from CLI
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
Address minor nits on wait changes
- Changed the name of the tty Proxy wrapper to `escapeProxy`
- Removed the unnecessary Error() method on container.State
- Fixes a typo in comment (repeated word)
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
Use router.WithCancel in the containerWait handler
This handler previously added this functionality manually but now uses
the existing wrapper which does it for us.
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
Add WaitCondition constants to api/types/container
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
Address more ContainerWait review comments
- Update ContainerWait backend interface to not return pointer values
for container.StateStatus type.
- Updated container state's Wait() method comments to clarify that a
context MUST be used for cancelling the request, setting timeouts,
and to avoid goroutine leaks.
- Removed unnecessary buffering when making channels in the client's
ContainerWait methods.
- Renamed result and error channels in client's ContainerWait methods
to clarify that only a single result or error value would be sent
on the channel.
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
Move container.WaitCondition type to separate file
... to avoid conflict with swagger-generated code for API response
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
Address more ContainerWait review comments
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
This patch consolidates the two WaitStop and WaitWithContext methods
on the container.State type. Now there is a single method, Wait, which
takes a context and a bool specifying whether to wait for not just a
container exit but also removal.
The behavior has been changed slightly so that a wait call during a
Created state will not return immediately but instead wait for the
container to be started and then exited.
The interface has been changed to no longer block, but instead returns
a channel on which the caller can receive a *StateStatus value which
indicates the ExitCode or an error if there was one (like a context
timeout or state transition error).
These changes have been propagated through the rest of the deamon to
preserve all other existing behavior.
Docker-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Josh Hawn <> (github: jlhawn)
Allows for a plugin type that can be used to scrape metrics.
This is useful because metrics are not neccessarily at a standard
location... `--metrics-addr` must be set, and must currently be a TCP
Even if metrics are done via a unix socket, there's no guarentee where
the socket may be located on the system, making bind-mounting such a
socket into a container difficult (and racey, failure-prone on daemon
Metrics plugins side-step this issue by always listening on a unix
socket and then bind-mounting that into a known path in the plugin
Note there has been similar work in the past (and ultimately punted at
the time) for consistent access to the Docker API from within a
Why not add metrics to the Docker API and just provide a plugin with
access to the Docker API? Certainly this can be useful, but gives a lot
of control/access to a plugin that may only need the metrics. We can
look at supporting API plugins separately for this reason.
Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <>
In some cases a mount spec would not be properly backported which could
lead to accidental removal of the underlying volume on container remove
(which should never happen with named volumes).
Adds unit tests for this as well. Unfortunately I had to add a daemon
depdency for the backport function due to looking up `VolumesFrom`
Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <>
Container state counts are used for reporting in the `/info` endpoint.
Currently when `/info` is called, each container is iterated over and
the containers 'StateString()' is called. This is not very efficient
with lots of containers, and is also racey since `StateString()` is not
using a mutex and the mutex is not otherwise locked.
We could just lock the container mutex, but this is proven to be
problematic since there are frequent deadlock scenarios and we should
always have the `/info` endpoint available since this endpoint is used
to get general information about the docker host.
Really, these metrics on `/info` should be deprecated. But until then,
we can just keep a running tally in memory for each of the reported
Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <>
Logging plugins use the same HTTP interface as other plugins for basic
command operations meanwhile actual logging operations are handled (on
Unix) via a fifo.
The plugin interface looks like so:
type loggingPlugin interface {
StartLogging(fifoPath string, loggingContext Context) error
This means a plugin must implement `LoggingDriver.StartLogging` and
`LoggingDriver.StopLogging` endpoints and be able to consume the passed
in fifo.
Logs are sent via stream encoder to the fifo encoded with protobuf.
Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <>
- Moved DefaultInitBinary from daemon/daemon.go to
daemon/config/config.go since it's a daemon config and is referred in
config package files.
- Added condition in GetInitPath to check for any explicitly configured
DefaultInitBinary. If not, the default value of DefaultInitBinary is
- Changed all references of DefaultInitBinary to refer to the variable
from new location.
- Added TestCommonUnixGetInitPath to test for the various values of
Signed-off-by: Sunny Gogoi <>
That way we can get stack dump earlier if there is something that
locks the daemon during start/restore phase.
Signed-off-by: Vincent Demeester <>