`--log-opt splunk-format=inline|json|raw` allows to change how logging
driver sends data to Splunk, where
`inline` - default value, format used before, message is injected as a
line in JSON payload
`json` - driver will try to parse each line as a JSON object and embed it
inside of the JSON payload
`raw` - driver will send Raw payload instead of JSON, tag and attributes
will be prefixed before the message
`--log-opt splunk-verify-connection=true|false` - allows to skip
verification for Splunk Url
Signed-off-by: Denis Gladkikh <denis@gladkikh.email>
Add support of `tag`, `env` and `labels` for Splunk logging driver.
Removed from message `containerId` as it is the same as `tag`.
Signed-off-by: Denis Gladkikh <denis@gladkikh.email>