# Source: https://frippery.org/busybox/ # This Dockerfile builds a (32-bit) busybox images which is suitable for # running many of the integration-cli tests for Docker against a Windows # daemon. It will not run on nanoserver as that is 64-bit only. # # Based on https://github.com/jhowardmsft/busybox # John Howard (IRC jhowardmsft, Email john.howard@microsoft.com) # # To build: docker build -t busybox . # To publish: Needs someone with publishing rights ARG WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE=mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore ARG WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=ltsc2019 ARG BUSYBOX_VERSION=FRP-3329-gcf0fa4d13 # Checksum taken from https://frippery.org/files/busybox/SHA256SUM ARG BUSYBOX_SHA256SUM=bfaeb88638e580fc522a68e69072e305308f9747563e51fa085eec60ca39a5ae FROM ${WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE}:${WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG} RUN mkdir C:\tmp && mkdir C:\bin ARG BUSYBOX_VERSION ARG BUSYBOX_SHA256SUM ADD https://github.com/moby/busybox/releases/download/${BUSYBOX_VERSION}/busybox-w32-${BUSYBOX_VERSION}.exe /bin/busybox.exe RUN powershell \ if ((Get-FileHash -Path /bin/busybox.exe -Algorithm SHA256).Hash -ne $Env:BUSYBOX_SHA256SUM) { \ Throw \"Checksum validation failed\" \ } RUN setx /M PATH "C:\bin;%PATH%" RUN powershell busybox.exe --list ^|%{$nul = cmd /c mklink C:\bin\$_.exe busybox.exe} CMD ["sh"]