package httputils // import "" import ( "net/http" "net/url" "testing" ) func TestBoolValue(t *testing.T) { cases := map[string]bool{ "": false, "0": false, "no": false, "false": false, "none": false, "1": true, "yes": true, "true": true, "one": true, "100": true, } for c, e := range cases { v := url.Values{} v.Set("test", c) r, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "", nil) r.Form = v a := BoolValue(r, "test") if a != e { t.Fatalf("Value: %s, expected: %v, actual: %v", c, e, a) } } } func TestBoolValueOrDefault(t *testing.T) { r, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil) if !BoolValueOrDefault(r, "queryparam", true) { t.Fatal("Expected to get true default value, got false") } v := url.Values{} v.Set("param", "") r, _ = http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil) r.Form = v if BoolValueOrDefault(r, "param", true) { t.Fatal("Expected not to get true") } } func TestInt64ValueOrZero(t *testing.T) { cases := map[string]int64{ "": 0, "asdf": 0, "0": 0, "1": 1, } for c, e := range cases { v := url.Values{} v.Set("test", c) r, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "", nil) r.Form = v a := Int64ValueOrZero(r, "test") if a != e { t.Fatalf("Value: %s, expected: %v, actual: %v", c, e, a) } } } func TestInt64ValueOrDefault(t *testing.T) { cases := map[string]int64{ "": -1, "-1": -1, "42": 42, } for c, e := range cases { v := url.Values{} v.Set("test", c) r, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "", nil) r.Form = v a, err := Int64ValueOrDefault(r, "test", -1) if a != e { t.Fatalf("Value: %s, expected: %v, actual: %v", c, e, a) } if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error should be nil, but received: %s", err) } } } func TestInt64ValueOrDefaultWithError(t *testing.T) { v := url.Values{} v.Set("test", "invalid") r, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "", nil) r.Form = v _, err := Int64ValueOrDefault(r, "test", -1) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected an error.") } }