#!/bin/bash source "${MAKEDIR}/.validate" IFS=$'\n' files=( $(validate_diff --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only -- '*.go' | grep -v '^vendor/' || true) ) unset IFS errors=() for f in "${files[@]}"; do # we use "git show" here to validate that what's committed passes go vet failedLint=$(golint "$f") if [ "$failedLint" ]; then errors+=( "$failedLint" ) fi done if [ ${#errors[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo 'Congratulations! All Go source files have been linted.' else { echo "Errors from golint:" for err in "${errors[@]}"; do echo "$err" done echo echo 'Please fix the above errors. You can test via "golint" and commit the result.' echo } >&2 false fi