<!--[metadata]> +++ title = "Using Chef" description = "Installation and using Docker via Chef" keywords = ["chef, installation, usage, docker, documentation"] [menu.main] parent = "smn_third_party" +++ <![end-metadata]--> # Using Chef > **Note**: > Please note this is a community contributed installation path. The only > `official` installation is using the > [*Ubuntu*](/installation/ubuntulinux) installation > path. This version may sometimes be out of date. ## Requirements To use this guide you'll need a working installation of [Chef](http://www.getchef.com/). This cookbook supports a variety of operating systems. ## Installation The cookbook is available on the [Chef Community Site](http://community.opscode.com/cookbooks/docker) and can be installed using your favorite cookbook dependency manager. The source can be found on [GitHub](https://github.com/bflad/chef-docker). ## Usage The cookbook provides recipes for installing Docker, configuring init for Docker, and resources for managing images and containers. It supports almost all Docker functionality. ### Installation include_recipe 'docker' ### Images The next step is to pull a Docker image. For this, we have a resource: docker_image 'samalba/docker-registry' This is equivalent to running: $ docker pull samalba/docker-registry There are attributes available to control how long the cookbook will allow for downloading (5 minute default). To remove images you no longer need: docker_image 'samalba/docker-registry' do action :remove end ### Containers Now you have an image where you can run commands within a container managed by Docker. docker_container 'samalba/docker-registry' do detach true port '5000:5000' env 'SETTINGS_FLAVOR=local' volume '/mnt/docker:/docker-storage' end This is equivalent to running the following command, but under upstart: $ docker run --detach=true --publish='5000:5000' --env='SETTINGS_FLAVOR=local' --volume='/mnt/docker:/docker-storage' samalba/docker-registry The resources will accept a single string or an array of values for any Docker flags that allow multiple values.