# Deprecated Features The following list of features are deprecated. ### Command line short variant options **Deprecated In Release: v1.9** **Target For Removal In Release: v1.11** The following short variant options are deprecated in favor of their long variants: docker run -c (--cpu-shares) docker build -c (--cpu-shares) docker create -c (--cpu-shares) ### Driver Specific Log Tags **Deprecated In Release: v1.9** **Target For Removal In Release: v1.11** Log tags are now generated in a standard way across different logging drivers. Because of which, the driver specific log tag options `syslog-tag`, `gelf-tag` and `fluentd-tag` have been deprecated in favor of the generic `tag` option. docker --log-driver=syslog --log-opt tag="{{.ImageName}}/{{.Name}}/{{.ID}}" ### LXC built-in exec driver **Deprecated In Release: v1.8** **Target For Removal In Release: v1.10** The built-in LXC execution driver is deprecated for an external implementation. The lxc-conf flag and API fields will also be removed. ### Old Command Line Options **Deprecated In Release: [v1.8.0](https://github.com/docker/docker/releases/tag/v1.8.0)** **Target For Removal In Release: v1.10** The flags `-d` and `--daemon` are deprecated in favor of the `daemon` subcommand: docker daemon -H ... The following single-dash (`-opt`) variant of certain command line options are deprecated and replaced with double-dash options (`--opt`): docker attach -nostdin docker attach -sig-proxy docker build -no-cache docker build -rm docker commit -author docker commit -run docker events -since docker history -notrunc docker images -notrunc docker inspect -format docker ps -beforeId docker ps -notrunc docker ps -sinceId docker rm -link docker run -cidfile docker run -cpuset docker run -dns docker run -entrypoint docker run -expose docker run -link docker run -lxc-conf docker run -n docker run -privileged docker run -volumes-from docker search -notrunc docker search -stars docker search -t docker search -trusted docker tag -force The following double-dash options are deprecated and have no replacement: docker run --networking docker ps --since-id docker ps --before-id docker search --trusted ### Auto-creating missing host paths for bind mounts **Deprected in Release: v1.9** **Target for Removal in Release: 1.11** When creating a container with a bind-mounted volume-- `docker run -v /host/path:/container/path` -- docker was automatically creating the `/host/path` if it didn't already exist. This auto-creation of the host path is deprecated and docker will error out if the path does not exist. ### Interacting with V1 registries Version 1.9 adds a flag (`--disable-legacy-registry=false`) which prevents the docker daemon from `pull`, `push`, and `login` operations against v1 registries. Though disabled by default, this signals the intent to deprecate the v1 protocol. ### Docker Content Trust ENV passphrase variables name change **Deprecated In Release: v1.9** **Target For Removal In Release: v1.10** As of 1.9, Docker Content Trust Offline key will be renamed to Root key and the Tagging key will be renamed to Repository key. Due to this renaming, we're also changing the corresponding environment variables - DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST_OFFLINE_PASSPHRASE will now be named DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST_ROOT_PASSPHRASE - DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST_TAGGING_PASSPHRASE will now be named DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST_REPOSITORY_PASSPHRASE