// +build daemon package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "github.com/docker/libtrust" "github.com/go-check/check" ) func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonRestartWithRunningContainersPorts(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon with busybox: %v", err) } defer d.Stop() if out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "--name", "top1", "-p", "1234:80", "--restart", "always", "busybox:latest", "top"); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not run top1: err=%v\n%s", err, out) } // --restart=no by default if out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "--name", "top2", "-p", "80", "busybox:latest", "top"); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not run top2: err=%v\n%s", err, out) } testRun := func(m map[string]bool, prefix string) { var format string for cont, shouldRun := range m { out, err := d.Cmd("ps") if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not run ps: err=%v\n%q", err, out) } if shouldRun { format = "%scontainer %q is not running" } else { format = "%scontainer %q is running" } if shouldRun != strings.Contains(out, cont) { c.Fatalf(format, prefix, cont) } } } testRun(map[string]bool{"top1": true, "top2": true}, "") if err := d.Restart(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not restart daemon: %v", err) } testRun(map[string]bool{"top1": true, "top2": false}, "After daemon restart: ") } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonRestartWithVolumesRefs(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() if out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "--name", "volrestarttest1", "-v", "/foo", "busybox"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err, out) } if err := d.Restart(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if _, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "--volumes-from", "volrestarttest1", "--name", "volrestarttest2", "busybox", "top"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if out, err := d.Cmd("rm", "-fv", "volrestarttest2"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err, out) } v, err := d.Cmd("inspect", "--format", "{{ json .Volumes }}", "volrestarttest1") if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } volumes := make(map[string]string) json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &volumes) if _, err := os.Stat(volumes["/foo"]); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Expected volume to exist: %s - %s", volumes["/foo"], err) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonStartIptablesFalse(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start("--iptables=false"); err != nil { c.Fatalf("we should have been able to start the daemon with passing iptables=false: %v", err) } d.Stop() } // Issue #8444: If docker0 bridge is modified (intentionally or unintentionally) and // no longer has an IP associated, we should gracefully handle that case and associate // an IP with it rather than fail daemon start func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonStartBridgeWithoutIPAssociation(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) // rather than depending on brctl commands to verify docker0 is created and up // let's start the daemon and stop it, and then make a modification to run the // actual test if err := d.Start(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon: %v", err) } if err := d.Stop(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not stop daemon: %v", err) } // now we will remove the ip from docker0 and then try starting the daemon ipCmd := exec.Command("ip", "addr", "flush", "dev", "docker0") stdout, stderr, _, err := runCommandWithStdoutStderr(ipCmd) if err != nil { c.Fatalf("failed to remove docker0 IP association: %v, stdout: %q, stderr: %q", err, stdout, stderr) } if err := d.Start(); err != nil { warning := "**WARNING: Docker bridge network in bad state--delete docker0 bridge interface to fix" c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon when docker0 has no IP address: %v\n%s", err, warning) } // cleanup - stop the daemon if test passed if err := d.Stop(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not stop daemon: %v", err) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonIptablesClean(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon with busybox: %v", err) } defer d.Stop() if out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "--name", "top", "-p", "80", "busybox:latest", "top"); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not run top: %s, %v", out, err) } // get output from iptables with container running ipTablesSearchString := "tcp dpt:80" ipTablesCmd := exec.Command("iptables", "-nvL") out, _, err := runCommandWithOutput(ipTablesCmd) if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not run iptables -nvL: %s, %v", out, err) } if !strings.Contains(out, ipTablesSearchString) { c.Fatalf("iptables output should have contained %q, but was %q", ipTablesSearchString, out) } if err := d.Stop(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not stop daemon: %v", err) } // get output from iptables after restart ipTablesCmd = exec.Command("iptables", "-nvL") out, _, err = runCommandWithOutput(ipTablesCmd) if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not run iptables -nvL: %s, %v", out, err) } if strings.Contains(out, ipTablesSearchString) { c.Fatalf("iptables output should not have contained %q, but was %q", ipTablesSearchString, out) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonIptablesCreate(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon with busybox: %v", err) } defer d.Stop() if out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "--name", "top", "--restart=always", "-p", "80", "busybox:latest", "top"); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not run top: %s, %v", out, err) } // get output from iptables with container running ipTablesSearchString := "tcp dpt:80" ipTablesCmd := exec.Command("iptables", "-nvL") out, _, err := runCommandWithOutput(ipTablesCmd) if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not run iptables -nvL: %s, %v", out, err) } if !strings.Contains(out, ipTablesSearchString) { c.Fatalf("iptables output should have contained %q, but was %q", ipTablesSearchString, out) } if err := d.Restart(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not restart daemon: %v", err) } // make sure the container is not running runningOut, err := d.Cmd("inspect", "--format='{{.State.Running}}'", "top") if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not inspect on container: %s, %v", out, err) } if strings.TrimSpace(runningOut) != "true" { c.Fatalf("Container should have been restarted after daemon restart. Status running should have been true but was: %q", strings.TrimSpace(runningOut)) } // get output from iptables after restart ipTablesCmd = exec.Command("iptables", "-nvL") out, _, err = runCommandWithOutput(ipTablesCmd) if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not run iptables -nvL: %s, %v", out, err) } if !strings.Contains(out, ipTablesSearchString) { c.Fatalf("iptables output after restart should have contained %q, but was %q", ipTablesSearchString, out) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonLoggingLevel(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start("--log-level=bogus"); err == nil { c.Fatal("Daemon should not have been able to start") } d = NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start("--log-level=debug"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } d.Stop() content, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(d.logFile.Name()) if !strings.Contains(string(content), `level=debug`) { c.Fatalf(`Missing level="debug" in log file:\n%s`, string(content)) } d = NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start("--log-level=fatal"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } d.Stop() content, _ = ioutil.ReadFile(d.logFile.Name()) if strings.Contains(string(content), `level=debug`) { c.Fatalf(`Should not have level="debug" in log file:\n%s`, string(content)) } d = NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start("-D"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } d.Stop() content, _ = ioutil.ReadFile(d.logFile.Name()) if !strings.Contains(string(content), `level=debug`) { c.Fatalf(`Missing level="debug" in log file using -D:\n%s`, string(content)) } d = NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start("--debug"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } d.Stop() content, _ = ioutil.ReadFile(d.logFile.Name()) if !strings.Contains(string(content), `level=debug`) { c.Fatalf(`Missing level="debug" in log file using --debug:\n%s`, string(content)) } d = NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start("--debug", "--log-level=fatal"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } d.Stop() content, _ = ioutil.ReadFile(d.logFile.Name()) if !strings.Contains(string(content), `level=debug`) { c.Fatalf(`Missing level="debug" in log file when using both --debug and --log-level=fatal:\n%s`, string(content)) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonAllocatesListeningPort(c *check.C) { listeningPorts := [][]string{ {"", "", "5678"}, {"", "", "1234"}, {"localhost", "", "1235"}, } cmdArgs := []string{} for _, hostDirective := range listeningPorts { cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, "--host", fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:%s", hostDirective[0], hostDirective[2])) } d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox(cmdArgs...); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon with busybox: %v", err) } defer d.Stop() for _, hostDirective := range listeningPorts { output, err := d.Cmd("run", "-p", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:80", hostDirective[1], hostDirective[2]), "busybox", "true") if err == nil { c.Fatalf("Container should not start, expected port already allocated error: %q", output) } else if !strings.Contains(output, "port is already allocated") { c.Fatalf("Expected port is already allocated error: %q", output) } } } // #9629 func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonVolumesBindsRefs(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "") if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(tmp) if err := ioutil.WriteFile(tmp+"/test", []byte("testing"), 0655); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if out, err := d.Cmd("create", "-v", tmp+":/foo", "--name=voltest", "busybox"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err, out) } if err := d.Restart(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if out, err := d.Cmd("run", "--volumes-from=voltest", "--name=consumer", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "[ -f /foo/test ]"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err, out) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonKeyGeneration(c *check.C) { // TODO: skip or update for Windows daemon os.Remove("/etc/docker/key.json") d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon: %v", err) } d.Stop() k, err := libtrust.LoadKeyFile("/etc/docker/key.json") if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error opening key file") } kid := k.KeyID() // Test Key ID is a valid fingerprint (e.g. QQXN:JY5W:TBXI:MK3X:GX6P:PD5D:F56N:NHCS:LVRZ:JA46:R24J:XEFF) if len(kid) != 59 { c.Fatalf("Bad key ID: %s", kid) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonKeyMigration(c *check.C) { // TODO: skip or update for Windows daemon os.Remove("/etc/docker/key.json") k1, err := libtrust.GenerateECP256PrivateKey() if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error generating private key: %s", err) } if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".docker"), 0755); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error creating .docker directory: %s", err) } if err := libtrust.SaveKey(filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".docker", "key.json"), k1); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error saving private key: %s", err) } d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon: %v", err) } d.Stop() k2, err := libtrust.LoadKeyFile("/etc/docker/key.json") if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error opening key file") } if k1.KeyID() != k2.KeyID() { c.Fatalf("Key not migrated") } } // Simulate an older daemon (pre 1.3) coming up with volumes specified in containers // without corresponding volume json func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonUpgradeWithVolumes(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) graphDir := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "docker-test") defer os.RemoveAll(graphDir) if err := d.StartWithBusybox("-g", graphDir); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() tmpDir := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "test") defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir) if out, err := d.Cmd("create", "-v", tmpDir+":/foo", "--name=test", "busybox"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err, out) } if err := d.Stop(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } // Remove this since we're expecting the daemon to re-create it too if err := os.RemoveAll(tmpDir); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } configDir := filepath.Join(graphDir, "volumes") if err := os.RemoveAll(configDir); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if err := d.Start("-g", graphDir); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if _, err := os.Stat(tmpDir); os.IsNotExist(err) { c.Fatalf("expected volume path %s to exist but it does not", tmpDir) } dir, err := ioutil.ReadDir(configDir) if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if len(dir) == 0 { c.Fatalf("expected volumes config dir to contain data for new volume") } // Now with just removing the volume config and not the volume data if err := d.Stop(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if err := os.RemoveAll(configDir); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if err := d.Start("-g", graphDir); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } dir, err = ioutil.ReadDir(configDir) if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if len(dir) == 0 { c.Fatalf("expected volumes config dir to contain data for new volume") } } // GH#11320 - verify that the daemon exits on failure properly // Note that this explicitly tests the conflict of {-b,--bridge} and {--bip} options as the means // to get a daemon init failure; no other tests for -b/--bip conflict are therefore required func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonExitOnFailure(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) defer d.Stop() //attempt to start daemon with incorrect flags (we know -b and --bip conflict) if err := d.Start("--bridge", "nosuchbridge", "--bip", ""); err != nil { //verify we got the right error if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Daemon exited and never started") { c.Fatalf("Expected daemon not to start, got %v", err) } // look in the log and make sure we got the message that daemon is shutting down runCmd := exec.Command("grep", "Error starting daemon", d.LogfileName()) if out, _, err := runCommandWithOutput(runCmd); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Expected 'Error starting daemon' message; but doesn't exist in log: %q, err: %v", out, err) } } else { //if we didn't get an error and the daemon is running, this is a failure d.Stop() c.Fatal("Conflicting options should cause the daemon to error out with a failure") } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonUlimitDefaults(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, NativeExecDriver) d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox("--default-ulimit", "nofile=42:42", "--default-ulimit", "nproc=1024:1024"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() out, err := d.Cmd("run", "--ulimit", "nproc=2048", "--name=test", "busybox", "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo $(ulimit -n); echo $(ulimit -p)") if err != nil { c.Fatal(out, err) } outArr := strings.Split(out, "\n") if len(outArr) < 2 { c.Fatalf("got unexpected output: %s", out) } nofile := strings.TrimSpace(outArr[0]) nproc := strings.TrimSpace(outArr[1]) if nofile != "42" { c.Fatalf("expected `ulimit -n` to be `42`, got: %s", nofile) } if nproc != "2048" { c.Fatalf("exepcted `ulimit -p` to be 2048, got: %s", nproc) } // Now restart daemon with a new default if err := d.Restart("--default-ulimit", "nofile=43"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } out, err = d.Cmd("start", "-a", "test") if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } outArr = strings.Split(out, "\n") if len(outArr) < 2 { c.Fatalf("got unexpected output: %s", out) } nofile = strings.TrimSpace(outArr[0]) nproc = strings.TrimSpace(outArr[1]) if nofile != "43" { c.Fatalf("expected `ulimit -n` to be `43`, got: %s", nofile) } if nproc != "2048" { c.Fatalf("exepcted `ulimit -p` to be 2048, got: %s", nproc) } } // #11315 func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonRestartRenameContainer(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() if out, err := d.Cmd("run", "--name=test", "busybox"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err, out) } if out, err := d.Cmd("rename", "test", "test2"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err, out) } if err := d.Restart(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if out, err := d.Cmd("start", "test2"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err, out) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonLoggingDriverDefault(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "busybox", "echo", "testline") if err != nil { c.Fatal(out, err) } id := strings.TrimSpace(out) if out, err := d.Cmd("wait", id); err != nil { c.Fatal(out, err) } logPath := filepath.Join(d.folder, "graph", "containers", id, id+"-json.log") if _, err := os.Stat(logPath); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } f, err := os.Open(logPath) if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } var res struct { Log string `json:"log"` Stream string `json:"stream"` Time time.Time `json:"time"` } if err := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&res); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if res.Log != "testline\n" { c.Fatalf("Unexpected log line: %q, expected: %q", res.Log, "testline\n") } if res.Stream != "stdout" { c.Fatalf("Unexpected stream: %q, expected: %q", res.Stream, "stdout") } if !time.Now().After(res.Time) { c.Fatalf("Log time %v in future", res.Time) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonLoggingDriverDefaultOverride(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "--log-driver=none", "busybox", "echo", "testline") if err != nil { c.Fatal(out, err) } id := strings.TrimSpace(out) if out, err := d.Cmd("wait", id); err != nil { c.Fatal(out, err) } logPath := filepath.Join(d.folder, "graph", "containers", id, id+"-json.log") if _, err := os.Stat(logPath); err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) { c.Fatalf("%s shouldn't exits, error on Stat: %s", logPath, err) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonLoggingDriverNone(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox("--log-driver=none"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "busybox", "echo", "testline") if err != nil { c.Fatal(out, err) } id := strings.TrimSpace(out) if out, err := d.Cmd("wait", id); err != nil { c.Fatal(out, err) } logPath := filepath.Join(d.folder, "graph", "containers", id, id+"-json.log") if _, err := os.Stat(logPath); err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) { c.Fatalf("%s shouldn't exits, error on Stat: %s", logPath, err) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonLoggingDriverNoneOverride(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox("--log-driver=none"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "--log-driver=json-file", "busybox", "echo", "testline") if err != nil { c.Fatal(out, err) } id := strings.TrimSpace(out) if out, err := d.Cmd("wait", id); err != nil { c.Fatal(out, err) } logPath := filepath.Join(d.folder, "graph", "containers", id, id+"-json.log") if _, err := os.Stat(logPath); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } f, err := os.Open(logPath) if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } var res struct { Log string `json:"log"` Stream string `json:"stream"` Time time.Time `json:"time"` } if err := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&res); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if res.Log != "testline\n" { c.Fatalf("Unexpected log line: %q, expected: %q", res.Log, "testline\n") } if res.Stream != "stdout" { c.Fatalf("Unexpected stream: %q, expected: %q", res.Stream, "stdout") } if !time.Now().After(res.Time) { c.Fatalf("Log time %v in future", res.Time) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonLoggingDriverNoneLogsError(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox("--log-driver=none"); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-d", "busybox", "echo", "testline") if err != nil { c.Fatal(out, err) } id := strings.TrimSpace(out) out, err = d.Cmd("logs", id) if err == nil { c.Fatalf("Logs should fail with \"none\" driver") } if !strings.Contains(out, `\"logs\" command is supported only for \"json-file\" logging driver`) { c.Fatalf("There should be error about non-json-file driver, got %s", out) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonDots(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() // Now create 4 containers if _, err := d.Cmd("create", "busybox"); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error creating container: %q", err) } if _, err := d.Cmd("create", "busybox"); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error creating container: %q", err) } if _, err := d.Cmd("create", "busybox"); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error creating container: %q", err) } if _, err := d.Cmd("create", "busybox"); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error creating container: %q", err) } d.Stop() d.Start("--log-level=debug") d.Stop() content, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(d.logFile.Name()) if strings.Contains(string(content), "....") { c.Fatalf("Debug level should not have ....\n%s", string(content)) } d.Start("--log-level=error") d.Stop() content, _ = ioutil.ReadFile(d.logFile.Name()) if strings.Contains(string(content), "....") { c.Fatalf("Error level should not have ....\n%s", string(content)) } d.Start("--log-level=info") d.Stop() content, _ = ioutil.ReadFile(d.logFile.Name()) if !strings.Contains(string(content), "....") { c.Fatalf("Info level should have ....\n%s", string(content)) } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonUnixSockCleanedUp(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "socket-cleanup-test") if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(dir) sockPath := filepath.Join(dir, "docker.sock") if err := d.Start("--host", "unix://"+sockPath); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } defer d.Stop() if _, err := os.Stat(sockPath); err != nil { c.Fatal("socket does not exist") } if err := d.Stop(); err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } if _, err := os.Stat(sockPath); err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) { c.Fatal("unix socket is not cleaned up") } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonwithwrongkey(c *check.C) { type Config struct { Crv string `json:"crv"` D string `json:"d"` Kid string `json:"kid"` Kty string `json:"kty"` X string `json:"x"` Y string `json:"y"` } os.Remove("/etc/docker/key.json") d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Failed to start daemon: %v", err) } if err := d.Stop(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not stop daemon: %v", err) } config := &Config{} bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/docker/key.json") if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error reading key.json file: %s", err) } // byte[] to Data-Struct if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &config); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error Unmarshal: %s", err) } //replace config.Kid with the fake value config.Kid = "VSAJ:FUYR:X3H2:B2VZ:KZ6U:CJD5:K7BX:ZXHY:UZXT:P4FT:MJWG:HRJ4" // NEW Data-Struct to byte[] newBytes, err := json.Marshal(&config) if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error Marshal: %s", err) } // write back if err := ioutil.WriteFile("/etc/docker/key.json", newBytes, 0400); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error ioutil.WriteFile: %s", err) } d1 := NewDaemon(c) defer os.Remove("/etc/docker/key.json") if err := d1.Start(); err == nil { d1.Stop() c.Fatalf("It should not be successful to start daemon with wrong key: %v", err) } content, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(d1.logFile.Name()) if !strings.Contains(string(content), "Public Key ID does not match") { c.Fatal("Missing KeyID message from daemon logs") } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestDaemonRestartKillWait(c *check.C) { d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.StartWithBusybox(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon with busybox: %v", err) } defer d.Stop() out, err := d.Cmd("run", "-id", "busybox", "/bin/cat") if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not run /bin/cat: err=%v\n%s", err, out) } containerID := strings.TrimSpace(out) if out, err := d.Cmd("kill", containerID); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not kill %s: err=%v\n%s", containerID, err, out) } if err := d.Restart(); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not restart daemon: %v", err) } errchan := make(chan error) go func() { if out, err := d.Cmd("wait", containerID); err != nil { errchan <- fmt.Errorf("%v:\n%s", err, out) } close(errchan) }() select { case <-time.After(5 * time.Second): c.Fatal("Waiting on a stopped (killed) container timed out") case err := <-errchan: if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } } } // TestHttpsInfo connects via two-way authenticated HTTPS to the info endpoint func (s *DockerSuite) TestHttpsInfo(c *check.C) { const ( testDaemonHttpsAddr = "localhost:4271" ) d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start("--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/server-cert.pem", "--tlskey", "fixtures/https/server-key.pem", "-H", testDaemonHttpsAddr); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon with busybox: %v", err) } defer d.Stop() //force tcp protocol host := fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s", testDaemonHttpsAddr) daemonArgs := []string{"--host", host, "--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/client-cert.pem", "--tlskey", "fixtures/https/client-key.pem"} out, err := d.CmdWithArgs(daemonArgs, "info") if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error Occurred: %s and output: %s", err, out) } } // TestHttpsInfoRogueCert connects via two-way authenticated HTTPS to the info endpoint // by using a rogue client certificate and checks that it fails with the expected error. func (s *DockerSuite) TestHttpsInfoRogueCert(c *check.C) { const ( errBadCertificate = "remote error: bad certificate" testDaemonHttpsAddr = "localhost:4271" ) d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start("--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/server-cert.pem", "--tlskey", "fixtures/https/server-key.pem", "-H", testDaemonHttpsAddr); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon with busybox: %v", err) } defer d.Stop() //force tcp protocol host := fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s", testDaemonHttpsAddr) daemonArgs := []string{"--host", host, "--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/client-rogue-cert.pem", "--tlskey", "fixtures/https/client-rogue-key.pem"} out, err := d.CmdWithArgs(daemonArgs, "info") if err == nil || !strings.Contains(out, errBadCertificate) { c.Fatalf("Expected err: %s, got instead: %s and output: %s", errBadCertificate, err, out) } } // TestHttpsInfoRogueServerCert connects via two-way authenticated HTTPS to the info endpoint // which provides a rogue server certificate and checks that it fails with the expected error func (s *DockerSuite) TestHttpsInfoRogueServerCert(c *check.C) { const ( errCaUnknown = "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" testDaemonRogueHttpsAddr = "localhost:4272" ) d := NewDaemon(c) if err := d.Start("--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/server-rogue-cert.pem", "--tlskey", "fixtures/https/server-rogue-key.pem", "-H", testDaemonRogueHttpsAddr); err != nil { c.Fatalf("Could not start daemon with busybox: %v", err) } defer d.Stop() //force tcp protocol host := fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s", testDaemonRogueHttpsAddr) daemonArgs := []string{"--host", host, "--tlsverify", "--tlscacert", "fixtures/https/ca.pem", "--tlscert", "fixtures/https/client-rogue-cert.pem", "--tlskey", "fixtures/https/client-rogue-key.pem"} out, err := d.CmdWithArgs(daemonArgs, "info") if err == nil || !strings.Contains(out, errCaUnknown) { c.Fatalf("Expected err: %s, got instead: %s and output: %s", errCaUnknown, err, out) } }