#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eo pipefail # hello-world latest ef872312fe1b 3 months ago 910 B # hello-world latest ef872312fe1bbc5e05aae626791a47ee9b032efa8f3bda39cc0be7b56bfe59b9 3 months ago 910 B # debian latest f6fab3b798be 10 weeks ago 85.1 MB # debian latest f6fab3b798be3174f45aa1eb731f8182705555f89c9026d8c1ef230cbf8301dd 10 weeks ago 85.1 MB # check if essential commands are in our PATH for cmd in curl jq go; do if ! command -v $cmd &> /dev/null; then echo >&2 "error: \"$cmd\" not found!" exit 1 fi done usage() { echo "usage: $0 dir image[:tag][@digest] ..." echo " $0 /tmp/old-hello-world hello-world:latest@sha256:8be990ef2aeb16dbcb9271ddfe2610fa6658d13f6dfb8bc72074cc1ca36966a7" [ -z "$1" ] || exit "$1" } dir="$1" # dir for building tar in shift || usage 1 >&2 if ! [ $# -gt 0 ] && [ "$dir" ]; then usage 2 >&2 fi mkdir -p "$dir" # hacky workarounds for Bash 3 support (no associative arrays) images=() rm -f "$dir"/tags-*.tmp manifestJsonEntries=() doNotGenerateManifestJson= # repositories[busybox]='"latest": "...", "ubuntu-14.04": "..."' # bash v4 on Windows CI requires CRLF separator newlineIFS=$'\n' if [ "$(go env GOHOSTOS)" = 'windows' ]; then major=$(echo "${BASH_VERSION%%[^0.9]}" | cut -d. -f1) if [ "$major" -ge 4 ]; then newlineIFS=$'\r\n' fi fi registryBase='https://registry-1.docker.io' authBase='https://auth.docker.io' authService='registry.docker.io' # https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/33700 fetch_blob() { local token="$1" shift local image="$1" shift local digest="$1" shift local targetFile="$1" shift local curlArgs=("$@") local curlHeaders curlHeaders="$( curl -S "${curlArgs[@]}" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \ "$registryBase/v2/$image/blobs/$digest" \ -o "$targetFile" \ -D- )" curlHeaders="$(echo "$curlHeaders" | tr -d '\r')" if grep -qE "^HTTP/[0-9].[0-9] 3" <<< "$curlHeaders"; then rm -f "$targetFile" local blobRedirect blobRedirect="$(echo "$curlHeaders" | awk -F ': ' 'tolower($1) == "location" { print $2; exit }')" if [ -z "$blobRedirect" ]; then echo >&2 "error: failed fetching '$image' blob '$digest'" echo "$curlHeaders" | head -1 >&2 return 1 fi curl -fSL "${curlArgs[@]}" \ "$blobRedirect" \ -o "$targetFile" fi } # handle 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' manifest handle_single_manifest_v2() { local manifestJson="$1" shift local configDigest configDigest="$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq --raw-output '.config.digest')" local imageId="${configDigest#*:}" # strip off "sha256:" local configFile="$imageId.json" fetch_blob "$token" "$image" "$configDigest" "$dir/$configFile" -s local layersFs layersFs="$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq --raw-output --compact-output '.layers[]')" local IFS="$newlineIFS" local layers mapfile -t layers <<< "$layersFs" unset IFS echo "Downloading '$imageIdentifier' (${#layers[@]} layers)..." local layerId= local layerFiles=() for i in "${!layers[@]}"; do local layerMeta="${layers[$i]}" local layerMediaType layerMediaType="$(echo "$layerMeta" | jq --raw-output '.mediaType')" local layerDigest layerDigest="$(echo "$layerMeta" | jq --raw-output '.digest')" # save the previous layer's ID local parentId="$layerId" # create a new fake layer ID based on this layer's digest and the previous layer's fake ID layerId="$(echo "$parentId"$'\n'"$layerDigest" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1)" # this accounts for the possibility that an image contains the same layer twice (and thus has a duplicate digest value) mkdir -p "$dir/$layerId" echo '1.0' > "$dir/$layerId/VERSION" if [ ! -s "$dir/$layerId/json" ]; then local parentJson parentJson="$(printf ', parent: "%s"' "$parentId")" local addJson addJson="$(printf '{ id: "%s"%s }' "$layerId" "${parentId:+$parentJson}")" # this starter JSON is taken directly from Docker's own "docker save" output for unimportant layers jq "$addJson + ." > "$dir/$layerId/json" <<- 'EOJSON' { "created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "container_config": { "Hostname": "", "Domainname": "", "User": "", "AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": false, "AttachStderr": false, "Tty": false, "OpenStdin": false, "StdinOnce": false, "Env": null, "Cmd": null, "Image": "", "Volumes": null, "WorkingDir": "", "Entrypoint": null, "OnBuild": null, "Labels": null } } EOJSON fi case "$layerMediaType" in application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip) local layerTar="$layerId/layer.tar" layerFiles=("${layerFiles[@]}" "$layerTar") # TODO figure out why "-C -" doesn't work here # "curl: (33) HTTP server doesn't seem to support byte ranges. Cannot resume." # "HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable" if [ -f "$dir/$layerTar" ]; then # TODO hackpatch for no -C support :'( echo "skipping existing ${layerId:0:12}" continue fi local token token="$(curl -fsSL "$authBase/token?service=$authService&scope=repository:$image:pull" | jq --raw-output '.token')" fetch_blob "$token" "$image" "$layerDigest" "$dir/$layerTar" --progress-bar ;; *) echo >&2 "error: unknown layer mediaType ($imageIdentifier, $layerDigest): '$layerMediaType'" exit 1 ;; esac done # change "$imageId" to be the ID of the last layer we added (needed for old-style "repositories" file which is created later -- specifically for older Docker daemons) imageId="$layerId" # munge the top layer image manifest to have the appropriate image configuration for older daemons local imageOldConfig imageOldConfig="$(jq --raw-output --compact-output '{ id: .id } + if .parent then { parent: .parent } else {} end' "$dir/$imageId/json")" jq --raw-output "$imageOldConfig + del(.history, .rootfs)" "$dir/$configFile" > "$dir/$imageId/json" local manifestJsonEntry manifestJsonEntry="$( echo '{}' | jq --raw-output '. + { Config: "'"$configFile"'", RepoTags: ["'"${image#library\/}:$tag"'"], Layers: '"$(echo '[]' | jq --raw-output ".$(for layerFile in "${layerFiles[@]}"; do echo " + [ \"$layerFile\" ]"; done)")"' }' )" manifestJsonEntries=("${manifestJsonEntries[@]}" "$manifestJsonEntry") } while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do imageTag="$1" shift image="${imageTag%%[:@]*}" imageTag="${imageTag#*:}" digest="${imageTag##*@}" tag="${imageTag%%@*}" # add prefix library if passed official image if [[ "$image" != *"/"* ]]; then image="library/$image" fi imageFile="${image//\//_}" # "/" can't be in filenames :) token="$(curl -fsSL "$authBase/token?service=$authService&scope=repository:$image:pull" | jq --raw-output '.token')" manifestJson="$( curl -fsSL \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json' \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json' \ "$registryBase/v2/$image/manifests/$digest" )" if [ "${manifestJson:0:1}" != '{' ]; then echo >&2 "error: /v2/$image/manifests/$digest returned something unexpected:" echo >&2 " $manifestJson" exit 1 fi imageIdentifier="$image:$tag@$digest" schemaVersion="$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq --raw-output '.schemaVersion')" case "$schemaVersion" in 2) mediaType="$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq --raw-output '.mediaType')" case "$mediaType" in application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json) handle_single_manifest_v2 "$manifestJson" ;; application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json) layersFs="$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq --raw-output --compact-output '.manifests[]')" IFS="$newlineIFS" mapfile -t layers <<< "$layersFs" unset IFS found="" # parse first level multi-arch manifest for i in "${!layers[@]}"; do layerMeta="${layers[$i]}" maniArch="$(echo "$layerMeta" | jq --raw-output '.platform.architecture')" if [ "$maniArch" = "$(go env GOARCH)" ]; then digest="$(echo "$layerMeta" | jq --raw-output '.digest')" # get second level single manifest submanifestJson="$( curl -fsSL \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json' \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json' \ "$registryBase/v2/$image/manifests/$digest" )" handle_single_manifest_v2 "$submanifestJson" found="found" break fi done if [ -z "$found" ]; then echo >&2 "error: manifest for $maniArch is not found" exit 1 fi ;; *) echo >&2 "error: unknown manifest mediaType ($imageIdentifier): '$mediaType'" exit 1 ;; esac ;; 1) if [ -z "$doNotGenerateManifestJson" ]; then echo >&2 "warning: '$imageIdentifier' uses schemaVersion '$schemaVersion'" echo >&2 " this script cannot (currently) recreate the 'image config' to put in a 'manifest.json' (thus any schemaVersion 2+ images will be imported in the old way, and their 'docker history' will suffer)" echo >&2 doNotGenerateManifestJson=1 fi layersFs="$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq --raw-output '.fsLayers | .[] | .blobSum')" IFS="$newlineIFS" mapfile -t layers <<< "$layersFs" unset IFS history="$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq '.history | [.[] | .v1Compatibility]')" imageId="$(echo "$history" | jq --raw-output '.[0]' | jq --raw-output '.id')" echo "Downloading '$imageIdentifier' (${#layers[@]} layers)..." for i in "${!layers[@]}"; do imageJson="$(echo "$history" | jq --raw-output ".[${i}]")" layerId="$(echo "$imageJson" | jq --raw-output '.id')" imageLayer="${layers[$i]}" mkdir -p "$dir/$layerId" echo '1.0' > "$dir/$layerId/VERSION" echo "$imageJson" > "$dir/$layerId/json" # TODO figure out why "-C -" doesn't work here # "curl: (33) HTTP server doesn't seem to support byte ranges. Cannot resume." # "HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable" if [ -f "$dir/$layerId/layer.tar" ]; then # TODO hackpatch for no -C support :'( echo "skipping existing ${layerId:0:12}" continue fi token="$(curl -fsSL "$authBase/token?service=$authService&scope=repository:$image:pull" | jq --raw-output '.token')" fetch_blob "$token" "$image" "$imageLayer" "$dir/$layerId/layer.tar" --progress-bar done ;; *) echo >&2 "error: unknown manifest schemaVersion ($imageIdentifier): '$schemaVersion'" exit 1 ;; esac echo if [ -s "$dir/tags-$imageFile.tmp" ]; then echo -n ', ' >> "$dir/tags-$imageFile.tmp" else images=("${images[@]}" "$image") fi echo -n '"'"$tag"'": "'"$imageId"'"' >> "$dir/tags-$imageFile.tmp" done echo -n '{' > "$dir/repositories" firstImage=1 for image in "${images[@]}"; do imageFile="${image//\//_}" # "/" can't be in filenames :) image="${image#library\/}" [ "$firstImage" ] || echo -n ',' >> "$dir/repositories" firstImage= echo -n $'\n\t' >> "$dir/repositories" echo -n '"'"$image"'": { '"$(cat "$dir/tags-$imageFile.tmp")"' }' >> "$dir/repositories" done echo -n $'\n}\n' >> "$dir/repositories" rm -f "$dir"/tags-*.tmp if [ -z "$doNotGenerateManifestJson" ] && [ "${#manifestJsonEntries[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then echo '[]' | jq --raw-output ".$(for entry in "${manifestJsonEntries[@]}"; do echo " + [ $entry ]"; done)" > "$dir/manifest.json" else rm -f "$dir/manifest.json" fi echo "Download of images into '$dir' complete." echo "Use something like the following to load the result into a Docker daemon:" echo " tar -cC '$dir' . | docker load"