package service import ( "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" runconfigopts "" "" "" "" "" ) func newUpdateCommand(dockerCli *client.DockerCli) *cobra.Command { opts := newServiceOptions() cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "update [OPTIONS] SERVICE", Short: "Update a service", Args: cli.ExactArgs(1), RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return runUpdate(dockerCli, cmd.Flags(), args[0]) }, } flags := cmd.Flags() flags.String("image", "", "Service image tag") flags.StringSlice("command", []string{}, "Service command") flags.StringSlice("arg", []string{}, "Service command args") addServiceFlags(cmd, opts) return cmd } func runUpdate(dockerCli *client.DockerCli, flags *pflag.FlagSet, serviceID string) error { client := dockerCli.Client() ctx := context.Background() service, _, err := client.ServiceInspectWithRaw(ctx, serviceID) if err != nil { return err } err = updateService(flags, &service.Spec) if err != nil { return err } err = client.ServiceUpdate(ctx, service.ID, service.Version, service.Spec) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(dockerCli.Out(), "%s\n", serviceID) return nil } func updateService(flags *pflag.FlagSet, spec *swarm.ServiceSpec) error { updateString := func(flag string, field *string) { if flags.Changed(flag) { *field, _ = flags.GetString(flag) } } updateListOpts := func(flag string, field *[]string) { if flags.Changed(flag) { value := flags.Lookup(flag).Value.(*opts.ListOpts) *field = value.GetAll() } } updateSlice := func(flag string, field *[]string) { if flags.Changed(flag) { *field, _ = flags.GetStringSlice(flag) } } updateInt64Value := func(flag string, field *int64) { if flags.Changed(flag) { *field = flags.Lookup(flag).Value.(int64Value).Value() } } updateDuration := func(flag string, field *time.Duration) { if flags.Changed(flag) { *field, _ = flags.GetDuration(flag) } } updateDurationOpt := func(flag string, field *time.Duration) { if flags.Changed(flag) { *field = *flags.Lookup(flag).Value.(*DurationOpt).Value() } } updateUint64 := func(flag string, field *uint64) { if flags.Changed(flag) { *field, _ = flags.GetUint64(flag) } } updateUint64Opt := func(flag string, field *uint64) { if flags.Changed(flag) { *field = *flags.Lookup(flag).Value.(*Uint64Opt).Value() } } cspec := &spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec task := &spec.TaskTemplate taskResources := func() *swarm.ResourceRequirements { if task.Resources == nil { task.Resources = &swarm.ResourceRequirements{} } return task.Resources } updateString(flagName, &spec.Name) updateLabels(flags, &spec.Labels) updateString("image", &cspec.Image) updateSlice("command", &cspec.Command) updateSlice("arg", &cspec.Args) updateListOpts("env", &cspec.Env) updateString("workdir", &cspec.Dir) updateString(flagUser, &cspec.User) updateMounts(flags, &cspec.Mounts) if flags.Changed(flagLimitCPU) || flags.Changed(flagLimitMemory) { taskResources().Limits = &swarm.Resources{} updateInt64Value(flagLimitCPU, &task.Resources.Limits.NanoCPUs) updateInt64Value(flagLimitMemory, &task.Resources.Limits.MemoryBytes) } if flags.Changed(flagReserveCPU) || flags.Changed(flagReserveMemory) { taskResources().Reservations = &swarm.Resources{} updateInt64Value(flagReserveCPU, &task.Resources.Reservations.NanoCPUs) updateInt64Value(flagReserveMemory, &task.Resources.Reservations.MemoryBytes) } updateDurationOpt(flagStopGracePeriod, cspec.StopGracePeriod) if anyChanged(flags, flagRestartCondition, flagRestartDelay, flagRestartMaxAttempts, flagRestartWindow) { if task.RestartPolicy == nil { task.RestartPolicy = &swarm.RestartPolicy{} } if flags.Changed(flagRestartCondition) { value, _ := flags.GetString(flagRestartCondition) task.RestartPolicy.Condition = swarm.RestartPolicyCondition(value) } updateDurationOpt(flagRestartDelay, task.RestartPolicy.Delay) updateUint64Opt(flagRestartMaxAttempts, task.RestartPolicy.MaxAttempts) updateDurationOpt((flagRestartWindow), task.RestartPolicy.Window) } if flags.Changed(flagConstraint) { task.Placement = &swarm.Placement{} updateSlice(flagConstraint, &task.Placement.Constraints) } if err := updateReplicas(flags, &spec.Mode); err != nil { return err } if anyChanged(flags, flagUpdateParallelism, flagUpdateDelay) { if spec.UpdateConfig == nil { spec.UpdateConfig = &swarm.UpdateConfig{} } updateUint64(flagUpdateParallelism, &spec.UpdateConfig.Parallelism) updateDuration(flagUpdateDelay, &spec.UpdateConfig.Delay) } updateNetworks(flags, &spec.Networks) if flags.Changed(flagEndpointMode) { value, _ := flags.GetString(flagEndpointMode) spec.EndpointSpec.Mode = swarm.ResolutionMode(value) } if flags.Changed(flagPublish) { if spec.EndpointSpec == nil { spec.EndpointSpec = &swarm.EndpointSpec{} } updatePorts(flags, &spec.EndpointSpec.Ports) } return nil } func updateLabels(flags *pflag.FlagSet, field *map[string]string) { if !flags.Changed(flagLabel) { return } values := flags.Lookup(flagLabel).Value.(*opts.ListOpts).GetAll() localLabels := map[string]string{} for key, value := range runconfigopts.ConvertKVStringsToMap(values) { localLabels[key] = value } *field = localLabels } func anyChanged(flags *pflag.FlagSet, fields ...string) bool { for _, flag := range fields { if flags.Changed(flag) { return true } } return false } // TODO: should this override by destination path, or does swarm handle that? func updateMounts(flags *pflag.FlagSet, mounts *[]swarm.Mount) { if !flags.Changed(flagMount) { return } *mounts = flags.Lookup(flagMount).Value.(*MountOpt).Value() } // TODO: should this override by name, or does swarm handle that? func updatePorts(flags *pflag.FlagSet, portConfig *[]swarm.PortConfig) { if !flags.Changed(flagPublish) { return } values := flags.Lookup(flagPublish).Value.(*opts.ListOpts).GetAll() ports, portBindings, _ := nat.ParsePortSpecs(values) var localPortConfig []swarm.PortConfig for port := range ports { localPortConfig = append(localPortConfig, convertPortToPortConfig(port, portBindings)...) } *portConfig = localPortConfig } func updateNetworks(flags *pflag.FlagSet, attachments *[]swarm.NetworkAttachmentConfig) { if !flags.Changed(flagNetwork) { return } networks, _ := flags.GetStringSlice(flagNetwork) var localAttachments []swarm.NetworkAttachmentConfig for _, network := range networks { localAttachments = append(localAttachments, swarm.NetworkAttachmentConfig{Target: network}) } *attachments = localAttachments } func updateReplicas(flags *pflag.FlagSet, serviceMode *swarm.ServiceMode) error { if !flags.Changed(flagReplicas) { return nil } if serviceMode.Replicated == nil { return fmt.Errorf("replicas can only be used with replicated mode") } serviceMode.Replicated.Replicas = flags.Lookup(flagReplicas).Value.(*Uint64Opt).Value() return nil }