.PHONY: all all-local build build-local clean cross cross-local check check-code check-format run-tests integration-tests check-local coveralls circle-ci-cross circle-ci-build circle-ci-check circle-ci SHELL=/bin/bash build_image=libnetworkbuild dockerargs = --privileged -v $(shell pwd):/go/src/github.com/docker/libnetwork -w /go/src/github.com/docker/libnetwork container_env = -e "INSIDECONTAINER=-incontainer=true" docker = docker run --rm -it ${dockerargs} $$EXTRA_ARGS ${container_env} ${build_image} ciargs = -e "COVERALLS_TOKEN=$$COVERALLS_TOKEN" -e "INSIDECONTAINER=-incontainer=true" cidocker = docker run ${dockerargs} ${ciargs} ${container_env} ${build_image} CROSS_PLATFORMS = linux/amd64 linux/386 linux/arm windows/amd64 windows/386 ${build_image}.created: docker build -f Dockerfile.build -t ${build_image} . touch ${build_image}.created all: ${build_image}.created build check integration-tests clean all-local: build-local check-local integration-tests-local clean build: ${build_image}.created @echo "Building code... " @${docker} ./wrapmake.sh build-local @echo "Done building code" build-local: @mkdir -p "bin" $(shell which godep) go build -o "bin/dnet" ./cmd/dnet clean: @if [ -d bin ]; then \ echo "Removing dnet binaries"; \ rm -rf bin; \ fi cross: ${build_image}.created @mkdir -p "bin" @for platform in ${CROSS_PLATFORMS}; do \ EXTRA_ARGS="-e GOOS=$${platform%/*} -e GOARCH=$${platform##*/}" ; \ echo "$${platform}..." ; \ ${docker} make cross-local ; \ done cross-local: $(shell which godep) go build -o "bin/dnet-$$GOOS-$$GOARCH" ./cmd/dnet check: ${build_image}.created @${docker} ./wrapmake.sh check-local check-code: @echo "Checking code... " test -z "$$(golint ./... | tee /dev/stderr)" go vet ./... @echo "Done checking code" check-format: @echo "Checking format... " test -z "$$(goimports -l . | grep -v Godeps/_workspace/src/ | tee /dev/stderr)" @echo "Done checking format" run-tests: @echo "Running tests... " @echo "mode: count" > coverage.coverprofile @for dir in $$(find . -maxdepth 10 -not -path './.git*' -not -path '*/_*' -type d); do \ if ls $$dir/*.go &> /dev/null; then \ pushd . &> /dev/null ; \ cd $$dir ; \ $(shell which godep) go test ${INSIDECONTAINER} -test.parallel 3 -test.v -covermode=count -coverprofile=./profile.tmp ; \ ret=$$? ;\ if [ $$ret -ne 0 ]; then exit $$ret; fi ;\ popd &> /dev/null; \ if [ -f $$dir/profile.tmp ]; then \ cat $$dir/profile.tmp | tail -n +2 >> coverage.coverprofile ; \ rm $$dir/profile.tmp ; \ fi ; \ fi ; \ done @echo "Done running tests" check-local: check-format check-code run-tests integration-tests: ./bin/dnet @./test/integration/dnet/run-integration-tests.sh ./bin/dnet: make build coveralls: -@goveralls -service circleci -coverprofile=coverage.coverprofile -repotoken $$COVERALLS_TOKEN # CircleCI's Docker fails when cleaning up using the --rm flag # The following targets are a workaround for this circle-ci-cross: ${build_image}.created @mkdir -p "bin" @for platform in ${CROSS_PLATFORMS}; do \ EXTRA_ARGS="-e GOOS=$${platform%/*} -e GOARCH=$${platform##*/}" ; \ echo "$${platform}..." ; \ ${cidocker} make cross-local ; \ done circle-ci-check: ${build_image}.created @${cidocker} make check-local coveralls circle-ci-build: ${build_image}.created @${cidocker} make build-local circle-ci: circle-ci-check circle-ci-build integration-tests