# # See the top level Makefile in https://github.com/docker/docker for usage. # FROM debian:jessie MAINTAINER Sven Dowideit <SvenDowideit@docker.com> (@SvenDowideit) RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y \ gettext \ git \ libssl-dev \ make \ python-dev \ python-pip \ python-setuptools \ vim-tiny RUN pip install mkdocs # add MarkdownTools to get transclusion # (future development) #RUN easy_install -U setuptools #RUN pip install MarkdownTools2 # this version works, the current versions fail in different ways RUN pip install awscli==1.4.4 pyopenssl==0.12 # get my sitemap.xml branch of mkdocs and use that for now # commit hash of the newest commit of SvenDowideit/mkdocs on # docker-markdown-merge branch, it is used to break docker cache # see: https://github.com/SvenDowideit/mkdocs/tree/docker-markdown-merge RUN git clone -b docker-markdown-merge https://github.com/SvenDowideit/mkdocs \ && cd mkdocs/ \ && git checkout ad32549c452963b8854951d6783f4736c0f7c5d5 \ && ./setup.py install COPY . /docs COPY MAINTAINERS /docs/sources/humans.txt WORKDIR /docs RUN VERSION=$(cat VERSION) \ && MAJOR_MINOR="${VERSION%.*}" \ && for i in $(seq $MAJOR_MINOR -0.1 1.0); do \ echo "<li><a class='version' href='/v$i'>Version v$i</a></li>"; \ done > sources/versions.html_fragment \ && GIT_BRANCH=$(cat GIT_BRANCH) \ && GITCOMMIT=$(cat GITCOMMIT) \ && AWS_S3_BUCKET=$(cat AWS_S3_BUCKET) \ && BUILD_DATE=$(date) \ && sed -i "s/\$VERSION/$VERSION/g" theme/mkdocs/base.html \ && sed -i "s/\$MAJOR_MINOR/v$MAJOR_MINOR/g" theme/mkdocs/base.html \ && sed -i "s/\$GITCOMMIT/$GITCOMMIT/g" theme/mkdocs/base.html \ && sed -i "s/\$GIT_BRANCH/$GIT_BRANCH/g" theme/mkdocs/base.html \ && sed -i "s/\$BUILD_DATE/$BUILD_DATE/g" theme/mkdocs/base.html \ && sed -i "s/\$AWS_S3_BUCKET/$AWS_S3_BUCKET/g" theme/mkdocs/base.html EXPOSE 8000 RUN cd sources && rgrep --files-with-matches '{{ include ".*" }}' | xargs sed -i~ 's/{{ include "\(.*\)" }}/cat include\/\1/ge' CMD ["mkdocs", "serve"] # Initial Dockerfile driven documenation aggregation # Sven plans to move each Dockerfile into the respective repository # Docker Swarm #ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/swarm/master/userguide.md /docs/sources/swarm/README.md #ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/swarm/master/discovery/README.md /docs/sources/swarm/discovery.md #ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/swarm/master/api/README.md /docs/sources/swarm/API.md #ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/swarm/master/scheduler/filter/README.md /docs/sources/swarm/scheduler/filter.md #ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/swarm/master/scheduler/strategy/README.md /docs/sources/swarm/scheduler/strategy.md # Docker Machine # ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/machine/master/docs/dockermachine.md /docs/sources/machine/userguide.md # Docker Compose # ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/fig/master/docs/index.md /docs/sources/compose/userguide.md # ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/fig/master/docs/install.md /docs/sources/compose/install.md # ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/fig/master/docs/cli.md /docs/sources/compose/cli.md # ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/fig/master/docs/yml.md /docs/sources/compose/yml.md # add the project docs from the `mkdocs-<project>.yml` files # RUN cd /docs && ./build.sh # remove `^---*` lines from md's # RUN cd /docs/sources && find . -name "*.md" | xargs sed -i~ -n '/^---*/!p'