package docker import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" "io" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "text/tabwriter" "time" "unicode" ) const VERSION = "0.2.1" var ( GIT_COMMIT string ) func (srv *Server) Name() string { return "docker" } // FIXME: Stop violating DRY by repeating usage here and in Subcmd declarations func (srv *Server) Help() string { help := "Usage: docker COMMAND [arg...]\n\nA self-sufficient runtime for linux containers.\n\nCommands:\n" for _, cmd := range [][]string{ {"attach", "Attach to a running container"}, {"commit", "Create a new image from a container's changes"}, {"diff", "Inspect changes on a container's filesystem"}, {"export", "Stream the contents of a container as a tar archive"}, {"history", "Show the history of an image"}, {"images", "List images"}, {"import", "Create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball"}, {"info", "Display system-wide information"}, {"inspect", "Return low-level information on a container"}, {"kill", "Kill a running container"}, {"login", "Register or Login to the docker registry server"}, {"logs", "Fetch the logs of a container"}, {"port", "Lookup the public-facing port which is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT"}, {"ps", "List containers"}, {"pull", "Pull an image or a repository from the docker registry server"}, {"push", "Push an image or a repository to the docker registry server"}, {"restart", "Restart a running container"}, {"rm", "Remove a container"}, {"rmi", "Remove an image"}, {"run", "Run a command in a new container"}, {"start", "Start a stopped container"}, {"stop", "Stop a running container"}, {"tag", "Tag an image into a repository"}, {"version", "Show the docker version information"}, {"wait", "Block until a container stops, then print its exit code"}, } { help += fmt.Sprintf(" %-10.10s%s\n", cmd[0], cmd[1]) } return help } // 'docker login': login / register a user to registry service. func (srv *Server) CmdLogin(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout rcli.DockerConn, args ...string) error { // Read a line on raw terminal with support for simple backspace // sequences and echo. // // This function is necessary because the login command must be done in a // raw terminal for two reasons: // - we have to read a password (without echoing it); // - the rcli "protocol" only supports cannonical and raw modes and you // can't tune it once the command as been started. var readStringOnRawTerminal = func(stdin io.Reader, stdout io.Writer, echo bool) string { char := make([]byte, 1) buffer := make([]byte, 64) var i = 0 for i < len(buffer) { n, err := stdin.Read(char) if n > 0 { if char[0] == '\r' || char[0] == '\n' { stdout.Write([]byte{'\r', '\n'}) break } else if char[0] == 127 || char[0] == '\b' { if i > 0 { if echo { stdout.Write([]byte{'\b', ' ', '\b'}) } i-- } } else if !unicode.IsSpace(rune(char[0])) && !unicode.IsControl(rune(char[0])) { if echo { stdout.Write(char) } buffer[i] = char[0] i++ } } if err != nil { if err != io.EOF { fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "Read error: %v\r\n", err) } break } } return string(buffer[:i]) } var readAndEchoString = func(stdin io.Reader, stdout io.Writer) string { return readStringOnRawTerminal(stdin, stdout, true) } var readString = func(stdin io.Reader, stdout io.Writer) string { return readStringOnRawTerminal(stdin, stdout, false) } stdout.SetOptionRawTerminal() cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "login", "", "Register or Login to the docker registry server") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } var username string var password string var email string fmt.Fprint(stdout, "Username (", srv.runtime.authConfig.Username, "): ") username = readAndEchoString(stdin, stdout) if username == "" { username = srv.runtime.authConfig.Username } if username != srv.runtime.authConfig.Username { fmt.Fprint(stdout, "Password: ") password = readString(stdin, stdout) if password == "" { return fmt.Errorf("Error : Password Required") } fmt.Fprint(stdout, "Email (", srv.runtime.authConfig.Email, "): ") email = readAndEchoString(stdin, stdout) if email == "" { email = srv.runtime.authConfig.Email } } else { password = srv.runtime.authConfig.Password email = srv.runtime.authConfig.Email } newAuthConfig := auth.NewAuthConfig(username, password, email, srv.runtime.root) status, err := auth.Login(newAuthConfig) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "Error: %s\r\n", err) } else { srv.runtime.authConfig = newAuthConfig } if status != "" { fmt.Fprint(stdout, status) } return nil } // 'docker wait': block until a container stops func (srv *Server) CmdWait(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "wait", "CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Block until a container stops, then print its exit code.") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } for _, name := range cmd.Args() { if container := srv.runtime.Get(name); container != nil { fmt.Fprintln(stdout, container.Wait()) } else { return fmt.Errorf("No such container: %s", name) } } return nil } // 'docker version': show version information func (srv *Server) CmdVersion(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "Version: %s\n", VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "Git Commit: %s\n", GIT_COMMIT) fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "Kernel: %s\n", srv.runtime.kernelVersion) if !srv.runtime.capabilities.MemoryLimit { fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: No memory limit support\n") } if !srv.runtime.capabilities.SwapLimit { fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: No swap limit support\n") } return nil } // 'docker info': display system-wide information. func (srv *Server) CmdInfo(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { images, _ := srv.runtime.graph.All() var imgcount int if images == nil { imgcount = 0 } else { imgcount = len(images) } cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "info", "", "Display system-wide information.") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() > 0 { cmd.Usage() return nil } fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "containers: %d\nversion: %s\nimages: %d\n", len(srv.runtime.List()), VERSION, imgcount) if !rcli.DEBUG_FLAG { return nil } fmt.Fprintln(stdout, "debug mode enabled") fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "fds: %d\ngoroutines: %d\n", getTotalUsedFds(), runtime.NumGoroutine()) return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdStop(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "stop", "[OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Stop a running container") nSeconds := cmd.Int("t", 10, "wait t seconds before killing the container") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } for _, name := range cmd.Args() { if container := srv.runtime.Get(name); container != nil { if err := container.Stop(*nSeconds); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintln(stdout, container.ShortId()) } else { return fmt.Errorf("No such container: %s", name) } } return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdRestart(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "restart", "CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Restart a running container") nSeconds := cmd.Int("t", 10, "wait t seconds before killing the container") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } for _, name := range cmd.Args() { if container := srv.runtime.Get(name); container != nil { if err := container.Restart(*nSeconds); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintln(stdout, container.ShortId()) } else { return fmt.Errorf("No such container: %s", name) } } return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdStart(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "start", "CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Start a stopped container") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } for _, name := range cmd.Args() { if container := srv.runtime.Get(name); container != nil { if err := container.Start(); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintln(stdout, container.ShortId()) } else { return fmt.Errorf("No such container: %s", name) } } return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdInspect(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "inspect", "CONTAINER", "Return low-level information on a container") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } name := cmd.Arg(0) var obj interface{} if container := srv.runtime.Get(name); container != nil { obj = container } else if image, err := srv.runtime.repositories.LookupImage(name); err == nil && image != nil { obj = image } else { // No output means the object does not exist // (easier to script since stdout and stderr are not differentiated atm) return nil } data, err := json.Marshal(obj) if err != nil { return err } indented := new(bytes.Buffer) if err = json.Indent(indented, data, "", " "); err != nil { return err } if _, err := io.Copy(stdout, indented); err != nil { return err } stdout.Write([]byte{'\n'}) return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdPort(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "port", "CONTAINER PRIVATE_PORT", "Lookup the public-facing port which is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 2 { cmd.Usage() return nil } name := cmd.Arg(0) privatePort := cmd.Arg(1) if container := srv.runtime.Get(name); container == nil { return fmt.Errorf("No such container: %s", name) } else { if frontend, exists := container.NetworkSettings.PortMapping[privatePort]; !exists { return fmt.Errorf("No private port '%s' allocated on %s", privatePort, name) } else { fmt.Fprintln(stdout, frontend) } } return nil } // 'docker rmi IMAGE' removes all images with the name IMAGE func (srv *Server) CmdRmi(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) (err error) { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "rmimage", "IMAGE [IMAGE...]", "Remove an image") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } for _, name := range cmd.Args() { img, err := srv.runtime.repositories.LookupImage(name) if err != nil { return err } if err := srv.runtime.graph.Delete(img.Id); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdHistory(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "history", "IMAGE", "Show the history of an image") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } image, err := srv.runtime.repositories.LookupImage(cmd.Arg(0)) if err != nil { return err } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0) defer w.Flush() fmt.Fprintln(w, "ID\tCREATED\tCREATED BY") return image.WalkHistory(func(img *Image) error { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", srv.runtime.repositories.ImageName(img.ShortId()), HumanDuration(time.Now().Sub(img.Created))+" ago", strings.Join(img.ContainerConfig.Cmd, " "), ) return nil }) } func (srv *Server) CmdRm(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "rm", "CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Remove a container") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } for _, name := range cmd.Args() { container := srv.runtime.Get(name) if container == nil { return fmt.Errorf("No such container: %s", name) } if err := srv.runtime.Destroy(container); err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(stdout, "Error destroying container "+name+": "+err.Error()) } } return nil } // 'docker kill NAME' kills a running container func (srv *Server) CmdKill(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "kill", "CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]", "Kill a running container") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } for _, name := range cmd.Args() { container := srv.runtime.Get(name) if container == nil { return fmt.Errorf("No such container: %s", name) } if err := container.Kill(); err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(stdout, "Error killing container "+name+": "+err.Error()) } } return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdImport(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout rcli.DockerConn, args ...string) error { stdout.Flush() cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "import", "URL|- [REPOSITORY [TAG]]", "Create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball") var archive io.Reader var resp *http.Response if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } src := cmd.Arg(0) if src == "-" { archive = stdin } else { u, err := url.Parse(src) if err != nil { return err } if u.Scheme == "" { u.Scheme = "http" u.Host = src u.Path = "" } fmt.Fprintln(stdout, "Downloading from", u) // Download with curl (pretty progress bar) // If curl is not available, fallback to http.Get() resp, err = Download(u.String(), stdout) if err != nil { return err } archive = ProgressReader(resp.Body, int(resp.ContentLength), stdout, "Importing %v/%v (%v)") } img, err := srv.runtime.graph.Create(archive, nil, "Imported from "+src, "", nil) if err != nil { return err } // Optionally register the image at REPO/TAG if repository := cmd.Arg(1); repository != "" { tag := cmd.Arg(2) // Repository will handle an empty tag properly if err := srv.runtime.repositories.Set(repository, tag, img.Id, true); err != nil { return err } } fmt.Fprintln(stdout, img.ShortId()) return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdPush(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout rcli.DockerConn, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "push", "NAME", "Push an image or a repository to the registry") registry := cmd.String("registry", "", "Registry host to push the image to") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } local := cmd.Arg(0) if local == "" { cmd.Usage() return nil } // If the login failed AND we're using the index, abort if *registry == "" && (srv.runtime.authConfig == nil || srv.runtime.authConfig.Username == "") { if err := srv.CmdLogin(stdin, stdout, args...); err != nil { return err } if srv.runtime.authConfig == nil || srv.runtime.authConfig.Username == "" { return fmt.Errorf("Please login prior to push. ('docker login')") } } var remote string tmp := strings.SplitN(local, "/", 2) if len(tmp) == 1 { return fmt.Errorf( "Impossible to push a \"root\" repository. Please rename your repository in / (ex: %s/%s)", srv.runtime.authConfig.Username, local) } else { remote = local } Debugf("Pushing [%s] to [%s]\n", local, remote) // Try to get the image // FIXME: Handle lookup // FIXME: Also push the tags in case of ./docker push myrepo:mytag // img, err := srv.runtime.LookupImage(cmd.Arg(0)) img, err := srv.runtime.graph.Get(local) if err != nil { Debugf("The push refers to a repository [%s] (len: %d)\n", local, len(srv.runtime.repositories.Repositories[local])) // If it fails, try to get the repository if localRepo, exists := srv.runtime.repositories.Repositories[local]; exists { if err := srv.runtime.graph.PushRepository(stdout, remote, localRepo, srv.runtime.authConfig); err != nil { return err } return nil } return err } err = srv.runtime.graph.PushImage(stdout, img, *registry, nil) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdPull(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "pull", "NAME", "Pull an image or a repository from the registry") tag := cmd.String("t", "", "Download tagged image in repository") registry := cmd.String("registry", "", "Registry to download from. Necessary if image is pulled by ID") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } remote := cmd.Arg(0) if remote == "" { cmd.Usage() return nil } // FIXME: CmdPull should be a wrapper around Runtime.Pull() if *registry != "" { if err := srv.runtime.graph.PullImage(stdout, remote, *registry, nil); err != nil { return err } return nil } // FIXME: Allow pull repo:tag if err := srv.runtime.graph.PullRepository(stdout, remote, *tag, srv.runtime.repositories, srv.runtime.authConfig); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdImages(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "images", "[OPTIONS] [NAME]", "List images") //limit := cmd.Int("l", 0, "Only show the N most recent versions of each image") quiet := cmd.Bool("q", false, "only show numeric IDs") flAll := cmd.Bool("a", false, "show all images") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() > 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } var nameFilter string if cmd.NArg() == 1 { nameFilter = cmd.Arg(0) } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(stdout, 20, 1, 3, ' ', 0) if !*quiet { fmt.Fprintln(w, "REPOSITORY\tTAG\tID\tCREATED") } var allImages map[string]*Image var err error if *flAll { allImages, err = srv.runtime.graph.Map() } else { allImages, err = srv.runtime.graph.Heads() } if err != nil { return err } for name, repository := range srv.runtime.repositories.Repositories { if nameFilter != "" && name != nameFilter { continue } for tag, id := range repository { image, err := srv.runtime.graph.Get(id) if err != nil { log.Printf("Warning: couldn't load %s from %s/%s: %s", id, name, tag, err) continue } delete(allImages, id) if !*quiet { for idx, field := range []string{ /* REPOSITORY */ name, /* TAG */ tag, /* ID */ TruncateId(id), /* CREATED */ HumanDuration(time.Now().Sub(image.Created)) + " ago", } { if idx == 0 { w.Write([]byte(field)) } else { w.Write([]byte("\t" + field)) } } w.Write([]byte{'\n'}) } else { stdout.Write([]byte(image.ShortId() + "\n")) } } } // Display images which aren't part of a if nameFilter == "" { for id, image := range allImages { if !*quiet { for idx, field := range []string{ /* REPOSITORY */ "", /* TAG */ "", /* ID */ TruncateId(id), /* CREATED */ HumanDuration(time.Now().Sub(image.Created)) + " ago", } { if idx == 0 { w.Write([]byte(field)) } else { w.Write([]byte("\t" + field)) } } w.Write([]byte{'\n'}) } else { stdout.Write([]byte(image.ShortId() + "\n")) } } } if !*quiet { w.Flush() } return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdPs(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "ps", "[OPTIONS]", "List containers") quiet := cmd.Bool("q", false, "Only display numeric IDs") flAll := cmd.Bool("a", false, "Show all containers. Only running containers are shown by default.") flFull := cmd.Bool("notrunc", false, "Don't truncate output") latest := cmd.Bool("l", false, "Show only the latest created container, include non-running ones.") nLast := cmd.Int("n", -1, "Show n last created containers, include non-running ones.") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if *nLast == -1 && *latest { *nLast = 1 } w := tabwriter.NewWriter(stdout, 12, 1, 3, ' ', 0) if !*quiet { fmt.Fprintln(w, "ID\tIMAGE\tCOMMAND\tCREATED\tSTATUS\tCOMMENT\tPORTS") } for i, container := range srv.runtime.List() { if !container.State.Running && !*flAll && *nLast == -1 { continue } if i == *nLast { break } if !*quiet { command := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", container.Path, strings.Join(container.Args, " ")) if !*flFull { command = Trunc(command, 20) } for idx, field := range []string{ /* ID */ container.ShortId(), /* IMAGE */ srv.runtime.repositories.ImageName(container.Image), /* COMMAND */ command, /* CREATED */ HumanDuration(time.Now().Sub(container.Created)) + " ago", /* STATUS */ container.State.String(), /* COMMENT */ "", /* PORTS */ container.NetworkSettings.PortMappingHuman(), } { if idx == 0 { w.Write([]byte(field)) } else { w.Write([]byte("\t" + field)) } } w.Write([]byte{'\n'}) } else { stdout.Write([]byte(container.ShortId() + "\n")) } } if !*quiet { w.Flush() } return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdCommit(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "commit", "[OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY [TAG]]", "Create a new image from a container's changes") flComment := cmd.String("m", "", "Commit message") flAuthor := cmd.String("author", "", "Author (eg. \"John Hannibal Smith \"") flConfig := cmd.String("run", "", "Config automatically applied when the image is run. "+`(ex: {"Cmd": ["cat", "/world"], "PortSpecs": ["22"]}')`) if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } containerName, repository, tag := cmd.Arg(0), cmd.Arg(1), cmd.Arg(2) if containerName == "" { cmd.Usage() return nil } var config *Config if *flConfig != "" { config = &Config{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*flConfig), config); err != nil { return err } } img, err := srv.runtime.Commit(containerName, repository, tag, *flComment, *flAuthor, config) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintln(stdout, img.ShortId()) return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdExport(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "export", "CONTAINER", "Export the contents of a filesystem as a tar archive") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } name := cmd.Arg(0) if container := srv.runtime.Get(name); container != nil { data, err := container.Export() if err != nil { return err } // Stream the entire contents of the container (basically a volatile snapshot) if _, err := io.Copy(stdout, data); err != nil { return err } return nil } return fmt.Errorf("No such container: %s", name) } func (srv *Server) CmdDiff(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "diff", "CONTAINER", "Inspect changes on a container's filesystem") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } if container := srv.runtime.Get(cmd.Arg(0)); container == nil { return fmt.Errorf("No such container") } else { changes, err := container.Changes() if err != nil { return err } for _, change := range changes { fmt.Fprintln(stdout, change.String()) } } return nil } func (srv *Server) CmdLogs(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "logs", "CONTAINER", "Fetch the logs of a container") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } name := cmd.Arg(0) if container := srv.runtime.Get(name); container != nil { logStdout, err := container.ReadLog("stdout") if err != nil { return err } logStderr, err := container.ReadLog("stderr") if err != nil { return err } // FIXME: Interpolate stdout and stderr instead of concatenating them // FIXME: Differentiate stdout and stderr in the remote protocol if _, err := io.Copy(stdout, logStdout); err != nil { return err } if _, err := io.Copy(stdout, logStderr); err != nil { return err } return nil } return fmt.Errorf("No such container: %s", cmd.Arg(0)) } func (srv *Server) CmdAttach(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout rcli.DockerConn, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "attach", "CONTAINER", "Attach to a running container") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() != 1 { cmd.Usage() return nil } name := cmd.Arg(0) container := srv.runtime.Get(name) if container == nil { return fmt.Errorf("No such container: %s", name) } if container.State.Ghost { return fmt.Errorf("Impossible to attach to a ghost container") } if container.Config.Tty { stdout.SetOptionRawTerminal() } // Flush the options to make sure the client sets the raw mode stdout.Flush() return <-container.Attach(stdin, nil, stdout, stdout) } // Ports type - Used to parse multiple -p flags type ports []int func (p *ports) String() string { return fmt.Sprint(*p) } func (p *ports) Set(value string) error { port, err := strconv.Atoi(value) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Invalid port: %v", value) } *p = append(*p, port) return nil } // ListOpts type type ListOpts []string func (opts *ListOpts) String() string { return fmt.Sprint(*opts) } func (opts *ListOpts) Set(value string) error { *opts = append(*opts, value) return nil } // AttachOpts stores arguments to 'docker run -a', eg. which streams to attach to type AttachOpts map[string]bool func NewAttachOpts() AttachOpts { return make(AttachOpts) } func (opts AttachOpts) String() string { // Cast to underlying map type to avoid infinite recursion return fmt.Sprintf("%v", map[string]bool(opts)) } func (opts AttachOpts) Set(val string) error { if val != "stdin" && val != "stdout" && val != "stderr" { return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported stream name: %s", val) } opts[val] = true return nil } func (opts AttachOpts) Get(val string) bool { if res, exists := opts[val]; exists { return res } return false } func (srv *Server) CmdTag(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.Writer, args ...string) error { cmd := rcli.Subcmd(stdout, "tag", "[OPTIONS] IMAGE REPOSITORY [TAG]", "Tag an image into a repository") force := cmd.Bool("f", false, "Force") if err := cmd.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if cmd.NArg() < 2 { cmd.Usage() return nil } return srv.runtime.repositories.Set(cmd.Arg(1), cmd.Arg(2), cmd.Arg(0), *force) } func (srv *Server) CmdRun(stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout rcli.DockerConn, args ...string) error { config, err := ParseRun(args, stdout, srv.runtime.capabilities) if err != nil { return err } if config.Image == "" { fmt.Fprintln(stdout, "Error: Image not specified") return fmt.Errorf("Image not specified") } if config.Tty { stdout.SetOptionRawTerminal() } // Flush the options to make sure the client sets the raw mode // or tell the client there is no options stdout.Flush() // Create new container container, err := srv.runtime.Create(config) if err != nil { // If container not found, try to pull it if srv.runtime.graph.IsNotExist(err) { fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "Image %s not found, trying to pull it from registry.\r\n", config.Image) if err = srv.CmdPull(stdin, stdout, config.Image); err != nil { return err } if container, err = srv.runtime.Create(config); err != nil { return err } } else { return err } } var ( cStdin io.ReadCloser cStdout, cStderr io.Writer ) if config.AttachStdin { r, w := io.Pipe() go func() { defer w.Close() defer Debugf("Closing buffered stdin pipe") io.Copy(w, stdin) }() cStdin = r } if config.AttachStdout { cStdout = stdout } if config.AttachStderr { cStderr = stdout // FIXME: rcli can't differentiate stdout from stderr } attachErr := container.Attach(cStdin, stdin, cStdout, cStderr) Debugf("Starting\n") if err := container.Start(); err != nil { return err } if cStdout == nil && cStderr == nil { fmt.Fprintln(stdout, container.ShortId()) } Debugf("Waiting for attach to return\n") <-attachErr // Expecting I/O pipe error, discarding // If we are in stdinonce mode, wait for the process to end // otherwise, simply return if config.StdinOnce && !config.Tty { container.Wait() } return nil } func NewServer(autoRestart bool) (*Server, error) { if runtime.GOARCH != "amd64" { log.Fatalf("The docker runtime currently only supports amd64 (not %s). This will change in the future. Aborting.", runtime.GOARCH) } runtime, err := NewRuntime(autoRestart) if err != nil { return nil, err } srv := &Server{ runtime: runtime, } return srv, nil } type Server struct { runtime *Runtime }