#!/usr/bin/env bash # see test-integration-cli for example usage of this script base="$ABS_DEST/.." export PATH="$base/binary-daemon:$base/dynbinary-daemon:$PATH" export TEST_CLIENT_BINARY=docker export DOCKER_API_VERSION=1.30 if [ -n "$DOCKER_CLI_PATH" ]; then export TEST_CLIENT_BINARY=/usr/local/cli/$(basename "$DOCKER_CLI_PATH") fi echo "Using test binary $TEST_CLIENT_BINARY" if ! command -v "$TEST_CLIENT_BINARY" &> /dev/null; then echo >&2 'error: missing test client $TEST_CLIENT_BINARY' false fi # This is a temporary hack for split-binary mode. It can be removed once # https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/22134 is merged into docker master if [ "$(go env GOOS)" = 'windows' ]; then return fi if [ -z "$DOCKER_TEST_HOST" ]; then if docker version &> /dev/null; then echo >&2 'skipping daemon start, since daemon appears to be already started' return fi fi if ! command -v dockerd &> /dev/null; then echo >&2 'error: binary-daemon or dynbinary-daemon must be run before .integration-daemon-start' false fi # intentionally open a couple bogus file descriptors to help test that they get scrubbed in containers exec 41>&1 42>&2 export DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER=${DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER:-vfs} export DOCKER_USERLANDPROXY=${DOCKER_USERLANDPROXY:-true} # example usage: DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTS="dm.basesize=20G,dm.loopdatasize=200G" storage_params="" if [ -n "$DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTS" ]; then IFS=',' for i in ${DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTS}; do storage_params="--storage-opt $i $storage_params" done unset IFS fi # example usage: DOCKER_REMAP_ROOT=default extra_params="" if [ "$DOCKER_REMAP_ROOT" ]; then extra_params="--userns-remap $DOCKER_REMAP_ROOT" fi # example usage: DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL=1 if [ "$DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL" ]; then echo >&2 '# DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL is set: starting daemon with experimental features enabled! ' extra_params="$extra_params --experimental" fi if [ -z "$DOCKER_TEST_HOST" ]; then # Start apparmor if it is enabled if [ -e "/sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled" ] && [ "$(cat /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled)" == "Y" ]; then # reset container variable so apparmor profile is applied to process # see https://github.com/docker/libcontainer/blob/master/apparmor/apparmor.go#L16 export container="" ( set -x /etc/init.d/apparmor start ) fi export DOCKER_HOST="unix://$(cd "$DEST" && pwd)/docker.sock" # "pwd" tricks to make sure $DEST is an absolute path, not a relative one ( set -x; exec \ dockerd --debug \ --host "$DOCKER_HOST" \ --storage-driver "$DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER" \ --pidfile "$DEST/docker.pid" \ --userland-proxy="$DOCKER_USERLANDPROXY" \ $storage_params \ $extra_params \ &> "$DEST/docker.log" ) & # make sure that if the script exits unexpectedly, we stop this daemon we just started trap 'bundle .integration-daemon-stop' EXIT else export DOCKER_HOST="$DOCKER_TEST_HOST" fi # give it a little time to come up so it's "ready" tries=60 echo "INFO: Waiting for daemon to start..." while ! $TEST_CLIENT_BINARY version &> /dev/null; do (( tries-- )) if [ $tries -le 0 ]; then printf "\n" if [ -z "$DOCKER_HOST" ]; then echo >&2 "error: daemon failed to start" echo >&2 " check $DEST/docker.log for details" else echo >&2 "error: daemon at $DOCKER_HOST fails to '$TEST_CLIENT_BINARY version':" $TEST_CLIENT_BINARY version >&2 || true # Additional Windows CI debugging as this is a common error as of # January 2016 if [ "$(go env GOOS)" = 'windows' ]; then echo >&2 "Container log below:" echo >&2 "---" # Important - use the docker on the CI host, not the one built locally # which is currently in our path. ! /c/bin/docker -H=$MAIN_DOCKER_HOST logs docker-$COMMITHASH echo >&2 "---" fi fi false fi printf "." sleep 2 done printf "\n"