package daemon // import "" import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "path" "strings" "time" "" containertypes "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // ContainerRm removes the container id from the filesystem. An error // is returned if the container is not found, or if the remove // fails. If the remove succeeds, the container name is released, and // network links are removed. func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerRm(name string, config *types.ContainerRmConfig) error { start := time.Now() ctr, err := daemon.GetContainer(name) if err != nil { return err } // Container state RemovalInProgress should be used to avoid races. if inProgress := ctr.SetRemovalInProgress(); inProgress { err := fmt.Errorf("removal of container %s is already in progress", name) return errdefs.Conflict(err) } defer ctr.ResetRemovalInProgress() // check if container wasn't deregistered by previous rm since Get if c := daemon.containers.Get(ctr.ID); c == nil { return nil } if config.RemoveLink { return daemon.rmLink(ctr, name) } err = daemon.cleanupContainer(ctr, *config) containerActions.WithValues("delete").UpdateSince(start) return err } func (daemon *Daemon) rmLink(container *container.Container, name string) error { if name[0] != '/' { name = "/" + name } parent, n := path.Split(name) if parent == "/" { return fmt.Errorf("Conflict, cannot remove the default link name of the container") } parent = strings.TrimSuffix(parent, "/") pe, err := daemon.containersReplica.Snapshot().GetID(parent) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Cannot get parent %s for link name %s", parent, name) } daemon.releaseName(name) parentContainer, _ := daemon.GetContainer(pe) if parentContainer != nil { daemon.linkIndex.unlink(name, container, parentContainer) if err := daemon.updateNetwork(parentContainer); err != nil { logrus.Debugf("Could not update network to remove link %s: %v", n, err) } } return nil } // cleanupContainer unregisters a container from the daemon, stops stats // collection and cleanly removes contents and metadata from the filesystem. func (daemon *Daemon) cleanupContainer(container *container.Container, config types.ContainerRmConfig) error { if container.IsRunning() { if !config.ForceRemove { state := container.StateString() procedure := "Stop the container before attempting removal or force remove" if state == "paused" { procedure = "Unpause and then " + strings.ToLower(procedure) } err := fmt.Errorf("You cannot remove a %s container %s. %s", state, container.ID, procedure) return errdefs.Conflict(err) } if err := daemon.Kill(container); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Could not kill running container %s, cannot remove - %v", container.ID, err) } } // stop collection of stats for the container regardless // if stats are currently getting collected. daemon.statsCollector.StopCollection(container) // stopTimeout is the number of seconds to wait for the container to stop // gracefully before forcibly killing it. // // Why 3 seconds? The timeout specified here was originally added in commit // 1615bb08c7c3fc6c4b22db0a633edda516f97cf0, which added a custom timeout to // some commands, but lacking an option for a timeout on "docker rm", was // hardcoded to 10 seconds. Commit 28fd289b448164b77affd8103c0d96fd8110daf9 // later on updated this to 3 seconds (but no background on that change). // // If you arrived here and know the answer, you earned yourself a picture // of a cute animal of your own choosing. var stopTimeout = 3 if err := daemon.containerStop(context.TODO(), container, containertypes.StopOptions{Timeout: &stopTimeout}); err != nil { return err } // Mark container dead. We don't want anybody to be restarting it. container.Lock() container.Dead = true // Save container state to disk. So that if error happens before // container meta file got removed from disk, then a restart of // docker should not make a dead container alive. if err := container.CheckpointTo(daemon.containersReplica); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) { logrus.Errorf("Error saving dying container to disk: %v", err) } container.Unlock() // When container creation fails and `RWLayer` has not been created yet, we // do not call `ReleaseRWLayer` if container.RWLayer != nil { if err := daemon.imageService.ReleaseLayer(container.RWLayer); err != nil { err = errors.Wrapf(err, "container %s", container.ID) container.SetRemovalError(err) return err } container.RWLayer = nil } if err := containerfs.EnsureRemoveAll(container.Root); err != nil { err = errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to remove filesystem for %s", container.ID) container.SetRemovalError(err) return err } linkNames := daemon.linkIndex.delete(container) selinux.ReleaseLabel(container.ProcessLabel) daemon.idIndex.Delete(container.ID) daemon.containers.Delete(container.ID) daemon.containersReplica.Delete(container) if err := daemon.removeMountPoints(container, config.RemoveVolume); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) } for _, name := range linkNames { daemon.releaseName(name) } container.SetRemoved() stateCtr.del(container.ID) daemon.LogContainerEvent(container, "destroy") return nil }