% DOCKER(1) Docker User Manuals
% William Henry
% APRIL 2014
docker \- Docker image and container command line interface

**docker** [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]

**docker** daemon [ --help | ... ]

**docker** [ --help | -v | --version ]

**docker** has two distinct functions. It is used for starting the Docker
daemon and to run the CLI (i.e., to command the daemon to manage images,
containers etc.) So **docker** is both a server, as a daemon, and a client
to the daemon, through the CLI.

To run the Docker daemon you can specify **docker daemon**.
You can view the daemon options using **docker daemon --help**.
To see the man page for the daemon, run **man docker daemon**.

The Docker CLI has over 30 commands. The commands are listed below and each has
its own man page which explain usage and arguments.

To see the man page for a command run **man docker <command>**.

  Print usage statement

  Specifies the location of the Docker client configuration files. The default is '~/.docker'.

**-D**, **--debug**=*true*|*false*
  Enable debug mode. Default is false.

**-H**, **--host**=[unix:///var/run/docker.sock]: tcp://[host]:[port][path] to bind or
unix://[/path/to/socket] to use.
  The socket(s) to bind to in daemon mode specified using one or more
  tcp://host:port/path, unix:///path/to/socket, fd://* or fd://socketfd.
  If the tcp port is not specified, then it will default to either `2375` when
  `--tls` is off, or `2376` when `--tls` is on, or `--tlsverify` is specified.

**-l**, **--log-level**="*debug*|*info*|*warn*|*error*|*fatal*""
  Set the logging level. Default is `info`.

  Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify. Default is false.

  Trust certs signed only by this CA.

  Path to TLS certificate file.

  Path to TLS key file.

  Use TLS and verify the remote (daemon: verify client, client: verify daemon).
  Default is false.

**-v**, **--version**=*true*|*false*
  Print version information and quit. Default is false.

  Attach to a running container
  See **docker-attach(1)** for full documentation on the **attach** command.

  Build an image from a Dockerfile
  See **docker-build(1)** for full documentation on the **build** command.

  Create a new image from a container's changes
  See **docker-commit(1)** for full documentation on the **commit** command.

  Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
  See **docker-cp(1)** for full documentation on the **cp** command.

  Create a new container
  See **docker-create(1)** for full documentation on the **create** command.

  Inspect changes on a container's filesystem
  See **docker-diff(1)** for full documentation on the **diff** command.

  Get real time events from the server
  See **docker-events(1)** for full documentation on the **events** command.

  Run a command in a running container
  See **docker-exec(1)** for full documentation on the **exec** command.

  Stream the contents of a container as a tar archive
  See **docker-export(1)** for full documentation on the **export** command.

  Show the history of an image
  See **docker-history(1)** for full documentation on the **history** command.

  List images
  See **docker-images(1)** for full documentation on the **images** command.

  Create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball
  See **docker-import(1)** for full documentation on the **import** command.

  Display system-wide information
  See **docker-info(1)** for full documentation on the **info** command.

  Return low-level information on a container or image
  See **docker-inspect(1)** for full documentation on the **inspect** command.

  Kill a running container (which includes the wrapper process and everything
inside it)
  See **docker-kill(1)** for full documentation on the **kill** command.

  Load an image from a tar archive
  See **docker-load(1)** for full documentation on the **load** command.

  Register or login to a Docker Registry
  See **docker-login(1)** for full documentation on the **login** command.

  Log the user out of a Docker Registry
  See **docker-logout(1)** for full documentation on the **logout** command.

  Fetch the logs of a container
  See **docker-logs(1)** for full documentation on the **logs** command.

  Pause all processes within a container
  See **docker-pause(1)** for full documentation on the **pause** command.

  Lookup the public-facing port which is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT
  See **docker-port(1)** for full documentation on the **port** command.

  List containers
  See **docker-ps(1)** for full documentation on the **ps** command.

  Pull an image or a repository from a Docker Registry
  See **docker-pull(1)** for full documentation on the **pull** command.

  Push an image or a repository to a Docker Registry
  See **docker-push(1)** for full documentation on the **push** command.

  Rename a container.
  See **docker-rename(1)** for full documentation on the **rename** command.

  Restart a container
  See **docker-restart(1)** for full documentation on the **restart** command.

  Remove one or more containers
  See **docker-rm(1)** for full documentation on the **rm** command.

  Remove one or more images
  See **docker-rmi(1)** for full documentation on the **rmi** command.

  Run a command in a new container
  See **docker-run(1)** for full documentation on the **run** command.

  Save an image to a tar archive
  See **docker-save(1)** for full documentation on the **save** command.

  Search for an image in the Docker index
  See **docker-search(1)** for full documentation on the **search** command.

  Start a container
  See **docker-start(1)** for full documentation on the **start** command.

  Display a live stream of one or more containers' resource usage statistics
  See **docker-stats(1)** for full documentation on the **stats** command.

  Stop a container
  See **docker-stop(1)** for full documentation on the **stop** command.

  Tag an image into a repository
  See **docker-tag(1)** for full documentation on the **tag** command.

  Lookup the running processes of a container
  See **docker-top(1)** for full documentation on the **top** command.

  Unpause all processes within a container
  See **docker-unpause(1)** for full documentation on the **unpause** command.

  Show the Docker version information
  See **docker-version(1)** for full documentation on the **version** command.

  Block until a container stops, then print its exit code
  See **docker-wait(1)** for full documentation on the **wait** command.


Use the **--exec-opt** flags to specify options to the exec-driver. The only
driver that accepts this flag is the *native* (libcontainer) driver. As a
result, you must also specify **-s=**native for this option to have effect. The 
following is the only *native* option:

#### native.cgroupdriver
Specifies the management of the container's `cgroups`. You can specify 
`cgroupfs` or `systemd`. If you specify `systemd` and it is not available, the 
system uses `cgroupfs`.

#### Client
For specific client examples please see the man page for the specific Docker
command. For example:

    man docker-run

April 2014, Originally compiled by William Henry (whenry at redhat dot com) based on docker.com source material and internal work.