page_title: Installation on IBM SoftLayer page_description: Installation instructions for Docker on IBM Softlayer. page_keywords: IBM SoftLayer, virtualization, cloud, docker, documentation, installation # IBM SoftLayer 1. Create an [IBM SoftLayer account]( 2. Log in to the [SoftLayer Console]( 3. Go to [Order Hourly Computing Instance Wizard]( on your SoftLayer Console. 4. Create a new *CloudLayer Computing Instance* (CCI) using the default values for all the fields and choose: - *First Available* as `Datacenter` and - *Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin - Minimal Install (64 bit)* as `Operating System`. 5. Click the *Continue Your Order* button at the bottom right and select *Go to checkout*. 6. Insert the required *User Metadata* and place the order. 7. Then continue with the [*Ubuntu*](../ubuntulinux/#ubuntu-linux) instructions. ## What next? Continue with the [User Guide](/userguide/).