.PHONY: all binary build cross default docs docs-build docs-shell shell test test-integration test-integration-cli # to allow `make BINDDIR=. shell` or `make BINDDIR= test` BINDDIR := bundles # to allow `make DOCSPORT=9000 docs` DOCSPORT := 8000 GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) DOCKER_IMAGE := docker$(if $(GIT_BRANCH),:$(GIT_BRANCH)) DOCKER_DOCS_IMAGE := docker-docs$(if $(GIT_BRANCH),:$(GIT_BRANCH)) DOCKER_MOUNT := $(if $(BINDDIR),-v "$(CURDIR)/$(BINDDIR):/go/src/github.com/dotcloud/docker/$(BINDDIR)") DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER := docker run --rm -it --privileged -e TESTFLAGS -e DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER -e DOCKER_EXECDRIVER $(DOCKER_MOUNT) "$(DOCKER_IMAGE)" DOCKER_RUN_DOCS := docker run --rm -it -p $(if $(DOCSPORT),$(DOCSPORT):)8000 "$(DOCKER_DOCS_IMAGE)" default: binary all: build $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh binary: build $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh binary cross: build $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh binary cross docs: docs-build $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCS) docs-shell: docs-build $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCS) bash test: build $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh binary test test-integration test-integration-cli test-integration: build $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh test-integration test-integration-cli: build $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh binary test-integration-cli shell: build $(DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) bash build: bundles docker build -t "$(DOCKER_IMAGE)" . docs-build: docker build -t "$(DOCKER_DOCS_IMAGE)" docs bundles: mkdir bundles