package libnetwork import ( "fmt" log "" "" ) func (c *controller) initStores() error { c.Lock() if c.cfg == nil { c.Unlock() return nil } scopeConfigs := c.cfg.Scopes c.Unlock() for scope, scfg := range scopeConfigs { store, err := datastore.NewDataStore(scope, scfg) if err != nil { return err } c.Lock() c.stores = append(c.stores, store) c.Unlock() } c.startWatch() return nil } func (c *controller) closeStores() { for _, store := range c.getStores() { store.Close() } } func (c *controller) getStore(scope string) datastore.DataStore { c.Lock() defer c.Unlock() for _, store := range c.stores { if store.Scope() == scope { return store } } return nil } func (c *controller) getStores() []datastore.DataStore { c.Lock() defer c.Unlock() return c.stores } func (c *controller) getNetworkFromStore(nid string) (*network, error) { for _, store := range c.getStores() { n := &network{id: nid, ctrlr: c} err := store.GetObject(datastore.Key(n.Key()...), n) // Continue searching in the next store if the key is not found in this store if err != nil { if err != datastore.ErrKeyNotFound { log.Debugf("could not find network %s: %v", nid, err) } continue } ec := &endpointCnt{n: n} err = store.GetObject(datastore.Key(ec.Key()...), ec) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find endpoint count for network %s: %v", n.Name(), err) } n.epCnt = ec return n, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("network %s not found", nid) } func (c *controller) getNetworksForScope(scope string) ([]*network, error) { var nl []*network store := c.getStore(scope) if store == nil { return nil, nil } kvol, err := store.List(datastore.Key(datastore.NetworkKeyPrefix), &network{ctrlr: c}) if err != nil && err != datastore.ErrKeyNotFound { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get networks for scope %s: %v", scope, err) } for _, kvo := range kvol { n := kvo.(*network) n.ctrlr = c ec := &endpointCnt{n: n} err = store.GetObject(datastore.Key(ec.Key()...), ec) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find endpoint count key %s for network %s while listing: %v", datastore.Key(ec.Key()...), n.Name(), err) } n.epCnt = ec nl = append(nl, n) } return nl, nil } func (c *controller) getNetworksFromStore() ([]*network, error) { var nl []*network for _, store := range c.getStores() { kvol, err := store.List(datastore.Key(datastore.NetworkKeyPrefix), &network{ctrlr: c}) // Continue searching in the next store if no keys found in this store if err != nil { if err != datastore.ErrKeyNotFound { log.Debugf("failed to get networks for scope %s: %v", store.Scope(), err) } continue } for _, kvo := range kvol { n := kvo.(*network) n.ctrlr = c ec := &endpointCnt{n: n} err = store.GetObject(datastore.Key(ec.Key()...), ec) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find endpoint count key %s for network %s while listing: %v", datastore.Key(ec.Key()...), n.Name(), err) } n.epCnt = ec nl = append(nl, n) } } return nl, nil } func (n *network) getEndpointFromStore(eid string) (*endpoint, error) { store := n.ctrlr.getStore(n.Scope()) if store == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find endpoint %s: datastore not found for scope %s", eid, n.Scope()) } ep := &endpoint{id: eid, network: n} err := store.GetObject(datastore.Key(ep.Key()...), ep) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find endpoint %s: %v", eid, err) } return ep, nil } func (n *network) getEndpointsFromStore() ([]*endpoint, error) { var epl []*endpoint tmp := endpoint{network: n} for _, store := range n.getController().getStores() { kvol, err := store.List(datastore.Key(tmp.KeyPrefix()...), &endpoint{network: n}) // Continue searching in the next store if no keys found in this store if err != nil { if err != datastore.ErrKeyNotFound { log.Debugf("failed to get endpoints for network %s scope %s: %v", n.Name(), store.Scope(), err) } continue } for _, kvo := range kvol { ep := kvo.(*endpoint) = n epl = append(epl, ep) } } return epl, nil } func (c *controller) updateToStore(kvObject datastore.KVObject) error { cs := c.getStore(kvObject.DataScope()) if cs == nil { log.Warnf("datastore for scope %s not initialized. kv object %s is not added to the store", kvObject.DataScope(), datastore.Key(kvObject.Key()...)) return nil } if err := cs.PutObjectAtomic(kvObject); err != nil { if err == datastore.ErrKeyModified { return err } return fmt.Errorf("failed to update store for object type %T: %v", kvObject, err) } return nil } func (c *controller) deleteFromStore(kvObject datastore.KVObject) error { cs := c.getStore(kvObject.DataScope()) if cs == nil { log.Debugf("datastore for scope %s not initialized. kv object %s is not deleted from datastore", kvObject.DataScope(), datastore.Key(kvObject.Key()...)) return nil } retry: if err := cs.DeleteObjectAtomic(kvObject); err != nil { if err == datastore.ErrKeyModified { if err := cs.GetObject(datastore.Key(kvObject.Key()...), kvObject); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not update the kvobject to latest when trying to delete: %v", err) } goto retry } return err } return nil } type netWatch struct { localEps map[string]*endpoint remoteEps map[string]*endpoint stopCh chan struct{} } func (c *controller) getLocalEps(nw *netWatch) []*endpoint { c.Lock() defer c.Unlock() var epl []*endpoint for _, ep := range nw.localEps { epl = append(epl, ep) } return epl } func (c *controller) watchSvcRecord(ep *endpoint) { c.watchCh <- ep } func (c *controller) unWatchSvcRecord(ep *endpoint) { c.unWatchCh <- ep } func (c *controller) networkWatchLoop(nw *netWatch, ep *endpoint, ecCh <-chan datastore.KVObject) { for { select { case <-nw.stopCh: return case o := <-ecCh: ec := o.(*endpointCnt) epl, err := ec.n.getEndpointsFromStore() if err != nil { break } c.Lock() var addEp []*endpoint delEpMap := make(map[string]*endpoint) for k, v := range nw.remoteEps { delEpMap[k] = v } for _, lEp := range epl { if _, ok := nw.localEps[lEp.ID()]; ok { continue } if ep, ok := nw.remoteEps[lEp.ID()]; ok { // On a container rename EP ID will remain // the same but the name will change. service // records should reflect the change. // Keep old EP entry in the delEpMap and add // EP from the store (which has the new name) // into the new list if == { delete(delEpMap, lEp.ID()) continue } } nw.remoteEps[lEp.ID()] = lEp addEp = append(addEp, lEp) } c.Unlock() for _, lEp := range delEpMap { ep.getNetwork().updateSvcRecord(lEp, c.getLocalEps(nw), false) } for _, lEp := range addEp { ep.getNetwork().updateSvcRecord(lEp, c.getLocalEps(nw), true) } } } } func (c *controller) processEndpointCreate(nmap map[string]*netWatch, ep *endpoint) { c.Lock() nw, ok := nmap[ep.getNetwork().ID()] c.Unlock() if ok { // Update the svc db for the local endpoint join right away ep.getNetwork().updateSvcRecord(ep, c.getLocalEps(nw), true) c.Lock() nw.localEps[ep.ID()] = ep // If we had learned that from the kv store remove it // from remote ep list now that we know that this is // indeed a local endpoint delete(nw.remoteEps, ep.ID()) c.Unlock() return } nw = &netWatch{ localEps: make(map[string]*endpoint), remoteEps: make(map[string]*endpoint), } // Update the svc db for the local endpoint join right away // Do this before adding this ep to localEps so that we don't // try to update this ep's container's svc records ep.getNetwork().updateSvcRecord(ep, c.getLocalEps(nw), true) c.Lock() nw.localEps[ep.ID()] = ep nmap[ep.getNetwork().ID()] = nw nw.stopCh = make(chan struct{}) c.Unlock() store := c.getStore(ep.getNetwork().DataScope()) if store == nil { return } if !store.Watchable() { return } ch, err := store.Watch(ep.getNetwork().getEpCnt(), nw.stopCh) if err != nil { log.Warnf("Error creating watch for network: %v", err) return } go c.networkWatchLoop(nw, ep, ch) } func (c *controller) processEndpointDelete(nmap map[string]*netWatch, ep *endpoint) { c.Lock() nw, ok := nmap[ep.getNetwork().ID()] if ok { delete(nw.localEps, ep.ID()) c.Unlock() // Update the svc db about local endpoint leave right away // Do this after we remove this ep from localEps so that we // don't try to remove this svc record from this ep's container. ep.getNetwork().updateSvcRecord(ep, c.getLocalEps(nw), false) c.Lock() if len(nw.localEps) == 0 { close(nw.stopCh) // This is the last container going away for the network. Destroy // this network's svc db entry delete(c.svcDb, ep.getNetwork().ID()) delete(nmap, ep.getNetwork().ID()) } } c.Unlock() } func (c *controller) watchLoop() { for { select { case ep := <-c.watchCh: c.processEndpointCreate(c.nmap, ep) case ep := <-c.unWatchCh: c.processEndpointDelete(c.nmap, ep) } } } func (c *controller) startWatch() { c.watchCh = make(chan *endpoint) c.unWatchCh = make(chan *endpoint) c.nmap = make(map[string]*netWatch) go c.watchLoop() }