package bridge import ( "errors" "fmt" "net" "strings" "" "" "" ) // DockerChain: DOCKER iptable chain name const ( DockerChain = "DOCKER" // Isolation between bridge networks is achieved in two stages by means // of the following two chains in the filter table. The first chain matches // on the source interface being a bridge network's bridge and the // destination being a different interface. A positive match leads to the // second isolation chain. No match returns to the parent chain. The second // isolation chain matches on destination interface being a bridge network's // bridge. A positive match identifies a packet originated from one bridge // network's bridge destined to another bridge network's bridge and will // result in the packet being dropped. No match returns to the parent chain. IsolationChain1 = "DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1" IsolationChain2 = "DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-2" ) func setupIPChains(config *configuration, version iptables.IPVersion) (*iptables.ChainInfo, *iptables.ChainInfo, *iptables.ChainInfo, *iptables.ChainInfo, error) { // Sanity check. if config.EnableIPTables == false { return nil, nil, nil, nil, errors.New("cannot create new chains, EnableIPTable is disabled") } hairpinMode := !config.EnableUserlandProxy iptable := iptables.GetIptable(version) natChain, err := iptable.NewChain(DockerChain, iptables.Nat, hairpinMode) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create NAT chain %s: %v", DockerChain, err) } defer func() { if err != nil { if err := iptable.RemoveExistingChain(DockerChain, iptables.Nat); err != nil { logrus.Warnf("failed on removing iptables NAT chain %s on cleanup: %v", DockerChain, err) } } }() filterChain, err := iptable.NewChain(DockerChain, iptables.Filter, false) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create FILTER chain %s: %v", DockerChain, err) } defer func() { if err != nil { if err := iptable.RemoveExistingChain(DockerChain, iptables.Filter); err != nil { logrus.Warnf("failed on removing iptables FILTER chain %s on cleanup: %v", DockerChain, err) } } }() isolationChain1, err := iptable.NewChain(IsolationChain1, iptables.Filter, false) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create FILTER isolation chain: %v", err) } defer func() { if err != nil { if err := iptable.RemoveExistingChain(IsolationChain1, iptables.Filter); err != nil { logrus.Warnf("failed on removing iptables FILTER chain %s on cleanup: %v", IsolationChain1, err) } } }() isolationChain2, err := iptable.NewChain(IsolationChain2, iptables.Filter, false) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create FILTER isolation chain: %v", err) } defer func() { if err != nil { if err := iptable.RemoveExistingChain(IsolationChain2, iptables.Filter); err != nil { logrus.Warnf("failed on removing iptables FILTER chain %s on cleanup: %v", IsolationChain2, err) } } }() if err := iptable.AddReturnRule(IsolationChain1); err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } if err := iptable.AddReturnRule(IsolationChain2); err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } return natChain, filterChain, isolationChain1, isolationChain2, nil } func (n *bridgeNetwork) setupIPTables(config *networkConfiguration, i *bridgeInterface) error { var err error d := n.driver d.Lock() driverConfig := d.config d.Unlock() // Sanity check. if driverConfig.EnableIPTables == false { return errors.New("Cannot program chains, EnableIPTable is disabled") } // Pickup this configuration option from driver hairpinMode := !driverConfig.EnableUserlandProxy maskedAddrv4 := &net.IPNet{ IP: i.bridgeIPv4.IP.Mask(i.bridgeIPv4.Mask), Mask: i.bridgeIPv4.Mask, } iptable := iptables.GetIptable(iptables.IPv4) if config.Internal { if err = setupInternalNetworkRules(config.BridgeName, maskedAddrv4, config.EnableICC, true); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to Setup IP tables: %s", err.Error()) } n.registerIptCleanFunc(func() error { return setupInternalNetworkRules(config.BridgeName, maskedAddrv4, config.EnableICC, false) }) } else { if err = setupIPTablesInternal(config.HostIP, config.BridgeName, maskedAddrv4, config.EnableICC, config.EnableIPMasquerade, hairpinMode, true); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to Setup IP tables: %s", err.Error()) } n.registerIptCleanFunc(func() error { return setupIPTablesInternal(config.HostIP, config.BridgeName, maskedAddrv4, config.EnableICC, config.EnableIPMasquerade, hairpinMode, false) }) natChain, filterChain, _, _, err := n.getDriverChains(iptables.IPv4) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to setup IP tables, cannot acquire chain info %s", err.Error()) } err = iptable.ProgramChain(natChain, config.BridgeName, hairpinMode, true) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to program NAT chain: %s", err.Error()) } err = iptable.ProgramChain(filterChain, config.BridgeName, hairpinMode, true) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to program FILTER chain: %s", err.Error()) } n.registerIptCleanFunc(func() error { return iptable.ProgramChain(filterChain, config.BridgeName, hairpinMode, false) }) n.portMapper.SetIptablesChain(natChain, n.getNetworkBridgeName()) } d.Lock() err = iptable.EnsureJumpRule("FORWARD", IsolationChain1) d.Unlock() if err != nil { return err } if !driverConfig.EnableIP6Tables || i.bridgeIPv6 == nil { return nil } maskedAddrv6 := &net.IPNet{ IP: i.bridgeIPv6.IP.Mask(i.bridgeIPv6.Mask), Mask: i.bridgeIPv6.Mask, } iptable = iptables.GetIptable(iptables.IPv6) if config.Internal { if err = setupInternalNetworkRules(config.BridgeName, maskedAddrv6, config.EnableICC, true); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to Setup IP tables: %s", err.Error()) } n.registerIptCleanFunc(func() error { return setupInternalNetworkRules(config.BridgeName, maskedAddrv6, config.EnableICC, false) }) } else { if err = setupIPTablesInternal(nil, config.BridgeName, maskedAddrv6, config.EnableICC, config.EnableIPMasquerade, hairpinMode, true); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to Setup IP tables: %s", err.Error()) } n.registerIptCleanFunc(func() error { return setupIPTablesInternal(nil, config.BridgeName, maskedAddrv6, config.EnableICC, config.EnableIPMasquerade, hairpinMode, false) }) natChainV6, filterChainV6, _, _, err := n.getDriverChains(iptables.IPv6) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to setup IP tables, cannot acquire chain info %s", err.Error()) } err = iptable.ProgramChain(natChainV6, config.BridgeName, hairpinMode, true) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to program NAT chain: %s", err.Error()) } err = iptable.ProgramChain(filterChainV6, config.BridgeName, hairpinMode, true) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to program FILTER chain: %s", err.Error()) } n.registerIptCleanFunc(func() error { return iptable.ProgramChain(filterChainV6, config.BridgeName, hairpinMode, false) }) n.portMapperV6.SetIptablesChain(natChainV6, n.getNetworkBridgeName()) } d.Lock() err = iptable.EnsureJumpRule("FORWARD", IsolationChain1) d.Unlock() if err != nil { return err } return nil } type iptRule struct { table iptables.Table chain string preArgs []string args []string } func setupIPTablesInternal(hostIP net.IP, bridgeIface string, addr net.Addr, icc, ipmasq, hairpin, enable bool) error { var ( address = addr.String() skipDNAT = iptRule{table: iptables.Nat, chain: DockerChain, preArgs: []string{"-t", "nat"}, args: []string{"-i", bridgeIface, "-j", "RETURN"}} outRule = iptRule{table: iptables.Filter, chain: "FORWARD", args: []string{"-i", bridgeIface, "!", "-o", bridgeIface, "-j", "ACCEPT"}} natArgs []string hpNatArgs []string ) // if hostIP is set use this address as the src-ip during SNAT if hostIP != nil { hostAddr := hostIP.String() natArgs = []string{"-s", address, "!", "-o", bridgeIface, "-j", "SNAT", "--to-source", hostAddr} hpNatArgs = []string{"-m", "addrtype", "--src-type", "LOCAL", "-o", bridgeIface, "-j", "SNAT", "--to-source", hostAddr} // Else use MASQUERADE which picks the src-ip based on NH from the route table } else { natArgs = []string{"-s", address, "!", "-o", bridgeIface, "-j", "MASQUERADE"} hpNatArgs = []string{"-m", "addrtype", "--src-type", "LOCAL", "-o", bridgeIface, "-j", "MASQUERADE"} } natRule := iptRule{table: iptables.Nat, chain: "POSTROUTING", preArgs: []string{"-t", "nat"}, args: natArgs} hpNatRule := iptRule{table: iptables.Nat, chain: "POSTROUTING", preArgs: []string{"-t", "nat"}, args: hpNatArgs} ipVersion := iptables.IPv4 if strings.Contains(address, ":") { ipVersion = iptables.IPv6 } // Set NAT. if ipmasq { if err := programChainRule(ipVersion, natRule, "NAT", enable); err != nil { return err } } if ipmasq && !hairpin { if err := programChainRule(ipVersion, skipDNAT, "SKIP DNAT", enable); err != nil { return err } } // In hairpin mode, masquerade traffic from localhost if hairpin { if err := programChainRule(ipVersion, hpNatRule, "MASQ LOCAL HOST", enable); err != nil { return err } } // Set Inter Container Communication. if err := setIcc(ipVersion, bridgeIface, icc, enable); err != nil { return err } // Set Accept on all non-intercontainer outgoing packets. return programChainRule(ipVersion, outRule, "ACCEPT NON_ICC OUTGOING", enable) } func programChainRule(version iptables.IPVersion, rule iptRule, ruleDescr string, insert bool) error { iptable := iptables.GetIptable(version) var ( prefix []string operation string condition bool doesExist = iptable.Exists(rule.table, rule.chain, rule.args...) ) if insert { condition = !doesExist prefix = []string{"-I", rule.chain} operation = "enable" } else { condition = doesExist prefix = []string{"-D", rule.chain} operation = "disable" } if rule.preArgs != nil { prefix = append(rule.preArgs, prefix...) } if condition { if err := iptable.RawCombinedOutput(append(prefix, rule.args...)...); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Unable to %s %s rule: %s", operation, ruleDescr, err.Error()) } } return nil } func setIcc(version iptables.IPVersion, bridgeIface string, iccEnable, insert bool) error { iptable := iptables.GetIptable(version) var ( table = iptables.Filter chain = "FORWARD" args = []string{"-i", bridgeIface, "-o", bridgeIface, "-j"} acceptArgs = append(args, "ACCEPT") dropArgs = append(args, "DROP") ) if insert { if !iccEnable { iptable.Raw(append([]string{"-D", chain}, acceptArgs...)...) if !iptable.Exists(table, chain, dropArgs...) { if err := iptable.RawCombinedOutput(append([]string{"-A", chain}, dropArgs...)...); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Unable to prevent intercontainer communication: %s", err.Error()) } } } else { iptable.Raw(append([]string{"-D", chain}, dropArgs...)...) if !iptable.Exists(table, chain, acceptArgs...) { if err := iptable.RawCombinedOutput(append([]string{"-I", chain}, acceptArgs...)...); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Unable to allow intercontainer communication: %s", err.Error()) } } } } else { // Remove any ICC rule. if !iccEnable { if iptable.Exists(table, chain, dropArgs...) { iptable.Raw(append([]string{"-D", chain}, dropArgs...)...) } } else { if iptable.Exists(table, chain, acceptArgs...) { iptable.Raw(append([]string{"-D", chain}, acceptArgs...)...) } } } return nil } // Control Inter Network Communication. Install[Remove] only if it is [not] present. func setINC(version iptables.IPVersion, iface string, enable bool) error { iptable := iptables.GetIptable(version) var ( action = iptables.Insert actionMsg = "add" chains = []string{IsolationChain1, IsolationChain2} rules = [][]string{ {"-i", iface, "!", "-o", iface, "-j", IsolationChain2}, {"-o", iface, "-j", "DROP"}, } ) if !enable { action = iptables.Delete actionMsg = "remove" } for i, chain := range chains { if err := iptable.ProgramRule(iptables.Filter, chain, action, rules[i]); err != nil { msg := fmt.Sprintf("unable to %s inter-network communication rule: %v", actionMsg, err) if enable { if i == 1 { // Rollback the rule installed on first chain if err2 := iptable.ProgramRule(iptables.Filter, chains[0], iptables.Delete, rules[0]); err2 != nil { logrus.Warnf("Failed to rollback iptables rule after failure (%v): %v", err, err2) } } return fmt.Errorf(msg) } logrus.Warn(msg) } } return nil } // Obsolete chain from previous docker versions const oldIsolationChain = "DOCKER-ISOLATION" func removeIPChains(version iptables.IPVersion) { ipt := iptables.IPTable{Version: version} // Remove obsolete rules from default chains ipt.ProgramRule(iptables.Filter, "FORWARD", iptables.Delete, []string{"-j", oldIsolationChain}) // Remove chains for _, chainInfo := range []iptables.ChainInfo{ {Name: DockerChain, Table: iptables.Nat, IPTable: ipt}, {Name: DockerChain, Table: iptables.Filter, IPTable: ipt}, {Name: IsolationChain1, Table: iptables.Filter, IPTable: ipt}, {Name: IsolationChain2, Table: iptables.Filter, IPTable: ipt}, {Name: oldIsolationChain, Table: iptables.Filter, IPTable: ipt}, } { if err := chainInfo.Remove(); err != nil { logrus.Warnf("Failed to remove existing iptables entries in table %s chain %s : %v", chainInfo.Table, chainInfo.Name, err) } } } func setupInternalNetworkRules(bridgeIface string, addr net.Addr, icc, insert bool) error { var ( inDropRule = iptRule{table: iptables.Filter, chain: IsolationChain1, args: []string{"-i", bridgeIface, "!", "-d", addr.String(), "-j", "DROP"}} outDropRule = iptRule{table: iptables.Filter, chain: IsolationChain1, args: []string{"-o", bridgeIface, "!", "-s", addr.String(), "-j", "DROP"}} ) version := iptables.IPv4 if strings.Contains(addr.String(), ":") { version = iptables.IPv6 } if err := programChainRule(version, inDropRule, "DROP INCOMING", insert); err != nil { return err } if err := programChainRule(version, outDropRule, "DROP OUTGOING", insert); err != nil { return err } // Set Inter Container Communication. return setIcc(version, bridgeIface, icc, insert) } func clearEndpointConnections(nlh *netlink.Handle, ep *bridgeEndpoint) { var ipv4List []net.IP var ipv6List []net.IP if ep.addr != nil { ipv4List = append(ipv4List, ep.addr.IP) } if ep.addrv6 != nil { ipv6List = append(ipv6List, ep.addrv6.IP) } iptables.DeleteConntrackEntries(nlh, ipv4List, ipv6List) }