package cluster // import "" import ( "context" "fmt" "net" "strings" "time" apitypes "" "" types "" "" "" "" "" swarmapi "" "" swarmnode "" "" "" "" ) // Init initializes new cluster from user provided request. func (c *Cluster) Init(req types.InitRequest) (string, error) { c.controlMutex.Lock() defer c.controlMutex.Unlock() if != nil { if req.ForceNewCluster { // Take temporarily to wait for presently running // API handlers to finish before shutting down the node. if ! { return "", errSwarmNotManager } if err :=; err != nil { return "", err } } else { return "", errSwarmExists } } if err := validateAndSanitizeInitRequest(&req); err != nil { return "", errdefs.InvalidParameter(err) } listenHost, listenPort, err := resolveListenAddr(req.ListenAddr) if err != nil { return "", errdefs.InvalidParameter(err) } advertiseHost, advertisePort, err := c.resolveAdvertiseAddr(req.AdvertiseAddr, listenPort) if err != nil { return "", err } dataPathAddr, err := resolveDataPathAddr(req.DataPathAddr) if err != nil { return "", err } localAddr := listenHost // If the local address is undetermined, the advertise address // will be used as local address, if it belongs to this system. // If the advertise address is not local, then we try to find // a system address to use as local address. If this fails, // we give up and ask the user to pass the listen address. if net.ParseIP(localAddr).IsUnspecified() { advertiseIP := net.ParseIP(advertiseHost) found := false for _, systemIP := range listSystemIPs() { if systemIP.Equal(advertiseIP) { localAddr = advertiseIP.String() found = true break } } if !found { ip, err := c.resolveSystemAddr() if err != nil { logrus.Warnf("Could not find a local address: %v", err) return "", errMustSpecifyListenAddr } localAddr = ip.String() } } if err := validateDefaultAddrPool(req.DefaultAddrPool, req.SubnetSize); err != nil { return "", err } port, err := getDataPathPort(req.DataPathPort) if err != nil { return "", err } nr, err := c.newNodeRunner(nodeStartConfig{ forceNewCluster: req.ForceNewCluster, autolock: req.AutoLockManagers, LocalAddr: localAddr, ListenAddr: net.JoinHostPort(listenHost, listenPort), AdvertiseAddr: net.JoinHostPort(advertiseHost, advertisePort), DataPathAddr: dataPathAddr, DefaultAddressPool: req.DefaultAddrPool, SubnetSize: req.SubnetSize, availability: req.Availability, DataPathPort: port, }) if err != nil { return "", err } = nr if err := <-nr.Ready(); err != nil { = nil if !req.ForceNewCluster { // if failure on first attempt don't keep state if err := clearPersistentState(c.root); err != nil { return "", err } } return "", err } state := nr.State() if state.swarmNode == nil { // should never happen but protect from panic return "", errors.New("invalid cluster state for spec initialization") } if err := initClusterSpec(state.swarmNode, req.Spec); err != nil { return "", err } return state.NodeID(), nil } // Join makes current Cluster part of an existing swarm cluster. func (c *Cluster) Join(req types.JoinRequest) error { c.controlMutex.Lock() defer c.controlMutex.Unlock() if != nil { return errors.WithStack(errSwarmExists) } if err := validateAndSanitizeJoinRequest(&req); err != nil { return errdefs.InvalidParameter(err) } listenHost, listenPort, err := resolveListenAddr(req.ListenAddr) if err != nil { return err } var advertiseAddr string if req.AdvertiseAddr != "" { advertiseHost, advertisePort, err := c.resolveAdvertiseAddr(req.AdvertiseAddr, listenPort) // For joining, we don't need to provide an advertise address, // since the remote side can detect it. if err == nil { advertiseAddr = net.JoinHostPort(advertiseHost, advertisePort) } } dataPathAddr, err := resolveDataPathAddr(req.DataPathAddr) if err != nil { return err } nr, err := c.newNodeRunner(nodeStartConfig{ RemoteAddr: req.RemoteAddrs[0], ListenAddr: net.JoinHostPort(listenHost, listenPort), AdvertiseAddr: advertiseAddr, DataPathAddr: dataPathAddr, joinAddr: req.RemoteAddrs[0], joinToken: req.JoinToken, availability: req.Availability, }) if err != nil { return err } = nr timeout := time.NewTimer(swarmConnectTimeout) defer timeout.Stop() select { case <-timeout.C: return errSwarmJoinTimeoutReached case err := <-nr.Ready(): if err != nil { = nil if err := clearPersistentState(c.root); err != nil { return err } } return err } } // Inspect retrieves the configuration properties of a managed swarm cluster. func (c *Cluster) Inspect() (types.Swarm, error) { var swarm types.Swarm if err := c.lockedManagerAction(func(ctx context.Context, state nodeState) error { s, err := c.inspect(ctx, state) if err != nil { return err } swarm = s return nil }); err != nil { return types.Swarm{}, err } return swarm, nil } func (c *Cluster) inspect(ctx context.Context, state nodeState) (types.Swarm, error) { s, err := getSwarm(ctx, state.controlClient) if err != nil { return types.Swarm{}, err } return convert.SwarmFromGRPC(*s), nil } // Update updates configuration of a managed swarm cluster. func (c *Cluster) Update(version uint64, spec types.Spec, flags types.UpdateFlags) error { return c.lockedManagerAction(func(ctx context.Context, state nodeState) error { swarm, err := getSwarm(ctx, state.controlClient) if err != nil { return err } // Validate spec name. if spec.Annotations.Name == "" { spec.Annotations.Name = "default" } else if spec.Annotations.Name != "default" { return errdefs.InvalidParameter(errors.New(`swarm spec must be named "default"`)) } // In update, client should provide the complete spec of the swarm, including // Name and Labels. If a field is specified with 0 or nil, then the default value // will be used to swarmkit. clusterSpec, err := convert.SwarmSpecToGRPC(spec) if err != nil { return errdefs.InvalidParameter(err) } _, err = state.controlClient.UpdateCluster( ctx, &swarmapi.UpdateClusterRequest{ ClusterID: swarm.ID, Spec: &clusterSpec, ClusterVersion: &swarmapi.Version{ Index: version, }, Rotation: swarmapi.KeyRotation{ WorkerJoinToken: flags.RotateWorkerToken, ManagerJoinToken: flags.RotateManagerToken, ManagerUnlockKey: flags.RotateManagerUnlockKey, }, }, ) return err }) } // GetUnlockKey returns the unlock key for the swarm. func (c *Cluster) GetUnlockKey() (string, error) { var resp *swarmapi.GetUnlockKeyResponse if err := c.lockedManagerAction(func(ctx context.Context, state nodeState) error { client := swarmapi.NewCAClient(state.grpcConn) r, err := client.GetUnlockKey(ctx, &swarmapi.GetUnlockKeyRequest{}) if err != nil { return err } resp = r return nil }); err != nil { return "", err } if len(resp.UnlockKey) == 0 { // no key return "", nil } return encryption.HumanReadableKey(resp.UnlockKey), nil } // UnlockSwarm provides a key to decrypt data that is encrypted at rest. func (c *Cluster) UnlockSwarm(req types.UnlockRequest) error { c.controlMutex.Lock() defer c.controlMutex.Unlock() state := c.currentNodeState() if !state.IsActiveManager() { // when manager is not active, // unless it is locked, otherwise return error. if err := c.errNoManager(state); err != errSwarmLocked { return err } } else { // when manager is active, return an error of "not locked" return notLockedError{} } // only when swarm is locked, code running reaches here nr := key, err := encryption.ParseHumanReadableKey(req.UnlockKey) if err != nil { return errdefs.InvalidParameter(err) } config := nr.config config.lockKey = key if err := nr.Stop(); err != nil { return err } nr, err = c.newNodeRunner(config) if err != nil { return err } = nr if err := <-nr.Ready(); err != nil { if errors.Is(err, errSwarmLocked) { return invalidUnlockKey{} } return errors.Errorf("swarm component could not be started: %v", err) } return nil } // Leave shuts down Cluster and removes current state. func (c *Cluster) Leave(ctx context.Context, force bool) error { c.controlMutex.Lock() defer c.controlMutex.Unlock() nr := if nr == nil { return errors.WithStack(errNoSwarm) } state := c.currentNodeState() if errors.Is(state.err, errSwarmLocked) && !force { // leave a locked swarm without --force is not allowed return errors.WithStack(notAvailableError("Swarm is encrypted and locked. Please unlock it first or use `--force` to ignore this message.")) } if state.IsManager() && !force { msg := "You are attempting to leave the swarm on a node that is participating as a manager. " if state.IsActiveManager() { active, reachable, unreachable, err := managerStats(state.controlClient, state.NodeID()) if err == nil { if active && removingManagerCausesLossOfQuorum(reachable, unreachable) { if isLastManager(reachable, unreachable) { msg += "Removing the last manager erases all current state of the swarm. Use `--force` to ignore this message. " return errors.WithStack(notAvailableError(msg)) } msg += fmt.Sprintf("Removing this node leaves %v managers out of %v. Without a Raft quorum your swarm will be inaccessible. ", reachable-1, reachable+unreachable) } } } else { msg += "Doing so may lose the consensus of your cluster. " } msg += "The only way to restore a swarm that has lost consensus is to reinitialize it with `--force-new-cluster`. Use `--force` to suppress this message." return errors.WithStack(notAvailableError(msg)) } // release readers in here if err := nr.Stop(); err != nil { logrus.Errorf("failed to shut down cluster node: %v", err) stack.Dump() return err } = nil if nodeID := state.NodeID(); nodeID != "" { nodeContainers, err := c.listContainerForNode(ctx, nodeID) if err != nil { return err } for _, id := range nodeContainers { if err := c.config.Backend.ContainerRm(id, &apitypes.ContainerRmConfig{ForceRemove: true}); err != nil { logrus.Errorf("error removing %v: %v", id, err) } } } // todo: cleanup optional? if err := clearPersistentState(c.root); err != nil { return err } c.config.Backend.DaemonLeavesCluster() return nil } // Info returns information about the current cluster state. func (c *Cluster) Info() types.Info { info := types.Info{ NodeAddr: c.GetAdvertiseAddress(), } defer state := c.currentNodeState() info.LocalNodeState = state.status if state.err != nil { info.Error = state.err.Error() } ctx, cancel := c.getRequestContext() defer cancel() if state.IsActiveManager() { info.ControlAvailable = true swarm, err := c.inspect(ctx, state) if err != nil { info.Error = err.Error() } info.Cluster = &swarm.ClusterInfo if r, err := state.controlClient.ListNodes( ctx, &swarmapi.ListNodesRequest{}, grpc.MaxCallRecvMsgSize(defaultRecvSizeForListResponse), ); err != nil { info.Error = err.Error() } else { info.Nodes = len(r.Nodes) for _, n := range r.Nodes { if n.ManagerStatus != nil { info.Managers = info.Managers + 1 } } } switch info.LocalNodeState { case types.LocalNodeStateInactive, types.LocalNodeStateLocked, types.LocalNodeStateError: // nothing to do default: if info.Managers == 2 { const warn string = `WARNING: Running Swarm in a two-manager configuration. This configuration provides no fault tolerance, and poses a high risk to lose control over the cluster. Refer to to configure the Swarm for fault-tolerance.` info.Warnings = append(info.Warnings, warn) } } } if state.swarmNode != nil { for _, r := range state.swarmNode.Remotes() { info.RemoteManagers = append(info.RemoteManagers, types.Peer{NodeID: r.NodeID, Addr: r.Addr}) } info.NodeID = state.swarmNode.NodeID() } return info } // Status returns a textual representation of the node's swarm status and role (manager/worker) func (c *Cluster) Status() string { s := c.currentNodeState() state := string(s.status) if s.status == types.LocalNodeStateActive { if s.IsActiveManager() || s.IsManager() { state += "/manager" } else { state += "/worker" } } return state } func validateAndSanitizeInitRequest(req *types.InitRequest) error { var err error req.ListenAddr, err = validateAddr(req.ListenAddr) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid ListenAddr %q: %v", req.ListenAddr, err) } if req.Spec.Annotations.Name == "" { req.Spec.Annotations.Name = "default" } else if req.Spec.Annotations.Name != "default" { return errors.New(`swarm spec must be named "default"`) } return nil } func validateAndSanitizeJoinRequest(req *types.JoinRequest) error { var err error req.ListenAddr, err = validateAddr(req.ListenAddr) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid ListenAddr %q: %v", req.ListenAddr, err) } if len(req.RemoteAddrs) == 0 { return errors.New("at least 1 RemoteAddr is required to join") } for i := range req.RemoteAddrs { req.RemoteAddrs[i], err = validateAddr(req.RemoteAddrs[i]) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid remoteAddr %q: %v", req.RemoteAddrs[i], err) } } return nil } func validateAddr(addr string) (string, error) { if addr == "" { return addr, errors.New("invalid empty address") } newaddr, err := opts.ParseTCPAddr(addr, defaultAddr) if err != nil { // TODO(thaJeztah) why are we ignoring the error here? Is this to allow "non-tcp" addresses? return addr, nil } return strings.TrimPrefix(newaddr, "tcp://"), nil } func initClusterSpec(node *swarmnode.Node, spec types.Spec) error { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second) defer cancel() for conn := range node.ListenControlSocket(ctx) { if ctx.Err() != nil { return ctx.Err() } if conn != nil { client := swarmapi.NewControlClient(conn) var cluster *swarmapi.Cluster for i := 0; ; i++ { lcr, err := client.ListClusters(ctx, &swarmapi.ListClustersRequest{}) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error on listing clusters: %v", err) } if len(lcr.Clusters) == 0 { if i < 10 { time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond) continue } return errors.New("empty list of clusters was returned") } cluster = lcr.Clusters[0] break } // In init, we take the initial default values from swarmkit, and merge // any non nil or 0 value from spec to GRPC spec. This will leave the // default value alone. // Note that this is different from Update(), as in Update() we expect // user to specify the complete spec of the cluster (as they already know // the existing one and knows which field to update) clusterSpec, err := convert.MergeSwarmSpecToGRPC(spec, cluster.Spec) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating cluster settings: %v", err) } _, err = client.UpdateCluster(ctx, &swarmapi.UpdateClusterRequest{ ClusterID: cluster.ID, ClusterVersion: &cluster.Meta.Version, Spec: &clusterSpec, }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating cluster settings: %v", err) } return nil } } return ctx.Err() } func (c *Cluster) listContainerForNode(ctx context.Context, nodeID string) ([]string, error) { var ids []string filters := filters.NewArgs() filters.Add("label", fmt.Sprintf("", nodeID)) containers, err := c.config.Backend.Containers(ctx, &apitypes.ContainerListOptions{ Filters: filters, }) if err != nil { return []string{}, err } for _, c := range containers { ids = append(ids, c.ID) } return ids, nil }