def withGithubStatus(String context, Closure cl) { def setGithubStatus = { String state -> try { def backref = "${BUILD_URL}flowGraphTable/" def reposSourceURL = scm.repositories[0].getURIs()[0].toString() step( $class: 'GitHubCommitStatusSetter', contextSource: [$class: "ManuallyEnteredCommitContextSource", context: context], errorHandlers: [[$class: 'ShallowAnyErrorHandler']], reposSource: [$class: 'ManuallyEnteredRepositorySource', url: reposSourceURL], statusBackrefSource: [$class: 'ManuallyEnteredBackrefSource', backref: backref], statusResultSource: [$class: 'ConditionalStatusResultSource', results: [[$class: 'AnyBuildResult', state: state]]], ) } catch (err) { echo "Exception from GitHubCommitStatusSetter for $context: $err" } } setGithubStatus 'PENDING' try { cl() } catch (err) { // AbortException signals a "normal" build failure. if (!(err instanceof hudson.AbortException)) { echo "Exception in withGithubStatus for $context: $err" } setGithubStatus 'FAILURE' throw err } setGithubStatus 'SUCCESS' } pipeline { agent none options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '30')) timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS') } parameters { booleanParam(name: 'janky', defaultValue: true, description: 'x86 Build/Test') booleanParam(name: 'experimental', defaultValue: true, description: 'x86 Experimental Build/Test ') booleanParam(name: 'z', defaultValue: true, description: 'IBM Z (s390x) Build/Test') booleanParam(name: 'powerpc', defaultValue: true, description: 'PowerPC (ppc64le) Build/Test') booleanParam(name: 'vendor', defaultValue: true, description: 'Vendor') booleanParam(name: 'windowsRS1', defaultValue: true, description: 'Windows 2016 (RS1) Build/Test') booleanParam(name: 'windowsRS5', defaultValue: true, description: 'Windows 2019 (RS5) Build/Test') } stages { stage('Build') { parallel { stage('janky') { when { beforeAgent true expression { params.janky } } agent { node { label 'ubuntu-1604-overlay2-stable' } } steps { withGithubStatus('janky') { sh ''' # todo: include ip_vs in base image sudo modprobe ip_vs GITCOMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) docker build --rm --force-rm --build-arg -t docker:$GITCOMMIT . docker run --rm -t --privileged \ -v "$WORKSPACE/bundles:/go/src/" \ -v "$WORKSPACE/.git:/go/src/" \ --name docker-pr$BUILD_NUMBER \ -e DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=${GITCOMMIT} \ -e DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER=vfs \ -e DOCKER_EXECDRIVER=native \ -e GIT_SHA1=${GIT_COMMIT} \ docker:$GITCOMMIT \ hack/ci/janky ''' sh ''' GITCOMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) echo "Building e2e image" docker build --build-arg DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=$GITCOMMIT -t moby-e2e-test -f Dockerfile.e2e . ''' } } post { always { sh ''' echo "Ensuring container killed." docker rm -vf docker-pr$BUILD_NUMBER || true echo "Chowning /workspace to jenkins user" docker run --rm -v "$WORKSPACE:/workspace" busybox chown -R "$(id -u):$(id -g)" /workspace ''' sh ''' echo "Creating bundles.tar.gz" (find bundles -name '*.log' -o -name '*.prof' -o -name integration.test | xargs tar -czf bundles.tar.gz) || true ''' archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'bundles.tar.gz' } } } stage('experimental') { when { beforeAgent true expression { params.experimental } } agent { node { label 'ubuntu-1604-aufs-stable' } } steps { withGithubStatus('experimental') { sh ''' GITCOMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) docker build --rm --force-rm --build-arg -t docker:${GITCOMMIT}-exp . docker run --rm -t --privileged \ -v "$WORKSPACE/bundles:/go/src/" \ -e DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL=y \ --name docker-pr-exp$BUILD_NUMBER \ -e DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=${GITCOMMIT} \ -e DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER=vfs \ -e DOCKER_EXECDRIVER=native \ docker:${GITCOMMIT}-exp \ hack/ci/experimental ''' } } post { always { sh ''' echo "Ensuring container killed." docker rm -vf docker-pr-exp$BUILD_NUMBER || true echo "Chowning /workspace to jenkins user" docker run --rm -v "$WORKSPACE:/workspace" busybox chown -R "$(id -u):$(id -g)" /workspace ''' sh ''' echo "Creating bundles.tar.gz" (find bundles -name '*.log' -o -name '*.prof' -o -name integration.test | xargs tar -czf bundles.tar.gz) || true ''' archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'bundles.tar.gz' } } } stage('z') { when { beforeAgent true expression { params.z } } agent { node { label 's390x-ubuntu-1604' } } steps { withGithubStatus('z') { sh ''' GITCOMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) test -f Dockerfile.s390x && \ docker build --rm --force-rm --build-arg -t docker-s390x:$GITCOMMIT -f Dockerfile.s390x . || \ docker build --rm --force-rm --build-arg -t docker-s390x:$GITCOMMIT -f Dockerfile . docker run --rm -t --privileged \ -v "$WORKSPACE/bundles:/go/src/" \ --name docker-pr-s390x$BUILD_NUMBER \ -e DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER=vfs \ -e DOCKER_EXECDRIVER=native \ -e TIMEOUT="300m" \ -e DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=${GITCOMMIT} \ docker-s390x:$GITCOMMIT \ hack/ci/z ''' } } post { always { sh ''' echo "Ensuring container killed." docker rm -vf docker-pr-s390x$BUILD_NUMBER || true echo "Chowning /workspace to jenkins user" docker run --rm -v "$WORKSPACE:/workspace" s390x/busybox chown -R "$(id -u):$(id -g)" /workspace ''' sh ''' echo "Creating bundles.tar.gz" find bundles -name '*.log' | xargs tar -czf bundles.tar.gz ''' archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'bundles.tar.gz' } } } stage('powerpc') { when { beforeAgent true expression { params.powerpc } } agent { node { label 'ppc64le-ubuntu-1604' } } steps { withGithubStatus('powerpc') { sh ''' GITCOMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) test -f Dockerfile.ppc64le && \ docker build --rm --force-rm --build-arg -t docker-powerpc:$GITCOMMIT -f Dockerfile.ppc64le . || \ docker build --rm --force-rm --build-arg -t docker-powerpc:$GITCOMMIT -f Dockerfile . docker run --rm -t --privileged \ -v "$WORKSPACE/bundles:/go/src/" \ --name docker-pr-power$BUILD_NUMBER \ -e DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER=vfs \ -e DOCKER_EXECDRIVER=native \ -e DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=${GITCOMMIT} \ -e TIMEOUT="180m" \ docker-powerpc:$GITCOMMIT \ hack/ci/powerpc ''' } } post { always { sh ''' echo "Ensuring container killed." docker rm -vf docker-pr-power$BUILD_NUMBER || true echo "Chowning /workspace to jenkins user" docker run --rm -v "$WORKSPACE:/workspace" ppc64le/busybox chown -R "$(id -u):$(id -g)" /workspace ''' sh ''' echo "Creating bundles.tar.gz" find bundles -name '*.log' | xargs tar -czf bundles.tar.gz ''' archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'bundles.tar.gz' } } } stage('vendor') { when { beforeAgent true expression { params.vendor } } agent { node { label 'ubuntu-1604-aufs-stable' } } steps { withGithubStatus('vendor') { sh ''' GITCOMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) docker build --rm --force-rm --build-arg -t dockerven:$GITCOMMIT . docker run --rm -t --privileged \ --name dockerven-pr$BUILD_NUMBER \ -e DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER=vfs \ -e DOCKER_EXECDRIVER=native \ -v "$WORKSPACE/.git:/go/src/" \ -e DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=${GITCOMMIT} \ -e TIMEOUT=120m dockerven:$GITCOMMIT \ hack/validate/vendor ''' } } } stage('windowsRS1') { when { beforeAgent true expression { params.windowsRS1 } } agent { node { label 'windows-rs1' customWorkspace 'c:\\gopath\\src\\\\docker\\docker' } } steps { withGithubStatus('windowsRS1') { powershell ''' $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' .\\hack\\ci\\windows.ps1 exit $LastExitCode ''' } } } stage('windowsRS5-process') { when { beforeAgent true expression { params.windowsRS5 } } agent { node { label 'windows-rs5' customWorkspace 'c:\\gopath\\src\\\\docker\\docker' } } steps { withGithubStatus('windowsRS5-process') { powershell ''' $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' .\\hack\\ci\\windows.ps1 exit $LastExitCode ''' } } } } } } }