Docker Documentation ==================== This directory contains the Docker user manual in the Markdown format. Do *not* edit the man pages in the man1 directory. Instead, amend the Markdown (*.md) files. # Generating man pages from the Markdown files The recommended approach for generating the man pages is via a Docker container using the supplied `Dockerfile` to create an image with the correct environment. This uses `go-md2man`, a pure Go Markdown to man page generator. ### Generate the man pages On Linux installations, Docker includes a set of man pages you can access by typing `man command-name` on the command line. For example, `man docker` displays the `docker` man page. When using Docker on Mac OSX the man pages are not automatically included. You can generate and install the `man` pages yourself by following these steps: 1. Checkout the `docker` source. $ git clone If you are using Boot2Docker, you must clone into your `/Users` directory because Boot2Docker can only share this path with the docker containers. 2. Build the docker image. $ cd docker/man $ docker build -t docker/md2man . 3. Build the man pages. $ docker run -v /docker/man:/man:rw -w /man -i docker/md2man /man/ The `md2man` Docker container processes the Markdown files and generates a `man1` and `man5` subdirectories in the `docker/man` directory. 4. Copy the generated man pages to `/usr/share/man` $ cp -R man* /usr/share/man/