version: "3" services: foo: cap_add: - ALL cap_drop: - NET_ADMIN - SYS_ADMIN cgroup_parent: m-executor-abcd # String or list command: bundle exec thin -p 3000 # command: ["bundle", "exec", "thin", "-p", "3000"] container_name: my-web-container depends_on: - db - redis deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 6 labels: [FOO=BAR] update_config: parallelism: 3 delay: 10s failure_action: continue monitor: 60s max_failure_ratio: 0.3 resources: limits: cpus: '0.001' memory: 50M reservations: cpus: '0.0001' memory: 20M restart_policy: condition: on_failure delay: 5s max_attempts: 3 window: 120s placement: constraints: [node=foo] devices: - "/dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0" # String or list # dns: dns: - - # String or list # dns_search: dns_search: - - domainname: # String or list # entrypoint: /code/ -p 3000 entrypoint: ["/code/", "-p", "3000"] # String or list # env_file: .env env_file: - ./example1.env - ./example2.env # Mapping or list # Mapping values can be strings, numbers or null # Booleans are not allowed - must be quoted environment: RACK_ENV: development SHOW: 'true' SESSION_SECRET: BAZ: 3 # environment: # - RACK_ENV=development # - SHOW=true # - SESSION_SECRET # Items can be strings or numbers expose: - "3000" - 8000 external_links: - redis_1 - project_db_1:mysql - project_db_1:postgresql # Mapping or list # Mapping values must be strings # extra_hosts: # somehost: "" # otherhost: "" extra_hosts: - "somehost:" - "otherhost:" hostname: foo healthcheck: test: echo "hello world" interval: 10s timeout: 1s retries: 5 # Any valid image reference - repo, tag, id, sha image: redis # image: ubuntu:14.04 # image: tutum/influxdb # image: # image: a4bc65fd # image: busybox@sha256:38a203e1986cf79639cfb9b2e1d6e773de84002feea2d4eb006b52004ee8502d ipc: host # Mapping or list # Mapping values can be strings, numbers or null labels: com.example.description: "Accounting webapp" com.example.number: 42 com.example.empty-label: # labels: # - "com.example.description=Accounting webapp" # - "com.example.number=42" # - "com.example.empty-label" links: - db - db:database - redis logging: driver: syslog options: syslog-address: "tcp://" mac_address: 02:42:ac:11:65:43 # network_mode: "bridge" # network_mode: "host" # network_mode: "none" # Use the network mode of an arbitrary container from another service # network_mode: "service:db" # Use the network mode of another container, specified by name or id # network_mode: "container:some-container" network_mode: "container:0cfeab0f748b9a743dc3da582046357c6ef497631c1a016d28d2bf9b4f899f7b" networks: some-network: aliases: - alias1 - alias3 other-network: ipv4_address: ipv6_address: 2001:3984:3989::10 other-other-network: pid: "host" ports: - 3000 - "3000-3005" - "8000:8000" - "9090-9091:8080-8081" - "49100:22" - "" - "" privileged: true read_only: true restart: always security_opt: - label=level:s0:c100,c200 - label=type:svirt_apache_t stdin_open: true stop_grace_period: 20s stop_signal: SIGUSR1 # String or list # tmpfs: /run tmpfs: - /run - /tmp tty: true ulimits: # Single number or mapping with soft + hard limits nproc: 65535 nofile: soft: 20000 hard: 40000 user: someone volumes: # Just specify a path and let the Engine create a volume - /var/lib/mysql # Specify an absolute path mapping - /opt/data:/var/lib/mysql # Path on the host, relative to the Compose file - .:/code - ./static:/var/www/html # User-relative path - ~/configs:/etc/configs/:ro # Named volume - datavolume:/var/lib/mysql working_dir: /code networks: # Entries can be null, which specifies simply that a network # called "{project name}_some-network" should be created and # use the default driver some-network: other-network: driver: overlay driver_opts: # Values can be strings or numbers foo: "bar" baz: 1 ipam: driver: overlay # driver_opts: # # Values can be strings or numbers # "true" # 1 config: - subnet: # gateway: - subnet: 2001:3984:3989::/64 # gateway: 2001:3984:3989::1 external-network: # Specifies that a pre-existing network called "external-network" # can be referred to within this file as "external-network" external: true other-external-network: # Specifies that a pre-existing network called "my-cool-network" # can be referred to within this file as "other-external-network" external: name: my-cool-network volumes: # Entries can be null, which specifies simply that a volume # called "{project name}_some-volume" should be created and # use the default driver some-volume: other-volume: driver: flocker driver_opts: # Values can be strings or numbers foo: "bar" baz: 1 external-volume: # Specifies that a pre-existing volume called "external-volume" # can be referred to within this file as "external-volume" external: true other-external-volume: # Specifies that a pre-existing volume called "my-cool-volume" # can be referred to within this file as "other-external-volume" external: name: my-cool-volume