package dbclient import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net" "net/http" "os" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" ) var servicePort string const totalWrittenKeys string = "totalKeys" type resultTuple struct { id string result int } func httpGetFatalError(ip, port, path string) { body, err := httpGet(ip, port, path) if err != nil || !strings.Contains(string(body), "OK") { log.Fatalf("[%s] error %s %s", path, err, body) } } func httpGet(ip, port, path string) ([]byte, error) { resp, err := http.Get("http://" + ip + ":" + port + path) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("httpGet error:%s", err) return nil, err } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) return body, err } func joinCluster(ip, port string, members []string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { httpGetFatalError(ip, port, "/join?members="+strings.Join(members, ",")) if doneCh != nil { doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: 0} } } func joinNetwork(ip, port, network string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { httpGetFatalError(ip, port, "/joinnetwork?nid="+network) if doneCh != nil { doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: 0} } } func leaveNetwork(ip, port, network string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { httpGetFatalError(ip, port, "/leavenetwork?nid="+network) if doneCh != nil { doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: 0} } } func writeTableKey(ip, port, networkName, tableName, key string) { createPath := "/createentry?unsafe&nid=" + networkName + "&tname=" + tableName + "&value=v&key=" httpGetFatalError(ip, port, createPath+key) } func deleteTableKey(ip, port, networkName, tableName, key string) { deletePath := "/deleteentry?nid=" + networkName + "&tname=" + tableName + "&key=" httpGetFatalError(ip, port, deletePath+key) } func clusterPeersNumber(ip, port string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { body, err := httpGet(ip, port, "/clusterpeers") if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("clusterPeers %s there was an error: %s", ip, err) doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: -1} return } peersRegexp := regexp.MustCompile(`total entries: ([0-9]+)`) peersNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(peersRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(string(body))[1]) doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: peersNum} } func networkPeersNumber(ip, port, networkName string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { body, err := httpGet(ip, port, "/networkpeers?nid="+networkName) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("networkPeersNumber %s there was an error: %s", ip, err) doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: -1} return } peersRegexp := regexp.MustCompile(`total entries: ([0-9]+)`) peersNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(peersRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(string(body))[1]) doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: peersNum} } func dbTableEntriesNumber(ip, port, networkName, tableName string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { body, err := httpGet(ip, port, "/gettable?nid="+networkName+"&tname="+tableName) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("tableEntriesNumber %s there was an error: %s", ip, err) doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: -1} return } elementsRegexp := regexp.MustCompile(`total entries: ([0-9]+)`) entriesNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(elementsRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(string(body))[1]) doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: entriesNum} } func dbQueueLength(ip, port, networkName string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { body, err := httpGet(ip, port, "/networkstats?nid="+networkName) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("queueLength %s there was an error: %s", ip, err) doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: -1} return } elementsRegexp := regexp.MustCompile(`qlen: ([0-9]+)`) entriesNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(elementsRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(string(body))[1]) doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: entriesNum} } func clientWatchTable(ip, port, networkName, tableName string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { httpGetFatalError(ip, port, "/watchtable?nid="+networkName+"&tname="+tableName) if doneCh != nil { doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: 0} } } func clientTableEntriesNumber(ip, port, networkName, tableName string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { body, err := httpGet(ip, port, "/watchedtableentries?nid="+networkName+"&tname="+tableName) if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("clientTableEntriesNumber %s there was an error: %s", ip, err) doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: -1} return } elementsRegexp := regexp.MustCompile(`total elements: ([0-9]+)`) entriesNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(elementsRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(string(body))[1]) doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: entriesNum} } func writeKeysNumber(ip, port, networkName, tableName, key string, number int, doneCh chan resultTuple) { x := 0 for ; x < number; x++ { k := key + strconv.Itoa(x) // write key writeTableKey(ip, port, networkName, tableName, k) } doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: x} } func deleteKeysNumber(ip, port, networkName, tableName, key string, number int, doneCh chan resultTuple) { x := 0 for ; x < number; x++ { k := key + strconv.Itoa(x) // write key deleteTableKey(ip, port, networkName, tableName, k) } doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: x} } func writeUniqueKeys(ctx context.Context, ip, port, networkName, tableName, key string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { for x := 0; ; x++ { select { case <-ctx.Done(): doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: x} return default: k := key + strconv.Itoa(x) // write key writeTableKey(ip, port, networkName, tableName, k) // give time to send out key writes time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } } } func writeDeleteUniqueKeys(ctx context.Context, ip, port, networkName, tableName, key string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { for x := 0; ; x++ { select { case <-ctx.Done(): doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: x} return default: k := key + strconv.Itoa(x) // write key writeTableKey(ip, port, networkName, tableName, k) // give time to send out key writes time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // delete key deleteTableKey(ip, port, networkName, tableName, k) } } } func writeDeleteLeaveJoin(ctx context.Context, ip, port, networkName, tableName, key string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { for x := 0; ; x++ { select { case <-ctx.Done(): doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: x} return default: k := key + strconv.Itoa(x) // write key writeTableKey(ip, port, networkName, tableName, k) time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // delete key deleteTableKey(ip, port, networkName, tableName, k) // give some time time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // leave network leaveNetwork(ip, port, networkName, nil) // join network joinNetwork(ip, port, networkName, nil) } } } func ready(ip, port string, doneCh chan resultTuple) { for { body, err := httpGet(ip, port, "/ready") if err != nil || !strings.Contains(string(body), "OK") { time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) continue } // success break } // notify the completion doneCh <- resultTuple{id: ip, result: 0} } func checkTable(ctx context.Context, ips []string, port, networkName, tableName string, expectedEntries int, fn func(string, string, string, string, chan resultTuple)) (opTime time.Duration) { startTime := time.Now().UnixNano() var successTime int64 // Loop for 2 minutes to guarantee that the result is stable for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): // Validate test success, if the time is set means that all the tables are empty if successTime != 0 { opTime = time.Duration(successTime-startTime) / time.Millisecond logrus.Infof("Check table passed, the cluster converged in %d msec", opTime) return } log.Fatal("Test failed, there is still entries in the tables of the nodes") default: logrus.Infof("Checking table %s expected %d", tableName, expectedEntries) doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, len(ips)) for _, ip := range ips { go fn(ip, servicePort, networkName, tableName, doneCh) } nodesWithCorrectEntriesNum := 0 for i := len(ips); i > 0; i-- { tableEntries := <-doneCh logrus.Infof("Node %s has %d entries",, tableEntries.result) if tableEntries.result == expectedEntries { nodesWithCorrectEntriesNum++ } } close(doneCh) if nodesWithCorrectEntriesNum == len(ips) { if successTime == 0 { successTime = time.Now().UnixNano() logrus.Infof("Success after %d msec", time.Duration(successTime-startTime)/time.Millisecond) } } else { successTime = 0 } time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) } } } func waitWriters(parallelWriters int, mustWrite bool, doneCh chan resultTuple) map[string]int { var totalKeys int resultTable := make(map[string]int) for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { logrus.Infof("Waiting for %d workers", parallelWriters-i) workerReturn := <-doneCh totalKeys += workerReturn.result if mustWrite && workerReturn.result == 0 { log.Fatalf("The worker %s did not write any key %d == 0",, workerReturn.result) } if !mustWrite && workerReturn.result != 0 { log.Fatalf("The worker %s was supposed to return 0 instead %d != 0",, workerReturn.result) } if mustWrite { resultTable[] = workerReturn.result logrus.Infof("The worker %s wrote %d keys",, workerReturn.result) } } resultTable[totalWrittenKeys] = totalKeys return resultTable } // ready func doReady(ips []string) { doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, len(ips)) // check all the nodes for _, ip := range ips { go ready(ip, servicePort, doneCh) } // wait for the readiness of all nodes for i := len(ips); i > 0; i-- { <-doneCh } close(doneCh) } // join func doJoin(ips []string) { doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, len(ips)) // check all the nodes for i, ip := range ips { members := append([]string(nil), ips[:i]...) members = append(members, ips[i+1:]...) go joinCluster(ip, servicePort, members, doneCh) } // wait for the readiness of all nodes for i := len(ips); i > 0; i-- { <-doneCh } close(doneCh) } // cluster-peers expectedNumberPeers maxRetry func doClusterPeers(ips []string, args []string) { doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, len(ips)) expectedPeers, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[0]) maxRetry, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[1]) for retry := 0; retry < maxRetry; retry++ { // check all the nodes for _, ip := range ips { go clusterPeersNumber(ip, servicePort, doneCh) } var failed bool // wait for the readiness of all nodes for i := len(ips); i > 0; i-- { node := <-doneCh if node.result != expectedPeers { failed = true if retry == maxRetry-1 { log.Fatalf("Expected peers from %s mismatch %d != %d",, expectedPeers, node.result) } else { logrus.Warnf("Expected peers from %s mismatch %d != %d",, expectedPeers, node.result) } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } } // check if needs retry if !failed { break } } close(doneCh) } // join-network networkName func doJoinNetwork(ips []string, args []string) { doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, len(ips)) // check all the nodes for _, ip := range ips { go joinNetwork(ip, servicePort, args[0], doneCh) } // wait for the readiness of all nodes for i := len(ips); i > 0; i-- { <-doneCh } close(doneCh) } // leave-network networkName func doLeaveNetwork(ips []string, args []string) { doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, len(ips)) // check all the nodes for _, ip := range ips { go leaveNetwork(ip, servicePort, args[0], doneCh) } // wait for the readiness of all nodes for i := len(ips); i > 0; i-- { <-doneCh } close(doneCh) } // network-peers networkName expectedNumberPeers maxRetry func doNetworkPeers(ips []string, args []string) { doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, len(ips)) networkName := args[0] expectedPeers, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[1]) maxRetry, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) for retry := 0; retry < maxRetry; retry++ { // check all the nodes for _, ip := range ips { go networkPeersNumber(ip, servicePort, networkName, doneCh) } var failed bool // wait for the readiness of all nodes for i := len(ips); i > 0; i-- { node := <-doneCh if node.result != expectedPeers { failed = true if retry == maxRetry-1 { log.Fatalf("Expected peers from %s mismatch %d != %d",, expectedPeers, node.result) } else { logrus.Warnf("Expected peers from %s mismatch %d != %d",, expectedPeers, node.result) } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } } // check if needs retry if !failed { break } } close(doneCh) } // network-stats-queue networkName queueSize func doNetworkStatsQueue(ips []string, args []string) { doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, len(ips)) networkName := args[0] comparison := args[1] size, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) // check all the nodes for _, ip := range ips { go dbQueueLength(ip, servicePort, networkName, doneCh) } var avgQueueSize int // wait for the readiness of all nodes for i := len(ips); i > 0; i-- { node := <-doneCh switch comparison { case "lt": if node.result > size { log.Fatalf("Expected queue size from %s to be %d < %d",, node.result, size) } case "gt": if node.result < size { log.Fatalf("Expected queue size from %s to be %d > %d",, node.result, size) } default: log.Fatal("unknown comparison operator") } avgQueueSize += node.result } close(doneCh) avgQueueSize /= len(ips) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "doNetworkStatsQueue succeeded with avg queue:%d", avgQueueSize) } // write-keys networkName tableName parallelWriters numberOfKeysEach func doWriteKeys(ips []string, args []string) { networkName := args[0] tableName := args[1] parallelWriters, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) numberOfKeys, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[3]) doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, parallelWriters) // Enable watch of tables from clients for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { go clientWatchTable(ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, doneCh) } waitWriters(parallelWriters, false, doneCh) // Start parallel writers that will create and delete unique keys defer close(doneCh) for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { key := "key-" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "-" logrus.Infof("Spawn worker: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go writeKeysNumber(ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, key, numberOfKeys, doneCh) } // Sync with all the writers keyMap := waitWriters(parallelWriters, true, doneCh) logrus.Infof("Written a total of %d keys on the cluster", keyMap[totalWrittenKeys]) // check table entries for 2 minutes ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Minute) opTime := checkTable(ctx, ips, servicePort, networkName, tableName, keyMap[totalWrittenKeys], dbTableEntriesNumber) cancel() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "doWriteKeys succeeded in %d msec", opTime) } // delete-keys networkName tableName parallelWriters numberOfKeysEach func doDeleteKeys(ips []string, args []string) { networkName := args[0] tableName := args[1] parallelWriters, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) numberOfKeys, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[3]) doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, parallelWriters) // Enable watch of tables from clients for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { go clientWatchTable(ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, doneCh) } waitWriters(parallelWriters, false, doneCh) // Start parallel writers that will create and delete unique keys defer close(doneCh) for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { key := "key-" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "-" logrus.Infof("Spawn worker: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go deleteKeysNumber(ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, key, numberOfKeys, doneCh) } // Sync with all the writers keyMap := waitWriters(parallelWriters, true, doneCh) logrus.Infof("Written a total of %d keys on the cluster", keyMap[totalWrittenKeys]) // check table entries for 2 minutes ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Minute) opTime := checkTable(ctx, ips, servicePort, networkName, tableName, 0, dbTableEntriesNumber) cancel() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "doDeletekeys succeeded in %d msec", opTime) } // write-delete-unique-keys networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec func doWriteDeleteUniqueKeys(ips []string, args []string) { networkName := args[0] tableName := args[1] parallelWriters, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) writeTimeSec, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[3]) doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, parallelWriters) // Enable watch of tables from clients for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { go clientWatchTable(ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, doneCh) } waitWriters(parallelWriters, false, doneCh) // Start parallel writers that will create and delete unique keys ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(writeTimeSec)*time.Second) for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { key := "key-" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "-" logrus.Infof("Spawn worker: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go writeDeleteUniqueKeys(ctx, ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, key, doneCh) } // Sync with all the writers keyMap := waitWriters(parallelWriters, true, doneCh) cancel() logrus.Infof("Written a total of %d keys on the cluster", keyMap[totalWrittenKeys]) // check table entries for 2 minutes ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Minute) opDBTime := checkTable(ctx, ips, servicePort, networkName, tableName, 0, dbTableEntriesNumber) cancel() ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second) opClientTime := checkTable(ctx, ips, servicePort, networkName, tableName, 0, clientTableEntriesNumber) cancel() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "doWriteDeleteUniqueKeys succeeded in %d msec and client %d msec", opDBTime, opClientTime) } // write-unique-keys networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec func doWriteUniqueKeys(ips []string, args []string) { networkName := args[0] tableName := args[1] parallelWriters, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) writeTimeSec, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[3]) doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, parallelWriters) // Enable watch of tables from clients for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { go clientWatchTable(ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, doneCh) } waitWriters(parallelWriters, false, doneCh) // Start parallel writers that will create and delete unique keys defer close(doneCh) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(writeTimeSec)*time.Second) for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { key := "key-" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "-" logrus.Infof("Spawn worker: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go writeUniqueKeys(ctx, ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, key, doneCh) } // Sync with all the writers keyMap := waitWriters(parallelWriters, true, doneCh) cancel() logrus.Infof("Written a total of %d keys on the cluster", keyMap[totalWrittenKeys]) // check table entries for 2 minutes ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Minute) opTime := checkTable(ctx, ips, servicePort, networkName, tableName, keyMap[totalWrittenKeys], dbTableEntriesNumber) cancel() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "doWriteUniqueKeys succeeded in %d msec", opTime) } // write-delete-leave-join networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec func doWriteDeleteLeaveJoin(ips []string, args []string) { networkName := args[0] tableName := args[1] parallelWriters, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) writeTimeSec, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[3]) // Start parallel writers that will create and delete unique keys doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, parallelWriters) defer close(doneCh) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(writeTimeSec)*time.Second) for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { key := "key-" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "-" logrus.Infof("Spawn worker: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go writeDeleteLeaveJoin(ctx, ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, key, doneCh) } // Sync with all the writers keyMap := waitWriters(parallelWriters, true, doneCh) cancel() logrus.Infof("Written a total of %d keys on the cluster", keyMap["totalKeys"]) // check table entries for 2 minutes ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Minute) opTime := checkTable(ctx, ips, servicePort, networkName, tableName, 0, dbTableEntriesNumber) cancel() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "doWriteDeleteLeaveJoin succeeded in %d msec", opTime) } // write-delete-wait-leave-join networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec func doWriteDeleteWaitLeaveJoin(ips []string, args []string) { networkName := args[0] tableName := args[1] parallelWriters, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) writeTimeSec, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[3]) // Start parallel writers that will create and delete unique keys doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, parallelWriters) defer close(doneCh) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(writeTimeSec)*time.Second) for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { key := "key-" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "-" logrus.Infof("Spawn worker: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go writeDeleteUniqueKeys(ctx, ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, key, doneCh) } // Sync with all the writers keyMap := waitWriters(parallelWriters, true, doneCh) cancel() logrus.Infof("Written a total of %d keys on the cluster", keyMap[totalWrittenKeys]) // The writers will leave the network for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { logrus.Infof("worker leaveNetwork: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go leaveNetwork(ips[i], servicePort, networkName, doneCh) } waitWriters(parallelWriters, false, doneCh) // Give some time time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // The writers will join the network for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { logrus.Infof("worker joinNetwork: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go joinNetwork(ips[i], servicePort, networkName, doneCh) } waitWriters(parallelWriters, false, doneCh) // check table entries for 2 minutes ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Minute) opTime := checkTable(ctx, ips, servicePort, networkName, tableName, 0, dbTableEntriesNumber) cancel() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "doWriteDeleteWaitLeaveJoin succeeded in %d msec", opTime) } // write-wait-leave networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec func doWriteWaitLeave(ips []string, args []string) { networkName := args[0] tableName := args[1] parallelWriters, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) writeTimeSec, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[3]) // Start parallel writers that will create and delete unique keys doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, parallelWriters) defer close(doneCh) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(writeTimeSec)*time.Second) for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { key := "key-" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "-" logrus.Infof("Spawn worker: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go writeUniqueKeys(ctx, ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, key, doneCh) } // Sync with all the writers keyMap := waitWriters(parallelWriters, true, doneCh) cancel() logrus.Infof("Written a total of %d keys on the cluster", keyMap[totalWrittenKeys]) // The writers will leave the network for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { logrus.Infof("worker leaveNetwork: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go leaveNetwork(ips[i], servicePort, networkName, doneCh) } waitWriters(parallelWriters, false, doneCh) // check table entries for 2 minutes ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Minute) opTime := checkTable(ctx, ips, servicePort, networkName, tableName, 0, dbTableEntriesNumber) cancel() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "doWriteLeaveJoin succeeded in %d msec", opTime) } // write-wait-leave-join networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec numParallelLeaver func doWriteWaitLeaveJoin(ips []string, args []string) { networkName := args[0] tableName := args[1] parallelWriters, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[2]) writeTimeSec, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[3]) parallelLeaver, _ := strconv.Atoi(args[4]) // Start parallel writers that will create and delete unique keys doneCh := make(chan resultTuple, parallelWriters) defer close(doneCh) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(writeTimeSec)*time.Second) for i := 0; i < parallelWriters; i++ { key := "key-" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "-" logrus.Infof("Spawn worker: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go writeUniqueKeys(ctx, ips[i], servicePort, networkName, tableName, key, doneCh) } // Sync with all the writers keyMap := waitWriters(parallelWriters, true, doneCh) cancel() logrus.Infof("Written a total of %d keys on the cluster", keyMap[totalWrittenKeys]) keysExpected := keyMap[totalWrittenKeys] // The Leavers will leave the network for i := 0; i < parallelLeaver; i++ { logrus.Infof("worker leaveNetwork: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go leaveNetwork(ips[i], servicePort, networkName, doneCh) // Once a node leave all the keys written previously will be deleted, so the expected keys will consider that as removed keysExpected -= keyMap[ips[i]] } waitWriters(parallelLeaver, false, doneCh) // Give some time time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // The writers will join the network for i := 0; i < parallelLeaver; i++ { logrus.Infof("worker joinNetwork: %d on IP:%s", i, ips[i]) go joinNetwork(ips[i], servicePort, networkName, doneCh) } waitWriters(parallelLeaver, false, doneCh) // check table entries for 2 minutes ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Minute) opTime := checkTable(ctx, ips, servicePort, networkName, tableName, keysExpected, dbTableEntriesNumber) cancel() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "doWriteWaitLeaveJoin succeeded in %d msec", opTime) } var cmdArgChec = map[string]int{ "debug": 0, "fail": 0, "ready": 2, "join": 2, "leave": 2, "join-network": 3, "leave-network": 3, "cluster-peers": 5, "network-peers": 5, "write-delete-unique-keys": 7, } // Client is a client func Client(args []string) { logrus.Infof("[CLIENT] Starting with arguments %v", args) command := args[0] if len(args) < cmdArgChec[command] { log.Fatalf("Command %s requires %d arguments, passed %d, aborting...", command, cmdArgChec[command], len(args)) } switch command { case "debug": time.Sleep(1 * time.Hour) os.Exit(0) case "fail": log.Fatalf("Test error condition with message: error error error") } serviceName := args[1] ips, _ := net.LookupHost("tasks." + serviceName) logrus.Infof("got the ips %v", ips) if len(ips) == 0 { log.Fatalf("Cannot resolve any IP for the service tasks.%s", serviceName) } servicePort = args[2] commandArgs := args[3:] logrus.Infof("Executing %s with args:%v", command, commandArgs) switch command { case "ready": doReady(ips) case "join": doJoin(ips) case "leave": case "cluster-peers": // cluster-peers maxRetry doClusterPeers(ips, commandArgs) case "join-network": // join-network networkName doJoinNetwork(ips, commandArgs) case "leave-network": // leave-network networkName doLeaveNetwork(ips, commandArgs) case "network-peers": // network-peers networkName expectedNumberPeers maxRetry doNetworkPeers(ips, commandArgs) // case "network-stats-entries": // // network-stats-entries networkName maxRetry // doNetworkPeers(ips, commandArgs) case "network-stats-queue": // network-stats-queue networkName queueSize doNetworkStatsQueue(ips, commandArgs) case "write-keys": // write-keys networkName tableName parallelWriters numberOfKeysEach doWriteKeys(ips, commandArgs) case "delete-keys": // delete-keys networkName tableName parallelWriters numberOfKeysEach doDeleteKeys(ips, commandArgs) case "write-unique-keys": // write-delete-unique-keys networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec doWriteUniqueKeys(ips, commandArgs) case "write-delete-unique-keys": // write-delete-unique-keys networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec doWriteDeleteUniqueKeys(ips, commandArgs) case "write-delete-leave-join": // write-delete-leave-join networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec doWriteDeleteLeaveJoin(ips, commandArgs) case "write-delete-wait-leave-join": // write-delete-wait-leave-join networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec doWriteDeleteWaitLeaveJoin(ips, commandArgs) case "write-wait-leave": // write-wait-leave networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec doWriteWaitLeave(ips, commandArgs) case "write-wait-leave-join": // write-wait-leave networkName tableName numParallelWriters writeTimeSec doWriteWaitLeaveJoin(ips, commandArgs) default: log.Fatalf("Command %s not recognized", command) } }