package requirement // import ""

import (

// SkipT is the interface required to skip tests
type SkipT interface {
	Skip(reason string)

// Test represent a function that can be used as a requirement validation.
type Test func() bool

// Is checks if the environment satisfies the requirements
// for the test to run or skips the tests.
func Is(s SkipT, requirements ...Test) {
	for _, r := range requirements {
		isValid := r()
		if !isValid {
			requirementFunc := runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(r).Pointer()).Name()
			s.Skip(fmt.Sprintf("unmatched requirement %s", extractRequirement(requirementFunc)))

func extractRequirement(requirementFunc string) string {
	requirement := path.Base(requirementFunc)
	return strings.SplitN(requirement, ".", 2)[1]