package opts // import "" import ( "fmt" "strings" "testing" ) func TestParseHost(t *testing.T) { invalid := map[string]string{ "something with spaces": `parse "tcp://something with spaces": invalid character " " in host name`, "://": `Invalid bind address format: ://`, "unknown://": `Invalid bind address format: unknown://`, "tcp://:port": `parse "tcp://:port": invalid port ":port" after host`, "tcp://invalid:port": `parse "tcp://invalid:port": invalid port ":port" after host`, "tcp://:5555/": `invalid bind address (:5555/): should not contain a path element`, "tcp://:5555/p": `invalid bind address (:5555/p): should not contain a path element`, "tcp://": `invalid bind address ( should not contain a path element`, "tcp://": `invalid bind address ( should not contain a path element`, "tcp://[::1]:/": `invalid bind address ([::1]:/): should not contain a path element`, "tcp://[::1]:5555/": `invalid bind address ([::1]:5555/): should not contain a path element`, "tcp://[::1]:5555/p": `invalid bind address ([::1]:5555/p): should not contain a path element`, " tcp://:5555/path ": `invalid bind address (:5555/path): should not contain a path element`, } valid := map[string]string{ "": DefaultHost, " ": DefaultHost, " ": DefaultHost, "fd://": "fd://", "fd://something": "fd://something", "tcp://host:": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://host:%d", DefaultHTTPPort), "tcp://": DefaultTCPHost, "tcp://:": DefaultTCPHost, "tcp://:5555": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:5555", DefaultHTTPHost), "tcp://[::1]:": fmt.Sprintf(`tcp://[::1]:%d`, DefaultHTTPPort), "tcp://[::1]:5555": `tcp://[::1]:5555`, "tcp://": "tcp://", "tcp://192.168:5555": "tcp://192.168:5555", "tcp://": "tcp://", "tcp://": "tcp://", // yeah it's valid :P "tcp://": "tcp://", "unix://": "unix://" + DefaultUnixSocket, "unix://path/to/socket": "unix://path/to/socket", "npipe://": "npipe://" + DefaultNamedPipe, "npipe:////./pipe/foo": "npipe:////./pipe/foo", } for value, expectedError := range invalid { t.Run(value, func(t *testing.T) { _, err := ParseHost(false, false, value) if err == nil || err.Error() != expectedError { t.Errorf(`expected error "%s", got "%v"`, expectedError, err) } }) } for value, expected := range valid { t.Run(value, func(t *testing.T) { actual, err := ParseHost(false, false, value) if err != nil { t.Errorf(`unexpected error: "%v"`, err) } if actual != expected { t.Errorf(`expected "%s", got "%s""`, expected, actual) } }) } } func TestParseDockerDaemonHost(t *testing.T) { invalids := map[string]string{ "tcp:a.b.c.d": `parse "tcp://tcp:a.b.c.d": invalid port ":a.b.c.d" after host`, "tcp:a.b.c.d/path": `parse "tcp://tcp:a.b.c.d/path": invalid port ":a.b.c.d" after host`, "udp://": "Invalid bind address format: udp://", "udp://": "Invalid bind address format: udp://", "tcp://unix:///run/docker.sock": "Invalid proto, expected tcp: unix:///run/docker.sock", " tcp://:5555/path ": "Invalid bind address format: tcp://:5555/path ", "": "Invalid bind address format: ", ":5555/path": "invalid bind address (:5555/path): should not contain a path element", "": "invalid bind address ( should not contain a path element", "[::1]:5555/path": "invalid bind address ([::1]:5555/path): should not contain a path element", "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:5555/path": "invalid bind address ([0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:5555/path): should not contain a path element", "tcp://:5555/path": "invalid bind address (:5555/path): should not contain a path element", "localhost:5555/path": "invalid bind address (localhost:5555/path): should not contain a path element", } valids := map[string]string{ ":": DefaultTCPHost, ":5555": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:5555", DefaultHTTPHost), "": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://", DefaultHTTPPort), "": "tcp://", "[::1]:": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://[::1]:%d", DefaultHTTPPort), "[::1]:5555": "tcp://[::1]:5555", "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:%d", DefaultHTTPPort), "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:5555": "tcp://[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:5555", "localhost": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://localhost:%d", DefaultHTTPPort), "localhost:": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://localhost:%d", DefaultHTTPPort), "localhost:5555": "tcp://localhost:5555", "fd://": "fd://", "fd://something": "fd://something", "npipe://": "npipe://" + DefaultNamedPipe, "npipe:////./pipe/foo": "npipe:////./pipe/foo", "tcp://": DefaultTCPHost, "tcp://:5555": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:5555", DefaultHTTPHost), "tcp://[::1]:": fmt.Sprintf("tcp://[::1]:%d", DefaultHTTPPort), "tcp://[::1]:5555": "tcp://[::1]:5555", "unix://": "unix://" + DefaultUnixSocket, "unix:///run/docker.sock": "unix:///run/docker.sock", } for invalidAddr, expectedError := range invalids { t.Run(invalidAddr, func(t *testing.T) { addr, err := parseDaemonHost(invalidAddr) if err == nil || err.Error() != expectedError { t.Errorf(`expected error "%s", got "%v"`, expectedError, err) } if addr != "" { t.Errorf(`expected addr to be empty, got "%s""`, addr) } }) } for validAddr, expectedAddr := range valids { t.Run(validAddr, func(t *testing.T) { addr, err := parseDaemonHost(validAddr) if err != nil { t.Errorf(`unexpected error: "%v"`, err) } if addr != expectedAddr { t.Errorf(`expected "%s", got "%s""`, expectedAddr, addr) } }) } } func TestParseTCP(t *testing.T) { var ( defaultHTTPHost = "tcp://" ) invalids := map[string]string{ "tcp:a.b.c.d": `parse "tcp://tcp:a.b.c.d": invalid port ":a.b.c.d" after host`, "tcp:a.b.c.d/path": `parse "tcp://tcp:a.b.c.d/path": invalid port ":a.b.c.d" after host`, "udp://": "Invalid proto, expected tcp: udp://", "udp://": "Invalid proto, expected tcp: udp://", ":5555/path": "invalid bind address (:5555/path): should not contain a path element", "": "invalid bind address ( should not contain a path element", "[::1]:5555/path": "invalid bind address ([::1]:5555/path): should not contain a path element", "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:5555/path": "invalid bind address ([0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:5555/path): should not contain a path element", "tcp://:5555/path": "invalid bind address (tcp://:5555/path): should not contain a path element", "localhost:5555/path": "invalid bind address (localhost:5555/path): should not contain a path element", } valids := map[string]string{ "": defaultHTTPHost, "": "tcp://", "": "tcp://", "": "tcp://", ":": "tcp://", ":5555": "tcp://", "::1": "tcp://[::1]:8888", "[::1]:": "tcp://[::1]:8888", "[::1]:5555": "tcp://[::1]:5555", "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:": "tcp://[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:8888", "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:5555": "tcp://[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:5555", "localhost": "tcp://localhost:8888", "localhost:": "tcp://localhost:8888", "localhost:5555": "tcp://localhost:5555", "tcp://": defaultHTTPHost, "tcp://:": defaultHTTPHost, "tcp://:5555": "tcp://", } for invalidAddr, expectedError := range invalids { t.Run(invalidAddr, func(t *testing.T) { addr, err := ParseTCPAddr(invalidAddr, defaultHTTPHost) if err == nil || err.Error() != expectedError { t.Errorf(`expected error "%s", got "%v"`, expectedError, err) } if addr != "" { t.Errorf(`expected addr to be empty, got "%s""`, addr) } }) } for validAddr, expectedAddr := range valids { t.Run(validAddr, func(t *testing.T) { addr, err := ParseTCPAddr(validAddr, defaultHTTPHost) if err != nil { t.Errorf(`unexpected error: "%v"`, err) } if addr != expectedAddr { t.Errorf(`expected "%s", got "%s""`, expectedAddr, addr) } }) } } func TestParseInvalidUnixAddrInvalid(t *testing.T) { if _, err := parseSimpleProtoAddr("unix", "tcp://", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"); err == nil || err.Error() != "Invalid proto, expected unix: tcp://" { t.Fatalf("Expected an error, got %v", err) } if _, err := parseSimpleProtoAddr("unix", "unix://tcp://", "/var/run/docker.sock"); err == nil || err.Error() != "Invalid proto, expected unix: tcp://" { t.Fatalf("Expected an error, got %v", err) } if v, err := parseSimpleProtoAddr("unix", "", "/var/run/docker.sock"); err != nil || v != "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" { t.Fatalf("Expected an %v, got %v", v, "unix:///var/run/docker.sock") } } func TestValidateExtraHosts(t *testing.T) { valid := []string{ `myhost:`, `thathost:`, `anipv6host:2003:ab34:e::1`, `ipv6local:::1`, } invalid := map[string]string{ `myhost:192.notanipaddress.1`: `invalid IP`, `thathost-nosemicolon10.0.0.1`: `bad format`, `anipv6host:::::1`: `invalid IP`, `ipv6local:::0::`: `invalid IP`, } for _, extrahost := range valid { if _, err := ValidateExtraHost(extrahost); err != nil { t.Fatalf("ValidateExtraHost(`"+extrahost+"`) should succeed: error %v", err) } } for extraHost, expectedError := range invalid { if _, err := ValidateExtraHost(extraHost); err == nil { t.Fatalf("ValidateExtraHost(`%q`) should have failed validation", extraHost) } else { if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedError) { t.Fatalf("ValidateExtraHost(`%q`) error should contain %q", extraHost, expectedError) } } } }