package main import ( "fmt" "os/exec" "strings" "" ) // See issue docker/docker#8141 func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestPullImageWithAliases(c *check.C) { repoName := fmt.Sprintf("%v/dockercli/busybox", privateRegistryURL) repos := []string{} for _, tag := range []string{"recent", "fresh"} { repos = append(repos, fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", repoName, tag)) } // Tag and push the same image multiple times. for _, repo := range repos { dockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox", repo) dockerCmd(c, "push", repo) } // Clear local images store. args := append([]string{"rmi"}, repos...) dockerCmd(c, args...) // Pull a single tag and verify it doesn't bring down all aliases. dockerCmd(c, "pull", repos[0]) dockerCmd(c, "inspect", repos[0]) for _, repo := range repos[1:] { if _, _, err := dockerCmdWithError(c, "inspect", repo); err == nil { c.Fatalf("Image %v shouldn't have been pulled down", repo) } } } // pulling library/hello-world should show verified message func (s *DockerSuite) TestPullVerified(c *check.C) { c.Skip("Skipping hub dependent test") // Image must be pulled from central repository to get verified message // unless keychain is manually updated to contain the daemon's sign key. verifiedName := "hello-world" // pull it expected := "The image you are pulling has been verified" if out, exitCode, err := dockerCmdWithError(c, "pull", verifiedName); err != nil || !strings.Contains(out, expected) { if err != nil || exitCode != 0 { c.Skip(fmt.Sprintf("pulling the '%s' image from the registry has failed: %v", verifiedName, err)) } c.Fatalf("pulling a verified image failed. expected: %s\ngot: %s, %v", expected, out, err) } // pull it again if out, exitCode, err := dockerCmdWithError(c, "pull", verifiedName); err != nil || strings.Contains(out, expected) { if err != nil || exitCode != 0 { c.Skip(fmt.Sprintf("pulling the '%s' image from the registry has failed: %v", verifiedName, err)) } c.Fatalf("pulling a verified image failed. unexpected verify message\ngot: %s, %v", out, err) } } // pulling an image from the central registry should work func (s *DockerSuite) TestPullImageFromCentralRegistry(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, Network) dockerCmd(c, "pull", "hello-world") } // pulling a non-existing image from the central registry should return a non-zero exit code func (s *DockerSuite) TestPullNonExistingImage(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, Network) name := "sadfsadfasdf" out, _, err := dockerCmdWithError(c, "pull", name) if err == nil || !strings.Contains(out, fmt.Sprintf("Error: image library/%s:latest not found", name)) { c.Fatalf("expected non-zero exit status when pulling non-existing image: %s", out) } } // pulling an image from the central registry using official names should work // ensure all pulls result in the same image func (s *DockerSuite) TestPullImageOfficialNames(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, Network) names := []string{ "library/hello-world", "", "", } for _, name := range names { out, exitCode, err := dockerCmdWithError(c, "pull", name) if err != nil || exitCode != 0 { c.Errorf("pulling the '%s' image from the registry has failed: %s", name, err) continue } // ensure we don't have multiple image names. out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "images") if strings.Contains(out, name) { c.Errorf("images should not have listed '%s'", name) } } } func (s *DockerSuite) TestPullScratchNotAllowed(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, Network) out, exitCode, err := dockerCmdWithError(c, "pull", "scratch") if err == nil { c.Fatal("expected pull of scratch to fail, but it didn't") } if exitCode != 1 { c.Fatalf("pulling scratch expected exit code 1, got %d", exitCode) } if strings.Contains(out, "Pulling repository scratch") { c.Fatalf("pulling scratch should not have begun: %s", out) } if !strings.Contains(out, "'scratch' is a reserved name") { c.Fatalf("unexpected output pulling scratch: %s", out) } } // pulling an image with --all-tags=true func (s *DockerSuite) TestPullImageWithAllTagFromCentralRegistry(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, Network) dockerCmd(c, "pull", "busybox") outImageCmd, _ := dockerCmd(c, "images", "busybox") dockerCmd(c, "pull", "--all-tags=true", "busybox") outImageAllTagCmd, _ := dockerCmd(c, "images", "busybox") if strings.Count(outImageCmd, "busybox") >= strings.Count(outImageAllTagCmd, "busybox") { c.Fatalf("Pulling with all tags should get more images") } // FIXME has probably no effect (tags already pushed) dockerCmd(c, "pull", "-a", "busybox") outImageAllTagCmd, _ = dockerCmd(c, "images", "busybox") if strings.Count(outImageCmd, "busybox") >= strings.Count(outImageAllTagCmd, "busybox") { c.Fatalf("Pulling with all tags should get more images") } } func (s *DockerTrustSuite) TestTrustedPull(c *check.C) { repoName := fmt.Sprintf("%v/dockercli/trusted:latest", privateRegistryURL) // tag the image and upload it to the private registry dockerCmd(c, "tag", "busybox", repoName) pushCmd := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "push", repoName) s.trustedCmd(pushCmd) out, _, err := runCommandWithOutput(pushCmd) if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error running trusted push: %s\n%s", err, out) } if !strings.Contains(string(out), "Signing and pushing trust metadata") { c.Fatalf("Missing expected output on trusted push:\n%s", out) } dockerCmd(c, "rmi", repoName) // Try pull pullCmd := exec.Command(dockerBinary, "pull", repoName) s.trustedCmd(pullCmd) out, _, err = runCommandWithOutput(pullCmd) if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error running trusted pull: %s\n%s", err, out) } if !strings.Contains(string(out), "Tagging") { c.Fatalf("Missing expected output on trusted push:\n%s", out) } }