page_title: Configure Networking page_description: Docker networking page_keywords: network, networking, bridge, docker, documentation # Configure Networking ## Introduction Docker uses Linux bridge capabilities to provide network connectivity to containers. The `docker0` bridge interface is managed by Docker for this purpose. When the Docker daemon starts it : - creates the `docker0` bridge if not present - searches for an IP address range which doesn’t overlap with an existing route - picks an IP in the selected range - assigns this IP to the `docker0` bridge # List host bridges $ sudo brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces docker0 8000.000000000000 no # Show docker0 IP address $ sudo ifconfig docker0 docker0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx inet addr: Bcast: Mask: At runtime, a [*specific kind of virtual interface*](#vethxxxx-device) is given to each container which is then bonded to the `docker0` bridge. Each container also receives a dedicated IP address from the same range as `docker0`. The `docker0` IP address is used as the default gateway for the container. # Run a container $ sudo docker run -t -i -d base /bin/bash 52f811c5d3d69edddefc75aff5a4525fc8ba8bcfa1818132f9dc7d4f7c7e78b4 $ sudo brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces docker0 8000.fef213db5a66 no vethQCDY1N Above, `docker0` acts as a bridge for the `vethQCDY1N` interface which is dedicated to the 52f811c5d3d6 container. ## How to use a specific IP address range Docker will try hard to find an IP range that is not used by the host. Even though it works for most cases, it’s not bullet-proof and sometimes you need to have more control over the IP addressing scheme. For this purpose, Docker allows you to manage the `docker0` bridge or your own one using the `-b=` parameter. In this scenario: - ensure Docker is stopped - create your own bridge (`bridge0` for example) - assign a specific IP to this bridge - start Docker with the `-b=bridge0` parameter # Stop Docker $ sudo service docker stop # Clean docker0 bridge and # add your very own bridge0 $ sudo ifconfig docker0 down $ sudo brctl addbr bridge0 $ sudo ifconfig bridge0 netmask # Edit your Docker startup file $ echo "DOCKER_OPTS=\"-b=bridge0\"" >> /etc/default/docker # Start Docker $ sudo service docker start # Ensure bridge0 IP is not changed by Docker $ sudo ifconfig bridge0 bridge0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx inet addr: Bcast: Mask: # Run a container $ docker run -i -t base /bin/bash # Container IP in the 192.168.227/24 range root@261c272cd7d5:/# ifconfig eth0 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx inet addr: Bcast: Mask: # bridge0 IP as the default gateway root@261c272cd7d5:/# route -n Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0 # hits CTRL+P then CTRL+Q to detach # Display bridge info $ sudo brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces bridge0 8000.fe7c2e0faebd no vethAQI2QT ## Container intercommunication The value of the Docker daemon’s `icc` parameter determines whether containers can communicate with each other over the bridge network. - The default, `-icc=true` allows containers to communicate with each other. - `-icc=false` means containers are isolated from each other. Docker uses `iptables` under the hood to either accept or drop communication between containers. ## What is the vethXXXX device? Well. Things get complicated here. The `vethXXXX` interface is the host side of a point-to-point link between the host and the corresponding container; the other side of the link is the container’s `eth0` interface. This pair (host `vethXXX` and container `eth0`) are connected like a tube. Everything that comes in one side will come out the other side. All the plumbing is delegated to Linux network capabilities (check the ip link command) and the namespaces infrastructure. ## I want more Jérôme Petazzoni has create `pipework` to connect together containers in arbitrarily complex scenarios : [](