#!/bin/bash set -e # This script builds various binary artifacts from a checkout of the docker # source code. # # Requirements: # - The current directory should be a checkout of the docker source code # (http://github.com/dotcloud/docker). Whatever version is checked out # will be built. # - The VERSION file, at the root of the repository, should exist, and # will be used as Docker binary version and package version. # - The hash of the git commit will also be included in the Docker binary, # with the suffix -dirty if the repository isn't clean. # - The script is intented to be run inside the docker container specified # in the Dockerfile at the root of the source. In other words: # DO NOT CALL THIS SCRIPT DIRECTLY. # - The right way to call this script is to invoke "docker build ." from # your checkout of the Docker repository, and then # "docker run hack/make.sh" in the resulting container image. # set -o pipefail # We're a nice, sexy, little shell script, and people might try to run us; # but really, they shouldn't. We want to be in a container! RESOLVCONF=$(readlink --canonicalize /etc/resolv.conf) grep -q "$RESOLVCONF" /proc/mounts || { echo >&2 "# WARNING! I don't seem to be running in a docker container." echo >&2 "# The result of this command might be an incorrect build, and will not be officially supported." echo >&2 "# Try this: 'docker build -t docker . && docker run docker ./hack/make.sh'" } # List of bundles to create when no argument is passed DEFAULT_BUNDLES=( binary test dynbinary dyntest ubuntu ) VERSION=$(cat ./VERSION) if [ -d .git ] && command -v git &> /dev/null; then GITCOMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then GITCOMMIT="$GITCOMMIT-dirty" fi elif [ "$DOCKER_GITCOMMIT" ]; then GITCOMMIT="$DOCKER_GITCOMMIT" else echo >&2 'error: .git directory missing and DOCKER_GITCOMMIT not specified' echo >&2 ' Please either build with the .git directory accessible, or specify the' echo >&2 ' exact (--short) commit hash you are building using DOCKER_GITCOMMIT for' echo >&2 ' future accountability in diagnosing build issues. Thanks!' exit 1 fi # Use these flags when compiling the tests and final binary LDFLAGS='-X main.GITCOMMIT "'$GITCOMMIT'" -X main.VERSION "'$VERSION'" -w' LDFLAGS_STATIC='-X github.com/dotcloud/docker/utils.IAMSTATIC true -linkmode external -extldflags "-lpthread -static -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-object-files"' BUILDFLAGS='-tags netgo' bundle() { bundlescript=$1 bundle=$(basename $bundlescript) echo "---> Making bundle: $bundle (in bundles/$VERSION/$bundle)" mkdir -p bundles/$VERSION/$bundle source $bundlescript $(pwd)/bundles/$VERSION/$bundle } main() { # We want this to fail if the bundles already exist and cannot be removed. # This is to avoid mixing bundles from different versions of the code. mkdir -p bundles if [ -e "bundles/$VERSION" ]; then echo "bundles/$VERSION already exists. Removing." rm -fr bundles/$VERSION && mkdir bundles/$VERSION || exit 1 echo fi SCRIPTDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then bundles=(${DEFAULT_BUNDLES[@]}) else bundles=($@) fi for bundle in ${bundles[@]}; do bundle $SCRIPTDIR/make/$bundle echo done } main "$@"