Branches and tags ================= Note: details of the release process for the Engine are documented in the []( # Branches The docker/docker repository should normally have only three living branches at all time, including the regular `master` branch: ## `docs` branch The `docs` branch supports documentation updates between product releases. This branch allow us to decouple documentation releases from product releases. ## `release` branch The `release` branch contains the last _released_ version of the code for the project. The `release` branch is only updated at each public release of the project. The mechanism for this is that the release is materialized by a pull request against the `release` branch which lives for the duration of the code freeze period. When this pull request is merged, the `release` branch gets updated, and its new state is tagged accordingly. # Tags Any public release of a compiled binary, with the logical exception of nightly builds, should have a corresponding tag in the repository. The general format of a tag is `vX.Y.Z[-suffix[N]]`: - All of `X`, `Y`, `Z` must be specified (example: `v1.0.0`) - First release candidate for version `1.8.0` should be tagged `v1.8.0-rc1` - Second alpha release of a product should be tagged `v1.0.0-alpha1`