% DOCKER(1) Docker User Manuals % Docker Community % JUNE 2014 # NAME docker-events - Get real time events from the server # SYNOPSIS **docker events** [**--help**] [**-f**|**--filter**[=*[]*]] [**--since**[=*SINCE*]] [**--until**[=*UNTIL*]] [**--format**[=*FORMAT*]] # DESCRIPTION Get event information from the Docker daemon. Information can include historical information and real-time information. Docker containers will report the following events: attach, commit, copy, create, destroy, detach, die, exec_create, exec_detach, exec_start, export, kill, oom, pause, rename, resize, restart, start, stop, top, unpause, update Docker images report the following events: delete, import, load, pull, push, save, tag, untag Docker volumes report the following events: create, mount, unmount, destroy Docker networks report the following events: create, connect, disconnect, destroy # OPTIONS **--help** Print usage statement **-f**, **--filter**=[] Filter output based on these conditions - container (`container=`) - event (`event=`) - image (`image=`) - plugin (experimental) (`plugin=`) - label (`label=` or `label==`) - type (`type=`) - volume (`volume=`) - network (`network=`) - daemon (`daemon=`) **--since**="" Show all events created since timestamp **--until**="" Stream events until this timestamp **--format**="" Format the output using the given Go template The `--since` and `--until` parameters can be Unix timestamps, date formatted timestamps, or Go duration strings (e.g. `10m`, `1h30m`) computed relative to the client machine's time. If you do not provide the `--since` option, the command returns only new and/or live events. Supported formats for date formatted time stamps include RFC3339Nano, RFC3339, `2006-01-02T15:04:05`, `2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999`, `2006-01-02Z07:00`, and `2006-01-02`. The local timezone on the client will be used if you do not provide either a `Z` or a `+-00:00` timezone offset at the end of the timestamp. When providing Unix timestamps enter seconds[.nanoseconds], where seconds is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (aka Unix epoch or Unix time), and the optional .nanoseconds field is a fraction of a second no more than nine digits long. # EXAMPLES ## Listening for Docker events After running docker events a container 786d698004576 is started and stopped (The container name has been shortened in the output below): # docker events 2015-01-28T20:21:31.000000000-08:00 59211849bc10: (from whenry/testimage:latest) start 2015-01-28T20:21:31.000000000-08:00 59211849bc10: (from whenry/testimage:latest) die 2015-01-28T20:21:32.000000000-08:00 59211849bc10: (from whenry/testimage:latest) stop ## Listening for events since a given date Again the output container IDs have been shortened for the purposes of this document: # docker events --since '2015-01-28' 2015-01-28T20:25:38.000000000-08:00 c21f6c22ba27: (from whenry/testimage:latest) create 2015-01-28T20:25:38.000000000-08:00 c21f6c22ba27: (from whenry/testimage:latest) start 2015-01-28T20:25:39.000000000-08:00 c21f6c22ba27: (from whenry/testimage:latest) create 2015-01-28T20:25:39.000000000-08:00 c21f6c22ba27: (from whenry/testimage:latest) start 2015-01-28T20:25:40.000000000-08:00 c21f6c22ba27: (from whenry/testimage:latest) die 2015-01-28T20:25:42.000000000-08:00 c21f6c22ba27: (from whenry/testimage:latest) stop 2015-01-28T20:25:45.000000000-08:00 c21f6c22ba27: (from whenry/testimage:latest) start 2015-01-28T20:25:45.000000000-08:00 c21f6c22ba27: (from whenry/testimage:latest) die 2015-01-28T20:25:46.000000000-08:00 c21f6c22ba27: (from whenry/testimage:latest) stop The following example outputs all events that were generated in the last 3 minutes, relative to the current time on the client machine: # docker events --since '3m' 2015-05-12T11:51:30.999999999Z07:00 4386fb97867d: (from ubuntu-1:14.04) die 2015-05-12T15:52:12.999999999Z07:00 4386fb97867d: (from ubuntu-1:14.04) stop 2015-05-12T15:53:45.999999999Z07:00 7805c1d35632: (from redis:2.8) die 2015-05-12T15:54:03.999999999Z07:00 7805c1d35632: (from redis:2.8) stop If you do not provide the --since option, the command returns only new and/or live events. ## Format If a format (`--format`) is specified, the given template will be executed instead of the default format. Go's **text/template** package describes all the details of the format. # docker events --filter 'type=container' --format 'Type={{.Type}} Status={{.Status}} ID={{.ID}}' Type=container Status=create ID=2ee349dac409e97974ce8d01b70d250b85e0ba8189299c126a87812311951e26 Type=container Status=attach ID=2ee349dac409e97974ce8d01b70d250b85e0ba8189299c126a87812311951e26 Type=container Status=start ID=2ee349dac409e97974ce8d01b70d250b85e0ba8189299c126a87812311951e26 Type=container Status=resize ID=2ee349dac409e97974ce8d01b70d250b85e0ba8189299c126a87812311951e26 Type=container Status=die ID=2ee349dac409e97974ce8d01b70d250b85e0ba8189299c126a87812311951e26 Type=container Status=destroy ID=2ee349dac409e97974ce8d01b70d250b85e0ba8189299c126a87812311951e26 If a format is set to `{{json .}}`, the events are streamed as valid JSON Lines. For information about JSON Lines, please refer to http://jsonlines.org/ . # docker events --format '{{json .}}' {"status":"create","id":"196016a57679bf42424484918746a9474cd905dd993c4d0f4.. {"status":"attach","id":"196016a57679bf42424484918746a9474cd905dd993c4d0f4.. {"Type":"network","Action":"connect","Actor":{"ID":"1b50a5bf755f6021dfa78e.. {"status":"start","id":"196016a57679bf42424484918746a9474cd905dd993c4d0f42.. {"status":"resize","id":"196016a57679bf42424484918746a9474cd905dd993c4d0f4.. ## Filters $ docker events --filter 'event=stop' 2014-05-10T17:42:14.999999999Z07:00 container stop 4386fb97867d (image=ubuntu-1:14.04) 2014-09-03T17:42:14.999999999Z07:00 container stop 7805c1d35632 (image=redis:2.8) $ docker events --filter 'image=ubuntu-1:14.04' 2014-05-10T17:42:14.999999999Z07:00 container start 4386fb97867d (image=ubuntu-1:14.04) 2014-05-10T17:42:14.999999999Z07:00 container die 4386fb97867d (image=ubuntu-1:14.04) 2014-05-10T17:42:14.999999999Z07:00 container stop 4386fb97867d (image=ubuntu-1:14.04) $ docker events --filter 'container=7805c1d35632' 2014-05-10T17:42:14.999999999Z07:00 container die 7805c1d35632 (image=redis:2.8) 2014-09-03T15:49:29.999999999Z07:00 container stop 7805c1d35632 (image= redis:2.8) $ docker events --filter 'container=7805c1d35632' --filter 'container=4386fb97867d' 2014-09-03T15:49:29.999999999Z07:00 container die 4386fb97867d (image=ubuntu-1:14.04) 2014-05-10T17:42:14.999999999Z07:00 container stop 4386fb97867d (image=ubuntu-1:14.04) 2014-05-10T17:42:14.999999999Z07:00 container die 7805c1d35632 (image=redis:2.8) 2014-09-03T15:49:29.999999999Z07:00 container stop 7805c1d35632 (image=redis:2.8) $ docker events --filter 'container=7805c1d35632' --filter 'event=stop' 2014-09-03T15:49:29.999999999Z07:00 container stop 7805c1d35632 (image=redis:2.8) $ docker events --filter 'type=volume' 2015-12-23T21:05:28.136212689Z volume create test-event-volume-local (driver=local) 2015-12-23T21:05:28.383462717Z volume mount test-event-volume-local (read/write=true, container=562fe10671e9273da25eed36cdce26159085ac7ee6707105fd534866340a5025, destination=/foo, driver=local, propagation=rprivate) 2015-12-23T21:05:28.650314265Z volume unmount test-event-volume-local (container=562fe10671e9273da25eed36cdce26159085ac7ee6707105fd534866340a5025, driver=local) 2015-12-23T21:05:28.716218405Z volume destroy test-event-volume-local (driver=local) $ docker events --filter 'type=network' 2015-12-23T21:38:24.705709133Z network create 8b111217944ba0ba844a65b13efcd57dc494932ee2527577758f939315ba2c5b (name=test-event-network-local, type=bridge) 2015-12-23T21:38:25.119625123Z network connect 8b111217944ba0ba844a65b13efcd57dc494932ee2527577758f939315ba2c5b (name=test-event-network-local, container=b4be644031a3d90b400f88ab3d4bdf4dc23adb250e696b6328b85441abe2c54e, type=bridge) $ docker events --filter 'type=plugin' (experimental) 2016-07-25T17:30:14.825557616Z plugin pull ec7b87f2ce84330fe076e666f17dfc049d2d7ae0b8190763de94e1f2d105993f (name=tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest) 2016-07-25T17:30:14.888127370Z plugin enable ec7b87f2ce84330fe076e666f17dfc049d2d7ae0b8190763de94e1f2d105993f (name=tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest) # HISTORY April 2014, Originally compiled by William Henry (whenry at redhat dot com) based on docker.com source material and internal work. June 2014, updated by Sven Dowideit June 2015, updated by Brian Goff October 2015, updated by Mike Brown