// +build daemon,!windows package main import ( "io/ioutil" "testing" "github.com/docker/docker/cli" "github.com/docker/docker/daemon" "github.com/docker/docker/opts" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mflag" ) func TestLoadDaemonConfigWithNetwork(t *testing.T) { c := &daemon.Config{} common := &cli.CommonFlags{} flags := mflag.NewFlagSet("test", mflag.ContinueOnError) flags.String([]string{"-bip"}, "", "") flags.String([]string{"-ip"}, "", "") f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "docker-config-") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } configFile := f.Name() f.Write([]byte(`{"bip": "", "ip": ""}`)) f.Close() loadedConfig, err := loadDaemonCliConfig(c, flags, common, configFile) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if loadedConfig == nil { t.Fatalf("expected configuration %v, got nil", c) } if loadedConfig.IP != "" { t.Fatalf("expected IP, got %v", loadedConfig.IP) } if loadedConfig.DefaultIP.String() != "" { t.Fatalf("expected DefaultIP, got %s", loadedConfig.DefaultIP) } } func TestLoadDaemonConfigWithMapOptions(t *testing.T) { c := &daemon.Config{} common := &cli.CommonFlags{} flags := mflag.NewFlagSet("test", mflag.ContinueOnError) flags.Var(opts.NewNamedMapOpts("cluster-store-opts", c.ClusterOpts, nil), []string{"-cluster-store-opt"}, "") flags.Var(opts.NewNamedMapOpts("log-opts", c.LogConfig.Config, nil), []string{"-log-opt"}, "") f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "docker-config-") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } configFile := f.Name() f.Write([]byte(`{ "cluster-store-opts": {"kv.cacertfile": "/var/lib/docker/discovery_certs/ca.pem"}, "log-opts": {"tag": "test"} }`)) f.Close() loadedConfig, err := loadDaemonCliConfig(c, flags, common, configFile) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if loadedConfig == nil { t.Fatal("expected configuration, got nil") } if loadedConfig.ClusterOpts == nil { t.Fatal("expected cluster options, got nil") } expectedPath := "/var/lib/docker/discovery_certs/ca.pem" if caPath := loadedConfig.ClusterOpts["kv.cacertfile"]; caPath != expectedPath { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", expectedPath, caPath) } if loadedConfig.LogConfig.Config == nil { t.Fatal("expected log config options, got nil") } if tag := loadedConfig.LogConfig.Config["tag"]; tag != "test" { t.Fatalf("expected log tag `test`, got %s", tag) } } func TestLoadDaemonConfigWithTrueDefaultValues(t *testing.T) { c := &daemon.Config{} common := &cli.CommonFlags{} flags := mflag.NewFlagSet("test", mflag.ContinueOnError) flags.BoolVar(&c.EnableUserlandProxy, []string{"-userland-proxy"}, true, "") f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "docker-config-") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := flags.ParseFlags([]string{}, false); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } configFile := f.Name() f.Write([]byte(`{ "userland-proxy": false }`)) f.Close() loadedConfig, err := loadDaemonCliConfig(c, flags, common, configFile) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if loadedConfig == nil { t.Fatal("expected configuration, got nil") } if loadedConfig.EnableUserlandProxy { t.Fatal("expected userland proxy to be disabled, got enabled") } // make sure reloading doesn't generate configuration // conflicts after normalizing boolean values. err = daemon.ReloadConfiguration(configFile, flags, func(reloadedConfig *daemon.Config) { if reloadedConfig.EnableUserlandProxy { t.Fatal("expected userland proxy to be disabled, got enabled") } }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestLoadDaemonConfigWithTrueDefaultValuesLeaveDefaults(t *testing.T) { c := &daemon.Config{} common := &cli.CommonFlags{} flags := mflag.NewFlagSet("test", mflag.ContinueOnError) flags.BoolVar(&c.EnableUserlandProxy, []string{"-userland-proxy"}, true, "") f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "docker-config-") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := flags.ParseFlags([]string{}, false); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } configFile := f.Name() f.Write([]byte(`{}`)) f.Close() loadedConfig, err := loadDaemonCliConfig(c, flags, common, configFile) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if loadedConfig == nil { t.Fatal("expected configuration, got nil") } if !loadedConfig.EnableUserlandProxy { t.Fatal("expected userland proxy to be enabled, got disabled") } }